Celia's Halfway house RP


Junior Member

Miss Celia welcomes you Juvenile Delinquents with open arms in hope to right your wrongs.

(Open to join at any time, link: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3143-Celia-s-Halway-House-(Sign-up)/page2?p=103226#post103226)

Welcome to the halfway house.


Miss Celia wakes up her family bright and early to welcome the kids coming in. She yawns, streching out her arms. Brushing her hair, she wonders who will come first. Eating breakfast, she wonders if her kids will get along with them. Hearing a knock on her door, she exitedly wonders what the person is like. Her hair bounces as she skips over to the door, eager to greet the person. As she opens the door, her eyes skirt the newcomer. "Oh hello there~!" She says, singing. "And what is your name?"

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Each room looks like this ^

([MENTION=2321]MaggieMyHeart[/MENTION] make it a little longer please ^^)

Miss Celia smiled brightly. "Welcome Shae, let me show you to your room!" She turned, allowing her dress to spin, and started leading her upstairs. She opened the first door on the right. "Here, this room is yours. I trust you are not armed and dangerous?" She let out a short laugh and held the door open for Shae.
Aussa's fingers brushed the door handle before she realized she wan't home. She knocked on the door lightly. Please be awake please be awake please be awake. "Helloooo?" She called out through the door. "Anybody home?" She winced. What if they arn't here?
(Will do, sorry. I just wasn't quite sure what to say)

"Thank you so much," Shae looked at the house as Miss Celia led her upstairs, nicely furnished and it just felt so...homey. She figured it was because she hadn't been in a home for a long time. She missed that. As Miss Celia opened the door to Shae's room she jokingly asked if Shae was armed or dangerous, Shae laughed with the woman and replied, "No weapons here," she patted her jean pockets "And what qualifies as dangerous exactly?" She joked.

This is good. Really good. Don't screw it up! She thought as she laughed, hoping she didn't look too crazy.
Celia smiled warmly. "Oh nothing, just a joke. I'll be sure to introduce you to my daughters." She hears knocking on the doors. "'ll be right back, hon." She hummed as she walked down the stairs, imagining the next person and what they'll be like. She quickly grabbed a banana on her way to the door, straightened out her long skirt, and opened the door. She looked at the brown haired girl. She offered her a smile. "Why, hello~! What is your name?"
Aussa knew she had a small voice, but didn't care. "My name is Aussa Winterburn, I'm sorry that I'm here bothering you but I'm glad to be out of juvy." She was holding her hands and looking down, trying her best to seem helplessly sad. She didn't have to try, juvy had been the worst month of her life. She had been bullied by other kids, boys and girls, and had lost weight considerably from her lack of food. Aussa looked up and tried her best to smile. She noticed Miss Celia's features. She looks like a fairy, almost like she's glowing.
"Welcome Aussa~!" She took the girl's hand and led her into the home. "This~ is the living room," She outstretched her arms at the large space, twirling twice. Celia loves twirling when she's in her skirts. "and if you'll go upstairs, your room is first on the left.' She took the girls hand again and led her to the staircase, giving her the banana. "Sorry if you don't want it dear, you just seem very fraile. Have a nice day now, and say hi to Shae if you'd like." She smiled and walked over to the kitchen.
Aussa looked at the banana and shrugged. She peeled it and chomped on it. When was the last time I had a banana? She walked up the circling stairs and looked into the room. It was red in several places including the bedsheet, and the curtains were striped in shades of warm colors. "How... welcoming." She said to herself. It truely was, she'd expected a halfway house to be dingy and worn, but it looked more like home than her own house. There was an isle in the middle with shelves on it. "Oh good, I can keep books there." She fell back on to her bed, sighing happily.
James looked around the house as he was sneaking in through the back door. He was late for greeting the new guests and he didn't want Miss Celia to catch him. He kicked his timberlands off at the door and tip-toed up stairs in his socks. Carrying his tool box, James figured if he pretended to be working on something for awhile, Miss Celia will think that he's been here the whole time. He headed to the upstairs bathroom. Seeing that it was empty, he positioned himself under the sink and proceeded to fix the water pressure coming from the faucet.
((Hey Blue, how does Miss Celia look? I don't need a picture but It would help having a small description if you don't mind.))

As Matt approached the halfway house he felt nervous, I hope the other people there aren't dangerous, I hope they don't see me as the dangerous one, I'm not dangerous am I? he wondered.

When he got to the front door he knocked twice and cleared his throat, it had been a long time since he had spoken properly with someone.
The cab dropped Victoria at the front of the halfway house. Victoria stepped out and looked around the neighbourhood. It was good to see the outside world again. She walked up the walkway and stood next to a boy who was obviously waiting for the door to be opened. She lit up a cigarette she had bummed off the cab driver and took a deep drag. It had been a long time since she'd had a smoke.

"So what did you do?" Victoria asked asked the boy as she blew smoke over her shoulder.
While Matt waited for the door to be opened, a girl arrived and asked him what he had done, he had a flashback of his parents crying and asking him what they had done wrong while he was taken away to juvy, he turned to her and answered "I'm not exactly proud about it so I wouldn't like to talk about it if you don't mind." ignoring the smell of the smoke, he didn't smoke himself but he was used to the smell, the place where he took his bass classes had it all the time.
Amber moaned as her mother shook her bare shoulder to awaken her. The delinquents were arriving today and, frankly, Amber wasn't looking forward to strangers living in her home. Her mother left the room and Amber tossed her black and white floral print comforter (I figure since she lives there all the time she has her own personalized room) off her lightly tanned legs over the side of her bed. She rubbed her eyes and stands up on the white shag carpet. She looks in her full length mirror that hangs on the back of her door. She sighs at her messy hair and make-up less face. Amber walks over to her white closet doors and slid them open. She placed her index finger just below her bottom lip as she decided what to wear. She finally decided on an outfit and took it out. She slipped into her bathroom and showered quickly before dressing, blow drying her hair, and carefully curling her hair into flowing waves. She smiled and dug her makeup bag out from under the sink. She applied the powders and creams to her face and smiled at the reflection in the mirror. She stalked down the stairs in her cream colored Toms. She entered the dining room to find little sister Ella already at the table eating her breakfast. The twelve, almost thirteen, year old was in a rush seeing as she had to get to summer school since she had failed math and English this year. Amber turned to her seat and frowned as she saw a smallish girl with brown hair sitting in her spot (Aussa) "Excuse me, darling," she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "That's my seat your sitting in." Ella looked up at her older sister and raised a recently plucked eyebrow as if to say Your really going to act like this on the first day? Ella sighed and shook her head as she stood up with her empty plate. She hurried over to the dishwasher and placed her navy blue plate in the washer. She smiled as she walked past the many children that were already there and kissed her mother's cheek as she headed for the door. "Bye, Mommy, I'll see you this afternoon. Love you," she said quickly. She ran out the door and stepped quickly down the steps that led to the walkway in front of the house. Ella, being Ella, danced across the stepping stones and pushed open the white fence gate as she headed for the junior high. She strutted in her white shorts and floral shirt as she walked down the warm pavement. The sun shone down on her bare arms and legs. She stared at the many cars pulling up to the house and she smiled. It seemed this year would be a good year for her family. She noticed one of the boys who had been an older member of her mother's program who was here to help this year. She waved and continued on to the school that lay just two blocks away.

Amber's Outfit-


Ella's Outfit-

(Sorry guys, I'm on vacation so I might not post much! ^^")

Miss Celia opened the door to see a boy and a girl standing at her porch. She smiled sweetly but couldn't help but wince as she realized the girl was smoking. "Oh... Hello there!" She tried her best to think nothing of it. "I'm Miss Celia and this is where you'll be staying." She led them into the kitchen, said good morning to her daughters and stood at the staircase. "Upstairs will be your rooms. The first ones on either side are taken, so chose any other you'd like, okay?" She grinned and walked away to the window, waiting for the next person to come.
Alex and James yawned as they got off the bus. They had stayed awake all night on the bus, not being able to go to sleep.

From where they were, the two had to walk about two blocks before they got to Miss. Celia's house. Both of them did not favor the idea of staying with a complete stranger and her family, but it was better than their 'homes'

As they began to walk, Alex shifted the weight of the two duffle bags she was carrying.
"Do you even know where we are going?" she said to James, who was ahead of her. Their home was about a state over, so neither of them knew the area, at least Alex didn't.

James laughed a bit before answering
. "Of course, remember that lame school trip we went on?"

Alex nodded in response, too tired to answer, and the answer was a bit obvious.

Not waiting for an answer, he continued.
"Well, i studied the area so i could sneak away from the group and do something better." as he said that, they were in front of the house. The place looked average from the outside, but who knows.

Walking up the setps and onto the porch, Alex knocked lightly on the door. As they waited, Alex turned to him, "
Of course i remember, i went with you."

James nodded,
"Now i remember..." he said actually trying to remember inside his head.
As a cheerful lady opened the door, greeted Matt and the other girl and led them inside the house, he didn't even got a chance to say something, he shrugged and walked upstairs past the two rooms that were occupied and opened the second door to the right, it was a cozy room, he went inside and the first thing he did was lay on the bed. I can't remember the last time I felt so comfortable in a place like this, I hope I get to meet some friends.

(([MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] I'm not sure where rin is, she's not here or at the other website she's at. She might have quit or something, Im not sure. She was very upset about something though.))

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