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Realistic or Modern Casual RP


New Member


I was wondering if there are people out there who would like to start a random casual Rp. (Something you do aside from the BIG RP's you've got going on
:P ) We can discuss the plot before starting but let's just keep it simple and fun! So, do you have ideas you want to try out and want something to do in between your work and other stuff? Join me! We could also start without discussing but that tends to go wrong very quickly.

For this role-play I'd like two more players. (perhaps three, but not more)

A few ideas:

*Kids believing they are superheroes

*A coffee shop that is also a place where people with problems / addictions etc. meet

*A hotel where people who are single are turned into animals when they can't find a life partner (this is actually from a movie, but I loved the idea!)

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Hey! I'm interested in joining in for a bit of casual fun, surrounding different ideas! All of the other RP's I've signed up for haven't started and I'm getting hopeless lol. If you want me to pitch in on anything (ideas, settings, etc.) Just let me know!
ItsStacysMom said:
Hey! I'm interested in joining in for a bit of casual fun, surrounding different ideas! All of the other RP's I've signed up for haven't started and I'm getting hopeless lol. If you want me to pitch in on anything (ideas, settings, etc.) Just let me know!
Hello! :-) I was having the same problem. Most of the Rp's are already full or demand very detailed plots and a lot of time, which I don't always have.

In the main post I've put up a few ideas, is there one of them that speaks to you?
I'm interested in a casual sort of RP. (: Haven't become involved in a lot as I'm fairly new and inexperienced. The idea of getting involved with detailed RP's isn't in my agenda anytime soon so I like your simple ideas.
RejectedShadow said:
I'm interested in a casual sort of RP. (: Haven't become involved in a lot as I'm fairly new and inexperienced. The idea of getting involved with detailed RP's isn't in my agenda anytime soon so I like your simple ideas.
Cool, you are welcome to join. Does one of the ideas above interest you or do you have ideas to contribute? :-)

I've got an idea!

Basically, its an alternate reality where lemurs, turtles and sloths are secretly sentient, and the zoo SITUATION is really dystopian. Animals are kept in prison-like colonies and living conditions. We play as the sloths and the lemurs who hatch up history's most finest escape plan in this maximum security penitentiary camp, or just slack around.

Another more simplistic version is that we play as secretly sentient sloths and lemurs who try to escape from a maximum security ordinary zoo, all the while keeping their sentience a secret.

Plus, I wanna sign up for this thing. Didn't play a real casual RP in a long time. And I'm creating a detailed prison thread at this moment, and figured out that I needed a break and a hiatus from the thread making rat race.

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TrueSurrender said:
Cool, you are welcome to join. Does one of the ideas above interest you or do you have ideas to contribute? :-)
I enjoy the idea of the coffee shop scenario. It's different and could lead several various ways.
The coffee shop one looks pretty cool to me! All of them look really interesting too, though. I love any story with momentum behind it, and that's why I generally think a lot of the stories here don't really pick up. While they're great ideas, there aren't really any driving plot devices that are used to keep it interesting. I like generally realistic stuff, y'know, since my life itself is just soooo fun :P . But it's gotten to the point on here where I'm pretty much up for anything.
Elephantom said:
I've got an idea!

Basically, its an alternate reality where lemurs, turtles and sloths are secretly sentient, and the zoo SITUATION is really dystopian. Animals are kept in prison-like colonies and living conditions. We play as the sloths and the lemurs who hatch up history's most finest escape plan in this maximum security penitentiary camp, or just slack around.

Another more simplistic version is that we play as secretly sentient sloths and lemurs who try to escape from a maximum security ordinary zoo, all the while keeping their sentience a secret.

Plus, I wanna sign up for this thing. Didn't play a real casual RP in a long time. And I'm creating a detailed prison thread at this moment, and figured out that I needed a break and a hiatus from the thread making rat race.

That sounds like so much fun! :P let's do it! How does everyone feel about this idea? I love antropomorphic stuff!
ItsStacysMom said:
The coffee shop one looks pretty cool to me! All of them look really interesting too, though. I love any story with momentum behind it, and that's why I generally think a lot of the stories here don't really pick up. While they're great ideas, there aren't really any driving plot devices that are used to keep it interesting. I like generally realistic stuff, y'know, since my life itself is just soooo fun :P . But it's gotten to the point on here where I'm pretty much up for anything.
I agree, I think the coffeeshop scenario has a lot of room to make anything happen.
Elephantom said:
I've got an idea!

Basically, its an alternate reality where lemurs, turtles and sloths are secretly sentient, and the zoo SITUATION is really dystopian. Animals are kept in prison-like colonies and living conditions. We play as the sloths and the lemurs who hatch up history's most finest escape plan in this maximum security penitentiary camp, or just slack around.

Another more simplistic version is that we play as secretly sentient sloths and lemurs who try to escape from a maximum security ordinary zoo, all the while keeping their sentience a secret.

Plus, I wanna sign up for this thing. Didn't play a real casual RP in a long time. And I'm creating a detailed prison thread at this moment, and figured out that I needed a break and a hiatus from the thread making rat race.

This does sound interesting. Wouldn't mind hopping on board for something like this.
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tbh I'd really like doing multiple ones with you guys y'know! We could be our own little group with lots of little stories
ItsStacysMom said:
tbh I'd really like doing multiple ones with you guys y'know! We could be our own little group with lots of little stories
We could give it a try! :-D So the story of the Zoo animals and the coffee shop? We need an OOC thread first for both of them so we can discuss the plot, characters etc.

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