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Fantasy Celestial War



resident problem child
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
> Premise <
You are a college student and not a normal one at that. You are of supernatural bloodlines and gifted with someone else. Ignoring your birth-bloodline you've been marked by a Celestial. And you're meant to be their wielder in the upcoming Celestial War. Although you don't know what this war is going to be, you are prepared.

> Setting <
A Large College Campus, East Coast of the USA, Somewhere around PA. College has dorms that the students stay in.(Can change if someone can come up with a better setting idea ^^u)

> Time of Year <
Fall, Start of a New Semester.

> Replying Announcement <
You can reply again once one of the following conditions are met:
1/3 of the total players have directly interacted with you
A simple majority of people have posted (basically 1 more than half)
You're in a fight scene. Fight scenes, however, are limited to two posts per involved party before the above rules go into effect (Good idea, #3 really goes along with the issue that can happen with multiple fights going on at the same time, so people don't overlap...and then it's really simple and easy.)
It has been 3 days since your previous post was replied to
Shoutout to One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost For Reply Rules, Along with dragonsfire dragonsfire

> Additional >
I'm Currently working on possibly apply for Hosted Project because The more I think about this RP< the more I realize how complex it's going to get. ^^U
To Start we'll have everyone post a Starter, just get acquainted with everyone's writing format, who's who, and over-all a feel for this. After at least most of the group has posted, then we continue with others interacting with others



a person who claims or is believed to have magic powers; a wizard.​

Aaron Bluhan Shuuya

Aaron's eyes fluttered open slowly as the loud alarm clock rung next to his bed. His arm flung upwards, and the ringing was knocked off the table and dropped onto the floor. Aaron threw his blanket to a side, and swung himself off the lumpy mattress. His feet landed on the cold marble tiles, and he shuddered before finding his slippers. Yawning, he walked over to the calendar and crossed out another date, before realizing that the date was next to a heavy red circle, marking the first day of school. He cursed loudly before rushing to the washroom and getting ready for the first day.

After half an hour of getting ready, Aaron sprinted out of the house and was running through the streets to catch the train. He had a simple top with a pair of white suit pants, and a gigantic jacket with a white fur overcoat to combat the brisk fall weather. If he was late, he would miss out on the first day of classes and never have friends for the rest of the year. The breeze swept past his face and he inhaled the fresh air, his chunky luggage trailing behind him. He arrived at the train station just in time; his tickets were used within 30 seconds of purchase. Out of breath from the early morning exercise, he exhaled and placed his suitcase just under the seat, and sat down in an empty seat.

code by pasta pasta
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Zella Orpheus

Zella sat up in bed, her long dark curls tumbling down around her slender form to her hips. The morning sun gave everything a slight orange glow as the light seeped in to her room. She still a little groggy from sleep but forced herself to clear the cobwebs and get up and about. It was early and she had plenty of time but she grabbed her things anyway. She wore a short sleeved pale violet shirt and her favourite jeans that showed her curves however standing in front of the long mirror she cursed her pale face and unruly long hair. no matter what she did it refused to behave, and she had tried everything even shouting at it in the mirror. it was the first day back and she needed it to behave for once.
In the end she gave up, she threw her coat, scarf, and gloves and set off locking the door behind her. Her hair catching the wind like a dark body of shadow behind her. She knew she would be pulling the autumn leaves out when she arrived but in that moment she didn't really care. She was looking forward to this and had promised herself she would try harder with people this year. Thoughts of the previous year filled her mind making her head spin and before she knew it she had walked past the train station and was almost at the gate. The school was huge in size and looked very old. She had always loved this proud old building and always felt it looked on as people entered.​
Ranell Ragnarson

Ranell went to hit the snooze button on his phone, only to find that he had run out of snoozes. He groaned as he heaved himself out of bed. Staring off into space for a moment, he slowly came to the realization that it was the first day of classes. Ranell scrambled to get ready, taking a quick shower and throwing on jeans, a dark v-neck and a black jacket. "Wallet, keys...phone..." he felt himself up as he did a final check to make sure he had everything. "What am I forgetting? Headphones?" he felt around his neck, "Nope, have those." He checked the time and realized he didn't really have the time to do this.

After locking his door and getting his headphones in place, he took off in a sprint towards the school. As it came into view he checked his watch for the time, only to realize it wasn't there, "So that's what I forgot..." he came to a stop in front of the gates and checked his phone for the time, early, he really didn't need to run. Seeing as he had time, he scanned the crowd around him with his piercing blue eyes. He wasn't exactly a touchy feely person, but found it was always good to make at least a few friends on the first day. He took out his ear buds and leaned against the outer wall, as he watched the people around him.

Mentioned: N/A || Interacting With: Open
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just another fucking princess
code by @sadvalentine

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A Girl Clouded In Mystery
Klare had arrived on Campus a day or two ago, considering her father lives on the West Coast, she had to arrive early. The soft buzz of a cell phone on a wooden desk rung through her ears. She blinked slightly looking around from the bit of the room she could see over her blankets and through her hair.

She propped herself up on her elbows and gently rubbed her eyes. Next, she glances at the window to see the sun slowly rising. The date and time she didn't care about too much. She knew what day of the week it was, and the events that occur today. Honestly, she didn't understand why she kept attending school here. She isn't a big fan of school, its only good to watch others and understand how the brain works more, otherwise, most of the classes are completely useless. She'd even be fine forgetting about her demonic heritage, as that's the only reason she's forced to attend this place.

She tosses the blanket off her hardly clothed body. Standing up she headed to the dorms washrooms and did her morning routine. Style her hair so it blocks her Left eye. She wasn't fond of her two colored eyes; as it mostly screamed 'halfling' and got her harassed a lot. After her morning routine, she heads back to her room; dressing in an obviously more summer or springtime type attire, instead of an Autumn outfit. Though temperature didn't bother her as much as you'd expect it to; another positive to demon blood.

Once she finished up, she grabbed her pack. A small sling-bag with just enough space for some classic school supplies and her laptop. Her final step before leaving she checks how she looks in the mirror, making any more final adjustments to her appearance. Fixing her hair just a bit more, and form shifting her wings to a small size. Klare exhales and so unhappily leaves her dorm, making her way to the main campus.


The gray eyed girl groaned as the alarm in her phone rung. Her abnormal alarm echoed in the room, creating a larger sound. She turned around in her bed, and finally turned off her phone. She tried to get up, but the softness of her bed made her think otherwise. She tried getting up again, but it was oh so comfortable. The gravitational pull seemed to be the cause of Alexa not getting up. It's just sinking her in even more.

She took a deep breath. Can't I be late? She thought for a long moment, then suddenly jumped up from her bed. No! Not at all! I'm paying for college, ain't I? She then tried to run to the restroom, but she tripped and fell on the hardwood floor with a loud THUMP.

Great, she thought, mumbling curses in her head. She then felt something wet and cold hit her nose. She looked up, and realized that there was a leak in her room. She grit her teeth. Wow. Again?

She slowly got up, a bit wobbly on her feat. Once she washed up, she decided to change into a gray top, a black jacket, and black jeans. Once she put them on, she quickly grabbed her bag, stuffed random crap in it, and ran out her room. Once she arrived at the staircase, and slowed down, and careful walked down. There were some rotting wood in the staircase, and it wouldn't be very good to fall down if you step on it.

"What do you mean you sold my fucking watch!?"

Alexa paused, and immediately smelled the disgusting aroma of booze and alcohol in the house.




Alexa took a deep breath, and quietly slipped out the house. Since her house is near the campus, she doesn't really need a dorm. But, looking back at the situation from earlier, she really wanted a dorm, but that wouldn't be really great for financial reasons. Alexa has five jobs in total, just to support herself financially.

Shaking that off her mind, she put on a helmet, and threw her skateboard on the floor, and started to roll down to campus. "MOVE, BITCHES!"

Mentioned: N/A || Interacting With: Open


Ki'Tavi's golden eyes snapped open immediately when the luminescent numbers on his bedside alarm clock switched to read 7:00a.m. He raised his arms over his head, stretching the entire length of his body such that his extra long twin bed seemed almost too small for him. For as long as he could recall, he had an innate inner sense of time. He had no real need for a watch, as he always knew precisely what time it was. The bedside alarm clock was more to help him reset in the event of daylight savings time and as a convenience for any guests he may happen to have.

Hopping out of bed, he checked himself over in the full length mirror, admiring the sleek fur that covered his form. "T'is a shame I have to hide this side of me, but C'est la vie" He shrugged, as he did so the fur that covered his body receded to be replaced with flesh, his ears becoming those of a human and his tail retreating from whence it came. "Only benefit of this form is that I dry off faster after a shower without turning into a floofball..." He chuckled, heading to the bathroom to shower and prepare for the first day of the Academic year. Normally, he wouldn't be excited to attend school, but he had reason to believe this morning would be particularly amusing.

Tying back his long hair, he pulled on his favorite pair of black jeans and tied up his shoes before standing to slip on a black-pin stripe, button up shirt. He took care to roll the sleeves up to just past his elbow before slipping on a deep crimson vest. Since, quite frankly, he hated wearing ties, he left the top button unbuttoned, showing a bit of skin as he checked himself once over in a mirror. His attire, as most people knew, changed quite drastically. Some days, he looked like a trademark delinquent, others, a typical gym-bro, and, days like today, he could look like he was part of some host club.


Really, it all came down to his mood that particular day. Today, for whatever reason, he felt like looking good. After all, he was expecting some fun to start the day and wanted to look good for whatever audience showed up.

Chewing on a piece of toast with his bookbag slung over one shoulder, Kit made the short walk from the dorms to the main campus. Just as he got inside the gates, he could see a crowd was already forming around one particular delinquent looking young man who stood in Kit's path with arms crossed. You see, Kit absolutely dreaded the dull monotony of typical school days. Whenever possible, he found ways to spice things up. As for why this particular delinquent seemed to be threatening Kit with death from his eyes alone.... Well...

A few weeks prior, Kit had caught the youth in question throwing rocks at stray cats.

Since Karma seemed to be too preoccupied to deal with him, Kit decided to volunteer to be Karma's agent. Itching powder in the underwear, alarm clock going off at all hours of the night with cat meows, and food tainted with laxatives were just some of the pranks that had befallen the angry looking delinquent in the past few weeks. To make things particularly fun, Kit had let himself get caught on camera pulling one of the stunts, knowing full well it would lead to a moment like this.

Kit blinked, realizing that he had been so preoccupied enjoying the stroll down memory lane he had completely missed the young man's opening monologue. Now that was just poor form.. "Sorry, I seem to have been spacing out..." He paused long enough to finish off his toast. "Mind repeating that?" He inquired with a tilt of his head.

"Ugh Forget it! The main point is I'm going to kick your fucking ass for all that shit you pulled the last few weeks!" A menacing finger was directed at Kit.

"Oh ho, Nyaa~? You think really think you can handle me by yourself?" Kit asked, his golden eyes looking at every last person in the crowd, making sure he made eye contact with each and every one of them. Three other guys stepped out of the aforementioned crowd to surround Kit.

"You ain't running from this, bastard..." The delinquent hissed as he advanced towards Kit.

"I have no intention of running from a battle I've already won" Kit smiled. Seemingly out of nowhere the three guys that comprised this man's backup were launched back by some unseen hit. Unseen, at least, by anyone in the crowd. His golden eyes, at this very moment, seemed like little clocks as he manipulated everyone who had been unfortunate enough to meet his gaze. They were helpless as he casually walked to each one and sent them flying, altering the perception of those viewing such that it all seemed to happen instantaneously before returning to his original place, making it seem like he hadn't even moved.

The one who had challenged Kit seemed almost as a balloon that suddenly lost all of its air. "Wh-what?"

Kit seemed to teleport to stand directly in front of the man. "You've already lost..." He whispered as he drove his knee hard into the man's stomach, watching him crumple to the ground as he at last blinked and released those caught in his Timeskip.

"Well, that wasn't as entertaining as I'd hoped, but I suppose I shouldn't have expected too much from them..." He mused to himself, stepping over the man and walking through the crowd as it parted like the Red Sea before him.

If nothing else, at least he'd gotten to have some fun before school decided to suck the fun out of everything....

Edelin Zemlja
The Earth has music
For those who listen

The sky was painted blue and the clouds lazily rolled by in puffs, Edelin boringly let her gaze follow them as she lay down the soft patch of green grass gently tickling her fair skin. The girl with strawberry-champagne colored hair rolled around, ennui present in her honey eyes.

What seems to be wrong, Lady Edelin?

Said a voice when she came face to face with a group of wildflower. Edelin Zemlja, the bored Earth Celestial, let out a long sigh as she used one hand to support her and sat up. "I just.. I don't know.." she paused to collect her thoughts, "The other celestials have already bounded with their chosen wielders and yet... I still haven't seen anyone worthy of wielding me." she finished with a dramatic sad smile.

Do not worry, fair Edelin! You will find your wielder soon.

The celestial instantly beamed up upon hearing her friend's uplifting words. "I thank you, wildflower. Your words never fail to cheer me up." the flowers seemed to bend into a bow upon hearing her words of gratitude. Edelin found hope spring into her chest, she was once again delighted. The fair beauty extended her arm and put out a dainty finger for a bird to perch on it. It chirped and more of its flock started to gather around her. The birds started chirping in tune and they urged her to sing with them. She giggled with glee and began to sing a song. She put her heart and thought into the song as if she's reaching out to the one who is fated to wield her.

fIora fIora


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mood: Bored
location: Outside the dorm room
Interaction: Childish Delinqents-"dunbasses", ???-"Ohhh, fun girl", Wonderful Weilder-"Damnit Kit"
[div class="background"]
Tenga had been flying around the campus for a while, although a while didn't seem like the way he wanted to think about it, having had been flying by most of the sleeping student's dorm windows, and peeped on the few who left theirs open. In particular he checked on his wielder, seeing him laying down with his tail drooped off the bed, only hoping he wouldn't hear him he flew in the window, and sat down...time was suddenly lost and Tenga ended up stared at him for what seemed like an hour.
Suddenly his wings sprouted out further than before, and he zoomed out the room, upon hearing the footsteps of the dorm manager, recently learning of the fact that she could see through walls, whatever hybrid mess of creatures she was.

A few hours later is when the action actually started, Tenga had been zooming by, with someone particularly lacking their normal furball appearance, he'd just caught the end of the "villains" monologue, and chuckled noticing his young companions dazing off into space.

"...and so, you little piece of shit, after your little stunt, I decided to come down here and teach you your lesson, and it's gonna be much worse than the tiny little things you think are so funny." Although he wanted to intervene, albeit only to give his recently Wilder an entertaining fight he spotted a much better victim further on. "You my friend are gonna be fun".
[/div][div class="background2"]Tenga Vemre[/div][/div]
code // just-peachy
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Addy pushed open the door of the dorm house, then ran to the stairs, mounting them two at a time. When she got to the second floor, she slowed to a walk and made her way to her dorm. After quickly unlocking the plain wooden door, she hurried to the bathroom, stripping off her sweaty shirt and leggings and jumping into the freezing cold stream of water emmiting from the shower head. After scrubbing her body down, she got out and threw on a blue sweater coupled with a black skirt.

You have twenty minutes. Why must you rush? Addy shrugged as Voda's voice echoed through her head. "I like it," she answered aloud. Addy could feel Voda's disapproval ring through her mind, but shrugged it off. "It's the first day of school! I need to shake off my adrenaline," she said. Voda gave a resigned huff, then muttered to Addy. I can feel the others nearby. The wielder rolled her eyes. "You really hate the other Celestials," she remarked. Voda withdrew, a slight hint if anger touching Addy's consciousness.

Addy had gotten to the school campus early. Glancing around, she took in the topiaries in the courtyard. Scattered students sat at tables, reading or talking on phones. Addy took a seat at a table, shifting uncomfortably as the wood beneath her creaked. She slid her duffel bag from her arm, then unzipped a pocket. A small cloth fell out, along with a pouch. Addy laid the blue-green striped material across the tabletop, the poured the contents of the pouch on it.

Almost immediately, a girl appeared in front of her. "Are you the one?" she asked tentatively. Addy looked up, studying the girl, before nodding. She took a seat in front of the wielder. Addy held a hand out. "Pay up," she said. The girl reached into her pocket, producing some crumpled bills. "This is all I have, but I can give you the rest later..." she said. Addy frowned slightly. "I'm sorry, but I need it now," she said, not too unkindly. The girl slumped, then took out a golden bracelet from her pocket. "Will this do?"

Three dice lay on a blue strip of cloth, displaying a heart, one dot, and six dots. Addy looked at them, her brow furrowed. The girl in front of her looked equally as confused. Silently, Addy asked Voda for help. You know what the heart means. Look at the one and six. What is the difference? Voda prodded her. Addy looked again. After a silent moment, Addy met eyes with the girl. "You have a hard life, no?" she asked. The girl nodded. "Well, you will be glad to know that it drastically changes. You will meet somebody, soon.. and then your life will be different. But tread with caution. Do not take my words as the only truth. I see only one path at a time, so make choices carefully, and follow your instinct." With that, the girl left Addy to her thoughts.​



a person who claims or is believed to have magic powers; a wizard.
. D O V E . D O V E

Aaron Bluhan Shuuya

The train lurched forwards, and stopped suddenly. Aaron almost fell on the floor of the train, but stopped himself with his boots. Standing up, he reached for his bag, and headed to the front of the train, and got off. He stepped onto the pavement, taking in the fresh air and the nature around him. It was one of his favourite parts of life; the refreshing breaks from society. Stepping through the golden gates of the Academy, he made his way to the main building to get signed up.

After a frustrating 15 minutes of trying to prove that he was really Aaron (and it wasn't that difficult, no one else had grey hair), he finally got his ID card. Pulling out his phone and checking the time, he decided to go for a stroll along the main courtyard, which was rumored to be gigantic and beautiful - but Aaron had never expected this. There were lush trees and colourful flora all around him when he stepped through the cobblestone steps. Aaron strolled through the courtyard, suitcase bumping up and down behind him.

While he was admiring the scenery around him, he suddenly saw a bright green flower. It radiated with a greenish glow, but had velvety white petals and stamen as yellow as the sun. He sauntered towards the flower, encapsulated by it's beauty. He reached down, and stared at the flower. Reaching his finger out, and touching him, suddenly a green mist came out...

code by pasta pasta
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[div style="font-size:30px;margin-left:420px;margin-bottom:-25px;color:#4d4d4d;"]Daedalus Tamno[/div]

It was a fine day. A normal day. A normal, boring- oh. Oh no, what was this? Zella was up way, way too early. From their view within their talisman- which wasn't quite sight, but something nearly there -Dallas could see that their wielder was getting dressed. Again, way too early. Was there something happening today that they forgot about?

Oh. Oh yeah, right. School was a thing that normal, mortal, humans went to. And though the summer break felt eternal to Daedalus, largely thanks to the fact that they had only met their wielder recently, they really wanted it not to end. Or maybe they did. They would definitely have many more an opportunity to interact with people this way. You know what? No, school was fine, Dallas had decided. And since this was an opportunity to meet new people, they weren't about to wait around for Zella to start talking to people, if they planned on it at all.

Taking shape outside of their talisman, Dallas looked almost like a child in a candy store. Well, for a moment. Then they realized, or rather remembered and realized at the same time, that their form was usually a few years older in appearance than these humans, so they were quick to fix that problem, which they were sure looked like a glitch in the matrix to anyone looking close enough. Not to mention that they were instantly bombarded with so many feelings. God, humans felt, like, a lot. It took them a minute or two of awkwardly standing in the middle of everything to adjust to this. Then, once they had, they decided it was time to talk.

And one person in particular captured their attention. Spotting a girl leaving another, after an exchange of currency and- ooh, those were dice. Weird dice too. Not exactly the usual tarrot cards, but fascinating enough. Daedalus practically sauntered over, sliding into the seat opposite of Adelaide. "You read fortunes, futures?" They chirped, intrigued. Laying their hands flat on the table, they leaned a little closer, eyes wide with a bright grin. "Read mine! If you would, not that you have to- you have free will, after all. And I don't exactly have money but I'm sure I could find some other way to pay you back."

TheEndlessRain TheEndlessRain hostage hostage

I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars

coded by e d e n
Ranell watched the people around with only a passing interest, he was getting bored. "Okay... who do we have here." He took another look at the crowd making mental notes. Over at that table, there seems to be a drug deal going on... no wait, some kind of psychic reading it seems. He shifted his gaze to the right, spotting a shorter man with grey hair, possibly a professor. Nope that's a student. That must be some flower. Turning his gaze toward the outskirts of campus, the glare of the sun shining off a few windows, but that sunshine was a lie. Ranell watched as passing students pulled their coats tighter, their hoods up. Ranell never really found himself getting cold, his own jacket was mostly to look cool and partly for extra pockets. His searching eyes fell on a red-headed girl, seemingly dressed for warmer weather. She looks down, I could try to cheer her up. His thoughts where interrupted by the whizzing sound of wheels behind him. Skaters, they're almost as bad as the people who ride their bikes around campus. One of these days, someone is getting clotheslined.

I guess I have three options really. I could check out that table, not that I really believe in fortune telling, but I'll be in a crowd. I could also approach the grey-haired boy, maybe he has something to offer. At the very least, I'll find out what's up with that flower. Then there's the girl, she is rather pretty. Talking to her may be the most rewarding action, or maybe least so. OR! I can do all three; I go and talk to the girl, guide her over to the boy, comment on his flower. Then I can get both of them to the table! Then, not only will I be in the crowd, but I would have brought two people with me. So anyone they brought into their own orbit, would therefore be brought into mine. This is what I'll do. He started to move in the direction of the redhead, but was still distracted by the wheels of the skateboard. This has to be done. Using the front camera of his phone to time it right, Ranell stepped directly into the path of the skater, making sure there wasn't enough time for them to stop or swerve. Even if we don't draw a crowd, there will be one less skateboard zooming around campus.

Emmi Emmi

Ali Zrak

Being one of the few Celestials who hasn't encountered their wielder yet, the bored Air Celestial had decided to bunker down on one of the ledges of the collage building. Ali was in no rush to go looking for his wielder, and he was sure they would find each other eventually due to some destiny or whatever so in the meantime he decided to follow the other Celestials to the campus. Less of it because there was a chance his wielder would be there, and more so because he wanted to mess with his dear ol' friends. On his lap was a basket full of brightly colored water balloons just waiting to be thrown. The only problem was that he wasn't quite sure who to target.
Ali sighed, kicking his legs as he leaned forward hugging the basket. He could sense that there were others near, he just wanted to hurry up and see everyone already. Surveying the area, he had managed to see a crowd of people parting for one person specifically. They weren't a celestial, but it might be fun to press their temper with a water balloon dropped on their head. Hopping off his perch, Ali glided down unseen by the other mortals heading inside. It hadn't even occurred to the Air Celes that the person he had decided to trail after was the wielder of another Celestial, he just thought they would be fun to play with while he waited for more targets.
Interactions: N/A (unless stalking counts)
Mentions: Kit ( One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost )
Sova Svetlo

Morning had come, and the golden light of the sun slowly began to leak through the curtains of Sova's dorm room. The light filled every corner as it rose, and warmed her fair skin gently shaking her to consciousness. Long, dark lashes lazily seperated to open, and the frosted blue of the eyes squinted in the bright light. The first day of a new semester was always the most exciting. A new start, new faces, maybe new friends. Sova sat up in her bed, long white hair draped over her back, the ends sprawled on the sheets she sat on. The Celestial rubbed the fatigue from their eyes and with a quick intake of hair, moved to stand up out of bed with a nice stretch.

Looking around the room, Sova noticed two cups and saucers left on the table. 'Oh, I forgot,' they thought. The long white wisps of hair trailed along behind her as she walked to the cups and picked them up lightly. The previous night, Sova had a visitor from another room just down the hall. She was going through some trouble and came to Sova seeking advice. The Celestial (posing as another normal girl) had invited her for tea and a talk before bed to help unnerve the fellow classmate.

The two cups were placed in the sink of the dorm room's kitchenette to be washed later. Wasting no more time, Sova had moved on to getting ready. She threw on some layered clothing to keep warm, an off-white skirt with black tights underneath, an olive green crew neck sweater, and a cream colored, knitted cardigan on top with a pair of knee-length boots. Sova waltzed to the mirror by her door, and smiled, taking her long hair and braiding it into two sweet braids on either side of her head. "Good to go," she whispered with a nod, and opened the door to leave.

'Oh wait...' Sova had almost forgotten. Turning on her heels she walked back to her dresser and picked up a pair of round, metal-framed glasses before placing them on her face, 'There we go!' Sova once again went for the door, picking up her bag on the way out. She slung the messenger bag across her chest, the strap nestled between her developed bosom, as she made her way out of the dormitories and to the school.

Sova had not been here long, perhaps only arrived about 3 weeks ago along with other girls that came from afar. Actually Sova didnt really want to attend the college or stay in the dorms, the Celestial didnt linger in the mortal plane very often, only when needed. This time Sova decided they wanted to experience humans a little more upclose than usual, and made a decision on a whim to live amongst humans. Besides, Sova had already chosen her wielder, and knew she was going to attend this school, what better way to bond?

"I hope shes coming afterall," Sova mumbled. The school was large and packed with new students roaming around the campus. Azure eyes looked up in wonder, "Human architecture is really strange," she observed. Looking back down at the students, the Celestial took a moment to observe and practice human adolescent behavior. 'What are these devices everyone seems to be infatuated with,' she blinked and moved into the crowd for a closer look. Most of the students she passed by had their eyes glued to a small screen in their hands and stirred confusion in Sova's mind, 'I really should have spent more time here in the past,' she sighed, 'Im sure the others arent as behind as I am...'


Alexa immediately noticed a boy step in front of her. She had no time to swerve or stop. So, she did what any plausible skateboarder would do. She kickflips. She jumps over the dude, and once she's fallen back down, her feet lands on her skateboard, still rolling on the grass of the campus. She turns around, and gives the guy a good ol' flip off with her good ol' middle finger.

"YOU COULD'VE MADE ME FALL, ASSHOLE!" She shouted at him.


"OOF!" She felt herself hit something soft and bony. "GAHHH!" She yelled, falling on top of whatever she hit. She closed her eyes, bracing herself for the impact. She felt herself land on something soft and a bit squishy. She slowly opened her eyes, and noticed herself on top of a boy who has hazelnut eyes and grayish white hair. She paused, analyzing the situation she's in.

Fuck you, random bystander who was in the middle of my way.

Mentioned: A Angelus || Interacting With: One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost
Ciana woke up and blinked once, twice, at the ceiling, bleary. What . . . where . . . she was tired. She knew it had been a bad decision to get up at the crack of dawn this morning, but in her defense, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn were aligned in the sky and how could she miss a view like that? So she'd woken up at four, and taken as many pictures as she could capture. The tech on that camera was magical: she'd once gotten a close-up of the moon's craters on a cloudless night. And she had a feeling her Celestial would have liked it too; the marking on her hand seemed to pulse, once, when she'd gotten a really good shot. But an hour later, exhausted, she'd flopped back into bed, and now . . .

Oh. Oh shoot, school. Ciana threw herself out of the blankets, grabbing a black shirt and a pair of pants. The all black made her look like a techie during rehearsals, but there was really no time to worry about that. In the bathroom, she splashed some water on her face, brushed her teeth and wrapped her hair in a hasty ponytail, when her hairtie snapped against her wrist with a twang. Ciana sighed. It wasn't the first time this had happened, but now? Of all times? She was just lucky she always kept a stash of extra hairties in the top right drawer. Ciana grabbed one, wrapped it around her hair, and took a cursory glance in the mirror. Not perfect, but it would do. She rushed out the door and slung her backpack over her shoulder, thanking every star she'd had the foresight to pack it earlier. Then she rushed out to the campus entrance, and headed into the crowd.

Right, First thing on this list was language and spell creation, in C291, but she wasn't sure how she'd get there when this many other people were all headed to their own orientations and classes. It was like a flood of people, a river rushing into classroom doors. But Ciana knew how to get through a crowd. She made her way around the other students, searching for a clearing, when she saw what looked like a commotion in the making: a skateboard overturned, a girl, glaring at no one, tumbled on top of someone, and another guy who stood in in front of them looking at the whole thing. He seemed almost smug, but that would be really rude, and anyway it wasn't important. What mattered was that this might be disaster brewing, and with the power in the air . . . it would be best to head it off before it begun, if she could. Ciana stepped in and stuck out her hand to the fallen girl. "Hey, what happened?"

Emmi Emmi , One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost , A Angelus


Kit had felt like someone, or something, was following him. He paid it no mind at first, but when he heard the sound of a skateboard closing in rapidly behind him, he turned in time to see someone careening towards him and paying no attention.


He braced himself as best he could before he felt the impact, knocking him off his feet as he hit the ground, but, thanks to his martial arts training, he kept his chin tucked so he wouldn't smack his head on the ground when he landed. Blinking as he tried to process the impact, he found himself looking up at someone that smelled distinctly feminine, at least to Kit's sensitive nose.

"Hey... You alright?" Kit asked, slowly sitting up despite the weight of the girl on top of him. Clearly he had a strong core to sit up even with weight on him like that. Of course, that ultimately put the aforementioned girl onto his lap instead of laying on him. Perhaps a slight improvement, maybe....

Catching motion out of the corner of his eye, he noticed another girl trying to tend to the one that had slammed into him. Yes, Kit was fine, thanks for asking... Oh well, that wasn't important. The girl had crashed into him pretty hard, so for now he'd focus on being sure she wasn't hurt before he worried about himself. After all, he was a tough ball of floof. It would take a lot more than a little lady plowing into him to really cause him any lasting injury.

[class name=bodytext]font-size:10px; color:grey; line-height:12px;[/class][class name=heading]color:white; font-size:25px;xt-style:bold;[/class] [class name=yeoone]color:transparent; height:288px; transition-duration:0.8s; z-index:-1; font-size:11px; text-align:center; padding:0px;[/class] [class name=yeoone state=hover] background-color:rgba(198,196,195, 0.4); text-align:center; padding:0px; font-size:11px; color:#fff;[/class] [class name=background]background-color:#fff; height:185px; margin-left:160px; position:relative; bottom:190px; width:210px; padding:0px; color:#A3A1A0; font-size:11px; line-height:10px; text-align:justify; overflow:hidden;[/class] [class name=background2]background-color:pink; margin-left:150px; position:relative; bottom:435px; width:180px; padding:10px; color:#FFF; font-size:30px; text-shadow:4px 4px 7px #A3A1A0; line-height:30px;[/class]
[div class="yeoone"]
mood: Meschivious
location: Rushing towards a small teenage girl
Interaction: Klare-"I believe you wanted to say yes."
Wonderful Weilder-"Damnit Kit"
Innocent Puppy/Air Celestial-"Noooo!!! Stupid water balloon" (Mentioned only)
truthofself truthofself One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost
[div class="background"]
'How about a duel?' 'Demoncest??' 'Mwahaha'
Through actions brought on from a single thought, Tenga found himself ecstatic, overwhelmed with the implications of his findings, a worthy opponent, and one of the demonic kind. He rushed downwards towards her, quickly soaring through a rushing crowd of people with ease, directly inserting himself into the doorway"So, I believe that boy over there, wished to fight you!"his finger scanned the mess that littered the campus and ended up landing upon what could've been any dozen of people, although the panicked girl that had fallen on top of him should've made it obvious enough. His wielder, one that had recently been blindly causing trouble and doing the "gods work" needed to be punished somehow, and a smackdown from a demon would be a wonderful way of delivering that punishment.

"And don't be too quick to say no, I'm sure it'll be a fun experience and you may even win a prize!" Tenga had seen the fight through his mind, more graphic than he wanted to admit, all he could do is hope the girl would be as aggressive as the boys were.

If so, first a claw swipe would indicate the start of a fight, and an unwelcome warning at that, Ki'tavi not even concerned with the safety of the challenged...some weird blast of fire would erupt from the girl, it would likely miss thanks to cat-like reflexes, but strong enough to sear the ground. In case of some issues, with the outer crowd, Tenga had figured it would be best to simply transition the scenery to a more appropriate background, one not interrupted by any stray young minds or instant teachers. The fight would continue on, sort of magical clashing and visual effects that could only exist in a child's mind would flash across the sky, and that would only be the beginning...after he had finished borderline drooling about the potential fight, he was only more empowered by the chance of making it happen.

"So you know what to do, let's go!"

Tenga however, had been completely unaware of the looming presence watching over his shoulder, one of such insignifigant power in the current situation...one who could set his whole vision on fire, or rather drown it in water.
[/div][div class="background2"]Tenga Vemre[/div][/div]
code // just-peachy
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LOCATION:: Dorms - Main Campus || INTERACTIONS:: N/A unless stalking others who are also stalking others doing things count

Light from peeked through the blinds flashing in the raven-haired boy's eyes to cue his awakening. Shu, hailing from the cold north of Maine, arrived on campus the day prior to be sure he wasn't late today. He always awoke in the early morning to give himself some time to prepare for his day and reflect. His morning routine usually started with rising from bed and stretching his muscles. He had a habit of rolling around in his sleep and resting in uncomfortable positions. After a good back crack, he would take a long hot shower that ended with brisk cold water in the washroom. Considering he prefers to sleep as close to naked as possible he would just walk down the hall in just his shorts. After about thirty minutes of loud scream-singing in the shower and almost falling from dancing to his music he continued with the rest of his morning rituals; brushing his teeth, doing his hair, and getting an outfit together in his room. Despite it being fall the weather was quite nice to him, meaning he was wearing grey skinny sweats and a blue tee with a pair of sneakers. He figured today would be the day he met his 'other half' as he called it so he should look like he wasn't a complete weirdo.

All set. He checked himself out in his full-length mirror that sat nicely on the wall next to his desk. Satisfied with his appearance he took hold of his camera of the day, placing it around his neck for easy access, and his backpack filled with a notebook, sketchpad, a few art and school supplies and his laptop. It was about time that everyone would begin their journey to the campus so he decided he better hurry out the door if he wanted a good look at the scene. Good thing he can teleport there instantly.

A portal opened behind a tree in a semi-secluded area near the entrance and that was where Shu stepped out from. The campus was bustling with life as students conversed with one another, swapping schedules and making acquaintances. In the eyes of an artist such as himself, he thought the sight was a wonderful scene to be captured. He found a suitable spot near a group of people having what appears to be a 'lively conversation'. Flash. Flash. The bright flash on his camera definitely exposed himself to the group but he didn't particularly care since there was nothing they could do against him. He took a few more photos of the scene at different angles to capture the natural looks of 'human life'.
Ranell was ready for impact, but instead felt a rush of air over his head. His eyes followed her path over his head. That was actually pretty impressive. His original plan had called for her running him over, but now he will just have to make do. He returned his attention to the girl, now shouting profanities at him, not paying attention to where she was going. He grimaced and made the move to try and warn her of the other pedestrian her way but it was too late, she had already slammed into him. He watched as they fell over each other. Ouch. Before he could do anything further, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. A lady had run up to them and was attending to the fallen girl. Just then a boy was getting up.

She seems to have everyone's attention, that's promising.

Though he could have sworn that other girl shot him a look of some kind, he figured he needed to do something.

"Oh shit, damn..." he rushed over to them, he typically soft accent getting thicker. "I am so sorry...fuck! I just spaced and wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. Are you okay?"

He'd offer his hand if she was not already being helped up. He did feel kind of bad, letting his impulsiveness get the best of him, causing someone, two someones really, to get needlessly hurt.

Should have just stuck with plan A. Why am like this?

"If there is anyway I can make it up to you, both of you, please let me know."

He looked at each of them in turn and was about to say more when he was cut off by the flash of a camera. He turned to catch the perpetrator, a raven haired man in a tree.
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Edelin Zemlja
The Earth has power
For those who obey

The sound of light footsteps approaching did not fail to alarm the female celestial and her companions as they immediately stopped singing merrily together. The birds bid farewell before flying off into the distance while the trees softly whispered that a boy with silvery hair is inching deeper into the woods. Edelin's honey-colored eyes immediately glimmered with glee and her optimism got the best of her.

Of course, necessary precaution should be implemented before she starts assuming things. She needs a test of character, a proof that this boy is worthy of harnessing the power of Earth and wielding Edelin Zemlja. It would simply be terrible if she makes poor decision of appearing right in front of an unworthy man. So with a snap of her delicate fingers, a green haze enveloped the ground making it swell and an exquisite rose sprang up. Magic embraced the rose so that the chosen one with her marking is the only one who can see and touch it.

Edelin remained unseen even when the boy with silver hair entered her sight. It didn't take awhile for the stranger to notice the rose which was radiating a greenish hue. A triumphant smile crept its way to the celestial's rosy lips when the boy reached out for the flower.

A great mist of green engulfed the rose. Slowly, a figure of a woman with strawberry-champagne hair and antlers sticking out of it dressed in nothing but the vines and roses crawling on her body materialized. The mist cleared out although the woman remained to glow in green and brown. and the celestial of earth revealed herself to the marked one with a sugary smile.

"Greetings, mortal! I am Edelin Zemlja, the Earth celestial!" she extended her arms to the side and the flowers, trees and wild plants seemingly bowed to her and birds encircled the celestial and her future wielder. "You who have been chosen by the earth shall bind with me so that I can give you the power beyond imaginable!" slowly, she reached out to the future wielder with a dazzling smile.

fIora fIora

Sova Svetlo

The Celestial continued to watch the humans from afar. Observing their habits, interactions, and even down to their fashion style of choice. Sova looked down at her own clothing, she played it safe and kept it simple to blend in. The number of people grew as the time drew closer to the beginning of class and when she looked to her right there was a semi circle of people forming when she looked past the crowd. With innocent curiosity, Sova thought it would be beneficial to take a quick look. As the Celestial grew closer, they spotted a familiar face, a girl with long black hair tied into a tail, and a black shirt was with in that crowd. Sova gasped and a small smile lit up her face, "Ms. Bianchi," her sweet voice called out over the chatter of students around them. When her wielder never turned, Sova pouted, complete with a scrunched nose and squinted blue eyes. Guess she'll just have to approach her.

"Excuse me."
"May I just...um, move past you?"
"Oh forgive me."

Slipping through the hustle and bustle was a little harder than it looked but Sova managed. She may have stepped on a few toes, or accidentally nudged a few bodies but she got through it. "Oof! Finally," she sighed, fixing her hair and skirt after being squished between everyone. There was a clear line of direction from Sova to Ciana, and the Celestial took advantage at the brief brake of passerbys by running over, "Ms. Bianchi," she called again, waving. When she caught up, she stopped right behind the girl and tapped her on the shoulder,"Ms. Bianchi I've been waiting for you~,"her voice was as soft and sweet as a marshmallow melted over hot coa coa, and the pink-lipped smile on her fair face mimicked the soft radiance of star's glow. Her white hair beamed with the same light too, long, somewhat wavy, and lightly caught the breeze every now and then. SHe wasnt even sure if Ciana was going to remember Sova, the last timeshe remembered encountering the wielder was the day Sova had bonded to her. She even kept the same appearance so that she may be recognized, white hair and all. Azure eyes scanned those around her, after Ciana had helped up a fellow student from the ground. "Oh," she was going to ask if the girl was okay, when she spotted the skateboard a few feet away from where she had fallen. Come to think of it, Sova did see her with that thing, zipping around and through people commuting to class like it was second nature. The Celestial wandered over and stopped right over the bored, looking at it curiously. Her head tilted to one side like a confused puppy, and her big, doe eyes blinked,'What is this thing....' Judging by her memory of mystery girl standing on it, she concluded it must be some mode of transportation. Sova had a hard time understanding what cars were a while back, and the purpose is slightly similar yet the appearances between the two displayed some differences. 'Wheres the motor that makes it move?' She picked it up gently with both hands to get a closer look, and even raised it slightly above eye-level in search of an engine of some sort, "How peculiar..."

Flash. Flash.

Sova put the board down at chest level, distracted by the sudden light. Her blue gaze spotted a young male in a tree with a box-shaped thing at his eye,'What is that contraption?' Her attention moved from the camera to the boy behind the lens and she smiled,'I'll have to ask him later.'

Quickly turning, Sova returned to the ground with the four-wheeled board in her hands,"Was this yours?" she asked her.

S Stardreamer Emmi Emmi W A N D E R L U S T W A N D E R L U S T (sorta)
Mentioned: A Angelus One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost
Ciana helped the girl up to her feet, and onto steady ground. She glanced at the other guy, too, but he was already sitting up and, although a bit disgruntled, he looked fine. The third guy in the mix was already apologizing, and Ciana stepped back, deciding that any immediate problems were solved. She might have left then, if not for someone tapping her on the back. Caught off guard, she nearly jumped a foot in the air. She whirled around to see whoever was behind her, and her eyes landed on a girl who looked- radiant. That was the only word for it. Yes, she knew that sounded gay, but it was true. The girl's white hair and pale-pink lips seemed to glow despite the cloudy skies, and for a moment Ciana did nothing but stare.

"Ms. Bianchi? I've been waiting for you~"

The girl's voice, soft and sweet and strangely familiar, shook her out of her stupor, and she pointed as if to say, Me? But she didn't think there were too many other Bianchis in the area, so she swallowed the sudden lump in her throat and said, "I'm Ciana Bianchi, miss."

She seemed to be figuring out the situation, and Ciana hoped the other girl would see something she'd missed. No one seemed about to fight, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was up. Maybe it was the redhead over there who looked like she was staring, or-

Flash. Flash.

That was a camera flash. It had to be, and although she usually used reflectors when shooting people on overcast days, she figured it would be too big for pictures here. The on-camera flash would at least add some light, although she did not envy this photographer their work in Photoshop later. The real problem was that people weren't supposed to take pictures of subjects without them knowing. It wasn't illegal, but it wasn't proper practice either, especially when they wouldn't know what their photos would be used for. She wasn't about to bring it up and start a fight, but she didn't have to be happy about it.

"You should get down from there," she called, and left it at that. It was a vague reminder at best, but hopefully it would trigger some memory of some art teacher. Then, she turned back to the other girl,. Ciana didn't know the white-haired girl's name, but she felt like she should, at least. Somewhere . . . unthinking, her hand rubbed over the Mark, and that's when it clicked. Her eyes widened, and she glanced at the back of her hand, then the other girl, then her hand again. Could it be? Was that them, Sova Svetlo, Celestial of Light?

No, not possible- but it made so much sense. The glow in their hair, the way they'd stepped forward, the familiarity- this was the best explanation. Wait, but she'd have to ask about pronouns; they'd used they/them before, but non-binary people switched sometimes and she really didn't want to misgender them. She looked back up at her Celestial, who was talking to the skateboarder and smiling and- oh, shoot. Mentally, Ciana groaned. Why'd they have to be cute?

Fluffy-Kat Fluffy-Kat , W A N D E R L U S T W A N D E R L U S T
mentioned: truthofself truthofself
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a person who claims or is believed to have magic powers; a wizard.​

Aaron Bluhan Shuuya

Aaron's finger tingled when it made contact with the petal, and a green fog suddenly bursted out of the flower. Suddenly standing in front of him was a majestic looking woman with beautiful features. Her hair flowed in the wind, and her body was wrapped with vines and flowers.

Aaron's body weigh shifted, and he fell backwards. "Oh my god! Who are you?" He screamed, shock taking over his senses. To others he looked like he was speaking to nobody, but to Aaron, he had no idea what was happening. He couldn't understand why this was happening, and he was confused. As the celestial said her name, Aaron wondered, Edelin Zemlja? What? Earth Celestial? What was she talking about?

As the birds flew down and Edelin reached out, Aaron was slowly backing away. He wasn't ready for this, especially not on the first day of a new school year.

code by pasta pasta ugh i spent so long on this my head hurts

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