Captain Syston


King of Transformers
Full Name:
Devri Syston

Dev, Captain Syston

Romantic Orientation:

Force Sensitivity:

Chaotic Neutral


6’ 200 lbs.

Home World:


E-10 Blaster Rifle

Contained T-3 plasma sword

There was a time where Dev was kind. Free to do what he wanted. Free to explore the regions of space and be the scientist he always wanted to be. The man started out as an idealist before seeing the hardships of war. From there, it was battle after battle. There is no time for games, there is no time to mess around. If you mess up even for a moment, your entire squad is dead. No escape. Dev would describe himself as rambunctious. He is unpredictable and willing to go above and beyond what is needed. He does care for his crew, they are his world and will do anything for them. It doesn't mean he is a bad guy. Dev likes people, he just hates the idiots who ruin the good things. He wants to be loved for bringing good things to people. Supplies, order, buildings, all those things he had helped them and the people thanked him for it. But those rebels. They have a beautiful empire and there they are destroying the peace they bring.

Being born a world full of gas, Dev has mastered the art of moving in zero to low g environments. Many places could be jumped to if the person had the guts to make the attempt
Being born into a rich family, Dev got all the best training ranging from hand to hand to sword play. Most of it was for sport, but it transferred well to battle.
Can drive speeders decently.
Strong, but not stronger than most physically adept species.
Knows science in many forms and can apply them in battle to better prepare his men.
Ability to fly a jet pack decently.

Prone to anger, Dev can become reckless in battle.
Dev is ruthless when it comes to war. He will use any means necessary, but only when needed. He is not as callous as some of his other captains.
He believes the empire is bringing order to the galaxy.
All of it is to be someone people can be proud of.

The mystic force and its abilities to shape the world around him.
Those who he hurt coming back to haunt him.
Falling into the abyss of Bespin.

Being born towards the end of the republic, Dev enjoyed a life of luxury. His family, the Systons, owned a profitable mining cooperation. From there, they were able to live happily in their massive flying home. Whatever Dev wanted, he could have. He and his sisters had all the nicest things, all the greatest vacations. Their parents were happily married, or at least that was the front they showed their children. Dev was the oldest, so he was always taken to be shown the operations of the mining industry by his father. A father who was very proud of him and wanted to give him the family job.

Then the mobsters came. Without the worry of republic forces, or a public army of their own, the people of bespin were unable to stop the invaders. They took and pillaged what they wanted. Many cities fell into the abyss of the central part of the planet. His family's business ruined for good. All he had ever known taken from him. That was when the empire showed up. They wiped out the mobsters bringing order to the world. Alas, even from the rubble, their family could not salvage their business. His father and mother poured themselves into the work to rebuild what was lost.

The world was in ruins, and the mighty empire had come to save them. A people of peace and order bringers. Dev joined as soon as he was of age. Through months and years of training, he rose through the ranks, his knowledge of worlds allowing him to climb with ease. Eventually, he was given the rank of captain and his own crew. They were to deal with the hardy rebels, the ones who wouldn't go down without a fight and who caused the most damage to the worlds. He was given every tool to succeed. By any means necessary. Anything was on the table. Sometimes he had to do things he wasn't proud of. Things that haunted him through the years. It was for the great good. All for the glory of the empire.

Coming back a successful man, Dev was welcomed home with open arms. His father had never been more proud of his successful son. His mother was happy for him as well, but skeptical. She wasn't as passionate about the empire as the rest of her family. Her sister had told her things. Things that the empire had done to other worlds.
Many times he ran into his sisters, sometimes as negotiators other times as allies in battle.

Dev is skilled in many languages ranging from Gungan to Wookie. He is still working on others.

His family crest is the Synton owl, how they got their name. It is said that it will watch over their family and show them the way.

Mother - Maria
Father - Tonu
3 sisters - Scholar, a diplomat, and pilot.
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