
Okay. It feels a little bit surreal RPing so often. I'm taking part in two RPs as I travel. It's a pain to juggle so much at once.
No worries @Krimson Kane A group RP tends to be slow anyways. So a post every few days or so should be perfect! <3 Plus, we can always post ahead a little and you can just catch up at some point, should you be busy for to many days :'(

@Elvenoff @Gabauchi You two should probably watch this thread too, for any plot discussions we may have :D
Eh. I lucked out with my classes for college. I would have had class today, but I already finished their assignments and stuff.
Woohoo! Finishing ahead of time for the win!

@Gabauchi So, I'm slightly confused here, if you don't mind me asking some questions?

As Duelan approached, he discreetly conjured an illusory demon, focusing on sight, touch, and sound. As he pretended to suddenly notice it, he ran forth and cast an illusion of a sword, pretending to conjure it. However, he then had the demon decapitate him, then cast an invisibility onto himself, using the same three senses as with the demon. Now, he could survey their skill levels and abilities. Now let's see if this is worth my time,he thought to himself as he approached in stealth. Visibly, none of their attacks would do any damage, so this was mostly a test of intellect, although he might get some level of his potential companions strength if the test goes well.

So, was he having a duel with an illusion he made up, or confronting an actual demon? Also, is he approaching the group while invisible?

I'll tag @Elvenoff as well, so you can see this part :D

Also, on the topic of demons I figure I should describe them a little. Let's categorize them into three classes. Lesser, Greater and Demon Princes/Lords.

So, a Lesser demon would be a common, fairly small to medium sized demon, dispatched with minimal effort by a skilled fighter. Though they are usually the bulk of any groups out there, and can outnumber other groups easily.

Greater demons could easily take on a single skilled fighter and win, usually taking at least two, usually more to beat it.

A Demon Prince can take on an army of average soldiers unscathed, so it's a good thing they aren't very common. In fact, I plan on having the Demon Princes as the 'bosses' of our world. There will be only a single Prince per demon portal, of which, for the most part, will remain inside the demon realm, though one or two throughout our story may leave to give chase.

Demons as a whole generally stick to close quarters, with many sporting wings or extra limbs to assists in closing the gap and killing their prey. Greater demons actually have the ability to manipulate the surrounding world slightly, conjuring fires and manipulating the earth, though slightly.

Demon Princes have surprisingly varying abilities, though we, or I, can flesh out their strengths and weaknesses as we encounter them.

I just figured we should have a common idea of what the demons are capable of. Pretty much, if anyone is on their own, or gets cornered without help, they are probably going to die.

How's all this sound for everyone? Any questions or such before we move on?
Sounds fine to me, I was also confused by this post. And, since it's an illusion won't it be easier to kill than a regular demon?
I would also assume few people have any experience whatsoever fighting demons, because to be found by them is almost certain death. Just so we have no 'expert demon fighters' here :P Though this is probably stuff I should have gone over before the RP started, I hate rushing, but I was so excited to start RPing after such a long break <3
On the topic of Demonology, I concur with your view points. So on the subject of the portals, has anyone ever returned from these portals to give information about them or do they remain unexplored?
To clear up questions, illusory basically illusion in adjective form. Illusions dont exist, and merely manipulate your senses. He faked his own death, while threatening the group with a greater demon. Once he faked his death, he created an illusion that he could not be sensed on those three senses. And since the demon is illusory, it technically cannot be killed, but since it can manipulate touch and sight, he can make it seem as if you acquire wounds, none of which will actually stick, but they are rather realistic to say the least.
Lol, that sounds overly complicated @Gabauchi For the sake of easy reading, is there any way you could change how the illusion magics work? I could help come up with suggestions if you're stumped on how to change it <3

Also @Elvenoff No one has ever even made it close to entering the portals. The only one that has any real chance of knowing anything useful would be the letter sender, and we don't know anything about him yet. So even someone skilled at avoiding detection like @Gabauchi 's illusion mage wouldn't fare well inside the portal. This is meant to be difficult, allowing for feats of insane heroics and dramatic deaths.

Also, I imagine Magic and other such powers would either be warped or entirely useless inside their realm, so our group would have to be crafty, finding a way to work inside their laws, or lure the Demon Princes out of their world, though we still don't know yet that by killing the Prince the portal will dissipate.
It's actually quite simple really, illusions only appear real, until the spell is released. That being said, the greatest drawback using illusions is that they cannot be used to harm others. So, put simply, there is an "immortal" demon attacking the group gathered thus far, and Duelan has faked his death.

But I'm completely open to suggestions.
OK @Gabauchi That makes more sense xD So, is it an illusion of a demon, can it be nothing else? And you mentioned being able to affect up to three senses at a time, is it the demon illusion that does it, or a separate magic ability?

I also started a fight with a giant mutated frog. Since the creature's description wasn't there, I made it a frog because it seemed threatening, but not overwhelming for a first fight :D Also, this would be a good time for any missing characters to show up and help out :D
Well, you have five senses, taste, touch, sight, hearing, and smell. When Duelan casts an illusion, he can only effect three senses. He cast the demon's illusion with sight, sense, and touch. So if you were to attempt to lick the demon, you would find that you wouldn't be able to taste him, and the same goes with scent.
Yes, but the magic still has some practical uses. Subtly using illusions can be difficult to discern, and you even if you disregard the pain, or the images, they're still there. He would feel the pain and his sight could be overwhelmed making it difficult to battle. That is, unless demons have different biology and senses. Because as you said, things tend to work differently then.
Well, for simplicity's sake, let's say demon's senses, or at least their abilities of sense, are warped in their world. Though a lesser demon can still be tricked even in their own domain, I imagine most greater demons would only be fooled for a second, and princes wouldn't even bother with it.

Though if we ever manage to lure a prince out of his world, with only minimal effort, they would still see through it. Sound fair?

While on the topic of the demon's strength, let's say greater demons are like a tank compared to a single average soldier. They would either need some very powerful attacks, or very well placed strikes to take them out of the fight, and even more than that to outright kill them. A prince would be like a fortress. Their strength and toughness wouldn't change in their portals, just the way magic works and their senses as well as our senses, along with laws of physics, which they could manipulate to their advantage. We can discover those laws later, either by experiments, or being lucky and getting another letter. Sound good to everyone @Gabauchi @Elvenoff @Krimson Kane ?

Also, to be clear, the creature is a mutated frog, not a demon. We haven't seen any of those as a group yet. Though it won't hurt to assume you're just describing it as a demon because it's an awful creature, not an actual demon <3
I'm talking about the "demon" Duelan "conjured"

An we can just work out the minute details later

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