Catching Fire (Wolf RP)

Name: Cylia

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Personality: Cylia doesn't have friends, really. All she does is sit on a rock, under a tree, or in a large willow until she gets hungry or is asked to a challenge.


History: Cylia was almost forced to mate another wolf named Terrace. Luckily, she left his pack and found a new one. She hopes she actually finds a friend who doesn't want her for granted.
(I wanted to make a second wolf so here he is if you accept him great if not that's fine.)

Name: Igasho

gender: Male

Age: 1

Personality: He is a bit of a loner but understands they way of the pack. He is protective usually of one to two wolves. He is very open with his own opinions and hard to sway into accepting others opinions. He will challenge authority if he sees even the slightest reason for him to. He has trust issues due to his past.



History: Igasho's pack turned on him. He killed his entire pack and has been a loner since. Since he is strong and large he has managed fine for a lone wolf but inside he just wants the companionship and acceptance of a pack.
Name: Adira (means strong)

Age: 1 year 6 months

Gender: Female

Personality: Adira is very sly and sneaky. When her old pack didn't share with her she had to learn to steal. She used to be bubbly and optimistic, but when she lost her parents that smile faded away. You can always catch her ears twitching because she wants to know more. Adira is very curious. She wants to know everything to know about the world.

Looks (also descriptive, please): Adira is a white and gray wolf. Her back is mostly grayish, but her face is mostly white. There are some parts that are all white on her body. Adira's eyes are special. One is blue and one is red. However, this is quite common for wolves. She has a furry tail that is always moving around.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Adira.jpg.e5aa5a645e82faf7c5b8c647158c51d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2488" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Adira.jpg.e5aa5a645e82faf7c5b8c647158c51d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Adira wasn't always this depressed. When she was just a pup she was always happy. Then one day her father died because a hunter shot him. Then one day a snow landslide came and her mother moved on too. She was left alone. All the wolves called her a jinx because both her parents died so she has the nickname, Jinx. She learned all of the tricks of sneaking up on others, stealing without being caught, and getting into territory without being spotted. Her specialty is hearing. She can hear anything from a very far place. After she knew that she couldn't stand being with the same wolves for the rest of her life, she ran away. While running, she fell down a hill and got completely lost. She just wants to find a new family a new pack.



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(I know I'm not the creator of the roleplay, but we have way too many pups, its like the adults can't be adults. If you could edit the fact that shes so needy and young and all that stuff, it would be awesome. Lori Williams
is it way to late to join or can i jump in?? 
I'm going to sign up anyways because I have nothing better to do ^-^

Name: Dark Cloud (Cloud for short)

Age: 8

Gender: Male

Personality (descriptive, please): Quiet most of the time. He normally keeps to himself. An excellent fighter and leader.

Looks (also descriptive, please):


(Sorry for the large picture 0.0) Cloud has a large build and for his age is strong. He isn't a fast runner at all, though, but good at jumping. His eyes are caramel and his coat is lighter in the front and darker on his backside.

History: Cloud was once the Alpha of his pack. Until a bad winter passed by killed off most of is pack. It was just him and a hunter. Until, that hunter met his mate and ran off to start their pack. Cloud became a lone wolf and struggled for the next month, until he found a new territory. He would temporarily join packs, only staying for a few nights, then leaving when he realized he wasn't wanted. He travels on, thinking about his dead mate and his pups that went along with her.

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