

Senior Member
( Thought of this while watching revolution the other day....... Fun RP for everyone!)


What has led to this is a mystery to the Human race.

They? More powerful than man?

How can
Mutations like them over power us?

But it has happened.

They took over.

The ones we tried to push down, the ones the government kept a secret.

Now we are theirs.

We serve them, and do as they please agaisnt our will.


That is what we have become

Basic Info

-Humans are Slaves, Mythicals are Masters

-This is set in The Empire Of Darmath

-The Empire Of Darmath covers most of North and South America, as well as the outskirts of Europe

-Slaves will be Baught/Sold/Traded at the Market

-The RP starts in the Slave Market


-Please make at least one master and one slave. Your are welcome to create more characters!

-Intense Romance and Violence allowed

-You may post as much or as little as you like, if it is at least over one line

-Anyone can join!

-Have Fun!




Age: (Any)

Species:(Human, or any other mythical creature you want!)









My Charies

Name: Vincent Renolds

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Species: Incubus/Shadow Demon

Position: Master


Personality: He is a polite and fair gentleman most of the time, but having slaves gives him that insane, wonderfully scary happiness like no other. He enjoys using his advantage as a master, but is a suprisingly kind man on the inside.

Bio: Vincent was born into an extremelly rich family, and had always been taught humans should be trated as dirt. Growing up he softened a bit for them, but still has his slaves.

Quirks?: not much really, accept his eyes are a dark red, and he tends to day-dream.

Skills/Powers: Can control/blend with shadows. Good at sneaking and one-on-one combat. Slight Hypnosis

Weakness:Sleep, Stubborn people, Strong light magic.

Other: Vincent likes to keep things tidy.

Name: Anna Shire

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species: Human

Position: Slave


Personality: Anna is very quiet and obiedient, although she doesn't exactly enjoy being a slave. She is usually loyal, and very sweet on the inside.

Bio: Anna hid in the streets with her mother until not long ago. She has only been a slave to one other Master, who has now sent her to the market. Even with little experiance, she does her best work.

Quirks?: Her eyes can seem brown somedays and dull green on others, but thats just depending on the light. She bites the edge of her lip slightly when nervous.

Skills/Powers: She is a great cleaner and an alright cooker.

Weakness: Pain, Darkness, Being Alone

Other: None

Thanks Everyone! Enjoy!

Slave to Masters


Thing is guys, this is confusing. Go ahead and trade, I'll make sure everyone gets a slave! You may also double master/slave IF NEEDED

I think that's all for now! Will add more depending on who joins!


Name: Natalie White.

Gender: Female.

Age: 19 years old.

Species: Human.

Position: Slave.


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Personality: Natalie is the innocent type. She hardly talks, is very sensitive, and gets scared very easily. She does whatever somebody tells her to do, and never disobeys. She can easily be hurt, so I guess you could say she was a fragile girl.

When she's happy, she is very bubbly and loving. But she hasn't been happy for a long time.

Bio: So far, it is unknown.

Quirks?: She has a perfect smile, but nobody has really seen it nowadays.

Skills/Powers: She is quick at getting things done, and is an excellent cook.

Weakness: Loud noises, weapons, and blood.

Other: None.


Name: Sawyer Howitt.

Gender: Male.

Age: 20 years old.

Species: Vampire.

Position: Master.


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Personality: Sawyer is very intelligent and sly. Not like many of the other Vampires who are greedy and have a quick temper. He does not get angry easily, and always remains calm and collected. When he becomes attached to somebody, he get very protective of them.

Bio: Unknown.

Skills/Powers: He can blend in with shadows, and has the abilities of extreme speed, and super strength.

Weakness: Sunlight, Holy Water, ect. (Just anything a Vampire doesn't like.)

Other: None.

I don't want to stomp on your parade, you can't do anything higher than rated PG-13.

:D I might join later.
[MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION] Thats what I mean.. I wouldn't let things get "Too Out Of Hand" Haha.. Join whenever you like!

Lost In Paradise: Accepted! I will start the RP when a few more people join! (Sorry I can't tag you, my PC wont to the heart command...)

Name: Julian Storm

Gender: Male

Age: Looks to be mid twenties, in truth he's forgotten his age, presumed to be around eight hundred

Species: Dhampir (Human father, Vampire mother, turned before his birth)

Position: Master, head of the Storm family



Julian is most often wearing black, usually a long sleeve shirt with trousers, preferring to dress simple, he's tall, around 6 ft 2 but not a huge man, though he's quite muscular, having trained himself over the years, before his powers were at the strength they are now.

Personality: Julian is well spoken, brought up to be polite though sometimes he forgets this. He often acts in a casual manner, joking or mocking depending on who he's speaking too. He's often in the dark, the sun, though not usually fatal, tires him out quickly, causing him to faint if out in it for days in a row.

Bio: He has a colourful past, drenched in the blood he so craves. He manages to suppress the thirst for the most part, like a drug addict he often falls back, getting what he craves. He would never intentionally hurt the innocent but has in the past, during much of his early life he struggled to keep the blood lust at bay.. often taking it from helpless humans or on occasion other beings similar to him, vampires, demons, his personal favorite, even other lesser creatures scarcely heard of. Now, when his cravings begin to surface he turns to his slave, someone he treats more as an ally than a servant, taking blood from them when given permission.

Quirks?: Though owning a slave, this was merely expected of him, he treats his almost like a friend. He doesn't mistreat them, finding himself close to their kind, sharing half his blood with the humans, but being more than powerful enough to be above them.

Skills/Powers: Julian possesses a unique mind, unlike any others. He has strong telekinesis able to lift, move and crush objects, as well as creating barriers for protection, his powers allow a useful telepathy, weak minds mend to his will, most humans he makes sure do not remember him. He has also learned to create a variety of strong illusions, often using them to get what he needs, able to create realistic images, smells, tastes, sounds and feelings.

Weakness: Certain blood types he simply craves. Ones that are more unique tend to be the best tasting, giving the best feeling. Though he has incredible self discipline, it is still his nature to want to drain those around him.

Other: Julian hates people going near his slave, they belong to him, they're his.. he protects them.

Name: Aki Hakubi

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Species: Human

Position: Slave


Like her master she usually wears black, they don't like to be noticed and blending in is easier this way, most often wearing a dress or simple shirt like Julian, of whom she only reaches to his shoulders. She has a rare condition, her right eye being a blue colour while the left is green, she's not often questioned of this however, usually at least half of her is covered by her master walking in front.

Personality: Aki is shy to new people, often standing part behind her master as if using him for protection. She's enclosed about who she is, often using the phrase "Another time.." when asked to speak of who she is. She's kind, caring and looks out for Julian, she's happy being who she is, serving someone who fights for what they both think is right.

Bio: Aki grew up in Tokyo, the daughter of two fairly regular people, both with basic jobs, nothing of interest. She grew tired of her life and, after saving up, getting money from various family members, she begun a two year study in England, learning the language, as well as taking up courses in History and Politics. During the end of her studies she met Julian, when humans were being taken as slaves to their "superior" masters, she latched onto him, the only one who seemed kind enough to be near. She quickly begun to relax in his presence, feeling safest standing behind him.

Quirks?:Aki has a sweet tooth, namely for sugar, often having a small bag of sugar cubes to eat when nervous or bored.

Skills/Powers: Aki has always been intelligent, as Julian. She often helps him with matters he cannot decide upon, acting as an adviser in ways

Weakness: Aki isn't a big person, 'nor is she a fighter, she has no combat training and so is easily beaten when not around Julian, which is rare.

Other: She doesn't like being touched, and will actively step or run away when someone is too close.

Yay! Oh, I might add the odd extra information to my characters, just the odd thing I think of, nothing major.. a couple details I left out ^^
Decision time! I will be starting the RP most likely later this evening! We have enough slaves and masters when anyone else joins they may be traded or go to any master, somthing like that! Thanks Guys!

PS two masters may work together, if that is what both RPers want!
I can probably create some sort of list/chart showing who has who in the beginning. After everyone has 1 slave we can go on from there. List will come out within an hour most likely,along with the RP!

Name: Alyx Nather

Gender: Female

Age: 16


Position: Mistress



Personality: Evil, cruel, friendly to other Masters/Mistresses

Bio:She was born and raised in hell then sent to where they are.

Skills/Powers: Flying, can take a human soul if needed, fangs

Weakness: can be harmed by White Ash

Name: Luna Lister

Gender: Female

Age: 15


Position: Slave to Alyx



Personality: Shy, quiet

Skills/Powers: Climbing, Acting

Weakness: Other slave Masters, she will try to run away if approached by anyone.

[MENTION=3635].Autumn.[/MENTION] Pretty much Accpeted, accept your slave will go to another master. It's apart of the RP, Im sorry :(
Name: Hunter Grim

Gender: Male

Age: 18 (Really about 267)

Species: Gargoyle

Position: Master



Personality: Hunter is very tricky, and more like a small brat. He doesnt awnser to anyone and he loves to mess around with his fellow subjects. He is also very cruel, constantly killing his family slaves for pleasure. Yet he is still very dependent on his slaves and ask them for almost everything. He can get very close to one, and that one would most likley be is partner in crime until he/she dies, then he simply find another favorite. Being the only child of the family, he is in line to the riched of his noble line. Leading him only into more cruel acts of mastery.

Bio: To long to tell

Quirks?: His eyes are cat like and are a beautiful blue

Skills/Powers: He is able to fly and holds a weak venom in his bite

Weakness: A stone weapon

Other: None

Name:Marla Gilmore

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Species: Human

Position: Slave



Personality: Marla is a very stubborn girl. She understand her place but will backtalk her master is she feels what she is doing is not right. Her stubborness more then likley will get her in trouble, and she is more then often beat because of it. Though she just wont keep her loud mouth shut, her confidence is blinding to her well-being.

Bio: None

Quirks?: She has a serious love for dogs, she might come home with a new pet for her master.

Skills/ Powers: The only skill she really has is cooking, but she loves to cook and her master will never go hungry or unsatisfied.

Weakness: Being trapped and pain, but only in large amounts due to her constant beating she has grown use to a slap or two

Other: She can get overly excited and just start acting like a total moron
Name.::. Leland Orvoke

Gender.::. Male

Age.::. 20

Species.::. Were-wolf

Posistion.::. Master


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When he is a wolf, his is a brown one with black eyes (his eyes turn darker when were-wolf or going to turn into one)

He is a quiet but tender little guy. He just turned 20, so he is just getting used to being on his own. He acts all tough and times, trying to show and prove to everyone, especailly his parents, that he can be a master. At times he will be in the corner or at a tree reading or doing something peaceful, and sometimes he will be chatting or practing (showing off) his powers. he really does try to be 1# for his parents.

Bio.::. He has a mom and dad

Quirks?.::. Drawing, lessons for his powers and/or his drawing. He loves adventure.

Skills/Powers.::. He is pretty good with a pencil and his powers are the things he imagins, if he wants, he can make them come to life.

Weakness.::. He is very allergec to feather, he will get all puffed up and can't breathe. It's kind of his secret his is ashamed of.


Name.::. Agnis Remardo

Gender.::. Female

Age.::. 13

Species.::. Human

Position.::. Slave

Personality.::. She is a sweet and shy girl, thought a slave, she tries to look at the bright side of things. Her mother died while giving birth to her and her father says she is the blame. She got beat once but, recovered. Though she still has some scars, she tries to hide them and put a smile on her face. Her only friend is her stuffed animal dog, she longs for a buddy.

Bio.::. Her father, who shows no emotion since his wife's death.

Quirks?.::. She loves animals and balloons, bright colors, and happiness. But, that is all gone now.....

Skills/Powers.::. She is pretty good with making animal sounds.

Weakness.::. She has a skin condition, that makes her always itchy



Can I make a boy that is a slave, or are boys only allowed to be Masters?
[MENTION=3656]Scribbler101[/MENTION] ACCEPTED :D and of course you can make a male slave! I guess a lot of people just like RPing as female slaves xD Anyways, your accepted and yes you can make a male slave :)
Joy!!! Thx, can't wait to start RPing! :P

Name.::. Zane Memore

Gender.::. Male

Age.::. 14

Species.::. Human

Postion.::. Slave








Personality.::. He is a hard-worker. He works for his family, who now just has a baby sister. Zane hopes that one day she will become more than what she is supposed to be. For her to become a Master. He works to impress at times and can be full of himself.

Bio.::. His parents, both mom and dad (He also has a baby sister)

Quirks.::. He loves to smash things like rocks and show off

Skills/Powers.::. He is good with hammer and building and braking things.

Weaknes.::. When he is in love, he tends to get off track. It's not much of a weakness, but it is the best weakness or worse weakness he has.


Name: Guinevere Leona Alcott-Harvard

Gender: Female

Age: Looks 8, real age is unknown.

Species:Well... she is a demon. A demon from the fiery depths of hell.

Position: Master/ young Mistress


Personality: As a child, Gwen is happy-go-lucky and carefree. Always willing to put a smile on people's faces. The girl is cheerful and always giggling about because she can. And enjoys other people's company too, she hardly ever likes to be alone much and is always optimistic in life. Though she can act slightly insane at times, the girl has a good heart, she really does. At times since she can also be slightly mischievous and cheeky too.

Bio:As a mistress, Gwen is from a royal family, she was also born with, three older brothers named Damon, Lex and Sindez. Funnily enough though she was raised by her older brother and her maidens. Constantly being told that her parent's were away all the time and never had enough time to see her and Damon. Which made her sad but she managed to live on with it. Always trying to put him in a better mood too at times as well but as much as she tries, it hardly ever works properly.

Quirks?:Well... she twiddles her fingers a lot and when things get silent she speaks with fillers like 'uhh' and 'err'. Also she scrunches up her face occasionally. She also has rhotacism, giving her difficulties when pronouncing of the letter 'R', making them sound more like 'W's instead.

Skills/Powers: As a demon she can manipulate the shadows and the darkness with ease, she can form into shadows herself, deprive people of their senses and even create her own illusions with them. She can also use telekinesis to move things with her mind as well as teleport and control and manipulate others minds. Also, she can manipulate fears, as well as using the elements in a dark, mischievous manner and use them to induce fears on other people. And also is a medium, she can view spirits of ghosts to communicate with them from their inhabiting area. Gwen is also capable of speaking inter-personally with spirits who have possessed inanimate objects/subjects/people. Even being able to repel spirits away from an area and may even view a visual conception of a spirit world in a trance if desired.

Weakness: Light irritates her skin, making it itchy. Also her fears of lightning (Astraphobia), crowds (demophobia) and loud noises (Ligryophobia) are also her weaknesses, she cannot stand them at all. Also, when someone she cares for is hurt, she gets upset about it and when one of her 'spirits' are hurt, she feels their pain too.

Other:Has a dreamcatcher tattoo on her back:

Name: Samuel Johnson

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Species: Human

Position: Slave


Personality:Sam does his job respectfully and as silently as he can. Obligating to most of the chores. A quick thinker and witty. He knows how and what to do straight way and never argues back. And prefers to make mental judgements instead of saying them aloud, he is usually a cheerful soul however and does whatever he can to keep his master happy and pretty much himself. He is loyal, brave, dedicated and a honest truth teller when he is asked about matters. Usually carefree with his chores but it get's lonely too.

Bio: Well, he was born into a normal family, middle class workers and along with an older brother who is somewhere else at the time he was take into slavery. He completed school with good grades but found it hard within the current society to get the job he wanted. After the 'creatures' took over, he was put on the market for slavery due to having no current owners at the moment. In all honesty, this doesn't exactly bother him and he feels indifferent about the situation. He now just hopes his master is decent at whatnot and doesn't overwork him too much, that's all.

Quirks?: He bites his lip when nervous.

Skills/Powers: He is agile, fast and highly durable.

Weakness: His bad attempts to lie, his fear of closed spaces (Claustrophobia), direct sunlight, hard weather's and surprise attacks.


[MENTION=3695]Ilikecookiesandtoast[/MENTION] ACCEPTEDDDD! Wonderful character! You can start RPing when ever you like :)
Name: Maro

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Species: Human

Position: Slave



Personality: Very quiet but doesn't follow orders and will rebel

Bio: Was on her own in the streets for years but then she was found and sent to the slave market where she has been for some time. All of the masters that have come in lately haven't wanted her because of her temper.

Skills/Powers: good with a sword

Weakness: loves music with so much of a passion that if you take it away from her she will break down


Name: Nurren

Gender: Male

Age: 100 (young for his race)

Species: shape-shifter

Position: master



Personality: Doesn't care for rebellion and will take any challenge that is presented.

Bio: Raised in a low ranking family and was pushed around for years as such he is very cold and has a temper towards the slaves. When he inherited the family at the young age of 90, he pushed to become a higher rank so he could not make a fool of himself any longer. The old slave died a few days ago from the harsh orders and punishments that he has taken.

Skills/Powers: can shape change to anything he has seen

Weakness: weak spot for cute things and challenges
Name: Mathew

Age: 456

Race: Vampire

Mathew Bernard is a cruel man in the prime of his vampire life. He lives alone but for his slaves, and he uses them more for feeding than anything, and cleaning up after the slaves he accidentally drains dry. He's been known to torture and rape any slave as a form of taming them, especially the wild ones who continue to fight. His own past is as dark as his sick and twisted humor, but he doesn't care to discuss it. He's very solemn and enjoys his little castle on the cliff overlooking the ocean. It's a long ass ride into town to buy slaves, but they're a bit of a collection of his and he certainly doesn't mind spending a little extra on the fiery ones.


Name: Margo

Age: 17

Race: Human

Margo has survived this long alone in the wild and had never been captured, until now. She is the very definition of wild woman, having lived on her own in the forest since she was 7 she has forgotten to speak. She growls like an animal and her mass of wild red hair always seems to be in her face or in her way. She's pale and marked up by scars and scratches, and obedience is not a word she understands. Despite all of this it is clear she is quite a natural beauty, you know, if someone maybe gave her a bath.


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