Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.) (Five Slots open!)

Satellite Skin

Junior Member
Castaways. (Stuck on an island RP.)

Her body laid motionless in the sand, a rushing sound echoing through her ears. Slowly Anna's eyes fluttered open and she honestly couldn't believe it, she was alive.

"Hello?" She called out, trying her hardest to lift herself up.

She could feel a stinging sensation on her head a sticky substance running down her forehead. It was a surprise that the worst that had happened to her way a large cut, it could have been so much worse.

"Hello?" She called out again, "Is anyone alive?"

Finally she managed to push herself up and she could fully take in everything now. She could see the bodies of her plane mates laid across the sandy beach. The plane that was suppose to take them to their camping area was just a pile of twisted metal and plan parts. She couldn't help, but to wonder how she managed to survive that.

"Anybody?" She cried again, fighting back tears as panic set in.

She couldn't believe this, it all seemed like a dream. This was suppose to just be a fun weekend trip in the mountains and now she was lost on a random island with no help in sight.

Slowly she got to her feet and walked towards the plane, she could see a white shirt tangled in the mess and she knew straight away that it was the pilot. It was obvious that he hadn't made it.

The tears were seconds away from falling when everything officially started to sink in. She might have survived the crash, but how was she going to survive this?
Hunter slowly regains consciousness. The first thing he knows is he's on his stomach with a face full of sand. He can hear the sound of water lapping on a beach. His head hurts with the biggest headache he's ever experienced. Trying to move is arms and legs, he feels sore and almost broken. The last thing he can remember was the flight, the plane but what happened after that?

His eyes flutter open and he sits up slowly, reaching for his side to make sure he's alright. He has a gash in his forehead and upon further inspection, a small hole in his side as though someone had brought a knife to it, bleeding furiously.

That's when he heard it. A voice. "Anybody?" Hunter looks around and sees a crowd of bodies, all limp and lifeless. The plane is totally destroyed laying dead and dismantled. Slowly, Hunter gets up and heads toward the plane. Using it as support he walks around to the other side and sees a man in white, the pilot, dead. What happened? Where are they? Then he notices the girl, who seems to be on the brink of tears and he can't say he's too far from that either. But, at least he's not alone.

Slowly Travis regained consciousness, yet his eyes stayed closed, hearing the roar of an ocean in his ears and the mortified cries of a girl shouting to figure out if she was not alone. His heart pounded in his chest, he knew what happened, his last memory was the whir of a failing engine screaming through his ears and the rattling plane heading full speed to an uncharted landing.

His eyes flew open, watching some grey mashed wreckage that pointed skyward, the mangled metal contrasted with the calm blue sky just as much as the tranquil ocean waves contrasted with the girl's pleas for some survivor. He was scared, he didn't want to turn his head to see anything else, but he forced himself to. He sat up slowly, his head spinning wildly. He finally saw the mutilated and limp masses and revulsion swept through his body. He squeezed his eyes tightly to block the images and took a deep breath, assessing the situation. He and the girl may be the only survivors of a plane crash, "Hey" a guys voice called from somewhere. He was not alone.

He tried to get up, but winced as a large piece of metal upon his leg restricted his movement. "...A little help!" he shouted as he wriggled under the objects weight. He realized that his whole body was sore, random scrapes and bruises dominated his body, but the worst damage, he assumed, would be his leg "Hello? Please help!"
Hunter hears the cry for help, a male voice. Not knowing exactly where it had come from he wanders closer to the bigger pieces of wreckage. Walking seems to be at least ten times more difficult than he remembers it. As best he can he stumbles through the dead bodies and blood, trying not to think about his own wounds. The sun beats down and heats the sand, it's hot especially since their location looks to be in the tropics.

Eventually Hunter finds the source of the voice. Perhaps the only living body trapped under a piece of the plane.

"I'm here... To help you." he manages to say. He starts to push on the piece pinning the man to the ground. All the same Hunter knows he is in no position to lift or move anything, yet somewhere inside him he knows this may be one of the only other survivors and it makes him push harder. Soon enough it budges and rolls off the man. Hunter falls to the ground, strangely overcome by the small task. He clutches his side, applying as much pressure as he can to stop from bleeding.

"I'm Hunter." he introduces himself with an added wince. "You alright?"
((Sorry guys! I vanished for a bit, but I'm back and ready to RP now. ^^))

Suddenly she can hear another voice and for a moment, she feels almost happy. Quickly her head darts from side to side, wondering where it came from and soon someone is standing in front of her. Though he seemed rather banged up as well, it was nice to know that someone else was alive, that she wasn't the only one here. Before she could open her mouth another cry was heard and the guy who once stood before her started to stumble away.

Without thinking she followed after him, her head throbbing more and more with every step. Everything began to grow fuzzy, but she pushed through it. She had to be strong, she had made it this far. She watched in awe as the one guy pushed a piece of twisted metal from the other and once he was free, down the other one went. "Are you guys okay?" She asked as she quickly made it to their sides. What a stupid question that was, of course they weren't okay. One was bleeding and the other had just been pinned under part of a plane. "Maybe there's a medical bag in the plane?" And with that, she started towards it, hoping she could find anything to help these two.

The plane was practically nothing more than one large twisted sheet of metal, but she had to try if it meant possibly saving the lives of two people and as far as she knew, these were the only two people left on the entire island. Taking in a deep breath she pushed her way into the small hole on the side and soon found herself standing in the cabin of the plane. Everything was thrown everywhere, and somethings weren't even recognizable. That's when she spotted it, a large orange bag that EMT usually carry. Slowly and carefully she made her way to it, grabbing that and whatever else she could carry out with her. Suddenly a sharp pain shot into her side, but she ignored it, adrenaline had already kicked in.

"I got it!" She exclaimed, hoping the two could hear her. Slowly she made her way back out of the plane and over towards them again. "Maybe there's something in here that can help you two." In all honesty, Anna needed help as well, though she didn't notice it. When making her way into the plane she managed to get hung up on something and now blood was starting to show from under her shirt. Quickly she tossed the bag onto the sand and knelt down, pulling out gauze and medical tape. "May I?" She asked, gesturing for Hunter to pull up his shirt.
At first Hunter is a little taken aback by her gesture, but without any medical attention they all could be dead in a matter of days. He removes his shirt slowly, wincing a little in pain. He looks over his wound, shocked at how bad it looks though he could have guessed at how much it hurt.

"You next, you're forehead looks pretty bad. Your shirt's gonna be ruined. Screw it, all our shirts are ruined." he gestured to the three of them, then looked around again to see if anyone else had stirred, but again he found no one else. "I'm Hunter by the way..." he said to both the girl and the guy he had just saved. He felt almost self-conscious sitting there shirtless in front of girl he's never met or even seen before now. Good thing he wasn't a lazy person back home.

Hunter sits as still as he possibly could as she cleaned his wound, audibly wincing at how much it hurt. It then made him wonder, how did he get this? How? His vision blurred for a few seconds and he blinked a few times to try to shake it off, his blonde hair falling into his eyes. His headache is getting worse and he fears the worst. For a second he leans back, ready to fall into the sand, but it never happens. He knows they need food and water, and shade very soon but he manages to keep himself together but for how long he's not sure.
Anna could feel the heat rise to her cheeks when he removes his shirt. No, Anna wasn't completely innocent, but she wasn't one to mess around with guys. She had a one or two close relationships in the past, but she was always sort of awkward and shy around guys. It wasn't often she was basically face to face with a random shirtless stranger. She couldn't lie, he was rather attractive, they both were really, well, despite how dirty everyone was. Wait, what was she thinking? Now wasn't the time for such thoughts, she had to fix these two up.

Quickly Anna shook the thoughts from her head and as gently as she could cleaned off his wound and wrapped it tightly. "I'm fine, it's just a scratch." She lied. "I'm Anna." Anna was one of those people who took care of others before herself. It just sort of came naturally to her. Honestly, it was more of a curse then again thing. Finally she was finished with him and leaned back a little, trying to get the throbbing in her head to stop.

Suddenly another sharp pain shot through her stomach and she winced. With the adrenaline finally wearing off she could once again feel pain normally. She glanced down, noticing what Hunter was talking about. The front of her shirt was torn slightly, and a sticky crimson liquid was starting to form under it. Part of her was too scared to lift it and see what damage was done, but she knew she had to. Slowly she pulled up her shirt, stopping just below her bra line. She grinned her teeth in pain when she saw the decent sized gash on her stomach. "Maybe I'm not fine..." She finally admitted.
The plane part was lifted off his leg and relief flooded through him. He felt extremely fuzzy and held back the need to throw up. He squeezed his eyes tightly trying to control the nausea as the girl came, then left for a first aid kit. When she came back she attempted to treat the Hunter kid before she realized she herself was wounded badly. His eyes widened as he saw that "That's really bad." He could tell by the slight blushes on their faces that this wasn't a desireable situation, but he pushed through it.

He grabbed some alcohol disinfectant and dabbeed it on the ugly gash, knowing full well it would hurt "Hunter hold her tight!" he said as he dabbed it a bit before grabbing some bandages and wrapping the wound tightly. The bandage was immediately tainted with red but it would keep more blood from flowing.

Travis looked himself up and down, really he was just some bloody scrapes and.bruises, if anything he couldn't feel his leg, it probably would be hard to walk. He slowly stood on his good leg, using the wreckage to lean against for support. "Well this is a fine mess, never in my life did I want to be the survivor guy" He sighed, looking down at the two others "I'm Travis" He said, trying to think of what else they should do.
Anna was about to open her mouth to protest, but the other guy had already started cleaning off her wound. She held back the urge to scream, the stinging feeling growing more and more. She squirmed slightly, her body naturally reacting to get away from the pain, but somehow she managed to get through it and now she was wrapped up, the pressure relieving some of the pain. "Thank you," she said softly before standing up as well.

"I think we should find shelter or -" She was quickly cut off by a low humming noise coming for the direction of the plane. At first she didn't think much of it until she could smell something smoky fill the air. Slowly she turned around and gasped at what she saw. "The plane! I think it's going to blow up!"
"How can this day get any worse!" He grabs for Anna's hand as he stands up, pulling her with him as he starts to run. He hopes they can make it to the water in time, that their wounds won't cost them the life they just managed to save. "C'mon!" he gestures to Travis, "We have to get to the water."

It's not far off, one hundred yards or so, they could make it. As he enters the water it's cold and unwelcoming yet better than standing on the sand and exploding. He guesses they are the only survivors, everyone else will be blown to bits. He's now waist deep, a few more steps and the waterline reaches the gash in his side. The saltwater burns, stings, hurts. A lot. He nearly screams or cries out but instead clenches his jaw, making the muscle in it jump. He squirms a little as he fights against the pain, getting deeper and deeper into the water away from the plane. Turning to face the beach he croutches closer to the water, just waiting for the first sign of explosion and then he'll duck underwater to hopefully be safe from the fire and or bits and pieces that fly off.
Travis limps over to the water with Hunter leading the way, his leg seizes up and it's hard to walk but he manages with some support from Anna, he ducks in the water beside hunter, hoping that whatever happens they'll be okay. He stares at the wreckage and prepares for the worst to happen. "Anyone ready for an episode of mythbusters?" he said in a voice filled with terror.
Before she knew it she was being pulled off towards the water, Hunter grasping her hand. In a normal situation she'd be blushing like crazy, but right now all she had on her mind was not getting blown to bits. She hesitated slightly when her feet first touched the water. It was freezing and it stung every little cut she had on her body. Honestly, she was dreading letting the water reach her stomach, but she followed after Hunter, hoping he knew what he was doing. Her body tenses when the water hits her gash, pain surging through her. She gritted her teeth, but said nothing. Glances over at Hunter she could see he too was having the same problem. Without thinking, she grabbed his hand again, squeezing it tightly. Not only for her pain, but for his as well.

"I think I should've just not gotten out of bed today." She said to Travis, a weak smile spreading across her lips. Seconds later a large bang echoed through the island, the ground shook, spreading tiny ripples across the water. Shrapnel flew across the beach and Anna quickly ducked under the water. She could hear some pieces of the plane hitting the water not from them and suddenly, as quick as it all happened, it stopped. Slowly she emerged, seeing nothing, but a hollow shell engulfed with flames and smoke. She could see on the far side of the beach the medical bag, two blankets and some other random stuff she managed to save from the plane, but everything else was gone in the explosion. "I should've went back when I could and gotten more stuff..." She said with a soft sigh.
((Do you mind if I joined? O.o And are we normal people or are there the exceptions of magical people and stuff? I just want to make sure so I'm not being weird and different :P ))

He would awake with a jolt, the sound of a enormous explosion echoeing through what seemed like a forest like area from his point of view. His muscles were sore and strained feeling, having a difficult time to have them react properly as he tried to sit up. He felt as if his body was one second behind his mind, his movements groggy and sometimes stiff responses. When he tried to move his right arm pain shot through his arm in went through his body at stunning speed. His stomach flexed with the pain and he stiffened his posture, barely sitting up all the way as he took a quick analysis of his right shoulder. It looked to be unnaturally bent backwards, his shoulder blade was out of it's socket or broken.

Looking around he grabbed a small nearby branch and clenched his teeth on it, removing his shirt on his left side with ease it seemed. His head was carefully done and with only a small spur of pain coming from his shoulder blade. But when he put his black shirt over his right shoulder it felt like he was putting molten shards over it. His arm burned and was obviously sore not only from misplacement but from hitting something very hard, hard enough to do what it did to his shoulder. He let the shirt fall down to his hand and removed it, making a make shift arm band out of it and painfully putting his arm into it. He had to scream through clenched teeth, growling and cursing into mumble until he got it right. Slowly he stood up and took in the survey of his surroundings, it took a grunt of effort, needless to say he had to put his left hand on his left knee to push himself up.

It looked like he hit a tree. The tree was bent from a heavy impact and he looked to be close enough to it to assume he was the one who came in contact with it. He put his cape back on to try to hide his body from the elements. He wasn't muscular but he was conditioned for outside exerpiences, but not a experience like this. It looked like he had alot of smaller cuts on his left arm and a excrutiating headache. He might've gotten a minor concussion, since it felt like his very brain was breaking in two ever since he got on his feet. Using his left hand as support against nearby trees since his legs felt like jelly where his muscles should be.
((I found the character sheet, nowe I feel dumb :) But i'm new ;( I'm only saying this as a heads up to fancy..))
((Hey guys just letting you know that I can't log on the site through my computer. I'm on my phone right now and it's a pain to type. Anyways, it's okay, I'm new too and didn't understand the whole sheet thing in a differnt forum. Uh... No, sorry. No magical people please. Just normal people.))
((Yea they were changing it since last night or something, but i think it should be done sometime today.))
((I should've went with my femal character instead; there are already 3 males to one female))

Travis crawls out of the water carefully. He sees the plane is nothing more than shredded metal on fire. He didn't want to think about where the bodies were now. He hobbled over to the pile of stuff the girl had collected. "Yes!" he cried out. He pulled his pocket knife from the sand, shaking grains off of it as he lifted it.

He crawled to the edge of the forest, he found a good sized branch and hacked at it with the knife. It took him a few moments but the branch fell to the floor. He whittled the excess leaves and such of before standing up on his good leg and putting pressure on the makeshift cane.

He walked back to the other two and looked around frantically "Okay, I saw this in a movie once, we wait for objects to wash up on shore, then we take a volleyball and make a friend out of him when we go insane." he gasped. "Hell, I think I'm insane already guys. We're on an island! What do you guys think we should do!" He looked to them hoping for some guidance.
((Hah, I know. I felt bad just joining because of the female to male ratio...)

After what seemed like forever, he found himself hearing water. It was great to know he was at the edge of the woodlands, he knew it had really been only a few minutes but his head was throbbing. It distorted his perception on time because of the pain, as well as the fact that he stumbled occasionally with his muscles straining to react normally, not including the pain from the bruises making him not want to move in the first place. He didn't know it but a small round piece of metal was protruding from his back just a little, not knowing it was responsible for the blood he was coughing up, whenever he did cough anyway. He thought he heard some kind of conversation but wasn't sure.

When he neared the edge of the forest, he noticed that there was a fire, it looked like it was a huge pile of metal on fire, larger parts gave insight that it was a plane. He didn't know who was all alive but he intended to find out. Walking out of the woods, he tripped on a branch. Normally he would've caught himself, but his body reacted as if he were suspended in honey. His hand made it halfway to attempt to catch himself before he hit the ground hard.

His shoulder was throbbing from the unexpected collision. He wanted to scream out but his body was flexing as if to freeze him to make sure he didn't make any other mistakes.

The fall did nothing to help with his head but create a distant more external pain, distracting what he felt on the inside. His brain felt like broken glass shattering when he hit the ground. Groaning, he knew he was fine from the fall but it was very uncalled for in his mind. "Uhhh..." He groaned while trying to regain his bearings, unsure of what he would find near the remnants of the plane, hoping there would be supplies or survivors of some sort.
((We might possibly be having another female? I don't know. You guys can play more than one character if you really want though.))

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