Cancen High

Name- Nitro Kurosame

Age- 16

Gender- Female

Dorm- Girls~Night themed dorm

Power/Race- People assume she's a demon and that, for one, is a fact. Niro was founded within an experimental lab gone wrong and ever since that day, it seems though she hasn't been herself lately. Originally, she'd want to keep things to herself and fighting would be one thing to worry about from her. Now, she simply thinks everything is just fun and games. With the power to create weapons using the shadows around her, she seems to always have some sort of weapon armed upon her. It'll be rare to see her without one. ~ teleckenesis is one power that many think she had, though it's just her bonded spirit that does all the 'moving things around' in the room.

Personality- at times, disrespectful~ quiet~ unresponsive at times~ can be polite and nice~ very mischievious.


Backstory- Everything about her has been taken for granted and after breaking free from the experiemental lab, her powers have become more and more reactive. Niro has a bonded spirit that seems to be her only accepted friend and anyone smart enough to figure out what it was would never come to being harmed. She was free to roam the streets, forests, and streams alone until she's come into contact with the same lab experimentors a few months after she made a successfull escape. Without coming to get used to any of these new powers, they took her to a place she thought she'd never have to go in ever. . a place everyone called school. Course she didn't get along with anyone, but there were a few people here and there that would most certainly accept her for who she was.

Other Facts- There are some things she'll come to like but cross her wrong and she'll make sure she never speaks to you again. Either that or she'll just give you a hard time. She has a very special companion that is precious to her. With the power to minipulate shadows and what now, it makes it easier for her companion to stay hidden.
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Application Form Info

Name- Una Cross

Age- 16

Gender- Female

Dorm- Forest Dorm

Power/Race- Werewolf

Personality- Present day: kind, caring, joyful, confident , goofy. Happy.

On a full moon: losses memory of the present day, forgets about everyone replaced with a animal instinct. But even though her animal instinct is there, the only thing her wolf form remembers from the present day is the bad times that have happened. So if someone made her upset in the present because her wolf will be on the hunt for you. Yet through her sight she is basically a pure wolf, wolf instincts and everything. The wolf is wolf but you might be able to tame it..

Backstory- As a child she thought she was a normal human being yet on the night of her 13th birthday. A man came to her home. He was kind and said he was a good friend of her parents. Her parents left for a business trip so she believed him, at the time seeing no reason not to. The two walked out side, to the mans car. Sitting in the car time passed. Seeming of ten minutes turned into hours and soon she fell asleep. Waking later the first thing she saw was the nights sky and moon. Moving slightly to get up she realized her hands and feet were bound. Beginning to become frighten, she screamed for help. Yet no one came. Noting that freaking out wouldn't help her in a situation like this she became still. Turning her head slightly she looked around, fear rising in her once again. She was on a plank of wood, in the middle of a lake of pure blood. Getting ready to scream again in fear pain exploded in her. Tears pooled down her face as she felt her bones shifting, growing, breaking. All she heard was echo dark voices in her head. Screaming in pain, hot tears steamed down her face. Yet all of a sudden it stopped, she felt amazing. Becoming still she tested the bound, easily breaking them. Thinking "wow what the heck happe.." Before she finished her sentence someone cut her of "we have to leave, move. Now!" Looking around she tried to speak yet made a dog like groan. Thinking again" what the?" She looked down fear rising. She was not small anymore, other she was extremely tall. Her skin was white thick fur, her hands and feet where black claws and wolf like paws and between her eyes she realized she had a muzzle and black dog nose. Her eye sight was amazing and her sense of smell was incredible. Feeling her head she found that she had soft white dog ears, and moving down she had a tail. Panic rose yet the voice came back annoyed "Move now there coming! Once you fully change I am defiantly taking control." And with that the wolf took over, a howl the last thing she heard, as the moon set upon the sky above.

Other Facts- the wolf is always in her head, yet in the present day, the wolf always acts on instinct While her human sense is there as well. So normally there is<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.41ad110c3c2da622b9296d9f25a2374c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.41ad110c3c2da622b9296d9f25a2374c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.d165942f50cbac3c8e8347f1504c4d1f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15074" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.d165942f50cbac3c8e8347f1504c4d1f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> some augment between the two.

Full moon- the wolf comes out completely, and the human sense is completely dismissed.

It's been three years now and she understands she is a werewolf.

Picture: normally she wears her hair as a side braid.



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Name- James Wilson

Age- 18

Gender- Male

Dorm- Boy's blazing fire

Power/Race- he's human, mostly. His powers are based on smoke. He can dash for short distances as a cloud of smoke, able to go through anything not completely solid. He can also travel through vents and such, and use things like that to jump very high. He can use his hands to shoot small projectiles. If he shoots you in the head, he can cause a coughing fit, which will allow him to easily subdue you, which he can also do if you're not prepared for him. If given time to charge, he can build up to a short-ranged blast of smoke and fire, which can be very powerful. When falling, he can either use his powers to slow his decent, or smash into the ground, blowing everything around him away. Finally, each time he recharges from a large smoke source, he can fire a very powerful long-range blast, capable of destroying a heavily armed vehicle if aimed correctly.

Personality- he rather dislikes authority, and is fairly rebellious. He can often be found doing street art in unauthorised places, although often it can be quite good, even seeming to make the area look better. Despite all of this rebelliousness, however, he detests injustice. Be it as something small as cheating in a sports game, something like bullying, or even someone distributing drugs, he will want to try to put an end to it. He prefers subduing enemies rather than killing them, but if he had to, he would put an end to them. He works best by himself, although he can work with a partner as long as he can get along with them, but he really dislikes working in a team.


Backstory- He grew up with his parents reasonably relaxed in their approach to his discipline, however they did try taking action when he started missing school and doing street art, grounding him and taking away things from him. However, this didn't really work, and gradually, they gave up, and allowed him to leave school eventually. When they found out about his powers, so did the government, and they contacted his parents, bringing him to the school with their permission, although he certainly groaned and protested a lot.

Other Facts- Nurp

Name- Rei Daitetsu.

Age- 17.

Gender- Male.

Dorm- Boy version | Hard Grey Dorm

Power/Race- Vampire, but only sucks energy instead of blood. Energy is a substitue for sucking blood, but if he goes without drinking for very long, he'll suck your blood instead. | Has the power over telepathy or electrical mind based abilities. Can move things with his mind, obviously, talk to others or read others mind. Can conjure force fields or use things to block other attacks or create electric pointed limbs from his back.

Personality- Daitetsu is kind of rude or mean, but very level-headed, calm and cool. He is easily angered or annoyed by others, but is a great leader and communicates very well. He doesn't like to speak a lot or get into pointless fights with others. He doesn't like speaking to people who seem to clash against him or is very devious. Daitetsu gets awfully suspicious very easily, very quick-minded or judgmental. He is very friendly or even goofy to people he is friends with. He has a calculative mind, and very mathematical.




Backstory- Daitetsu is very sports-minded, used to play track and field, pole vaulting and swimming. But he's not very good at swimming. He had a pretty normal life until he discovered his powers but accidentally rocketing desks and materials all over the place at his old school. He was then transferred here.

Other Facts- He prefers his glasses over contacts.




Cylia Numai

Age: 18




Girls ~ Hard Grey Dorm


She is a ghost to most... A supernatural being from the stars with a much more back-breaking history than you can imagine. A being so powerful that it almost seems like they shouldn't exist in the law of physics. They are known as the Aexon. The Aexon females of planet Ouin are dominant over the males, and their appearance is... ravishing. They look much like humans, but their true side is disregarded in the face of beauty. They are large predators with a humanoid- like appearance. And their generation as of now, is rather a bit cybernetic. They are advanced in the field of technology, military, and academic skills. Their blood type to the Earth's citizens is unknown, and the strengths and weaknesses are somewhat unknown. These beings are about 9 feet in height, not very muscular, and consist of a few abilities.


-Teleportation - can be used in a 2 mile radius

-Strength - strong enough to smash wooden walls

-Invisibility - lasts for 30 minuets.


(Males look more grim)

Back story:

Was once a former dominant, well-known queen on Ouin. But, other females took her spot in a duel, since she was at once ruined by the politics, or 'useless rights' of the males. Immediately, the other females exiled her to another intelligent planet, Earth. There the young queen would build a new kingdom and technologies. But apparently, hiding the beast is important. Humans on Earth are very greedy towards the Extraterrestrials: and building a new kingdom wouldn't be very easy.


(Ship she was escorted and shot down from)


Her eyes dilate into strange shapes when using her heritage from Ouin, AKA when she is using her 'beastly' brain.

Also, she created the most advanced sound system headphones in the world.


(Stored in a very small chip holographically, the headphones begin to process hard structures, creating them into the headphones.

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Name- Dan (no documented last name)

Age- 14

Gender- Male

Dorm- Hard Grey, boys

Power/Race- Dan is a perfectly normal human. Dan has the ability to see powers, history, personality, intention, and a variety of other things. He can see almost anything. How this works is he can look at something/one and understand the thing that is being shown to him, then subconsciously create an image to describe what he is feeling. Not only can he see powers, but he can force someone to activate their powers and/or turn them off. Other abilities include being able to create objects, dreamwalking (can enter someone's dreams), and to use general elemental abilities. Dan is a powerhouse, if you will. Limitations are in Other Facts.

Personality- Dan is always quizzical, looking for something new. He loves people and is always willing to be a nice person, but he has some... problems.

1) He has some serious problems with aliens (see backstory).

Appearance- Small figure. Black hair and grey-blue eyes. White skinned and wears a large red hoodie with grey sweatpants.

Backstory- At age 7 Dan's parents were murdered in a bank robbery. His sister took him under her wing and raised him herself, though she was often gone doing some questionable activities (AKA blowing stuff up for money, then running from the cops). At age 12, Dan simply vanished. He was found two years later wandering the city streets. After some amount of drama and discovery, Dan was freed of an alien parasite that was keeping him insane. He also learned that another alien was trashing the city and hunting his sister. He quickly found it and beat it down, but went into a catatonic stupor. Two years later, he was found by the government as he took care of another extraterrestrial invader, going into his stupor yet again. He snapped out of it while on the train to the school, so I will play him sane until something big happens.

Other Facts- In case of power use (beyond his passive sight ability), Dan goes into a catatonic stupor, and won't respond to anything beyond powers that directly affect him. As a power is used on him, he will stop what he is doing and watch the person who's power it was until they pass out of sight. He will randomly snap out of it at any time. Dan has also only learned of his powers to create and use elemental power, and even then only recently.
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Name- White Resplandor (that´s an alias, he doesn´t have a name anymore)

Age- 15

Gender- Male

Dorm- Boy's Minty Green

Power/Race- Human.

White is a normal human, but what people doesn't know is that humans are special, you only need a beacon to unlock abilities, this is exactly what happend to him, he was given a book that teached him in the ways of the mind and the energy.

Basically he can concentrate energy to somewhere in his body for a certain reason, He has an incredible amount of energy to use, wherever he goes he can feel animals watching him, a sign that he has an absurd amount of energy, he only used this to heal and protect, but he has a lot of capacity in within him.

Also his mind is a really trained one, he was teached in a way that gave him a really strong will, great reflexes and quite an amount of inteligence, he can easily communicate with others, even animals, he was even able to talk to someone trough his mind, wich was something terribly hard.

Sadly training his mind made him Not train his body, meaning he is not really strong and can´t handle too much fisical trauma, he can heal it, but it will hurt a lot.

Personality- He is peaceful, and happy, he never lets anything hurt him because he knows there is no point in conflict, if there is a solution to a problem and he knows it then he will give it. He can´t hurt anyone, because he was told by his teacher not to do so, and learned to be tolerant with everyone, he is always in the middle ground, trying to see things from every point of view.

He doesn´t get mad, he is happy all the time, and try to give this feeling to everyone around him, if he sees someone sad, he will Have to help solution the problem.


He is medium height, and thin, he has black hair, Black eyes and a dark tonned skin, he wears simple cloth and has messy hair.

Backstory- He was fascinated with his mind since little, he was really introverted when little, and started to develope some kind of energy, then, someone close to him, gave him a book, without knowing that that little white book would change his life, it was a white magic book, he learned and learned and learned, and when he was done learning he started training, you could think that you can´t obtain too much information from just a book, but this book was special, it gave him a new meaning in life, he then joined a faction that would help him develope even more about his energy and mind, at this point he was really good in both energy control and mind control, even though their training became obsolete, so White had to go look somewhere else, for training and ended up in the Cancen High.

Other Facts- He keeps his book always with him, and can´t give it to anyone, because if someone reads it, it may change its energy, and it would change White in a bad way.
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Name: Tialo Awnsa

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Dorm: Girl blazing fire dorm

Power/Race- Half Demon. Powers are listed below.

Telekinetic- really powerful with her telekines can't lift buildings but can lift cars

Fire- Pretty intense but not the fire god

Telepathy- pretty weak with it, but its growing stronger

Personality- Brave, bold, and rebellious are a few words to describe her. She's always sneaking about but would never take a drug or smoke a cigar. She gets easily annoyed and hates it when people don't understand her. She usually prefers to work alone. She hates bullies and can easily break up fights.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.b2552123d216c98a422bde3ccacab3c5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15371" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.b2552123d216c98a422bde3ccacab3c5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory- Tialo grew up as a fairly rich girl. Her mom and dad were kind to her and her brother was a good influence while growing up. She loved reading and sometimes made up stories in her head that she knew would never happen. When she was 14, her dad died. Her mom began to drink and her brother kept away from her. Tialo began to live a rebel life. One day her friends dared her to go into the old crypt at midnight and destroy some of the gravestones. Tialo accepted knowing that fairy tales were fake and went down into the crypt. Tialo starting destroying the gravestones, but soon she heard a voice whispering evil dark things. Tialo looked up to see a dark ghoul, and instantly blacked out. She woke up in a coffin that was slowly filling with blood. She tried everything she could to get out and screamed for help. She soon blacked out from loss of air. Tialo woke up back at the crypt, and ran away. Her friends called her a wimp for being scared of some crypt. She tried to them what she experienced but they called her weird. Tialo one day got mad at a old friend of hers that tried to steal some money for drugs and out of rage pushed her up against the wall with her telekines and burnt her face. The government came and took her to Cancen High, this will be her first year.

Other Facts: Hates using her telepathy, it makes her feel like an intruder.



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Name- Kasia Ozera

Age- 17


Dorm- Minty Green Dorms for Girls

Power/Race- Human (I'd say Gypsy for race but I don't know if you accept it or not). Her powers are very common with where she comes from. She is able to read your future with tarot cards or just by glancing at you for a few seconds (she's training this power, it's still a bit weak). She specializes in Regression Hypnosis-the ability to read your past lives. She's also able to venture into your dreams and control them, if she gets to close to someone that's asleep and dreaming, she may get pulled into their dream. All though her powers aren't very fight worthy, they may come in hand sometimes.

Personality- She's generally a really bubbly person, she loves talking to people and getting to know everything she can about them, sometimes she may come off as a bit nosey. She tends to keep away from talking about herself, she doesn't like to seem like she has a huge ego. She's always willing to help people, no matter what the situation-sometimes this gets her into more trouble than she would like. All thought she's always a nice and happy person, sometimes she has random outburst of anger-but she's learned to control them and keep them from happening as often as they use too. She also tries to always use her powers for good but can be easily persuaded to use them for 'other' purposes.

Appearance- Picture at the bottom!! c: -Less of a transparent outfit, of course.

Backstory- Kasia was born into a family of evil. Her parents, both having the same powers as she, used them to help destroy people's lives. Her family was constantly moving to new locations so her parents could inflict more damage upon people. She was constantly belittled by her parents and she spent a majority of her childhood trying to impress her parents-it never happened. When Kasia was 12, her parents were killed from some unhappy costumers and they used Kasia as their personal "Gypsy" slave. She was forced to do things she never wants to think about again. After a few years of using her, they told her she was useless and sent her out to live on her own, where she did the only thing she knew how to do-use her powers for evil. She continued to do this until she hurt someone she loved and after that she was never the same again. She went back to living on the streets when the Government found her and sent her to Cancen High. This is her first year there and she's hoping to stay on the better sides of things rather than evil.

Other Facts- She can only use her powers for so long before she goes blind for a few minutes (no one knows about this). She's also willing to do anything to make her powers stronger, she's still trying to make her parents proud of what she can do. She is never seen without her tarot cards and dream book.


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Name: Lucinda Corell (her friends call her Lucy)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Dorm: Minty green dorm for girls

Power: Has the ability to control the elements around her (although her speciality is clouds, lighting etc.). It is more tiring to control the other elements, and she can only do small things (make rock balls, make fire, and hold it, make small waves etc.) She can summon storms, make lightning strike, and put on entertaining shows with her talents. Although these powers seem incredible, and overpowering, it is not. Big things like storms, make her EXTREMELY tired. If she does something like bring a tornado, or a storm big enough to flood, she often goes unconscious, and has to stay in bed for a while. When she gets upset, it becomes harder to control, and she often does things by ACCIDENT when she is upset.the more upset,the worse it is.

Personality: Lucy is not very judgemental, and respects people's opinions. Being a big sister, she loves to help. If someone is sad, and she can't help, she blames herself. She likes to play the occasional prank, by leaving a rain cloud above a door, or splashing water on someone when they get water. Lucy is very selfless, making it hard to accept big gifts. She thinks that family and friends come first. Lucy will usually know the logical thing to do, and will do the best thing for the team

Past: When she was 14 her parents died in a car accident, leaving her alone with her little sister, Elise, who was only 3 at the time. She had no relatives to go to, no friends in the area. So she went to a foster home. She stayed there, playing pranks on her evil foster parents with Elise. Over time, Lucy grew more and more sad, and angry, revealing her powers. When her foster parents realised that it was Lucy, they tried to give her to the government. So Lucy took Elise and rode a train as far as she could go. When she stopped at a town, Elise got very sick, and Lucy searched for help. By complete chance, she knocked on the door of an agent, who helped them. Lucy, worried for her sisters life, had outbursts of power that she could not control. She panicked, and tried to run, but the agent soothed her, reassured her. He waited until Elise got better, then convinced her to go to Cancen High.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/girly_in_beige_by_inu_fma88fan-d48ivgn.jpg.96ac906c23ca1cae86cfc7e919eaafcb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16281" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/girly_in_beige_by_inu_fma88fan-d48ivgn.jpg.96ac906c23ca1cae86cfc7e919eaafcb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/girly_in_beige_by_inu_fma88fan-d48ivgn.jpg.8dde5cf959e5d05bd687576cd19e1495.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/girly_in_beige_by_inu_fma88fan-d48ivgn.jpg.8dde5cf959e5d05bd687576cd19e1495.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name - Alex Miller

Age - 15

Gender - Male

Dorm - Boys forest dorm

Power/Race - Human... ish - He has the ability to turn his entire body or part of body into water. he can then change the properties of the water(Ph, temperature, Opacity and colour ect.). at first glance this seems to make him invincible but he is weak to extreme heat and cold(evaporating and freezing), he is also not immune to physical damage but he is very resistant to it. He gets his ability from his bloodline and randomly a generation will get the abilities.

Personality - He is very seceretive and tactical. he never rushes into a situation without thinking about it. If a fight drags out for long enough he can go insane and will start to try and kill them rather than just knock them out or get them to surrender. Teachers are told to look out for this. Despite all this he is usually a happy and cheery fellow

Appearance - He looks like this except for the headband, clothes and lance. He wears t-shirts and combat trousers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/fairytail1.png.9eff571028b3c6797ccd2a7f94bb6f25.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16573" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/fairytail1.png.9eff571028b3c6797ccd2a7f94bb6f25.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory - His father and mother were killed in a car crash but he survived thanks to his powers. he then lived in an orphanage untill he found out about the school. he has never told anyone about any other part of his life. he tried to tell a teacher about it but he completely broke down and had to be knocked out.

Other Facts - He still has his tribes armour which he was given by his father. it enhances his abilities but puts a lot more physical and mental strain on the user. it looks similar to what he is wearing in the picture

Im not very good at writing paragraphs so I hope this is ok



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