*| Chances |*



You live in a small neighborhood in Dallas, Texas with around 8 families; each family has one or two kids. You've grown up in this neighborhood almost your whole life, and your friends with basically all of the families. All of the families are middle class, all of the kids are the ages 14-17, and all of the kids go to the same school, but school is unimportant now because its summer! What will this summer hold for you? A birthday, romance, chance, betrayal, or something else?

First Day of Summer:

On the first day of summer, you are awakened by the light that danced through your blinds as if it was the reflection of a chandelier in front of your window. You sit up in your bed and look around your room, smiling because its the first day of summer. What will you do today?? I hope there will be a first day of summer bonfire tonight. You think to yourself.


Kelsee was still groggy, but she could make out the green, white, and blue walls that made up her room in the basement of her house. She looked at the clock and saw it was 10 in the morning; it felt good to sleep in and not have to go to Pre-Algebra early in the morning. Kelsee reached for her phone that was always hidden under the back pillow on the right some of her bed. She texted one of the kids that were her age that lived in the culdasac; Travis. Her text read "Hey! Happy Summer :) - Kels" she then sent that same text to Alissa, Mitch, and Mikayla.

Mitch was awakened by the buzz of his phone on the top of his dresser. He saw the text, then texted Travis; his best friend "Dude! I can't believe it's summer!!" Mitch groggily stepped out of his bed and changed into his swimsuit and then a tank top. He would be going to the beach today; most likely with the other teens from his neighborhood. He then sent this text to everyone of his neighbors "who's up for the beach today ;) ?" then pulled himself upstairs for a late breakfast.


[signups: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4037-*-Chances-* ]
Mikayla sat up in her bed, outstretching her arms and yawning. She rubbed her eyes and turned towards her dresser, where her phone sat on the top. She noticed the light on it was beeping.

I must have gotten a text. She thought in her head, snatching her white iphone up and turning it on. She got a text from Mitch, a boy who lived not to far from her. He was asking if some people wanted to go to the beach today. She quickly texted back.

"I'll go. Be there in about 2 hours." She replied, leaping out of bed and speeding down the stairs to her breakfast.

After eating, She walked back up the stairs and got dressed into a black and white bikini. She put on a short blue dress as a cover-up and than walked down to her car and started the engine. She was usually always the first one to get to places, so she was probably going to be the only one there for a little.

Eventually, she arrived at the beach. She parked the Mercedes Benz and got out. She slid off the dress, revealing the cute bikini underneath. She threw the dress into the car, and than began walking towards the beach. She laid out her towel onto the soft sand, and than laid down on top of it, awaiting more people to come.

(This is her bikini. It's also what her body looks like too lol: http://hipswap.s3.amazonaws.com/items/105960/105960_full_2x.jpg)
Mitch nodded his head at Kayla's reply "K" he shot to her. He finished his breakfast then cleared his plate; not long after he cleared his plate, he went to brush his teeth and hair. He smiled in approval and ran back up the stairs; into the garage, and started his Sierra GMC up. When he opened the garage door, it felt like the birds were singing in joy for summer. He drove to the beach and put his sunglasses on.

Mitch arrived at the beach; he threw the tank top that he been wearing into the passengers seat. This revealed his abs; http://data.whicdn.com/images/12777652/tumblr_lp9libFRow1r0yc9vo1_400_thumb.jpg then he took volleyball from the floor of his truck and stuck it under his arm. He walked onto the beach and saw Kayla "Hey" he said with a smile.

(I'm going to wait to use Kelsee for now. Just so you know)
Mikayla opened her eyes and looked up at him, squinting from the sun in her eyes.

"Hey Mitch." She smirked and stood up off her towel. She noticed the volleyball under his arm, and she smiled. She was a killer at volleyball. She played it her whole life.

"Who else is coming?" She asked flicking her brown hair behind her shoulders and placing her hands on his hips. He was pretty hot, but Mikayla would never admit it in front of him. She got embarrassed to easily.

A loud, deep barking sounded from out of her sports car, and she turned around to see her Great Dane, Vincent, leap out of the car window and barrel towards them. His main focus was on that white ball Mitch had under his arm. Mikayla's eyes widened and she couldn't help but giggle.

"Make sure Vincent doesn't get that ball. He'll tear it into shreds."

(Her car looks like this btw: http://www.motorstown.com/images/mercedes-benz-slr-02.jpg)
Victor was awakened by the sound of his father knocking on his bedroom door almost as loud as it seemed possible. "Your mother and I will see you downstairs in a half hour." That was code for 'be downstairs in a half hour exactly or there will be consiquenses.' Victor, crawling out of his small bed and brushing back his black hair with his hand, grummbled to himself about the stuffy attic bedroom he had been living in for years. He stood, and paused thinking to himself. 'What am I saying? I am used to it by now, I can deal with it.' And with that mindset, he got a quick a shower as humanly possible, and dressed himself in the usual. Black dress pants and jacket, blue tie, and black dress shoes. Then he went to the mirror and combed his hair back as he did every morning. He heard his mother call up the stairs, a warning. Victor opened his door and let out an "I am coming now." Thick British accent and all, as he made his way down the stairs to begin the summer.
Mitch smiled "Hey Kayla" he said as he winked. Secretly, he'd always had a crush on her, who wouldn't? She was really pretty and she was athletic, just like Kelsee, but Mitch would never like her the way he likes Kayla. "I'm almost positive Kelsee and Travis are coming, not sure on Alissa and Vincent though" he stated.

Mitch turned to see Vincent, the dog, running for the ball. He turned back to Kayla "Thanks for the advice" he said as he looked once more at the 'bullet' coming towards him. He thought quickly and ran to his truck, took the two other balls that were in the bed and put them in his arms. He also opened the door to his car so Duke could get out. The mountain dog jumped out of the car and based after one of the balls that Mitch had thrown. He gave the other one to Vincent and walked back to Kayla "Hopefully that problem is solved" he said with a chuckle.
Mikayla laughed and than grinned when Vincent snatched the ball and began chewing on it immediately.

"Vincent." She called, and motioned for him to come towards her. The huge dog leaped to his feet and barreled towards her again. She had to literally move out of the way so she wouldn't get run over.

"Do you know when there gonna be here?" I asked Mitch, looking up a him and smiling as I kicked the ball away from Vincent. The dog chased after it quickly, digging his teeth into the ball, and than running towards the water. He leaped in, forgetting the ball and letting it float in the salty water.

Mikayle looked at the water, getting the urge to run into the water and jump in, but she wasn't ready to swim yet. Not till more people got here.
Kelsee was standing outside of the door, she wondered if Victor was going to the beach. She felt bad for him; his parents were as strict as possible. She ran to the back of the houses and walked to Victor's back door. She looked into the room but didn't see him. She shook her head and walked back to her house she took her phone and texted him "Hey, do you want to go to the beach later?" She texted him. She hope that didn't get him in trouble. She hoped he would be able to, she would feel bad if he was the only one staying back.

Mitch thought "I would think in the next few minutes." He guessed. "Oh, I got a text from Kelsee, she is staying back to see if Victor." He told her, he looked at the two dogs gnawing on the balls that he got them. He looked at the ever so tempting water then back at Kayla. "Do you want to swim?" He asked curiously.
Sylvie woke up to her kitten, Artemis, pouncing on her chest. "Ow..." She groaned as the kitten started kneading her stomach. She picked Artemis up and held her in the air. "Silly cat." Sylvie sat up, cradling Artemis as she stood up and made her way to the window. Blackout curtains held back the suns rays, but Stlvie unleashed them into the room. The suddenly bright room blinded her somewhat, but she turned from the sunlight and set the cat down. "Summer!" Sylvie exclaimed happily. She didn't have any plans for today, but she was up for anything.

The brunette ran a brush through her multi-toned locks, glad to see that they easily smoothed out without necessary styling. She began to dig through her dresser until she found a baggy white off shoulder shirt, throwing it over a pink cami and pulling on some skinnies before heading downstairs to eat breakfast.
Mikayla looked at him and nodded eagerly, glancing at Vincent, and than back to Mitch.

"I'll race ya." She winked teasingly and than took off down the beach. As soon as the water got to her knees, she did a swift dive under the water, emerging on the other side of a huge wave.

Vincent barked, leaping after her and paddling wildly. Mikayla smiled at Mitch and floated around in the water. The water was the perfect temperature, and she loved it.
On his way down the stairs, Victor felt his phone vibrate in his jacket pocket. The vibration made some noise because he had been leaning against the wall slightly, and he heard his father yell up asking him what that was. Victor tried to cover it up, and it worked. He was able to sneak a quick glance at his phone, and he read the message, but he wasn't able to respond because his father came running to the stairs. Victor barely had time to hide his phone before his father appeared before him.

"Yes father?" He asked a little bit to nervously.

"What are you up too?" His father asked, noticing the nervousness in his son's voice.

"Nothing, sir. I've just been waking up. I didn't get a very good sleep last night, and I..." He was cut off by the agressive tone of his father's voice.

"Well, your mother and I have told you about going to bed too late. You'll be home tonight by eight o'clock, and will be sleeping by no later than nine-thirty."

"Yes, Father." Victor agreed without hesitation.

"Now, come down here. Your mother wants you to take the trash outside, and then you may go to the library to study. Don't think that just because it is the summer that you are goingto stop your school resposibilities."

"Yes, Father." He agreed, and quickly ran to the kitchen, picked up the garbage bag, and headed outside with it. He disposed of it properly, then quickly took out his phone and texted Kelsee back.

He wrote: "Hello, Kelsee. I'm afraid I can't. I have to study today at the library." He sent the message, and instantly wished he could have lied and agreed to go.
Kelsee frowned when she got his text. "Aww! Wish you could; well... I'll see you later" she texted him back. She sighed and put her phone in her pocket. She walked outside, and walked across the street. She knocked on Sylvie's door, maybe she would come to the beach.

Mitch laughed, he ran after her and laughed as he fell in the water. He swam by her and Duke was by his side, doggy paddling all around. He looked at her and winked then dove under the water. He came up and shook some of the water from his hair. His hair was all over and he down care.
Victor read the text, and imediately felt even more depressed than before. He sent back. "Me too. I guess I will see you around sometime." And with that, he closed his phone and walked back inside. After twenty minutes spent eating breakfast in silence with his family, he left for the library. He did not own a car, for one he was two young, and two - his parents would not let him drive. They thought walking was better for him. So, he walked to the library in his lovely, extremely warm suit. On his way he walked by the beach, and watch others hanging out, and having a good time. He wished with all his heart that he could join them, but he knew there would be monsterous consiquenses if he did. So, he continued onto the library. Once there, he pulled out a book on Algebraic equations, and began to refresh his memory on the subject in a small corner table in the back of the library.
Sylvie jumped when she heard a knock at the door. Who would be here already? She picked up the slice of wheat toast she was munching on and walked to the door. She opened it and looked out. "Oh, hey Kelsee." She said, giving the girl a smile. "You're up early on this first glorious day off. Or maybe I just slept too long." She laughed a little. "Yooou," she said, looking at the girl's clothes. "Look beach bound! You going to the beach today?"
Mikayla couldn't help but smile. He really did look adorable when his hair was wet like that. Her blue eyes soon turned towards a wave that was prepared to crash down. Holy crap it was huge.. A look of fear crossed my face as I quickly sank under the water, pulling Mitch down with her. She heard the muffled sound of the wave crash down, and she felt a gentle drift under the water. When she thought the wave had faded, she swam back up to the surface.

But her eyes soon widened when she forgot about the dogs. She looked at Mitch in shock and looked around quickly.

"Where are the dogs?" She exclaimed, running out into the beach and stopping by the water's edge.
Travis had been up late celebrating the end of school the night before, but he still managed to wake up refeshed. He sat up, scratching his bare chest and yawning. Ricky head had been lying on his paws and snapped up to look at his master, Travis smiled "Hey Ricks" He patted the shepherds head. Travis stood up and strode over to his dresser where he kept his phone, he had recieved two messages, both from his friend Mitch. The first one read: "Dude! I can't believe it's summer" he grinned and texted back "Hell yeah! Partying all the way, bro!!!". His second text read, "Who's up for the beach today?" he thought 'I know I am'. He texted back, "be right there" He slipped into some blue striped swimshorts and went into the bathroom

He looked into the mirror and brushed his dark black hair, grinning at his excited reflection. "This is gonna be great!" He said to himself as his deep ocean eyes stared into one another. He flexed his arms, he wasn't as muscular as his buddy Mitch but he was well built. ((Swimsuit and body http://designdetroit.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Lacoste2.jpg)) He was finally relieved with how he looked and scampered off into the kitchen, his dog following behind.

He grabbed a few ingrediants and made a quick sandwich as well as grabbing a cooler and throwing some ice along with beer and soda cans for his friends. He grabbed a frisbee as well, that could be fun. He then grabbed the beach towel and made for the door, Ricky barked at him, he looked back, "oh yeah, c'mon boy" The dog wagged his tail and bounded out the door, the missing limb not hindering his agility one bit.

He hopped into his new car and drove off. He arrived just in time to see the great dane vincent chewing up a ball, He grinned "Here" he threw the tennis ball and his dog ran off along with the other dogs who played along as well.

He dropped the blanket, cooler and frisbee on the beach, "Sorry I'm late guys, how's it been so far?"
Kelsee sighed when she read his text, but didn't respond. She smile and Sylvie "Yep! I'm heading to the beach, do you want to come too?" She asked as she fixed her hair and turned around as Travis left. She had always had a little crush on him, but never had the courage to tell him.

Mitch resurfaced and smiled at Kayla. Is smiled faded when she mentioned their dogs. His smile faded and looked around for the two dogs. Suddenly her saw two big masses on the other section of the beach. He squinted and saw that both of the dogs had been walking out out the water and back to Him and Kayla. "Here they come" he said as he turned to Kayla. E looked back to see Travis walking down the beach with Rick. He turned back to Kayla "Im going to show Trav where to put his stuff, so wait please" he said with a smile. He placed his hand on her arm then ran out f the water to greet his bud.
Travis smiled wide when he saw Mitch coming up, "Hey dude, how's it going?" He remembered seeing him with Mikayla moments before "Hooking up already are yeah?" He winked goofily. He laughed as he picked up his stuff and relocated.

Ricky ran wildly around the beach, Travis was deeply touched since he hadn't seen his dog this happy after a whole school year he'd been too busy to take him out. He looked around the beach and was happy to see the roaring waves. Too bad he didn't bring a body board, he would have owned those waves.
As Victor read on and on, he began to loose focus. He couldn't help thinking about how badly he wanted to just let loose, and have a little fun. Though, he didn't exactly know how to. This thought bugged Victor so much, that he finally could stand it no longer. He left that stupid Algebra book where it was, got up, and walked outsidethe library. Smiling as he stepped into the summer sun, he reached for his cell phone once more. 'Kelsee is probably hanging out with someone else by now, but...'he thought just before he sent her a text message saying this:

'Hey Kelsee, I finished studying. I'm taking a break. I'll be at the beach today after all. Hope to see you there possibly.'

He closed his phone, and put it back in his pocket. Though he felt relieved, nervous, and a bit excited at the same time he still had no idea what he was going to do at the beach today. He had never spent a day at the beach before. He shrugged his shoulders, and began making his way to the beach once more. 'oh well,' he thought 'I guess I'll find out when I get there.'
"Holy sh*t.." She exclaimed, sighing in relief and motioning for Vincent to come over. He ran over to her, seeming to be perfectly fine. She knelt down and scratched his head, hugging him for a couple seconds and than letting go. He wagged his tail and barked when she stood up straight and watched Travis and Mitch begin greeting each other. Her eyes were mainly focused on Mitch.. Was she developing a crush for him? Her face turned a shade of light pink at even the thought of it, and she quickly looked away.

"Vincent. Come here!" She teased and than began running down the beach with the big dog sprinting after her. Her brown hair billowed softly in the wind as she ran, making her feel relaxed.

Vincent barked loudly, running alongside her until she finally stopped running. She continued to tease the dog by grabbing the ball and kicking it around in front of him. He barked again and finally managed to snatch the ball away. She giggled and than turned her gaze back to Travis and Mitch. She waved at Travis and smiled, beginning to jog over to them.
Sylvie nodded. "Heck yeah, I wanna go!" She said happily. "Just give me a couple minutes to get my swim suit." She let Kelsee come in while she dashed upstairs to change. She threw on her white and pink striped bikini and put her tank and shirt back on over top, finding a pair of shorts rather than her skinnies and grabbing a towel before heading back downstairs. "Alrighty!" She said, giddy. "Let's go."
Mitch chuckled "Maybe" he said "You know I like her" he said with a little grin. He heard his phone buzz and picked it up "Sounds like Kelsee is coming soon" he announced "in case you were wondering" he joked. He set his phone back and looked at Ricky, and then at Duke who was bounding up the beach to greet his friend.Kelsee felt her phone buzz, she smiled when she read Victors text "Grat! Glad you're comiming ;) " she smiled slightly down at her phone. She looked at Sylvie and smiled "That was Victor" she told her "he's just a friend" she added incase Sylvie would get any ideas. Kelsee looked down at her cover up, just making out her swimsuit top and bottoms.
Travis waved when he say Mckayla coming toward them, he smiled happily. This was awesome! He couldn't wait for everything. There was so much to do and the possibilities were endless. He pulled a coke from the cooler and popped the can, "Anyone help themselves!" He declared.
Victor smiled at Kelsee's text, but didn't respond. 'I'll most likely see her at the beach, so I can talk to her then. I'll let her hang out with her other friends for now, and stop interupting her with texts.' He was so happy to be going, but there was that thought looming over him of what would happen when he got home tonight. 'oh well,' Victor thought, 'I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.' He was shocked for a moment when he saw the beach. He hadn't realized he had been so close, he was caught up in his thoughts. He looked out over the sand, and ocean water, and smiled at its beauty. "This is definately good."
Mikayla stopped when she was right next to Travis and Mitch. She had a mischievous smile on her face when she looked at them.

"Hey Travis." She said and tilted her head a little bit. She overheard that Kelsee was going to be here soon, and she couldn't help but grow even more excited. This was going to be so fun.

Vincent ran towards the other dogs, barking wildly as he pounced around them, dropping the ball and wagging his tail playfully.

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