Celestial Academy

  • Supernatural Form:




    Sexual Orientation




    Powers/Abilities (Three powers or Abilities that the species of your character has)

    Personality (A paragraph, doesn't have to be very detailed)

    Background (Optional in case you want to save it for later)




    *Note - If you want your character to be apart of the Arcana tell me by PM


  • Kieran Deveraux

    "I've tried to re-write fate many times"





    Sexual Orientation









    Fire Manipulation

    Light Manipulation

    Enhanced Healing


    Kieran is generally a stranger to most and only a friend to some - though most likely he won't even see them as a friend. He's mostly quiet about himself and only tends to keep to himself. He beguiles people to believe that he may be having a good time or may enjoy talking to them when in actual fact he's a really good liar at these kind of things. He's more of a recluse than anything and hates being around people for too long. He can play a charismatic character with a magnetic personality but in reality if you were to ever talk to him he would be extremely dry, witty and pessimistic - most likely because of his lack of interaction with most people.


    • Red

    • The Sun

    • Sleeping

    • Being alone

    • Learning about the world


    • Ignorant People

    • People who ask too many questions

    • Darkness

    • Loud Places

    •Cold Weather


    • Has a pet kitten

    • Is usually seen napping in the school gardens​


  • Name: Yura Nyogumii

    "If the moon could feel pain, then the sun will too"


    Nickname(s): Monochrome

    Age: 16

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Gender: Female

    Looks: Pic

    Species: Eccrine

    Powers/Abilities: Fly at great speed and height, Shadow Manipulation, Can heal self and others

    Personality: Yura is very dull and boring. Her face is expressionless and you can never tell what she's thinking. Unless you're very close to her, you'll know what happened in her past. Yura can be random without emotion. She tends to hang around with many different people.

    Background: This was a mental disorder caused by her father, who abused her at the age of 6. She cannot smile or look sad or even shed a tear. The disorder will be stuck with her till death. As an eccrine, Yura ran away from home and lived on the streets for awhile. She later on met a friend and decided to stay with her as a roommate.

    Likes: Cute things, Music, Sweets, Black

    Dislikes: Horror movies, Bullying, Cavities

    Other: ???

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  • Name

    Wukong Sun

    "Yeah so what."





    Sexual Orientation







    This generations monkey king (Sun Wukong)

    Powers/Abilities (Three powers or Abilities that the species of your character has)

    Sun Wukong possesses an immense amount of strength; he is able to lift his 13,500 j?n (7,960 kilograms (17,550 lb)) staff(Ruyi Jingu Bang) with ease. He is also extremely fast, able to travel 108,000 li (54,000 kilometres (34,000 mi)) in one somersault. Also, each of his hairs possess magical properties, capable of being transformed into clones of the Monkey King himself, and/or into various weapons, animals, and other objects.

    Personality (A paragraph, doesn't have to be very detailed)

    Sun shows himself to be fun-loving and mischievous which very much fits his role as the monkey king. He has a lot of self-confidence, referring to himself as a "great king." In conversation, Sun is very laid-back and casual. He is also kind and patient. He is not afraid to give his opinion and has a dislike for those who regard themselves as "holier than thou," or who "use force to get whatever they want". Sun also seems to be willing to help others, regardless of whether he is asked or not, even if he barely knows them he will go out of his way to help them.


    • Messing about
    • Being mischievous
    • Showing off
    • banana's(hey he is a monkey after all)
    • sleeping
    • learning new things


    • People who think they are better than everyone else
    • people who use force to get what they want
    • bullies
    • being woken up
    • Having his tail pulled
    • Being cold


    His favorite color is yellow.

    (I'm making a human when I can.)

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  • 0450d27133a05395bd521deecffea678.png

    Kaine Guillaume Ulysses


    Kai | Teddy | Sloth


    Seventeen (17)

    Sexual Orientation

    Demi-sexual | Pan-romantic




    Messy, dark-chocolate brown bed hair with long bangs covering his eyes slightly. His eyes are the same color as his hair and he has bad eyesight so he wears black-rimmed glasses with thick lenses. He has creamy tan skin with scars, burn marks, and many other past markings. He possesses a thin built due to his fast metabolism which makes him get easily hungry constantly. He rarely expresses any facial expression and keeps a stolid look but occasionally can show a small sign of emotions on his face if food is involved. He stands at 5'11" and weights only 120 pounds.


    Very laid-back and seems to show little to no care at all for things but that's only what people see on the outside. When he's with those he can trust and accept him for who he is, he can be very caring and friendly. He is willing to lend a hand for those in need, if in return, they repay with food,


    even without food, he would still help. He can be lazy at times but will make an effort to move if told to with reasons.


    Kaine was born in a nice family with two younger siblings -- male and female -- with his grandmother crashing with them. It used to be only them until they found a bundle lying in his mother's garden. A baby was there crying wrapped in thin fabric as his mother took the baby as her own, finding pity for the poor child to be abandon by their family.

    The weird part though was that, the child had unique features. The baby had extraordinary beauty and her ears were exactly like a deer's ear. Her hair was light blue and her eyes were a bright yellow hue like gold. She was something special and though they were not related by blood, he took it as his duty to protect her along with his other younger siblings. He had faced many problems after taking in the baby but it helped him grow and become stronger to protect those he cherish.

    More will be told through roleplaying.



    Wine Red


    The color I'll use for him


    ? Food, lots of food

    ? Tranquility







    Those who bother with those he hold dear


    He always has a backpack full of junk food and other snacks to keep him happy. He also has an emergency supply in another bag he placed in his locker (if there are lockers but if not, in the nurse's office)


  • Appereance:




    Nickname(s): N/A

    Age: 17

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Gender: Male

    Species: Half Elf


    Enhanced senses

    Nature manipulation(being able to use the nature around him either it is defensive or offensively)

    Enhanced physical resistance (He almost never gets tired due to physical labor such as running, fighting, holding weight)


    He’s kind and easygoing with people, tends to be nice and friendly to everyone, always smiling and laughing, but few know this is just a mask of him and that there is much more to him than what meets the eye. There’s few people he actually considers as a friend and he only shows himself as he is to them.

    In truth behind this mask he’s a quiet person, and usually tries to stay away from big crowds because they make him uncomfortable, he’s cold but shows awkward caring for the people close to him, he also tends to be weird in certain comments and likes, but all these he keeps hidden to everyone who’s not a close friend.

    He often looks for quiet and isolated places for him to be, since he considers tiring the act he puts on every time he’s with others, and isolation is one of the easiest ways to be himself.


    He was born due to her mother having an affair, the guy being an elf who seduced her through his powers and then left her behing when she became pregnant, this caused both his parents to hate him. Due to this through his childhood his family was an abusive one, with an alcoholic and abusive father, and a mother who hated him, due to this at school people tended to reject him and bully him because of the bruises and rumors of what happened at his home. At 7 he was taken away from his family by the authorities and a more gentle family adopted him, but due to what happened to him as a kid he tries to have an image everyone loves and is less likely to cause rejection.

    Through his life he had few friends, one of them being his little sister from his adoptive family, and even despite she’s only a year younger he always tries to protect her and has gotten into several incidents due to that, in those incidents they have usually been saved by nature which he unconsciously controlled to get them away from harm.

    His adoptive parents completely trust him and rely on him for most of the household chores due to their schedules being busy, he doesn’t really mind doing it since he has always felt a debt towards them for giving him a caring and good home, his family is one of the places he can always be himself.


    His favorite color is dark blue







    Noisy people


    Attention seekers

    Abusive People


    He doesn't know he is a half elf due to the situations of his births, neither does know his family or original parents.

    He doesn't know about his powers

May I join this RP? If so, this is my OC

I will be entering 2 if you don't mind


One sentence description: “Tch, baka”


Full Name: Sayomi Akuhei

Name meaning: Night-born Evil

Nickname: Sayomi- chan


Gender: Female

Place of Birth: Unknown.

Birthday: Unknown

Currently living in: Her mansion in some other dimension only she can get in.

{But it’s just a rumor. Nobody knows.}

Species/Race: Unknown.

Blood Type: Unkown.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Relationship Status: Unkown.


{ See in picture. }

Hair colour: White

Eye colour: Depends on her mood *

Distinguishing Features: Snow-white hair

Preferred Clothing: { In picture }

Accessories: Hidden weapons

Mental/Emotional State

Mental age: Teenage X Wise Scholar

Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Both


Way of speaking: Rude X Joking X Teasing

Swears?: Yes


Likes: Unkown.

Dislikes: Unknown


Strengths: Extremely powerful is what people say

Weakness: Unkown.


Agility: 8/10

Speed: 9/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Stamina: 8/10

Strenght: 7/10



Her original eye colour is green.




Colour: White

Animal: Hellhounds

Time of day: Night:


Tsundere X Kuudere


Family: None.

Love interest: Unkown.

Friends/Allies: -

Enemies: A$$holes

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

What Year of highschool your in: 1st

What kind of being you are: Unkown.

Powers/gifts: Unlimited to her imagination/ Power Creation

Likes: Unkown

Dislikes: Unknown

Personality: Tsundere X Kuudere

Appearance: { Picture above}



One sentence description: “Bow down to me, you worthless swine”


Full Name: Yami Akuhei

Name meaning: Dark Evil

Nickname: Yami-chan


Gender: Female

Place of Birth: Unknown.

Birthday: Unknown

Currently living in: Her mansion in some other dimension only she can get in.

{But it’s just a rumor. Nobody knows.}

Species/Race: Unknown.

Blood Type: Unkown.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Relationship Status: Unkown.


{ See in picture. Yami is the one in the right}

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Depends on her mood *

Distinguishing Features: Peircing eyes

Preferred Clothing: { In picture }

Accessories: Hidden weapons

Mental/Emotional State

Mental age: Teenage X Wise Scholar

Act before thinking/Think before acting?: Both


Way of speaking: Rude X Superior

Swears?: Yes


Likes: Unkown.

Dislikes: Unknown


Strengths: Extremely powerful is what people say

Weakness: Unkown.


Agility: 8/10

Speed: 9/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Stamina: 8/10

Strenght: 10/10



Tsundere X Yandere


Family: -

Love interest: -

Friends/Allies: -

Enemies: A$$holes

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil X Neutral

What Year of highschool your in: 1st year

What kind of being you are: Unkown

Powers/gifts: Limited to her imagination / Power Creation

Likes: Unkown

Dislikes: Unkown

Personality: Yandere X Tsundere

Appearance: {Picture above}

Dating/lover/crush: None

Sayomi and Yami

~The Legend of the Cursed Twins~

Once there lived two twins, they were both similar in appearance but different in a different way. Their parents had died a few years after they turned 6 so they were all alone with the huge fortune their parents left them. Two little girls facing the hard cruel world by themselves. They stuck tgether thick and thin, through the other children’s bullying. The other children would call them “ the Cursed Twins” and would run away or start throwing things at them. They asked the adults for help but they would run away with fear in their eyes. The two little girls had no idea what everyone else was talking about, they were lonely and sad.

One day, the twins were sitting under the shade of a big tree. They were having a little picnic by themselves, yet they were laughing, smiling like they hadn’t got a care in the world. Their laughter and smiles reached a nearby town, the people and children of their town followed the joyful laughter of the twins to the town the twins lived in. The people from the town the twins lived in warned the people from the other town things like “Don’t go to the laughter! It’s the cursed twins luring you in so they can eat you!”. Yet, the people of the nearby town didn’t care and kept on going. The people of the town in which the twins lived in followed the other town’s people with torches and pitch forks. After a few minutes, they reached the shady tree. The twins heard the footsteps of the people and turned to look at them, The people were stunned by the twins. “I-it’s the cursed twins!” a voice broke the silence and everyone but the twins brandished the weapon; torches, pitch forks. The twins cowered behind the tree, they were absolutely defenseless against the raging mob behind them. “Let’s go, sister,” one of the twins said and they fled to the mansion, hand in hand. They stopped as they reached the mansion, they sighed in relief as they looked back to see nothing.

“CHARGE,’ a loud voice came from behind the twins. Towns people poured out from both sides of the mansion and started charging towards the helpless twins. The twins were backed against the tall walls of the mansion, the mod was getting nearer by the second. The twins stood frozen in fear as the mod got closer and closer until both twins put their hands out and a black ball erupted from their hands. The townspeople fell back like dominoes, the twin sisters just stood there with blank looks on their faces.

Then, the twins went into the mansion and vanished from the people’s eyes while the story of the Cursed Twins spread to the ends of the world. They say that the Twins are the bringer of plagues and death and that the Twins names were Sayomi and Yami.


Blood. The metallic smell of it, the dark, thick liquid. Blood was what the Twins saw as they woke up. The broken remnants of a city with a suffocating smoke coming out of it, unmoving bodies covered in blood and dirt littering the broken streets. They stood up and looked around, this was what they had caused. The Twins looked at each other and smiled. “Job well done,” they said in unison as they walked towards the setting sun and disappear once again.
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