• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy ๐œ๐š๐ซ๐ฉ๐ž ๐๐ข๐ž๐ฆ (๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ค)

heyoo junie junie ! wanted to let you know that the role you're applying for, the addict (druggie), is actually a male role, not female. and if you could change the age to be somewhere between 22-25, that would be great ! thank you c :
finally finished my angel ! my boy-o should be finished tomorrow if things go according to plan. <3
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oh, so, i might've forgotten to watch this thread
but hey!! i'm here now ahah & the addict is all done in case there hasn't been time to check x)
My sheet is up! Gosh, it took over a day and a half, don't ask me how it took that long cause I don't know how it took that long...
finally finished my angel ! my boy-o should be finished tomorrow if things go according to plan. <3
i don't mean to be stoobid, but do you have tabs in your character sheet? because i can't seem to navigate through them and idk, i'm confused haha.

edit: this is what i see.
i don't mean to be stoobid, but do you have tabs in your character sheet? because i can't seem to navigate through them and idk, i'm confused haha.

edit: this is what i see.
I'm not op but this is what I see on my screen. It seems the tab must have got cut off at the top of your screen or something. Maybe try zooming out if you're on desktop or switching modes if you're on mobile?
The tabs aren't working, on the sheet that neon made and that one, is my iPad going fucking crazy!?
i don't mean to be stoobid, but do you have tabs in your character sheet? because i can't seem to navigate through them and idk, i'm confused haha.

edit: this is what i see.
yes there are tabs, i wouldnโ€™t mind adding a spoiler at the button to help any others who may have issues reading it!
yes there are tabs, i wouldnโ€™t mind adding a spoiler at the button to help any others who may have issues reading it!
that would be great actually. not sure why i can't view them haha. i use mozilla.
[div class=container][div class=sidebar] [div class=sbbox] [div class=iconb][div class=icon][/div][/div] [div class=qnbox] [div class=quote]so, who are you again, exactly?[/div] [div class=name]Ari [div class=role]the criminal[/div] [/div][/div] [/div] [div class=taskbar] [div class="button 1btn buttonselect"]
[/div] [div class="button 2btn"]
[/div] [div class="button 3btn"]
[/div] [div class="button 4btn"]
[/div] [/div] [div class=sbarea][div class=longquote] i feel [div class=lqbold]weak[/div]. girls like me donโ€™t love so much that we bend at the knees. that our hearts ache [div class=lqhighlight]when you leave.[/div] girls like me do the [div class=lqbold]leaving[/div]. but itโ€™s four in the morning and wherever you are, you [div class=lqhighlight]forgot to return my heart[/div]. itโ€™s four in the morning and i physically [div class=lqbold]hurt[/div] from not having you. feel lost. feel unfinished. [div class=lqhighlight]girls like me are art.[/div] but [div class=lqbold]you[/div] showed up and i discovered that the unframed parts of me might be beautiful too: that i didnโ€™t need to [div class=lqhighlight]smile coyly[/div] or keep my [div class=lqbold]edges[/div] tucked. that i didnโ€™t need to [div class=lqhighlight]hide who i was.[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div][div class=body][div class="tabs 1tab" ][div class=basics][div class=scroll2][div class=reqblock]requisite
[div class=reqscrolln1]scroll[/div]

[/div][div class=reqbody][div class=scroll][div class=reqtag]full name[/div] ariana ly
[div class=reqtag]alias(es)[/div] ari
[div class=reqtag]age[/div] twenty-three
[div class=reqtag]gender[/div] female
[div class=reqtag]sexuality[/div] (closeted) bisexual
[div class=reqtag]d.o.b.[/div] february 8th 1997
[div class=reqtag]p.o.b.[/div] da nang, vietnam
[div class=reqtag]role[/div] the criminal
[/div][div class=appearance][div class=scroll2][div class=reqblock]appearance
[div class=reqscrolln2]scroll[/div]

[/div][div class=reqbody][div class=scroll][div class=reqtag]height[/div] 162cm
[div class=reqtag]weight[/div] 49kg
[div class=reqtag]body type[/div] slim/ectomorph
[div class=reqtag]hair colour[/div] black
[div class=reqtag]eye colour[/div] russet brown
[div class=reqtag]distinguishing features[/div]
โ†’ dark, long hair
โ†’ particularly slender hands and fingers
โ†’ blushy cheeks
[div class=reqtag]body mods[/div] earlobe piercings
[div class=reqtag]faceclaim[/div] hillary trinh (hyulari)

[/div][div class="tabs 2tab" style=display:none;][div class=persum] [div class=persh]VICES & VIRTUES[/div] [div class=persiconb] [div class=persicon][/div] [/div] [div class=perscon] [div class=persvirc] [div class=persvir]+ intelligent[/div][div class=persvir]+ sociable[/div][div class=persvir]+ meticulous[/div][div class=persvir]+ resourceful[/div][div class=persvir]+ empathetic[/div] [/div] [div class=persvicc] [div class=persvic]โ€“ anxious[/div][div class=persvic]โ€“ selfish[/div][div class=persvic]โ€“ image-conscious[/div][div class=persvic]โ€“ proud[/div][div class=persvic]โ€“ secretive[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div][div class=persb][div class=scroll][div class=reqtag]virtues[/div] there's a lot you could tell at a glance. ari's intelligent, undoubtedly, and it helps that she supplements it with a good amount of hard work. there's nothing less to be expected from someone who's basically made a home out of the top spot of the cohort. sociable and friendly, ari has her own unique type of charisma. it's gained her a large bulk of her popularity, and her natural endearingness draws you in easily, with an almost infectious smile. she balances being all-rounded well, even personality-wise, for her meticulousness is not to be omitted either. she's known to be incredibly organised and resourceful, and ari makes a great students' council president. along with that, her empathetic nature makes her your go-to person when you're feeling sad. she's always ready to lend a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.

[div class=reqtag]vices[/div] truthfully, ari's very selfish. there are only a select few that she would allow to be prioritised over herself, despite her (stagnating) sense of morals. it seems a lot of her outward care and concern may come from her image-consciousness. at times, even ari can't really discern where she's drawn the line between actually caring and doing it for the sake of. it's led to her being somewhat two-faced, a trait she's not particularly fond of either. it goes hand in hand with her pride, and her unwillingness to let even a spot grace her reputation. ari would rarely let anyone believe she's incapable of doing something, with an almost silly stubbornness when it comes to certain tasks. her tendency to be secretive helps none when it comes to matters of the heart, and ari doesn't enjoy sharing much about her feelings nor herself in general. she'd rather say nothing than risk letting something slip. she's grown more anxious as the years have past, and her paranoia has changed the way she works, better or for worse. she's more meticulous, but also more afraid; an optimist-turned-pessimist trying desperately to stay afloat.

[div class=reqtag]strengths[/div]
โ†’ ari's organisational skills are second to none, and it's only compounded by her memory. trust her to remember your dental appointment or to remind you of a task you've yet to complete. her bullet journal and notes are godsends in times of peril.
โ†’ she's good at thinking on the spot and finding alternatives. ari's resilient in her own way.
โ†’ the voice of reason in many odd and possible disastrous situations, ari's always been reliable and the go-to mediator when you can't resolve a fight.
โ†’ ari bakes the best brownies. that's just a fact.
โ†’ she has an uncanny talent for running.

[div class=reqtag]weaknesses[/div]
โ†’ her tendency to bottle things up has led to her imploding in more recent years. ari can have minor breakdowns, but does her best to recover from it all on her own.
โ†’ ari's near desperation to continue being miss perfect has led to her being a little more touchy about criticism. her anxiousness doesn't help at all.
โ†’ she's not very artistically inclined.
โ†’ cats. allergies.
โ†’ ari's kleptomaniacy is habitual. it's becoming difficult to resist her urges, even if she doesn't need items at the moment.

[div class=reqtag]likes[/div]
mangoes, fruits in general, smoothies, autumn, cool air, desserts, eggs, blue, the beach/ocean, romance novels, lo-fi

[div class=reqtag]dislikes[/div]
coffee, bitter food, pickles, wearing all-black, thunderstorms, insects, sharks, noise pollution, too-bright screens, horror movies

[div class=reqtag]fears[/div]
โ†’ going to jail ; a highly likely consequence of her bad habit, but ari fears it nonetheless
โ†’ her mother dying ; she's lost her father, she won't lose her mother too.
โ†’ getting drunk + gambling ; ari doesnt' ever want to risk going down the same path as her dad. she drinks minimally, and refuses to ever gamble.

[div class=reqtag]ambitions[/div]
ari just wants to go to university and do well in life. she'll quit her habit one day, but she's dead set on being successful by then.
[/div][div class="tabs 3tab" style=display:none;][div class=historyb][div class=scroll]you would know about ari. if you went to her school, lived in her neighbourhood, there was no way you wouldn't hear about her. she was little miss perfect, the model student, yet endearingly sociable with a pristine reputation. you were probably one of her friends, perhaps envious but admiring of her popularity and seeming absence of flaws.

ari was anything but.

yeah, she was president of the students' council and topped her cohort throughout her 4 years. sure, she dated the most popular guy in school and practically sat at the top of the hierachy. but ari came from humble beginnings, more humble than she'd ever dare admit. born to a wealthy vietnamese family in da nong, vietnam, ari moved at the age of 2 to the states with her father bringing his family's money with him. he was ambitious, and planned to start his own business, but mere dreams and passion were not enough to carry him forward.

when his business fell, so did he. turning to drinking and gambling to quell his sorrows, mr. ly gave the family of 3's lives an entire 180. when ari was 9, he vanished without a trace, taking much of whatever remaining money he had with him. in just a few years, she'd gone from a pampered, rich princess to barely making ends meet, with her mother now working two jobs to support their family. no one would be pleased with the change, and ari certainly wasn't.

her little thievery started with the smallest, most minor thing. she'd seen her classmate's new set of pens, ari went against her heart and stole it. they never found the culprit, but ari knew the poor girl wouldn't miss it. she was exactly where ari was just a few years ago, and she'd use it better. it was all things she told herself to rid herself of the guilt eating away at her, but it was all worth it when she showed up a week later with a pretty little pen that she'd picked up at the stationery store. she craved the admiration she got from maintaining her higher status, but she found a new fixation with the thrill she'd gotten from getting away with it.

ari's kleptomaniacy followed her throughout her schooling years, even as she continued to build up her reputation. it gradually grew in scale, and ari desensitised herself from it; she's taken great lengths to prevent anyone from ever noticing. meticulous as she is, she finds herself growing more and more paranoid of the consequences that she knows are likely inevitable; whether it be the toll it takes on her mother or a mark on her untarnished esteem.

but what scares her most is the fact that it has become a habit that is steadily becoming out of her control.
[div class=hblock]

[/div][/div][/div][div class=extra][div class=scroll][div class=reqtag]mbti[/div] esfp
[div class=reqtag]theme song[/div] so mean โ€” mxmtoon
[div class=reqtag]quote to describe them[/div] โ the day you have everything, i hope you remember when you had nothing. โž
[/div][/div][div class=historyf] [div class=hfcon] [div class=historytitle]history[/div] [div class=extrabutton]click here for extra[/div] [/div] [div class=historyiconb] [div class=historyicon][/div] [/div] [/div]
[/div][div class="tabs 4tab" style=display:none;][div class=rsheader] [div class=rsbigiconb] [div class=rsbigicon][/div] [/div] [div class=rshcon] [div class=rshtitle]relationships[/div] [div class=rshtaskbar][div class=scroll] [div class="rsbutton 1rsb rsselect"]char 1
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[/div][/div] [/div] [/div][div class=rsbodya][div class="rsbody 1rs"][div class=rsisa] [div class=rsname][div class=rsrole](const.)[/div]and[/div] [div class=rsstatus]status: acquaintance[/div] [div class=rsbarcon] [div class=rsm1][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm2][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm3][div class=rsmline][/div][/div] [div class=rsbar]
[/div] [/div] [/div][div class=rsiconb][div class=rsicon][/div][/div][div class=rstext][div class=scroll]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce venenatis suscipit lorem, ut aliquam diam pellentesque at. Vestibulum eu vehicula nisl. Fusce at dolor ut libero eleifend sagittis. Donec eget scelerisque erat. Suspendisse potenti. Donec sollicitudin non felis nec varius. Sed et massa a sapien bibendum euismod. Pellentesque luctus, felis gravida consequat rutrum, neque metus condimentum dolor, ac facilisis elit nulla nec tellus. Duis ultricies ex sed ullamcorper malesuada. Ut pretium ullamcorper lacus quis suscipit. Sed pharetra ullamcorper mauris, ac tincidunt velit convallis ac. Donec congue leo a quam venenatis, id euismod arcu sagittis. Mauris finibus sem nec eros sodales, nec venenatis est dictum. Nulla id nibh urna.

Ut congue ex ac dignissim eleifend. Phasellus varius enim nulla, sit amet pretium dui tempus quis. Sed faucibus sapien eget iaculis bibendum. Ut placerat blandit enim quis accumsan. Curabitur urna turpis, imperdiet viverra interdum vel, sodales vitae sem. Nulla consectetur iaculis interdum. Phasellus porta auctor ultricies.

[/div][div class="rsbody 2rs" style=display:none;][div class=rsisa] [div class=rsname][div class=rsrole](const.)[/div]i'm[/div] [div class=rsstatus]status: acquaintance[/div] [div class=rsbarcon] [div class=rsm1][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm2][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm3][div class=rsmline][/div][/div] [div class=rsbar]
[/div] [/div] [/div][div class=rsiconb][div class=rsicon][/div][/div][div class=rstext][div class=scroll]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce venenatis suscipit lorem, ut aliquam diam pellentesque at. Vestibulum eu vehicula nisl. Fusce at dolor ut libero eleifend sagittis. Donec eget scelerisque erat. Suspendisse potenti. Donec sollicitudin non felis nec varius. Sed et massa a sapien bibendum euismod. Pellentesque luctus, felis gravida consequat rutrum, neque metus condimentum dolor, ac facilisis elit nulla nec tellus. Duis ultricies ex sed ullamcorper malesuada. Ut pretium ullamcorper lacus quis suscipit. Sed pharetra ullamcorper mauris, ac tincidunt velit convallis ac. Donec congue leo a quam venenatis, id euismod arcu sagittis. Mauris finibus sem nec eros sodales, nec venenatis est dictum. Nulla id nibh urna.

Ut congue ex ac dignissim eleifend. Phasellus varius enim nulla, sit amet pretium dui tempus quis. Sed faucibus sapien eget iaculis bibendum. Ut placerat blandit enim quis accumsan. Curabitur urna turpis, imperdiet viverra interdum vel, sodales vitae sem. Nulla consectetur iaculis interdum. Phasellus porta auctor ultricies.

[/div][div class="rsbody 3rs" style=display:none;][div class=rsisa] [div class=rsname][div class=rsrole](const.)[/div]kanye[/div] [div class=rsstatus]status: acquaintance[/div] [div class=rsbarcon] [div class=rsm1][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm2][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm3][div class=rsmline][/div][/div] [div class=rsbar]
[/div] [/div] [/div][div class=rsiconb][div class=rsicon][/div][/div][div class=rstext][div class=scroll]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce venenatis suscipit lorem, ut aliquam diam pellentesque at. Vestibulum eu vehicula nisl. Fusce at dolor ut libero eleifend sagittis. Donec eget scelerisque erat. Suspendisse potenti. Donec sollicitudin non felis nec varius. Sed et massa a sapien bibendum euismod. Pellentesque luctus, felis gravida consequat rutrum, neque metus condimentum dolor, ac facilisis elit nulla nec tellus. Duis ultricies ex sed ullamcorper malesuada. Ut pretium ullamcorper lacus quis suscipit. Sed pharetra ullamcorper mauris, ac tincidunt velit convallis ac. Donec congue leo a quam venenatis, id euismod arcu sagittis. Mauris finibus sem nec eros sodales, nec venenatis est dictum. Nulla id nibh urna.

Ut congue ex ac dignissim eleifend. Phasellus varius enim nulla, sit amet pretium dui tempus quis. Sed faucibus sapien eget iaculis bibendum. Ut placerat blandit enim quis accumsan. Curabitur urna turpis, imperdiet viverra interdum vel, sodales vitae sem. Nulla consectetur iaculis interdum. Phasellus porta auctor ultricies.

[/div][div class="rsbody 4rs" style=display:none;][div class=rsisa] [div class=rsname][div class=rsrole](const.)[/div]west[/div] [div class=rsstatus]status: acquaintance[/div] [div class=rsbarcon] [div class=rsm1][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm2][div class=rsmline][/div][/div][div class=rsm3][div class=rsmline][/div][/div] [div class=rsbar]
[/div] [/div] [/div][div class=rsiconb][div class=rsicon][/div][/div][div class=rstext][div class=scroll]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce venenatis suscipit lorem, ut aliquam diam pellentesque at. Vestibulum eu vehicula nisl. Fusce at dolor ut libero eleifend sagittis. Donec eget scelerisque erat. Suspendisse potenti. Donec sollicitudin non felis nec varius. Sed et massa a sapien bibendum euismod. Pellentesque luctus, felis gravida consequat rutrum, neque metus condimentum dolor, ac facilisis elit nulla nec tellus. Duis ultricies ex sed ullamcorper malesuada. Ut pretium ullamcorper lacus quis suscipit. Sed pharetra ullamcorper mauris, ac tincidunt velit convallis ac. Donec congue leo a quam venenatis, id euismod arcu sagittis. Mauris finibus sem nec eros sodales, nec venenatis est dictum. Nulla id nibh urna.

Ut congue ex ac dignissim eleifend. Phasellus varius enim nulla, sit amet pretium dui tempus quis. Sed faucibus sapien eget iaculis bibendum. Ut placerat blandit enim quis accumsan. Curabitur urna turpis, imperdiet viverra interdum vel, sodales vitae sem. Nulla consectetur iaculis interdum. Phasellus porta auctor ultricies.


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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ur coding is so pretty (ใ€‚Uโ„ โ„ฯ‰โ„ โ„ Uใ€‚)
Best of luck on the final push to finish characters, y'all! I love all the gorgeous design choices!
apologies for the delay [ you can partly blame erised erised for that due to her being a slowpoke w/ adrian. ilu tho moonie ] but after reviewing all your cs again and some debating, we have officially chosen the characters we found most suited for carpe diem.
to those accepted, the invites will be sent out shortly!
to everyone, we would like to thank you all for your interest and the creativity and effort you put into those character sheets. It was honestly a very close tie between most of them !! Again, thank you for putting your time and dedicating your interest to our roleplay concept. Even if you weren't accepted, we hope to have a chance to roleplay with you in the future! <3
And on a side note: we do plan to set up a waiting list in case someone drops out.
so if you wish to be on that list, please let us know down below!
[tags: yousmelldead yousmelldead pinnasina pinnasina invariance invariance Centuries Centuries constellation constellation Uxie Uxie fantasy fantasy LawfulAwful LawfulAwful Virus Virus sox sox junie junie ]


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