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Fandom (Castlevania) Isekai [cc x oc]


Bust :(
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

I'm having a bit of trouble finding people to rp with on this site. So I'm just going to be direct with what I want to try out! Please note I'm not an everyday poster, we can rp on discord or on this site but I will post mainly weekdays! I'm currently off work/school struggling with mental health so some days are ups and others are down, communication is key (I don't ghost rp partners, if I disappear for a day or two and you're concerned just write me a message!)


If you're reading this then you may be curious about what I'm looking for in terms of plot and characters! Right now I'm looking for a female oc character to be sent into the Castlevania world, they can have the knowledge of Castlevania from a series being watch pov. But I want them to meet Alucard after the final season before Nocturn. Please note my knowledge mainly comes from the animated series and this will be the first time I play Alucard (but I've played similar personalities before). I wanted this to be a story telling of Alucard coming out of his shell and learning how to love again (romantically).

For the female counterpart: I'm looking for someone from the modern age, someone who wouldn't be the greatest coming into a 15th century world of supernatural beings. The more mortal the better!

This is a love story!
Multi-para please.
If you're interested, please post your oc info below and I'll message you directly if we vibe!
Hello! If you are still interested in this, I'm very interested in trying it out!

As for info on my oc, I wanted to go a route of a young woman, like in her early to mid 20's who comes from a family of Lycanthrope hunters. But she's never seen a lycan herself so she thinks her family is a bunch of bullshit and that these supernatural creatures were a myth her mother made up to scare her. So she grew up learning how to fight beasts she doesn't believe in, until she sees them herself and is just "oh, so my mother wasn't crazy-"
Greetings and salutations! I'm interested. I hope that you'll take me into consideration, but if not that's completely fine! I'll go agead and give you what I'm working with.

Idalia Estrada, a woman who roots from Mexican origins—Specifically Tijuana, born and raised in Chicago. She comes from a troubled home, her father and mother often spouting. It came to a point where they divorced, she didn't get the chance to pick because her father left. Her mother was decent, but still had trouble holding down the house. Idalia provided little to no help, stirring up delinquent tendencies around her early years. Drinking. Smoking. Had an abusive boyfriend who she couldn't get untied to. He never laid hands on her, at least, not at first.. But his mental abuse took a toll on Idalia.

Idalia's mother passed away when she was twenty, and ultimately that left Idalia in grief and turmoil. She tried to turn away from all the drugs and alcohol, even leaving her job as an exotic dancer. Her boyfriend wasn't too happy about Idalia working at some food place, often saying back-handed insults. One night, coming home—One of the girls her boyfriend had over said some back-handed comment and ultimately it resulted with Idalia punching her. In response, the girl's boyfriend stood up to defend her. However, Troy, her boyfriend had already beat him to the punch and slapped Idalia. That was the eye awakening moment for her.

She packed her stuff the next morning, and he chased her down the streets. His intentions were malicious, rooted with his obsession with her. She practically broke down a door into a recruiter's office, marines, who thankfully scared her ex-boyfriend away. As an attempt to leave the life she had here behind, Idalia enlisted. Idalia is currently twenty-five years old, having done her fair share of tours.

Due to her excellence in the physical exams, she caught the eye of few of her superiors. Which eventually led her to getting a chance to try for special forces. Ultimately, with her determination and grit, she passed with flying colors. She still has her flaws—But has proven to be an asset, for herself and her team members.

Brooding. Mysterious. And yet somehow withholds the title of, 'Life of the party.' Drugs weren't on the table anymore (not that she'd pick them back up), but alcohol was. She loosens up a lot more when intoxicated, even more so because she's rather fond of partying and dancing. She often gets teased on it, even with her eye rolls and sarcastic comments, it's safe to say she's come a long way.

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