Catching a Whisper RP


One Time Luck
Basic Plot (We'll work off this for now..)

Demetra, a mere peasant girl trying to get by, has always been the quiet, reclusive type; obscured from society by hiding away from the world. But one day, all of that changed when a new law was passed in the land, banning anyone from sleeping in the streets and sentencing whoever defied the decree to death.

The only alternative now for Demetra would be to go underground with all the other beggars and peasants: living in catacombs carved beneath the city, with criminals and dangerous creatures lurking around in the dark. But Demetra was too frail to endure the harsh living conditions that came with living underground.

She needed an alternative to this...alternative.

Another way out.

And so, she decided to just leave.


It has been a few weeks now since Demetra left the city, in search a new, more accepting place she can call home. But the journey is long, forcing her to walk at night through the forests. Many dangers lay ahead, such as bandits, animals, and even monsters.

And that's not all.

You see, it is forbidden to leave the city where Demetra once lived so short ago. The penalty for whoever does, no matter what social rank they maintain, is death. Once word got out one night that a peasant girl had escaped, the Captain of the Guard personally sent out a contingent of troops after her, determined to find her and bring her back to be tried.

With all of this after Demetra, she knows she must find refuge. Determined and capable, she presses on.


I will be Role Playing as the frail but brave peasant girl Demetra! Any other ideas for related characters I will take, along with volunteers who are willing to Role Play as them.
It would help if you posted a signup in the Character Sheets subsection of this forum...It allows for easy reference for character abilities and a place to keep everything,all neat and organized.

Also,welcome to RPNation! Please,enjoy your stay,and feel free to use the shoutbox on the main page. It's how we communicate.
Alright, I've created a character sheet signup thread in the uncategorized forum! All who would like to signup are most welcome! ^-^"
what day in age is this based in? I am interested and would like to know a little more about what kind of rp you are aiming for. ^^
I'm not sure about the exact date...somewhere around the mid 1600's...Other than that just think medieval and Renaissance!

And please do join! I'm honored by the fact you're considering. :B

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