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Realistic or Modern Can't We Just Learn?


Pettiest Bitch Out There

It's been two weeks since America witnessed the latest Hell Week in Washington State.

While it may not have lasted for the whole week- many lives were put to the test in acts of survival as well as trying to maintain their sanity throughout the torturous occasion.

Many lives were lost during the time- them being friends, family, lovers... Way too many.

We follow a specific rag-tag group of teens who went to (Hell) Washington High school. All students who attended the high school have been shipped out of state and into all other states as well as different countries.

The group we follow?

They've been shipped to New York.


With it's flashing lights and up beat civilians. This will be a completely different world for them.

While many wish to simply live a better life- others are thinking differently. What is to come for the group in the Big Apple? Will they succeed in finding the light they lost in Washington High? Or will they continue to go downwards in a spiral of death and destruction as they meet the rough, tough, and weird students of New York?

The world may never know.
Syo stood awkwardly in the main yard of the school, staring up at her new school. She'd known it was going to be bigger than the one at Washington, but..Damn. A group of students squeezed past her, and Syo was forced to move, trying to navigate her way through the crowd of students making their way inside, groaning. Man, this uniform is so stiff, too. I can barely move in it..Pulling a face, she pushed past groups of kids, trying to find the doorway.



''They weren't lying.''

''It's definitely a big school.''



Rin and Aric eyed the school from their current position - AKA, sitting on one of the walls that surrounded the place - nodding in unison. Rin had a book open on her lap, not making any attempt to enter the school, seeing as the courtyard was packed with people, and Aric sat next to her, knees pulled up to his face.
''Hf..Hf..'' Anri leant against the iron gate, wiping non-existent sweat from her brow. She'd only been walking for, eh, five minutes? But to Anri, 'five minutes' translated into 'five hours', and that translated into..

''I wanna go home..'' She whined, pushing her way through the crowd of students, and into the main hall. Rummaging through her bag, she gingerly pulled a slip of paper out, holding it up to her face for closer inspection. Looked like her water bottle had leaked onto it. Dammit. Through the blurred ink, though, she could just about make out her dorm room. ''104..''
Nanami was already in the school. She sat in one of the many hallways of the posh school, staring out the window. Her dark eyes stared down at the ground, watching as students came flustering into their gates.

"We have newcomers... So they were right about that." She mumbled, pressing a hand to the cold class with a sigh. "I wonder just how well they'll get along with everyone here. I wish them luck."


Zori stared up at the building, whistling to himself. This was a nice place. Hopefully it wouldn't be too hard to get himself in and settled. Maybe even make a new friend or two. He wasn't sure. He didn't necessarily care though. He always had his old friends. He wondered where they were as he grabbed his bags, walking towards the entrance. He would text them all later. Maybe meet up somewhere on the campus.


Solana had already made it to the school and was looking for her room. She made small noises, wondering just where everyone was.

"Having someone I know would certainly be a nice thing right now..." She mumbled to herself, glancing around and trying to see if she had found the right room number. She soon did and let out a noise of celebration. She opened the door, grinning when she noticed she was the first one in the room.

"Good." She said to herself, grinning.
''We'll be in separate rooms, I think..'' Rin said, closing the book quietly and tucking it into her bag, sliding down the wall slightly. Aric followed suite, nodding.

''Yeah, 's probably right. You'll be okay, yeah?''

''Mn. I'm more worried about you annoying everyone with your conspiracy talk than I am having to share a dorm with strangers.'' Aric looked a tiny bit disappointed, so she added, ''That doesn't mean I'm not worried in the slightest, so you can stop with that face.''


Syo managed to get inside the building, hunched up so that she was able to move around with more ease. Once she finally reached a place in the hall where she could actually stand up properly and see where she was going, she decided to dig around her bag for the piece of paper. Upon finding it, she decided to head over there, to set things up.

(I gtg ;=; sorry)

Enter - Butch Reaver

Butch makes his way toward the school, zipping through everyone on his bike. He had to buy a new one; after stashing his old one. But that was fine in his book, since this one went faster. He was happy that this was an uppity part if New York, and the traffic and such wasn't too crazy. Once he landed in his parking space, he quickly shot off his bike and tossed his helmet right next to it; keeping his bandana around his head. He lit a cigaret and walked with a sort of swagger; it was like he owned the damn parking lot. This was his chance to make a fresh start, to not be a 'bandit' for once. He was even more happy to know he was going to the same school as his friends, yeah, he said it, friends.
Regan had her earplugs in as usual as she squeezed through the crowd of people toward the entrance of the school. She knew there would be a lot of people but not this many. She looked down at her uniform and tugged at it uncomfortable. She never had to wear uniform before so this was definitely new to her. Regan glanced around for any familiar faces and groaned when she didn't spot any. 103. Regan already had her dorm room number memorized in her head. She finally turned into a hallway with less people and noise and let out a sigh of relief. She slowly walked past all the rooms until she reached her dorm and opened the door slowly. She figured she'd go inside to check it out before she went to her first class for the day.


Blair had left her dorm minutes ago and walked past everyone in the hallway with ease. She'd gotten used to the crowded hallways by now. She saw a few faces that she hadn't seen before and concluded they were the new students that people have been talking about. Some random student pushed past her in a hurry as he ran, making her books she carried in her arms fall to the ground. She glanced back at the guy as he kept running and narrowed her eyes at him before muttering "Asshole" under her breath. She flipped her braid over her shoulder and bent down to pick up the books.
''1-0-2. 1-0-2. 1-0-2.'' Syo chanted to herself as she headed down the hallways, watching the numbers on the door. ''1-0.. 2!'' She pulled it open, sticking her head inside the door to see if anyone else was in. ''No one?'' Syo scanned the room, a grin spreading across her face. ''Guess that means..'' She ran in, leaping on to the bed by the window. ''I call dibs on this bed!'' As she began to unpack, Syo wondered who her room mates would be. She kinda wanted to be with her friends, but this school was pretty huge, the chances were pretty slim. Tugging at the sleeve of her uniform, she pulled a face. She'd had to wear a uniform back in England, but it hadn't been this uncomfortable.

(Is this like, a super posh uniform with blazers and stuff, or is it just jumpers and stuff?)


Kasha sat on her bed, bag of luggage untouched. She knew she should probably get around to unpacking, but the truth was, it was her least favourite part of moving around..She'd save it till later. Pulling on her headphones, she headed outside the door.
"This is really a nice place..." Zori said to himself, sitting down under a tree and pulling his bag to his side. Zori found that he loved the outside of the building. Hell- he'd fallen in love with it and wasn't ready to leave it's beautiful view. He pulled out his small notebook that he'd gotten the day after the last day of Hell Week, opening it up and scribbling away. To who? No one but him knew. He'd kept it a secret. He spent a few more minutes, under the tree just writing away.

((I will get to the others later- I promise!))

Kordana strutted down the hallway, each hand holding a leather suitcase. Her mother had decided to transfer over to an Academy since she was already in New York. Kordana had been to a few before, although she preferred public school due to the lack of uniforms. She looked around for room number 104 and turned right at the end of the hallway. "101. 102. 103. 104. Ah. There it is." Kordana spoke to herself. She opened the door and walked in. "Ugh. So... cramped. Whatever." Kordana saw another girl in there and smiled to her. "Hi, I'm Kordana, you're from Washington too, right?". Kordana walked over to a bed and set her suitcases down. She opened them and pulled open the nearby dresser. She took out some neatly folded clothes and began organizing them in the drawer. Kordana shut the drawer and turned back over to the bed. She looked for an outlet near the bed and frowned. "Is there an outlet in here? I need to charge my phone."​

((sorry for the short post! I've been really sick lately and I'm just starting to feel better))
Kasha stopped in the doorway, taking a few steps back to let Kordana in and slipping her headphones off. She nodded. ''Before it got blown up, yeah.'' As Kasha hadn't been in there long, she hadn't looked around properly. ''There might be? I haven't been in here long enough to look.'' She began searching around for one, before spotting one next to an empty bed.
Solana plopped down on her chosen bed, sighing in relief. They were finally there and it made her feel all the better. She wondered just what exactly was going to happen while they were here but decided to ignore any negative thoughts and think positively. She needed to. A hand ran across her stomach and she glanced down at it, smiling to herself. Positive thoughts. Yeah- that works.


Nanami slowly walked down the hallway, ignoring those who walked around her. All usual students were used to her odd, silent behavior. They found it easier to just avoid her all together if they didn't truly know her. She was fine with that too. It didn't mean anything to her if no one spoke. She knew how to entertain herself. Now though would be a good time to see who exactly was in her dorm room.
''Bleeeeeeeh.'' Syo stuck out her tongue, pulling a face as she shrugged her blazer off, deciding to tie it around her waist. Seriously, had they expected them to wear a jumper and a blazer? What happened when it got warm, did they just want everyone to..overheat themselves to death? Was that a thing?

As Syo was thinking all of this, she heard slow footsteps down the corridor. She didn't pay too much attention, though.
The door to the dorm room opened, revealing Nanami. She stepped inside, muttering under her breath and sighing a bit. She looked up, her eyes focusing on the girl in the room.

"Hello." She greeted, not sending her a smile or a frown. "You are one of the new students, yes? Welcome." She said, walking over to her bed and sitting down on it. She pressed a hand to the window and gazed out of it. "What is the name of my new roommate who I will be dependent on during these times of struggle and need?"
Syo looked up to see a girl entering the room. Something about her seemed a little.. off? ''Yo..'' Syo responded, a slow smile spreading across her face. ''Yeh, I'm one of the kids from Washington.'' She watched as Nanami sat down on her bed, pressing her hand to the window.

''Uh, I'm Syo. Syo Biel! But all my friends call me Syo-time.'' No they don't, A small voice in the back of her head said, but that didn't stop her from saying it. That said, she wasn't sure if Nanami had wanted HER to respond, or the window. The way she was looking at it and talking, she got the impression she wasn't speaking to her.
Nanami looked over at the girl- squinting her eyes just a bit. She didn't say anything for a long time. She instead choose to simply just stare at her roommate for the few minutes before finally nodding her head once.

"Syo... It is a pleasure to meet you." Nanami spoke up after a few minutes, nodding her head automatically. "My name is Nanami. I've been going to this school for years now. If you need any help just let me know and I will happily help you out. Advice- Don't touch the window."
Blair picked up her books from the ground, but noticed that something was wrong. One of the books she had in her arms was the wrong book for a certain class. She groaned loudly and turned around to make her way back to her dorm room. She opened the door, grumbling to herself, and looked at her roommates inside, Nanami and some other girl who's face she's never seen before.

Blair tilted her head to the side and just stared at the new girl for a minute before asking, "Who are you?" This was her way of asking someone what their name was though it sounded a bit rude. She wondered if it actually came out that way but shrugged it off quickly, walking over to her bookshelf by her bed.
''I'm Deandra The New Girl.'' Syo said with a completely straight face, before the corners of her mouth started to twitch and she burst out laughing, something that would most likely startle the others..Especially if they'd never watched MPGIS. ''..Nahh, I'm actually Syo Biel. You?''
Nanami glanced over at the door when it opened again, nodding at Blair. Well now the new girl would know the other girl in the room. She'd roomed with Blair for a while now and she didn't mind. She'd grown accustomed to her type of attitude and was sure Blair had grown used to her odd behavior. It was something she hadn't felt the need to explain but of course now she'd have to with this new girl. Oh well.

"That is Blair." Nanami spoke up from her position by the window, looking at Syo before looking back out the window. "Blair..."
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Blair stared at Syo with a blank facial expression, not exactly sure how that was funny or what she was referencing to. "What the hell are you talking about?" she asked her as she switched out her books "Well, like Nanami said, my name is Blair." Blair heard Nanami repeat her name so she turned around, thinking she was calling her, but instead found her staring out the window. If Blair was in Syo's position and was completely new, she would have found that hella creepy. But Blair has been here for a while so Nanami's weird thing with windows was part of the norm for her.
Nanami glanced over at the two, giving them odd looks but chose not to say anything. Whatever it was the two were talking about wasn't her problem. She didn't necessarily care.

"Now is a wonderful time to eat. Many must be starving. Those poor unfortunate souls." Nanami mumbled, pressing her fingers to the window before getting off of her bed. She glanced at the two girls in the room with her and blinked. "Do you both desire to eat as well? Shall we go down a group?"


Solana finally made it to her room. She stepped up to the door, hearing voices inside and couldn't help the small rumbling in her stomach. She was completely nervous to meet her new mates she'd be staying with for a while. Taking a deep breath Solana opened the door and looked in at the two girls in the room. She sent them a smile and a small wave.

"Um, hey there." She greeted, puling her bag in and closing the door behind her. "I'm Solana. Who are you two? I'm sure I've seen you before though. Did you go to Washington High?" She asked Kordana, tilting her head to the side.


Zori entered his room and whistled, looking around with an impressed noise. "Nice."

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