Challenging Fate


It has been centuries since the Primordials have been overthrown. Creation functioned well and grew into a bountifull land with nothing but ease and wonder.

But one was not content. One felt he was not given the authority he rightfully deserved.

Maybe the Primordial's forgotten curse had come to pass.

Chejop Kejak crafted a plan. So cruel in it's nature. In one fell swoop all revelry fell silent and the world burned. Cast down into the Abyss along with your brethren and lovers, most succumbed to the pull of Lethe, but your pride was too injured, your hate burned stronger. Your death too slow.

The underworld, you had been here before but not as this...

There must be a way to return upon the world, you had not moved on... Something of power dwelt here and it called to you.

Concept: Legacy of Kain style Epic.

Characters will start as Ghosts of powerful solars. Who hear the call of the dark depths of the labyrinth.

The only restrictions will be to focus the "circle" into a similar focus of getting revenge upon Chechop Kejak. You do not need to be crazy decadent Killers.

Character creation will be different as it will skip past solar creation and demotion into ghost.

Essence rating of 4; Attributes 10/8/6; Pick caste favored and 5 additional favored; Abilities 40 max rating 3 non favored, 4 favored; Virtues all start at 2, spend 5 points.

10 Background points to spend backgrounds, only those available to ghosts [scroll of glorious Divinity II]

10 Bonus points. Only on attributes, abilities, Virtues, Willpower, and backgrounds can be purchased.

100xp, can purchase Arcanoi/Martial art charms, Martial art charms bought with starting xp will cost same as purchasing an arcanoi for balance purposes. No Sidereal martial arts survive the journey through death. (IE: No you can't have one, yet.)

Looking 4 or more players

Not familiar with Legacy of Kain.

Please start here to understand how this epic journey will begin

(More or less... Chechop instead of Kain... But the acid bath.. totaly... and the elder god.. not yet.)
"You said it yourself Kain - there are only two sides to your coin."

"Apparently so. But suppose you throw a coin enough times... suppose, one day, it lands on its edge."

Fuck. Yes. Count me in.
"No... No more questions... No more worship. Time to run, time to scream, time to die..."

Love the games. Will have to read up on ghosts, but that's no problem.

Reporting in.
"Do you not feel in your very soul how we have become like gods? And as such, are we not indivisible? As long as a single one of us stands, we are legion."



I actually wrote an RPG from scratch heavily inspired by LoK. Second Edition out in Winter!
Sounds interesting. i'll fetch that book.

Any restrictions on backgrounds, according to the theme? (Age is the first one that comes to mind)
The only imposition is one must be the ghost of a powerfull exalt murdered during the Usurpation. (essence 5)

After thinking about it you don't even need to have been a solar. ;)

Time frame will be vague, it will be post Usurpation expect a very chaotic and scary underworld.

It may be weeks/months/years after the Usurpation, time is funny in the underworld since the clock has yet to be constructed.

Hints and notes to aid players.

Must be wanting some kind of Justice or revenge, wether to right the world or send it burning, something to make you want want to claim power to return 'upstairs' as it were. After you were killed many were buried with great artifacts it can be reflected with the specific background from the Ghost entires at the back of Scroll of divinity II. There is also the lost art of the dead pdf extra with more arcanoi.

Feel free to pick first age items since that is what you would have had.

I wont restrict things but some will need a good explanation for example Ancestral cult; Who, how and why were they not 'educated' on the new princes of the earth.

All players WILL have known each other before hand. At least from deeds if not actual friendships/rivalries.

The underworld is but a pale reflection of reality, no great cities have yet been built only small settlements, we will be on what is the shadow of the blessed Ilse, while there are small fiunerary settlements the city of Stygia does not yet exist.

I would appreciate everyone coming up with a nice background of deed's you were once famous for before the Usurpation, for other characters to understand who you were, and for NPC's to recognise you.

Bullet points are fine, young recently exalted Solars could still have done interesting things since they are reincarnated with previous memories, older ones could still be alive from the primordeal war.

Also remember you were killed for your decadence I would appreciate some background on that but if you prefer being surprised with your past infamy, give me a little Idea what your weakness would have been.
Expansion of guidelines since there is a marginal advantage to Martial artists and solars.

IF it so tickles your fancy you can play a Lunar or a Sidereal, Idealy would be nice have most of the players solars to stay closer to canon but a little divergence makes things interesting.

Creation Changes, attributes, 12/10/8, You you will favor 4 attributes 3 in caste(All 5 for you who have DotFA), 1 out, and Survival Ability and 4(Not one) other Ability. Though remember you will be given access to Abyssal charms and Solar charms when one becomes a deathlord. 100xp still post creation

You are NOT affected by your Bond, but you will recall the love you held for your Solar lover, and the abuse you suffered under them.

no changes, bar the fact your caste ta\gs are reflected by the Sidereal caste you were and only having 4 other Favored. 120xp post creation.

You can purchase spells that you will remember but not be able to cast until you gain once more the charm to use that circle. Usual cost for your exalted type affected wether you favored Lore or not.

Thaumaturgy WILL function, just good luck getting some of the components though.

Quick rundown for those of you who don't know about ghosts.

You died, you lose 1 point of permanent Essence you gain fetters and passions, access to Arcanoi.

Lose ALL charms related to your exaltation. (hence you keep martial arts except for sidereal martial arts.)

Arconoi are tied to Virtues. I would recommend buying only a few, mostly spend your XP to represent your skill(abilities) and power(A few martial art charms never hurt for anyone), and if you so please raise yourself to Essence 5 once more, though no higher.


We will be using modified craft rules.

With a slight modification, they will count as specialties at the same time.

Meaning we wether tagged or not it will cost 3 xp, but will add a dice equal to it's rating, from 1-3

Unlike regular specialties you are not limited to a max of 3 total.

I was pondering using a modified linguistic system to reflect spoken written fluency to give some flavor to different areas of the world.

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