Captain Vallo: A Pirate Life... not for Him [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

"Prices is, what prices does, and everything in between is up for barter, ah har!"

Vallo smiles a dazzling smile. "So fair lass what be your opening price for yon tale?"
The woman smiles more and you can see her teeth are sharper than a shark jaws.

"My price will be... a small portion of your soul... a fair price to hear the tale one of the most powerful and craziest man Creation has ever seen."


so permanent willpower willing sacrifice to your little fae friend ? :twisted:
"Well there lies the rub dearest lady, there lies the rub. The soul of Captain Vallo is not for the bargining of. Its a sail away unhindered soul, a soul that is hard to grasp as hard as the sea itself."

Vallo smiles and bows to Mamma Fishbone.

"So it means that this tale is over, or this small part of it anyway."


sorry no way Vallo is selling even the smallest part of his soul...
"Don't tell me you came all de way here ta get back witout nuthin ta bring back wit yo. I'd be offended ta let yo go dis way. It be a stain on oooold mama's reputation... if de price ain't fair ta yo, what yo propose in exchange for my tale... ?!"
"Well my fair maid what can I do for you, you ask?"

Captain takes a dramatic step back throws his right arm aross his chest and rests the elbow of his left upno it and gently rubs his chin with a pondering expression on his face.

"A stain on your reputation you say, but surely you know that reputation is the product of story, m'heartie? And there be no better story spinner than good Cap'n Vallo that be the truth or strike me with pointy sticks until I leak all I drink."

"So here be a cunning plan, so cunning you could say, that if you put a tail on it you could call it a weasel, yo ho! As a spinner of tales, tall tales some may say, but I would ne'er say such, as all stories and tales need to be interesting and exciting or where be the point of them? So here be my counter offer, as you seem eager for a deal, bargin or perhaps that tale you have it be a itchin' to get told. In anycase my offer be as such. So when I leaves this island I tells the tale slightly different than what actually 'appened. I tells it like you would me to tells it, be that you fleesed me rotten and I be never darkening your shore again or you done me a good deal and that be fair and square or what else you want. So in tell me tale the legend and renown of Mama Fishbone be a spreading, people will know of ye, and more will want to come to do a deal with ye."

Vallo throws Mama Fishbone a dazzling smile looking as if his plan is simply the best thing he has ever thought of.
The old fart seems thoughtful for a moment but then she smiles and you can see her teeth are sharp as the fangs of a sea crocodile:

"I'd agree ta dis if you make me yo best promise ta spread my fame whenever you get de chance... I'll give ye my knowledge... and if yer story leads ya inta de steps of de Black Bandana... den you'll have plenty o fame and plenty o stories ta tell de people. Whaddya say ? deal ?"


Oh what the hell custom charm designed by the ST ! :

glamour effect; indefinite; compulsion effect to mention her as an important character whenever you start telling a story / singing a song based on your adventures.

Can be resisted if you pay 4 wp to resist the compulsion.

Good news is: when your total integrity + essence will reach 7 (her manipulation score), this charm will not have anymore effect on you :)

Sounds fair ?
"Aye lass, I do believe we haves a deal. That we do.."

He throws a wink Mama's way before spitting on his hand and proffering it to her.


yup sounds fair, not that Vallo would need the compulsion ;)

is the 4 wp a one off payment?
You can feel the oily wet touch of her hand when you shake it and she smiles:

"Wait for me here sweety, I'll brought us some ta eat, it's gonna be a looooong story my dear."

She enters her cabin and gets out a second later with a strange iron pot hands with a nasty smell and two bowls.

"Notin' like Mama's jellyfish soup ta start a story... here sweetie have some..." she says with an apparent pride holding you the bowl. The scent of the meal is appealing compared to the smell it has in the pot, there are some onions, slices of lemon, some red and orange spices and the visquous aspect of the jellyfish.

"Now you gotta understand one ting before we start, dis tale is as old as de world, and if this is de Black Bandana we are talking about... then tings will go bad for your people real soon."


nah the cost is for resisting the compulsion for the scene.

be updating the story in the weekend.
Old Mama Fishbone finishes her soup and smiles:

"As with every good story, dis once begins wit once upon a time, but dis one begins wit two !"

She laughs.

"So once upon a time, in a land far far away dere was a college of mastas.

Dey had great skill and great power over de essence, and dey practically ruled every aspect of de kingdom when it came ta martial arts. Dat college was a secret and only dem members knew its name: de Black Bandana. De land was prosperous and dem wandering knights made great legends for demselves fighting evil creatures, demons and ghosts.

Once upon another time dere was a young boy, born of a watah goddess and blessed wit de ability ta enlighten his own soul ta reach de highest peaks of powah. His brodahs and sistahs were also powerful martial artists, but deir power endlessly drove dem crazy and de kings of de land in which dem live said dat dem should all be locked up as a measure of security for de people of de land.

De little boy grew up and his martial skills were so impressive dat some mastahs took him under dem wings, to train him and see him complete his development, and soon he was introduced ta de secret society.

De little boy grew a powerful man, and soon his power was worrying dem mastahs. His brodhas and sistahs warned him about de danger of developping his skills, which was forbidden by de rule of de kingdom... but he didn't listen... and he used de secret libraries of de secret society to become more powerful.

He eventually succeeded and he became a dragon, but he had trangressed de rule of de kingdom and so dem mastahs sent dem best assassins to punish him, but he had become so powerful dat he disposed of dem easily.

When he realized de rule of de kingdom was unfair and de Black Bandana was de one responsible for it, he took on himself ta eliminate dem and deir followers, and ironically took the name of de Black Bandana, hiding in shadows and avenging his brothas and sistahs locked away, dreaming of de day when they be reunited and dey could push dem limits and progress togethah.

And so became his deadly crusade, as de Black Bandana went to destroy every dojo that de kingdom sheltered, because he knew once de society would have no oder choice, dey would send dem all against him, so he took de first move. Every time he destroyed a school he left one of dose lil black ribbons

He killed many many heroes and legends, and it took a circle of heroes and deir allies to finally locked him away wit ten thousand guardians, but as the prison bars closed, he swore ta dem dat he would destroy his guardians and be set free and avenge dis betrayal... as he only wanted to progress witout harming people...

I dunno when dis tale took place but my ancestors taught it to me many many years ago... I didun tink it was true... until today..."

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