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Care to Embark on a dark Original adventure?


When you're down so deep, only way left is up.
Hello all fellow writers!

Not only do I have an appetite for fandom rps I also have a craving for something original as well. I have just a few simple rules which I hope won't be too big of a deal.

1: No god-modding…just don’t. Not on my two or one main…ever.

2: Be okay to ooc chat (I'll be checking this site almost every day at least once so PM works fine or email after possible interest has been established). Seriously, I don’t bite and it helps for us to keep talking and see what we can twist around and play with. As well if one of us gets busy, at least then we know the other person is okay and hasn't vanished into olivion.

3: I am a 21 year old female with one son and a fiancé. I do share the computer with other members of the household so please be patient. I will try to reply at least twice a day or more IF I can but you can contact me within 3 days if I give no word. I will get a chance to at least see it. I give you the same amount of time if I don’t hear from you but seriously no rush. I am patient.

4: I PREFER long posts that are detailed. You don’t need to describe the entire scene of the episode or chapter but I want to see where you character molds the story…I want to understand their turmoil and their growth. I will do my best to return that style. (third person, paragraph style 2-5+).

5: I am okay with a lot of pairings and genders don’t matter to me, but unless you state you want to do an AU verse of the Naruto world…at least try to make your character well put together and fitting in the story without too much alien nature. And no one is perfect, I have had to grow and am still growing. Even after 13 years of rping it’s still a growing and (supposed to be) enjoyable adventure.

6: seriously…don’t be afraid to talk to me if you disagree with something or want to discuss and give ideas. I am open minded and can work with a lot.

7: Tell me your limits…please. I have NONE none at all, other than a preference…it must add to the story. I love action, drama, gory, cruel but if all your character is going to do is get raped and beat up then die. I can just read Shakespeare tragedies…I am not looking to write a tragedy. I want to write a story with you.

Must be age 18 or older if wanting more darker themes!

8: text talk is for ooc chat…if English isn’t your first language please…still try to make it coherent and clear the message. I’m no grammar nazi and I certainly make typos…but we have auto correct for a reason.

9: please don’t be annoyed with how many rules there were >w<

Okay now that, that is done here are just a few skeletal plots I've had swirling in my head to maybe try. I am more than open to mixing and or other plots my fellow darker roleplayers have been wanting to try.

**001: We are all young once. And we all felt the cold silence of loneliness at some point in our lives. Some of us filled the void with an imaginary friend. A creature...a person, or just...something to fill that empty space next to us. But where do they go when life has dulled our imagination as life does? What if they were more than just in our thoughts. Or worse...what if they came back when we were past childish bliss and acceptance. (a potential world builder and open ended pairing. However my character is a "What" not a human and male but i have no set love interest for him so this is one where your OC might be his interest or we can double and make new characters for our main ocs.)

*******002: Sociopaths living in normal society but hiding their demented interests and fancies through a fake image. But when their paths cross do they potentially cross for love or to be each others next “subject” . (can lead to sort of a doctor/patient stalker/victim all kinds of scenarios like that and i have a main OC who is female with a open ended male character for her love interest that I would LOOOOVE for you to play. I would do the same and make a oc for your main oc's crush or play a set one you have for it)

003: Underground gang, mafia and action involving people not always meant to be there. (can be supernatural creatures or humans female character for this one )

***004: Pirates...revenge, alcohol, the free wind and sea...or violent tyranny to clear the sea dogs out of the water , escape from the darker side of the sea who knows what would could be discovered (more of a medieval era rp and world builder but also open ended pairing with both male and female characters not paired together and open for adventure)

**** 005: Humans and mythical beings. The stuff once in nightmares and fairy tales now ordinary life. After the long and seemingly unending war between supernatural creatures and humans the passage into the modern age finally brought things to a crossing of peace. A draw and promise to try and work together instead of at each other. Now humans and fables must live and work together doing the same jobs, living the same style, and being "normal". It seemed a true era of rejoice and bliss now that fantasy was real and everyday life. But what if people...start to vanish. Both supernatural and human alike? No traces left just missing persons. Will they be able to work together to save each other or will it bring about the next great war? (potentially a mystery, cop, sherlock holmes type thing...more action deception and detective mysteries. male and female characters for this one but not only meant for each other they are open-ended)

*****006: space adventures (i have an idea for this one regarding your desire for DRAGONS or dragon RIDERS as well that would be very interesting)...be it earth and space entwining in secret until the politics keeping things hidden finally break free and innocent people are dragged into otherworldly trouble. Or space adventurous groups and gangs competing for power in the galaxies, a heist that was actually a war the lower group were not ready for brings out the true heroes of the universe. (this is open ended as well. Planet discovery gone far more dangerous than was listed? Or even select few humans being thrusted into accepting aliens exist and now have to help their "friends" save an entire world or rather...galaxy!? multiple characters for this, some enemies, some friends, some lovers...i have whatever is needed and fun to mess with. I love to mess with my OCs)

*= Plots I’m very interested in doing.

Hopefully something has caught the right attention, and I hope to hear from you some creeps and peeps soon!

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If you would (and hopefully can) go ahead PM me, we can start stirring up characters :3
Chalky11 said:
If you would (and hopefully can) go ahead PM me, we can start stirring up characters :3
Um...can you Pm me? Im kinda new to this and i don't know how
Julie said:
Um...can you Pm me? Im kinda new to this and i don't know how
truth be told I am new to this as well. Generally a straight up email roleplayer only. But I'm poking around trying to figure it out.
To PM, mouse over the envelope on the top left of the screen (I'll show a picture with it highlighted) and go down into the little popup menu. Click 'Start A New Conversation.' :P

Keep in mind you must have passed the requirements of the 10post/24 hour rule~

EDIT: Alternatively, click on their profile picture and click 'start a new conversation' on that popup.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/here.PNG.d8ce01d11a84ebb7dc36a9d2f28da3f3.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/here.PNG.d8ce01d11a84ebb7dc36a9d2f28da3f3.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • here.PNG
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Well then I shall have to get back to you on this roleplay then. Because I have not yet.
You have, though.

You have more than ten posts and your account is older than 24hrs :P
Meredith said:
You have, though.
You have more than ten posts and your account is older than 24hrs :P
xD ! Gracias, I'm sorry the newb handicap I am. Yep it looks like it's working :3
StoneWolf18 said:
Hello! ^^ After looking over your plot ideas, numbers 4 and 6 really interested me!
4 and 5 X3 either one would be good so which ever is tickling your fancy more? Medieval adventure and hell or sci-fi messery xD
Chalky11 said:
4 and 5 X3 either one would be good so which ever is tickling your fancy more? Medieval adventure and hell or sci-fi messery xD
MMm...Lets go with 4. I'm in the mood for a bit of pirates ^^
StoneWolf18 said:
MMm...Lets go with 4. I'm in the mood for a bit of pirates ^^
4 it shall be then. shall I PM you so we can talk OC's and or building them?

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