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Fantasy Castaway|OPEN|werewolves/vamps needed

Ooh may I claim a non-magical princess role? I'll take another but the position is still in thought :D
May I ask what "Regular" under Creatures of the Night means? :D
Hello! I am very interested in joining this RP and was curious if the position of Prince for the Magic Kingdom is still open?
Hiya, Iโ€™m definitely interested,

Could i have Werewolf Princess,
And the 2nd non-magical Princess?
Hi all, I now officially have someone from every kingdom! Once everyone posts a character I shall be posting the main rp thread! I would like for everyone to either start making enemies, allies, connections, and tension. Otherwise, I will be choosing who is allied, at war, and such. Anything goes in this rp! This is similar to world-building, so if you'd like to suddenly go to war with an allied kingdom go ahead! I will playing quite a few character that are minor, such as civilians and probably some pirated. If you wish to create a pirate character go ahead. I will include a character sheet for pirates. Thanks!
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Demon Knight, personal guard of Devil princess if possible
(I know I already made a character sheet but I'm still asking)
You are fine. Also, most people cannot tell what species another is. And no one has arrived at Larek but a siren and human wanderer. The party does not start till three days' time like the invitation said. So your character will be staying in a room until then. Not to mention, you cannot rp another person's character. I do not know when the person who created Ceres will join, but unless u have her explicit approval to rp her character I cannot allow it.

You can also not just assume another person's character will not attend the ball! Everyone has an invitation that's why it's freely viewed.

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