Catching Fire (Wolf RP)


Junior Member
(sorry, I know it's a Hunger Games book title. But it means a lot to me considering it was my first ever wolf RP's name over two years ago. ANYWAY!)

Welcome to Catching Fire!

Summary: When Luna is kicked out of her old pack because of her violent and power hungry sister, she decides to take on the world as a lone wolf. Along the way she meets another fellow loner, Kane, she teams up with him on a journey to join fellow misfits and unite as one. (Does it get any cornier than that? Oh well!

:P )​

Setting: the area is made up of a small field surrounded by forest area. There is one large cave and a small den, a pond nearby and plenty of hunting ground.

Rules: Do I really have to go there?





Personality (descriptive, please):

Looks (also descriptive, please):


My Characters:

Name: Luna

Age: 2

Gender: Female

Personality (descriptive, please): Luna is feisty and full of attitude. She's unforgiving and has an extremely tough outer shell, which no one has ever seemed close to breaking yet. Luna is protective to the ones she cares and loves for, and is extremely loyal to those who have won a place in her heart. A tough fighter, her small size never proves to be a disadvantage.

Looks (also descriptive, please): Luna is all black, going against what her name suggests. She is small in comparison to the average wolf, with tiny paws. Her eyes are an icy blue, and her fur thick and full.

History: Luna was simply fed up with her sister and the way things were running in her original pack. She is a natural born leader, and she couldn't handle not being on top. After three months of scavenging, she finally met Kane. Now they're on a mission to have their own pack, and run things their way.

Name: Kane

Age: 3

Gender: Male

Personality (descriptive, please): Kane fits his looks, and is a tough wolf. He's a bit of a flirt, and has quite a big ego. He's a social butterfly, and loves to talk. But he's also extremely protective of anyone he cares about, whether they have mutual feelings or not.

Looks (also descriptive, please): Kane is a standard grey wolf, although he is a bit taller and more lean than most. His legs are long, with big paws and a pretty short coat. His eyes are a dark green and one of his ears has a small chunk missing from the tip.

History: Kane had run away from his pack before he had been declared Omega for causing trouble within the pack. He never felt right at his home and just wanted a fresh start. When he met Luna, she hesitantly let him into her life, and now they're close friends.

Woo! Let's get this started!
Name: Night

Age: 1

Gender: Female

Personality: Night is not your everyday she-wolf. In fact, despite her difference in physical speed, nobody would guess the labyrinth of confusion contained within her mind. See, she has multiple-personality disorder. Her main different swings would be:

*The Scientist: A cool, collected, intelligent intellectual. A strategist always plotting and deciphering everything around her, constantly observing and taking note of the tiniest of details. She can come off as harsh or mean, and usually focuses on logic and factual aspects. Though while in this personality, she has certain levels for compassion hidden underneath these levels of coldness.

*The Flirt: A sensual and flirty female, always sassy, smooth and charming. With the bat of an eye, while in this personality Night can make most males go weak in the knees

*The Healer: The compassionate and kind soul with a heart even more expansive then her intellect. She is willing to do whatever it takes to make others feel better, and is always prepared to listen and act based on the needs of another person. She is very forgiving as well as soft and willing to hear out everything and anything you might have to say.

*The Muscle: A brutal and terrifying fighting force, hot-headed and arrogant, always looking for a fight. While in this form, Night attacks her opponents with shear power at the flick of a paw, sometimes just simply taking things the wrong way.

*The Leader: A brave, protective and courageous hero, kind though strong, understanding though more then willing to stand up for what she believes in. While in THIS personality, Night tends to take charge and do what is best for others, with maintaining benefit for their future. Being wise and intelligent, as well as passionate and a near visionary, others seem to just go to her for whatever it is they may need, be it safety or a shoulder to lean on.

*The Inventor: As this form comes, Night becomes every excited and eccentric. She is hyper, funny, expressive, and smart. She loves tinkering with any objects she can find, be it twigs and rocks or leaves and grass. Always bright and vibrant, she will lighten up your day with her speed and swift wit.


History: When just a pup, Night's entire pack was brutally slaughtered by the rivaling group of wolves. She was forced to watch as her whole family was ripped apart, unable to do anything to save them. In fact, she was forced to run away at the last request of her loving father (her mother wasn't exactly very loving, and attempted sacrificing Night in order to save her own life beforehand). Being the daughter of the pack leaders, she knew that in order to continue the blood line she had no choice. Eventually they caught her, and decided to have a She was committed to the worst possible tortures, and was only just able to escape. For three weeks, the other pack venomously hunted for her. But Night faked her death, tricking the cruel wolves into believing she was no longer available for their merciless tendencies. She was forced into the Arctic for months, having no company but her, herself, and her mind. The she-wolf went a bit....insane. Voices were created in her head, as she was so terribly lonely that each aspect of her personality had formed a separate being in her head entirely. Now she takes on each of these mentioned personalities, while internally attempting to find her real self in an act of desperation and need.
Oh stahp it you, you flatter me far to much. :tongue: I'm excited to get this going whenever we can.
Name: Moon

Age: 4

Gender: Female

Personality (descriptive, please): Moon is a sweetheart. She is kind, caring and very lovable. She still acts like a pup sometimes, and loves to have fun. She has a motherly instinct and is very wise, making her a very great wolf. She doesn't like to fight, but will it it means protecting those who she loves.

Looks (also descriptive, please): Moon is a beautiful wolf. A very femenine shaped head, with long slender legs and a lean body. She is small, and built for speed and hunting. Her eyes are a beautiful light ocean color, with a touch of darker blue mixed in. Her coat, a silver color, shines in the moonlight. She has many scars, along with a dark grey crescent moon shape on her left shoulder.

History: She was born into a very aggresive pack, that was always fighting and trying to take territory. After her mom was killed by the Alpha of the pack, she ran away along with her dad to find a new pack. Along the way, her father was killed by a pack of wolves, but she managed to escape. Alone, she wandered around the forest, always looking for a pack or a group of wolves to join. Until she turned 4, she hadn't found a thing. Then, she met up with Kane and Luna.
BriBri1010101 said:
Name: Moon
Age: 4

Gender: Female

Personality (descriptive, please): Moon is a sweetheart. She is kind, caring and very lovable. She still acts like a pup sometimes, and loves to have fun. She has a motherly instinct and is very wise, making her a very great wolf. She doesn't like to fight, but will it it means protecting those who she loves.

Looks (also descriptive, please): Moon is a beautiful wolf. A very femenine shaped head, with long slender legs and a lean body. She is small, and built for speed and hunting. Her eyes are a beautiful light ocean color, with a touch of darker blue mixed in. Her coat, a silver color, shines in the moonlight. She has many scars, along with a dark grey crescent moon shape on her left shoulder.

History: She was born into a very aggresive pack, that was always fighting and trying to take territory. After her mom was killed by the Alpha of the pack, she ran away along with her dad to find a new pack. Along the way, her father was killed by a pack of wolves, but she managed to escape. Alone, she wandered around the forest, always looking for a pack or a group of wolves to join. Until she turned 4, she hadn't found a thing. Then, she met up with Kane and Luna.
Name: Rian

Age: 2

Gender: Male

Personality: Rian is a rather joyful, funny person. He has trouble trusting people, and can come off rather skittish. Certain things, due to his past trigger a beast so to say, he becomes blood craved, violent and bitter, the stage can be stopped by certain people, but usually you just have to let it ride out for the hour that it consumes.

Looks (also descriptive, please):
Hes a larger wolf~

History: Rian was born into one of the most blood driven packs out there, and his father just had to be alpha. He was put through brutal training, and the blood thirsty Rian was born. Blood, war or wounds trigger his "other" personality. His mother was the one who could always turn it off, but when she did his father fumed. Soon, because of Rian being different, more careful, sensitive and caring then anyone else in the tribe, he was banished, he has a scar going down his left eye from his father. He traveled around at only one and eventually gave up. He prowled and fended for himself until he became two, and thats when he ran into Luna and Kane.
Sock said:
Name: Rian
Age: 2

Gender: Male

Personality: Rian is a rather joyful, funny person. He has trouble trusting people, and can come off rather skittish. Certain things, due to his past trigger a beast so to say, he becomes blood craved, violent and bitter, the stage can be stopped by certain people, but usually you just have to let it ride out for the hour that it consumes.

Looks (also descriptive, please):
Hes a larger wolf~

History: Rian was born into one of the most blood driven packs out there, and his father just had to be alpha. He was put through brutal training, and the blood thirsty Rian was born. Blood, war or wounds trigger his "other" personality. His mother was the one who could always turn it off, but when she did his father fumed. Soon, because of Rian being different, more careful, sensitive and caring then anyone else in the tribe, he was banished, he has a scar going down his left eye from his father. He traveled around at only one and eventually gave up. He prowled and fended for himself until he became two, and thats when he ran into Luna and Kane.
Accepted! woohoo!(:
Name: Dagger

Age: 4 years old

Gender: Male

Personality: He is aggressive and rude, he tends to keep to himself unless bothered by something or someone, He is a grumpy wolf, but under his tough exterior lies a sweet gently interior that he rarely ever shows.



History: His sister and Him lived in a large trophy wolf pack, She had been an omega and Him a Beta, The alpha would always push his sister, harass her and make fun of her, One day he bit his sister on the back of the neck and Dagger lost all control, He attacked the Alpha and ripped his throat out in the quickest movements that no wolf was expecting and couldn't save their leader, Everything broke into Chaos and the wolves began to attack each other, At the end, Dagger found his mother and younger siblings dead, and his father no where to be seen. He protects his sister with his life from now on.

Name: Autumn

Age: 4 years olf

Gender: Female

Personality: She is sweet and shy, tends to not get in another wolves way, she is quiet and likes to stay by her brother in fear of being to weak to care for herself anymore after the pack attack.



History:Her brother and Her lived in a large trophy wolf pack, She had been an omega and Him a Beta, The alpha would always push her, harass her and make fun of her, One day he bit Autumn on the back of the neck and Dagger lost all control, He attacked the Alpha and ripped his throat out in the quickest movements that no wolf was expecting and couldn't save their leader, Everything broke into Chaos and the wolves began to attack each other, At the end, Dagger found his mother and younger siblings dead, and his father no where to be seen. She stays by her brother from now on.

Name: Silver Moon

Age: 5

Gender: Female(Fae)

Personality: Silver Moon is kind and very protective. She doesn't raise her tone over an audible whisper unless angered. She has a habit of standing slightly in front of those younger than her and acts as a mother to many of the animals she meets. She is wise beyond her years and can usually find her way out of a mess. She is most often found somewhere high up, watching the sky with interest, as if it has something to offer her. She has an odd quirk, she flicks her tail constantly.

Looks: Silver Moon is a large, slender fae. She has broad shoulders and long legs. Her eyes stand out brightly with their odd shade of blue. Her silver fur is long and shiny, her tail earning the same description. Her body is thin and lithe, appearing bigger than it is because of her large mass of fur. Ignore the collar around her neck in the picture.

History: Silver Moon was born to a pair of loners, Silent Song and Singing Wind. Her parents joined together for the period of time from conception to abandonment. Her father, Silent Song, was a stoic, silent brute who only spoke to Silver Moon and Singing Wind though less often to Singing Wind. Singing Wind was a kind, but careful fae that raised Silver Moon with as much love as she could. Despite the love that went into her raising, Singing Wind and Silent Song left Silver Moon(and each other) as soon as she was able to keep herself alive. The years between her abandonment and now were filled with the same life as her parents. However, she also raised multiple non-prey animals that were abandoned or orphaned, her kind nature looking over their difference in species. She's raised 3 litters in her short life. That number would have been 4, if not for the murder of her latest litter, resulting in her injury and joining of the pack.
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I'm so sorry guys I was on vacation! I'm back woo, but yep! Everyone is accepted and I'm in love with all the entires! I'm going to make the thread right now(:
Are you still accepting? If you are then here is my skelly:

Name: May

Age: 2

Gender: Female

Personality (descriptive, please): May is the quiet type. She has learned to not trust anyone so easily from some members of her pack that hurt her in brutal ways when she decided to let them in and trust them. She is very loyal to those who she does trust and will do anything to save them from harm. She can be stubborn at times but can pull her own weight even if she is petite. She hates to be the center of attention but is good when it comes to a fight because she has great combat skills.

Looks (also descriptive, please):

History: May used to be in a pack that was very brutal to her. The female wolfs resented her for a reason she didn't know about and the men were either attracted to her or also resented her. Once while her pack was on a hunt, some humans came and shot all of her pack except her and her best friend. They were kept there for a few months and all the while were being tortured from the humans. They made her kill her best friend and when she did they forced her to eat the meat that they cut out of the dead body. May finally had enough and killed both of them in a fit or rage and sorrow and she escaped that night. May has been wondering around every since.
name: Haku

age: 2 months

gender: Female

Personality: She is shy but easily angered. She is easily swayed and lured due to her naïve nature and curiosity. She tends to trust quickly. She is leader like in times of crisis. She speaks in a small audible whisper unless she is angered. Her howl is like a lullaby of sadness and sorrow.

looks: she is snow white with bright blood red eyes. Her fur is fluffy and stick out in tuffs on the tops of her ears. Her blood red eyes are like that of fresh spilled blood and shine brightly in the moonlight.

History: Haku's parents were killed in a forest fire. Only she escaped. Now the young pup is wondering around all alone with no where to call home.

Name: Pepper

Age: Pup

Gender: Female

Personality: She is a playful little pup that loves attention and means well, but tends to get under-paw. She is a very curious pup who loves to ask questions and play, but she doesn't get the concept that sometimes it's better to be quiet and there are times when you can't play. She is very trusting and believes everything she hears making her a gullible little pup.

Looks: Pepper is small for a size and could be considered a runt. Her orange/red fur always seems to be dirty. Her paws are too big for the size of her body. She has light grey colored eyes.

History: Pepper was abandoned at a young age due to being the runt of the litter. She has spent what short spam of life she has had so far wandering aimlessly.

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