Centaria [Inactive]


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Marlei submitted a new role play:

Centaria - An alternate world

Centaria.A utopia founded upon the broken dreams of mortals.The one place where evil does not grow,the place that does not breed hatred into those born into it.It's a world where the realm of imagination knows no bounds,where angels walk among those who inhabit it.
Only the mortals who live forever trapped in their fantasies will speak of it,only they know what it's like to never see illness and anger.It's a place that keeps them stuck between what is real,and what is merely dismissed as a...
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Shark's arms seemed to stretch to the skies of Centaria as he yawned and sat up from the tree branch he had taken nest in. A morning that he had been looking forward to for months had finally finished it's journey to today's doorstep. Shark's birthday had come along. Not that it mattered much on Centaria but he still enjoyed celebrating it anyway. Climbing down the tree into the farm he looked to collect bundles of wheat and gather flour to bake himself a cake.

Considering he crossed over to Centaria without his family Shark lived with his friend Carla. Carla was a Keeper as well and looked over the farm they both loved so much. After collecting the materials he needed Shark burst through the door bringing a strong vibe of fresh air along with him. His dog rushed toward the door and jumped on Shark making him drop some of the flour on the floor and upon the dogs nose. "Hey Carla, look we've adopted a white nose reindeer." As the dog jumped off him he walked toward the kitchen and placed the materials on the shelf.

Carla turned to Shark from the doorway. "Have you considered having a party?"

"Not really, although it doesn't sound like a bad idea. How about you make a poster or something and we'll post it on the town bulletin board."

Carla's eyes lit up with aspiration. She loved hosting anything with a gathering of people. "I'll get right on it!"

With the poster on the bulletin and the cake made Carla and Shark sat in the tree above the front door waiting for people to arrive.


She felt a small breeze blow through her dark hair as she began the trek across the land,her land as she privately called Centaria. No,not in any way was she the private owner of it,those were the Champions of course.It was just nice to pretend.The petite dress she wore whirled around her legs as yet another gentle wind blew.Skyler was out now headed to a party she had seen on a bulletin board. No,she wasn't exactly sure who it was for,but a party was a party and she couldn't miss out.

Her mixed breed pup skirted around her ankles,tickling her bare legs and forcing Skyler to stop and giggle for a moment,"
If you don't stop,we'll never get there!" she joked to the dog,who lifted his big head to look at her as if he understood.She stroked his chestnut colored head and resumed walking once more."Should be right.............here!" she exclaimed ,seeing the bulletin board.Now,just to see if there was anyone who knew where it was hosted.

After 40mins or so of waiting for more people to show up Carla realized she didn't put the address on the poster. "Shark, I forgot to put the address on the poster! People might be standing around at the bulletin board. You should go check." Shark chuckled and hopped down from the tree. "Leave it to Carla to forget things." He said to his dog who was utterly determined to follow him on his journey.

Shark reached the bulletin board rather quickly for it wasn't any more than half a mile away from where they lived. His face lit up as he saw the crowd that was standing around the bulletin board talking to each other. He reached toward his dog, almost falling as the puppy shot forward into the crowd to play with a chestnut colored dog about the same size as his own. "ZETA WAIT!"

Catching up to the pup he looked up almost stunned at the beauty of the girl in front of him. Catching his train of thought he apologized for the dog. "I'm so sorry, he has a mind of his own." Smiling he picked up the puppy and turned toward the rest of the crowd. "If you guys are looking for the party it's at the farm!" The crowd turned and started walking toward his farm. He turned around to the girl wondering if she was here for the party as well. "Hi, I'm Shark."


Fairly soon others began to gather near the board,obviously in the same predicament as she was. It seemed that everyone else had a companion with them.One that could speak,that is.Skyler did not want to intrude upon anyone's conversation so she stepped away from the mingling crowd and let her mind wander.

Hearing the playful yip her dog Otto made when around other dogs snapped Skyler out of her day dreaming and back to clear thinking.Her face flushed red in embarrassment when she saw that almost no one remained near the bulletin board,it seemed that only her,Otto,and a guy with his dog remained.She giggled as Otto pranced at his feet,clearly unsure as to why his playmate had been picked up.

I should be apologizing,surely I shouldn't be standing here when it seemed everyone else has found the venue."She extended her hand,silently cursing the fact that alone she was short but next to Shark she seemed even tinier."I'm Skyler. Did you happen to catch where the party was,by chance?I seem to have zoned out." Once more she giggled,looking up at him for a moment before telling Otto to sit at her feet.

Shark continued to look down into Skyler's eyes. Quickly losing himself in something he hasn't experienced in a long time he took a silent breath and formed an answer of thin air. Chuckling to lighten the air he nodded and answered Skyler's question with one of his own while walking toward the party signaling Skyler to follow him. "I'll tell you, only if you tell me where your mind wanders off to when your thinking."

Mindless thinking had been something that Shark had missed. Since his teaching in the form of NOW he had not experienced loosing his train of thought, although he somehow just did. Putting his dog down to walk beside Otto he fell behind in steps so that he stood next to Skyler.


His question was surprising,Skyler had not believed she was that hard to read.An answer formed on the tip of her tongue as she followed the somewhat mysterious Shark."It depends.Sometimes,I like to think back to what it was like before I came here.The good times that I had with the people I familiarized with.Other times I just remember the music,how good it felt to just lose yourself in a melody.Letting the notes and lyrics wash over you like a tidal wave carrying you further away from reality." Her gaze had fallen to the ground as she spoke,and the depth of what she had just said settled like a stone in her chest.She had not revealed her more emotional side to many at all,and especially not an almost complete stranger.

That probably sounds crazy,huh?I promise,I'm not completely delusional." Skyler grinned shyly,averting her eyes from the ground to look at Shark.A curtain a loose hair tumbled to her face,shielding her eyes from a danger that wasn't present.She raised a careful hand and tucked the hair precariously behind her ears.Before she had never paid attention to her personal care beyond regular hygiene.Only when she had arrived had Skyler began experimenting,remembering styles she had seen on celebrities and perfecting them with practice. She had began this because she felt that making herself pretty allowed her to look more natural in Centaria.

Shuffling his thought cards in his mind he began to come up with another one of his plans. Which had started before he even asked Skyler the first question. He smiled as Skyler looked back up at him and began to do what he knew best, communicate.

"Well, the way you so easily got lost in your own words and locked your eyes into the ground or in other words...deeply daydreamed makes it seem like these "memories" mean a lot to you. Although, I think your missing out on the fact that most of what you just mentioned we have here in Centaria. The simple mind game of missing an action makes you miss out on the same actions happening right in front of you. Instead of losing yourself in the past..." Shark held his hand out to the dogs that we're walking and playing together right in front of them "Lose yourself in the now. Notice how the two dogs are so focused on playing that they often trip upon their own feet which are unconsciously walking toward the party. No matter how much you lose yourself in the now the future will still happen, although if you are stuck in the past...you'll miss out on what's happening right now." Shark moved his hand to his side, extending it to meet with Skyler's. "The party is at my farm by the way." Shark smiled and looked at Skyler. "I always hold up my end of bets."
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She was at a loss for words.How could you explain to someone that her memories are what made her whole?They had opportunities to make them here surely,but for once she had something completely and solely hers.Things that no one else would ever completely know,and that would come back sometimes with such force it felt like she was back with him.The one person she missed with such a burning passion.The one she just couldn't bear to suppress the memories of.Skyler continued to walk,her silence hopefully an acceptable answer to that area of conversation.

I hope we arrive soon or I'm going to think you just made a wrong turn somewhere and are too proud to admit it!"Her attempt at joking was feeble and only elicited a small grin on her end,which was mostly in response to what Shark had said.Movement at the corner of her eye made her jump a little and her arm quickly moved to rest at her side once more.Her mind reeled to think of what he wanted.A high five?No,that would he a hand held up.It probably wasn't a fist bump either.Which meant.......

Tentatively she stretched her arm out once more,her fingers reaching out to come into contact with his.She didn't want to move further,testing the waters to see if what she thought was correct.That he did want to hold her hand,and that she wasn't just making conclusions that were far from the truth.

Shark chuckled at the statement which was lead by a silence of compression and decided to drop the topic. "Would you be mad if I said we did?" Playfully looking around as if he didn't know where he was. As much as he wanted to get to the party quickly having fun with Skyler was better than walking.


"Not necessarily mad,but I wouldn't hesitate to feed ya to the dogs!" Skyler giggled,slowing and finally stopping so as to stay close to Shark. If she said she knew where they were it would be a complete lie. For once they were in a place she had not explored and she made a mental note of the way they had come.

Skyler could feel a trickle of sweat winding down her neck,although she did not entirely contribute that to the weather. For some reason being around Shark made her nervous,but in a way that was sort of weird.It was not the stay-away-from-me-you-creep sort of nervousness. Instead,it felt as if she was merely catching up with someone from a long while ago. Shark made her feel calm in his presence,which was a new feeling to her.Usually when communicating with a new person she fidgeted,clearly nervous to be around a stranger.


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