Catch the Wind or Heat the Fire


Nicest Alien Around
Angel Sheet

The color of your aura determines how much power you have.

The brighter the color the more powerful you are. Please try not to make yourself indestructible.

White is not allowed because I feel it is the most powerful color.




Background (Optional):

Color of Aura:

Weapon of Choice:

Reason for Fighting:


[Appearance] (Image or Description):

Demon Sheet

The color of your eyes determines how much power you have.

The darker the color the more powerful you are. Please try not to make yourself indestructible.

Black is not allowed because I feel it is the most powerful color.




Background (Optional):

Color of Eyes:

Weapon of Choice:

Reason for Fighting:


[Appearance] (Image or Description):

Human Sheet




Background (Optional):

Weapon of Choice:

Reason for Fighting:

[Appearance] (Image or Description):
Demon Sheet


Agatha Hellrune




She is cold and tough. She enjoys the dark more than the light. She does not like taking orders from anyone, but she will if they are more powerful than her. She has lived a long life so she is a very patient demon.

Background (Optional):

Agatha lived all her life as a demon. She had a best friend that she was seen most of the time with but once she has an assignment it is business from then on. She works as an assassin (Or his Right Hand, whichever you prefer) for the King of the Underworld.

Color of Eyes:

Agatha's eyes are a deep dark purple that seem to illuminate.

Weapon of Choice:

Agatha prefers blades over guns. They are silent.

Reason for Fighting:

She is wanting revenge for the killing of her best friend. He was killed by an angel and she is going to avenge him at all costs.


She wears the ring that her best friend wore all the time. It is hung around her neck on a chain in remembrance of him (it has engraving on the inside.). Kelwin is her angel sister and Tarin is her human brother (ask in the RP about it more!).

[Appearance] (Image or Description):


Angel Sheet


Kelwin Lightraven




Kelwin is happy and bright. She loves to see everyone smile and enjoys the warmth of the sun. She is a follower, but if she doesn't feel like the choice is right, she won't do the task assigned to her. She has lived a long life so she is rather patient despite her bubbly personality.

Background (Optional):

Kelwin has been an angel all her life. She had many friends, but there are a few she considers closer than others. She is the Right Hand of the King of Heaven, and even with her personality, she takes her role rather seriously.

Color of Aura:

Kelwin's aura is a soft pink that can be seen at anytime.

Weapon of Choice:

Kelwin prefers her rather large hammer (or mace) that is strapped to her back between her wings.

Reason for Fighting:

Once upon a time.. She had her forever person and he was taken from her a very long time ago. By order of the King of Heaven she is fighting, but she is also avenging her long lost love.


She wears her lost love's necklace (his favorite). It is a pendent of a circle, with a lopsided star in the middle. Agatha is her demon sister and Tarin is her human brother (ask in RP about it!).

[Appearance] (Image or Description):


Human Sheet


Tarin Eroin




Tarin is the kind of guy who keeps to himself, but enjoys other peoples company and will interact with them if he has the chance. He enjoys the warmth of the sun and the dark equally. He can take orders well and follows orders really well. He is very very oddly patient, more than you would think of a human being.

Background (Optional):

Tarin was adopted by Rose and Derrik Eroin. He does not know anything about his past except his ancestry. When he was adopted, he came with a small folder filled with everything that was to need to know about him, including where he was originally from. He has only recently know about this origin, and is skeptical about it.

Weapon of Choice:

Tarin prefers his two-handed axe that he carries everywhere.

Reason for Fighting:

He believes that humans should try to overcome things themselves, despite the fact that humans are horrible at it. This is his home world and he wants it to stay his home world.


He wears a ring around his right ring finger that is engraved with a lopsided star and some ancient language he has never heard of. Kelwin is his Angel sister and Agatha is his Demon sister (ask about it in the RP).

[Appearance] (Image or Description):

Kelwin and Agatha being in his ancestry, he has one pink colored eye and one purple colored eye.
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Name: Israfiel (No last name)

Age: Ancient - Age cannot be accurately gauged

Personality: Israfiel is very outgoing, kind and is fairly polite - But she easily forgets what she's doing and is a huge klutz.

Background (Optional): Israfiel is a curious little angel - She's been alive for a long time, but she's not very skilled at what she does. She's a decent fighter, which is a redeeming quality, but she's very clumsy and, long ago, she let a demon into Heaven by accident - Accidentally, of course, and in her defense the demon was very well disguised, and even had wings made from angel feathers.

Color of Aura: Pastel blue (Isn't very powerful?)

Weapon of Choice: Israfiel uses a one-handed longsword forged by Azazel before his fall called Sinless. Its hilt is made of silver and its blade is made of titanium, and a diamond is embedded at the tip of the hilt.

Reason for Fighting: She's failed as an angel a number of times - She feels obligated to fight for Heaven, whether she wants to or not, to repay her debts.

Other: Israfiel's wings were clipped one hundred years ago for reasons explained above. She's only just starting to fly again now.

[Appearance] (Image or Description): 5'5, 101 lbs. (I add height and weight for all of my characters - Force of habit.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/angel.jpg.f37f552e3fb901489028a4f447aceca7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20772" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/angel.jpg.f37f552e3fb901489028a4f447aceca7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Mikoto Shou


Personality: He is quite lazy and spends a lot of his time sleeping, which he does so much that Mikoto is able to fall into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds. Likewise, he is not affected from being woken up via head slam, reacting calmly when such an incident occurs. In contrast to this casual nature of his, Mikoto has been said to be the most violent-tempered

Color of Eyes: Amber when calm Deep Dark red when angry

Weapon of Choice: Fist and Flames (His red aura)

Reason for Fighting: Because his "brother" is a angel who stabbed him and now he wants revenge on the angels as a whole.

Other: Has a unique ability call red aura: Mikoto has power over fire, imbibing itself in a red-colored Aura. When exerted, the Aura has great offensive potential to allow Mikoto to attack his enemies.

[Appearance] (Image or Description):

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Name: Lucifer

Age: Unknown, but looks to be around 22-23 years old.

Race: Fallen angel/Black angel


Bio: Lucifer is the Prince of the Underworld, as he is the second strongest demon except from his own father, caring little about what his father orders him to do, he does whatever he feels for doing and loves to play around, being annoying, but he has no mercy upon those annoying him.

Personality: Carefree and laid back, even if he has a high stature, he loves to slack off. Lucifer also have a bad temper which means that if you dare to tick him off, he will easily stab his sword through you, but not to kill. Only to stab multiple times, or torture as his lust for blood is not easily satisfied. Lucifer have a weak spot for the humans as his lover was once a human, but if he is left with no choice he will kill humans if they stand in his way.

Weapon: Lucifer wields the sword on his picture, the blade is blue from Hell's flames mixed in with his angel blood. The blade can cut through anything and give Lucifer flames to control for a limited amount of time.

Reason for fighting: He only fights if he is ordered too, but he is fighting out of revenge for his once fallen lover, that was a human, that was killed by the King of Heaven himself.

Eye color: Grayish (Invincible characters are not cool, I think he got grayish colors in the picture too ^^)

Other: May need some demon or someone to make him do his duties as the next heir to the Underworld (He's extremely lazy)
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Name: Salim Bradley

Age: appears about 10 but is actually 2,000 years old

Personality: Salim is very arrogant and prideful. He won't hesitate to sell you out if it means prolonging his life.

Background: Salim also known as pride is one of the last shadow demons. He was appointed by the Demon King himself as the son of several government officials high in power.

Weapon of choice: his shadows. They are a "living" weapon which Salim can control. However separate Salim from the shadow and it fizzles into dust.

Reason for Fighting: Salim was discovered by an angel and was taken out of power. Now he's fighting to clear his name and to get reappointed into power.

Other: N/A


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Human Character Sheet


Naomi Amaya

Nick Name: Butterfly (Given by her Mother)




Naomi is usually shy and soft spoken, But can be easily friendly and hyper with people she trust, though its hard to say, she does not trust people enough unless her intuition tells her too. Which she trusts more than people. She is usually Happy, but can easily become depressed all the same.She can get Nervous when being interrogated and Lie poorly,other than that She is Honest with her words, extremely confident, Selfless, and optimistic.

Other than her normal Bouncy and Happy Behavior, when shes in the battle field she'll gladly rip your head off with No remorse. She likes to end it quickly Rather than for people to suffer in death, sense she is not one to like it so much.

Background (Optional):

When Naomi was a young Child, she lived a very happy life with her Family, as any other little girl would Except one problem that separated her from, or was called different upon other children. She had an "imaginary Friend". Doctors made her parents worry, that she could have a disorder from what she told them this "friend" told her, and fed her medication until their death, by her "friend" Who was and Angel that became corrupted by Evil, during ages between 5 and 10. Her parents were slaughtered in front of her, when she was only thirteen, and her friend was never seen or heard from again.

Weapon of Choice:


Reason for Fighting:

She doesn't want anymore death's Upon Human Kind, and defends her species proudly. Any one on her side Demon or Angel she will defend, but if your Opposing to rule the human Race, Say Bye Bye to your life.

[Appearance] (Image or Description):

((I will have a picture Present soon. Sense I am New to this site, id like to show off my art talent a bit ^^))

Red eyes, Long White hair, Fair skin, Lean, a bit shorter than Normal for her Age.
Before you fill out your character sheet (if you're new to the RP) I recommend looking at the More of THESE!! update. There is a limit which is explained more in the said Update. Thanks!
Name: Raziel

Age: Ancient - Age cannot be accurately gauged, though she appears to be 15

Personality: Raziel is incredibly serious, she has no sense of humor and frowns upon the angels unlike her (Excluding Israfiel, who she believes can and will change). Despite her physical age, she's incredibly powerful, being one of the Archangels - And she's very mature, as well, to match her high status. Despite being an angel, she has a slight issue with pride, and won't let anyone help her unless her life depends on it.

Background (Optional): Raziel has risen through the ranks of the angels for thousands of years to become and Archangel, and will eventually (In another few thousand years) pass that position down to Israfiel. She was, for a brief time, the Archangel in charge of Heaven's armies, though she stepped down to focus on keeping things orderly in Heaven rather than defend it and to work with her apprentice, Israfiel. She hasn't visited Earth in a long time - She only ever visits Earth when she must, unless killing demons is involved.

Color of Aura: Light gray

Weapon of Choice: Raziel uses a one-handed claymore made from a titanium-silver alloy known among angels as the Mortal Sword - It's a legendary weapon according to many. The blade has consciousness, however, and can force the wielder to do anything it wants, like return the weapon to Raziel - Though this is mostly limited to interrogation (Making the wielder speak the truth).

Reason for Fighting: As an Archangel she's obligated to fight - And in addition, she despises demons and wouldn't mind killing some.

Other: Raziel is an Archangel, which means she's very high in rank among the angels. Israfiel is her apprentice at the moment, so Israfiel will be following her around a lot.

[Appearance] (Image or Description): 5'7, 109 lbs - Raziel without her wings. (Raziel doesn't wear a hat, so get rid of that too.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/kuro.png.d32a2adeba437d04e2c3591d0d95fee6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20893" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/kuro.png.d32a2adeba437d04e2c3591d0d95fee6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Age: 50 years a demon (appears 19 because that's when he died)


Sassy, cruel, tends not to care about others. He either hates someone or loves someone but has an odd way of expressing both. Likes causing pain mentally and physically but often regrets it afterwards. He often finds himself with a soft spot for humans or angels and he hates himself for it. Though he tells no one, he really enjoys the company of others.

Background (Optional): When he was human was was burned alive then became a demon in hell

Color of Eyes: Dark purple

Weapon of Choice: Sword (or fire)

Reason for Fighting: He likes the excitement and plans to gain respect of other demons


Hair: Dark brown, short, sort of spikey

Eyes: A reddish brown with gold towards the center

Face: Conventionally attractive, fairly prominent cheekbones, strong chin ( hate describing facial features) no facial hair, even fair skin

Height: 6”1

Build: Small muscles, not too bulky but not considered scrawny

[Demon appearance]

- Gray skin, purple eyes, odd black markings like tattoos resembling burn marks
“I will do what it takes to thwart the demons; whatever it takes”

Name: Karael

Age: Your guess is as good as his; he’s ancient whatever the case

Personality: Karael is laid back and calm for the most part; he’s used to observing things from afar rather than taking part in them himself and is still adjusting to the change war has brought. At times Karael can seem detached and uncaring but in truth he’s very protective of life, namely humans. Karael can be quiet at times but more than not he’s plenty happy to talk. He doesn’t much care for fighting and his temper is rarely evoked but when he believes in something truly he will gladly give his life up for it if that is what it takes. He’s brave as they come, never lacking in courage, and has the heart of a knight following his very own code of chivalry.

Background: If asked about his history Karael would most likely offer up some excuse of how he doesn’t care to “dwell in the past”, but really all the centuries have begun to blend together in his mind though he doesn’t like to admit it. Even if he may not look it he has lived over a thousand years, most of which were spent in Heaven. For the last few hundred years, however, he began to grow more interested in Earth and the humans who called it home. It wasn’t until the war broke out between the demons and angels that he was actually able to set foot on the planet that so captivated him and since then he’s been trying to learn more about the humans and their cultures in any spare moment he has.

Color of Aura: A dull golden that seems to fluctuate in strength depending on his mood

Weapon of Choice: A two-headed axe he’s had for just about as long as he’s existed. Although it may look comical when combined with his attempts to fit in with human fashion there’s no denying that he’s skilled in wielding such a weapon. He brought it with him from Heaven and both blades have intricate carvings adorning them including some words in Latin. He also carries around a dagger with him although it’s only his backup if his axe fails him.

Reason for Fighting: As an angel Karael sees it as his duty to fight the demons, the sworn enemy of all angels for longer than he cares to remember, and he’s not the type to ignore such an obligation. He also feels responsible for the humans who call the Earth their home and cannot stand to think of them becoming enslaved to the demons if he can prevent it.

Other: One effect of being on Earth is that Karael isn’t as powerful as he normally would be and much of the landscape is still new to him. Although he tries to hide it his weakness is humans; he’ll try to save a single life even if doing so would be considered rash and foolish.

Appearance: Karael has obsidian black hair that used to be quite long and would still be if he hadn’t cut it shorter when the war broke out. His eyes are a murky green that often give off a distant impression as if he never really left Heaven, his home, at all. His wings are plain in angel standards although at times when he draws on great power or feels an emotion too strongly they seem to radiate light and become almost blinding to look at. Upon arriving at Earth he adopted human fashions and can often be found wearing apparel humans might consider to be more formal and refined.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/karael.jpg.6b1b38e5c46e0292ecb48c3e5e0d5d29.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20912" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/karael.jpg.6b1b38e5c46e0292ecb48c3e5e0d5d29.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Anna

Age: 18

Personality: Kind-Hearted, Stubborn, Scatter-Brain

Backround: Being the only person left in her family everyday is a struggle to either stay away or fight danger depending on what logical way to approach it. She searches for food as the Angels and Demons are fighting and hides. She knows how to fight hand to hand combat but not much else.

Color of Aura: None (shes a human)

Weapon Of Choice: She uses her body (hand to hand combat) and her dagger

Reason for fighting: Survival

Other: Nothing Else

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/maximum-beat-anime-girl-beautiful-beauty-blonde-hair-cute-headphones-hot-music-trees-tribal.jpg.3d7948f98156eb4bd3fde493dfea7d0f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/maximum-beat-anime-girl-beautiful-beauty-blonde-hair-cute-headphones-hot-music-trees-tribal.jpg.3d7948f98156eb4bd3fde493dfea7d0f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Demon Limit has been reached. We need one more angel and three more humans! once we get those, then the limit will be puled and we can have more demons
Name: Saint Michael

Age: Unknown.

Personality: He is kind and compassionate. However, he will put the good of the many above the good of the few most would say he is too nice. He is incredibly loyal and would lay down his own life for the archangel if she asked him to. He servers as right hand to the Archangel and he doesn't want to be any higher saying it is a privilege to server his / her holiness as he has served the current Archangel and the last Archangel.

Color of Aura: Yellow

Weapon of Choice: Michael can create weapons of light

Reason for Fighting: A promise she made to a friend.

Other: He is a a Seraph

[Appearance] (Image or Description):

I finished mine sorry about that! 
Human sorry jeeze this is my fist time ever doing this forgive me! 
No trust me i understand your fine ^_^  
Oh wow I should have done that in the first place lol sorry 
Yay! xD
Human Sheet

Name:Hannah Kile

Age: 17

Personality: Hannah is a strong hand-to-hand combat fighter, and also really skilled with swords. Hannah jokes around when the time is appropriate, and despises demons. Hannah is a risk-taker, and is more than willing to give up her life for the good and for humanity. Hannah is good at mind-games, and Hannah is not afraid to spill some blood, or otherwise kill some demons.

Background (Optional):

Weapon of Choice: A sword with a sapphire handle and a diamond blade that can slice off an elephant head easily.

Reason for Fighting: Hannah always hated evil, she thought there was no reason for it. She absolutely despised anyone and anything to do with evil.

[Appearance] (Image or Description): blue-green eyes, dark copper-colored hair down to her shoulders, pale skin and a few freckles on her cheeks and nose, fit, and has a deep scar running down her right cheek. Usually hair is messy, since fighting demons is more important than brushing hair. 
(rushed through this, since i was in the middle of making an angel and then the angel limit was reached.)
Name: The Black Rabbit

Age: 21

Personality: Mysterious, psychotic, inconsiderable towards people she doesn't know very well or just met, curious, daring, decisive, dignified.

Background (Optional): Prefers not to speak of her background/back story. It's rather confidential.

Weapon of Choice: A game of cards. Though, for more violent scenarios, two Ka-bar Swabbie's

Reason for Fighting: After killing her loved one, she knew she had no other purpose.

[Appearance] (Image or Description): DESCRIPTION FOR NOW [Currently drawing her]-- Dark red hair, face half painted (black and white) with the signs: diamond, heart, spade, and club on her cheeks. Somewhat Gothic dress with the theme of cards.

((> Full OC: Located on DeviantART- User: CorneredNightmare Document: The Black Rabbit- MAIN OC

Angel Character Sheet


Amora Leo




Mostly Mentally Insane Follows Naomi Around, She loves to kill things people and other creatures, But for some reason She always protects Naomi. She isn't Fully Dark As she looks.

Background (Optional):

Part Of her Background Was Explained In Naomi's BIO. Before that She was a angel innocent like any other Until she Was Corrupted by Some Dark Energy Source. Angels are naturally innocent to the darkness and never can fully be corrupted.

Color of Aura:

Hot Pink

Weapon of Choice:

A Very Large Sword that can appear at will.

Reason for Fighting:

Mostly to Protect Naomi From Any harm that might come towards her, and to get her trapped Innocence from Hell.


The Ruler Of Heaven set bonds of Metal Chains around her wrists and Ankles, to keep her from becoming Fully Corrupted by the Evil that has Tainted her Soul

[Appearance] (Image or Description):

((No picture Present At this time))

Short really Spikey Hair, Almost Bed head like, Very Sharp teeth Purple eyes Sometimes Glows Bright Yellow with red rings around them. Ripped Wings, and Tattered Blue Dress, that drags along the Ground.

(-u- Just some character Addition thought i might add in. For fun. I love Crazy Characters -u-)  
Ohhh Yeah Course she can die, Immortal meaning she can just live forever. I probably should have added that ^^; my bad.
Name: Noein

Age: 117 [looked 17]

Personality: Honest, kind, has a soft heart. She would hesitate first then act. But then at times she would just go for it. Only once will she start acting differently. She would fight seriously not like what she would fight when training. She really likes to finish her work after she starts it. She won't stop until it's finish. She would most likely go for the hard way, like when planning on fighting, she loves a challenge.

Background (Optional): She was a young girl who loves tea and have snacks during the afternoon. She has a normal life and loves to help people. Her brother died from cancer and inside her died. She died from a broken heart.

Color of Aura: Light/Dark Blue

Weapon of Choice: A scythe with a blue handle, having her brother's name, carved on where she would hold on to her scythe.

Reason for Fighting: Noein was once human. So she knew how it was like. She would do anything to protect them and the humans down below heaven. She would fight until she would die or how ever she would die as an angel. She remembered having a little brother who she loves dearly. Knowing he has cancer, she couldn't do anything but she would save money and she would become a doctor so she could cure his illness. But when her brother died, her whole world tear apart. She went a little crazy and died from a broken heart. She went up to heaven, but didn't see her brother and was really sad. After she found out about her being chosen and fighting evil, she swore she will not let another human suffer or die, but only die in peace.

Other: She wears a ring on her right pointer finger, and another ring on her left pinky. Both has an anchor shape on top and it's silver. She wears a cross around her neck.

[Appearance] (Image or Description):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-20_10-38-25.jpeg.af78a58433493c923c5bc98af3178cec.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20962" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-20_10-38-25.jpeg.af78a58433493c923c5bc98af3178cec.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Hope this is all .3.)



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Human Sheet


Lillias Branwen




Lillias is the kind of girl that you don't want to be around. She is really hot tempered and will yell at you for even the tiny noise that you've made. She is harsh, and very violent. However, once you get to know her and gain her trust, you'll see that this personality of hers is just a wall. She can be very passionate and protective of those she cares about, more than once putting them before herself.

Lillias doesn't have a "side", she's not on the dark side, neither on the light side. She despises Angels just as much as she despises Demons.

And also, curse words are her favorite kind of words.


Lillias grew up in a family of four: her father and 2 sisters, she being the adopted one. She knew her father loved all of them equally, but she couldn't help and feel ignored. Lillias felt a special affection towards the youngest sister, Mirian, being extremely protective over her. On the other side, she and the eldest sister, Laura, didn't get along very well. She hated the way Laura tried to control her, to tell her what to do. When she completed 18 years old, she moved out and went to line alone. However, even with all of the fights and disagreements, they were a family, an imperfect family, but a family. And she never felt so angry and lost as the day her house collapsed above her family. The culprits of such tragedy? An Angel and a Demon.

Weapon of Choice:

Glock 22 chambered for the .40 S&W cartridge. And a Remington 870 P. Her father was a cop, and, fortunately, the guns weren't damaged so badly, and since she loved guns, she knew how to fix the minors problems that they showed.

Reason for Fighting: The main reason is for vengeance. Also, she despises the idea of two different creatures fighting in her home, she doesn't give a fuc* about their fight, however, if they really want to destroy themselves, do it somewhere else. She won't stay quiet as freaks destroy her home.




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