Celia's Halway House (Sign up)


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Halfway House (Sign up)

You are here because you have been given a second chance, meaning your life in Juvy is almost over. This is for kids ages 13 to 17 For one year you all will live with Miss Celia and her family, in order to correct your mistakes.

Please fill out this form below:












Relation to Miss Celia:




And you're all set. This is a once in a life time oppertunity, and remember you will be monitered and watched.

Sincerely yours,

Miss Celia.

(pictures will be posted on the Rp page)



Amber Lucia Rivers





Relation to Miss Celia:

Eldest Daughter







Ella Kaitlyn Rivers





Relation to Miss Celia:





Name: Aussa Winterburn

Age: 14

Gender: female

Conviction: Grand Theft Auto

Bio: She grew up with a good family, but rebelled when her parents were killed in a car crash. She helps her older brother steal with her talent of driving skills at a young age. She was finally caught when her brother ran, leaving her to the police.

Other: She's reckless but responsible when times call for it.

Appearence: View attachment 5470
(((Sorry for posting so late!!!))

Name: Bae Ryu

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Conviction:Assault and Battery

Bio: Since Bae was ten years old, she has been circulating through foster homes all across the city. Her parents died in a car accident and left her without a legal guardian. In her last foster home she was harassed by her foster parent's sleazy son. When he attacked her, she hit him on the head with a crowbar and landed him in the hospital.
She's at Miss Celia's because she was vouched for by one of her old friends from childhood, James.

Other:Bae's attitude could use improvement, she's mad at the world. She's happy to have this chance, but she's resentful of the system for landing her in this position. She's pissed that she was convicted for a crime she was justified in doing. On a different note, she plays acoustic guitar.


View attachment 5481

Name: James Woods

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Relation to Miss Celia: He was apart of Miss Celia's program a year ago. Now he volunteers at Miss Celia's house as a handyman, while he goes to community college downtown. He's like an honorary memeber of the family now.

Bio: James and Bae use to live in the same foster for awhile, before James screwed up and landed in Juvy. He got his live together and wanted to do the same thing for Bae. He took care of the paper work to move her into Miss Celia's Halfway House. He's protective of her and thinks of her as a sister.

Other: He plays the drums.


View attachment 5479

((Sorry I haven't had much time))

Name: Matt Carter

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Conviction: One day coming out of his class, a drug addict punched him and tried to attack him with a knife, Matt took the knife from his hands and stabbed him in the chest.

Bio: His parents have always wanted Matt to be a doctor for which he's been into many specialized schools but what he really wants to do is to form a band, he escapes his house to take bass classes in a dangerous place.

Other: Plays the bass.


View attachment 5482

Super amped Blue :)

Name: Victoria Knox

Age: 16

Gender: female

Conviction: "armed" robbery and possesion

Bio: Victoria, an introvert at school, was dragged into a life of drugs and parties in an effort to fit in so mewhere seeing as she doesn't fit in at home. Finally holding up a 24hr drug store with fake guns, Victoria was arrested while the rest of her group ran. She was also carrying drugs. Grateful to be one step closer to the outside world, the sarcastic and dry teenager can't wait to get out and have a ***.

Appearence: long dark hair, blue eyes. Quiet pretty and normal now that she's clean. The worst memory showing in the dark bags under her eyes. She lives in sneakers and an old leather jacket.
Name: Shae Dalton

Age: 17

Gender: female

Conviction: Con Artist-ing....(i don't know if there's another word for it)

Bio: Shae has lived her entire life telling lies, she can't help it. As a child, her mother was a single mom, so money was always tight. She overheard some kids at her school talking about how they stole from people to make some money, she tried it and was no good. So she started selling fake things on the streets and conning people for money. She told her mom she got a job so she wouldn't worry. Then she got caught.

Other: She's a very good liar and a smooth talker.

Appearence: http://bluebanddigital.com/2012/06/22/trust-the-social-media-butterflies/images-26/

Name: Layia

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Relation to Miss Celia: Niece

Bio: --------------

Other: -----------


{Is it too late for me to sign-up?}

Name: Alex Gamer

Age: 17 years old

Gender: female

Conviction: Assault in first degree/Illegal Street Racing/Hacking into school bank account{Framed}

Bio: Alex was always the one for excitment, including James. They had been friends ever since they were little. As Alex grew up she learned a few skills. Which include, advance hacking, martial arts, driving, and even a bit in gun training. Even though she had the skills for hacking, Alex never did anything big, or harmful towards others. As soon as they actually got their licenses, both James and Alex went into street racing. Both of them were good at first and slowly became better. When one the long time racer she beat got angry, Alex later got into a car accident in a race, she was injured pretty badly. After everything that the 'ghost racer' did to her and James, Alex made her life goal to find and kill him.

Other: N/A

http://torrentfreak.com/images/amelia.jpg (But her hair style and eye color http://cdn.sheknows.com/filter/l/gal...highlights.jpg)

Name: James Blackwell

Age: 17 years old

Gender: male

Conviction: Illegal Street Racing/Assault in first degree/Setting the school on fire{Framed}

Bio: James and Alex had been close friends ever since they were little. James is always protective of Alex, even when Alex pushes away his help sometimes. His skills consists of martial arts, driving, and gun training. When he was thirteen, noth his parents died in a bank robbery. After that, James moved in with his uncle, who could care less of what James does. So it was easy for him to do street racing, unlike Alex who lives with her father. When Alex got into an accident, James wanted the same thing she wanted, the 'ghost racer' dead.

Other: N/A

: http://nyc-fashion.com/wp-content/up...-fashion-4.jpg

Blue[/MENTION]"]{[MENTION=2704]Blue[/MENTION] You might remember my characters from Freak School}

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