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Realistic or Modern CANASTA . [cast list]


Roleplay Availability
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  3. Off-site


filler! ignore


filler! ignore


    character sheets

♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡

jack of spades.

full name

Beau Biaggi




cis male


bisexual biromantic


January 14th


5’10 / 178cm


straight blond hair, slightly longer than he’d like; it always falls into his face while he works. his mustache and beard have the look of perpetual stubble.


ice blue, lined by constant mild eye bags


beau doesn’t come across as an especially imposing figure at first, but underneath the layers of baggy clothes is a muscular build that betrays all his years of manual labor. a tendency to slouch makes him appear shorter than he really is, and a pleasant demeanor keeps most from treating him as a threat.

dist. features

perpetual scabs on his knuckles from being knicked on the job, and calloused hands. a small notch in the left ear from a fight turned foul.


Boyd Holbrook

See What I Mean?

Sugar Pit



you're by yourself now, and that's a lifestyle

Every room has people who seem to blend into the background, barely noticeable to the naked eye—in most rooms, one of those people is Beau. He does his best to be unassuming, rarely drawing attention to himself unless the situation calls for it. Whatever he’s thinking, he knows it’s rarely worth saying. What matters, he thinks, comes across best in action.

Any acquaintance has nothing but kind things to say about Beau. He’s always willing to lend a helping hand, they’ll say; He’ll do any favor you ask of him, and never ask for payment. Beau likes this image of himself, the sweet and unassuming kid that every old lady adores, a real boy next door. He wishes more than anything that it was the truth.

Maybe he comes across to most as a barely noticeable blip on the radar, or a helping hand in a pinch. But Beau knows better than anyone that he has a cruel streak at hand, and all the fixing in the world doesn’t seem to make up for it. If you ask him about those pieces of his past—bloody knuckles in middle and high school, corrupt supervisors and cruel husbands who he threatened within an inch of their lives—he’ll say that it’s behind him, that he’s turned over a new leaf, that he hates that part of himself. And that’s not quite the truth, either.

There’s a part of Beau that’s more satisfied by the fear in a bad man’s eyes than any job well done, and it gets stronger each and every day.


gentle (mostly)






Beau was born with an occupation: Older brother. Being the eldest of four meant plenty of heads to look out for besides his own, especially when his mother barely made ends meet. She focused on feeding mouths, not caring for them—Beau understood that. It was his job to keep the younger kids out of trouble.

Sometimes, that meant making it himself. Beau gained a bad habit of getting into fights on his siblings’ behalf, and he was known by his peers as a violent nutcase, although all he wanted was to protect them from the world. He started working the second he was able to help support the family, and dropped out at sixteen and a half to work full time, fixing cars in the local auto shop.


In the following years he took on a series of second and third jobs as needed—working construction in the summers and slinging mail in the winters, anything to make some extra cash. Meanwhile, his younger siblings grew up, graduated, and found lives of their own. As the youngest Biaggi left high school, Beau realized they didn’t need him to look out for them anymore, and he wasn’t sure what to do without them.

He was no saint, no matter how many helping hands he lent. Beau had been let go from a series of jobs for a problematic temper, always flaring up at the sight of injustice—a client mistreating an employee, a boss dangling benefits over their workforce’s heads. It wasn’t like he came to their defense willingly. Each time, Beau saw red, ears ringing, until the moment he came to and found his fist meeting someone’s nose.

The Abel-Bodeya felt like an escape into an easier life, one full of glitz and glamor and endless cash if he got lucky enough. Of course, Beau knew better than to gamble himself to destitution, but he could daydream while sitting at the bar and listening to music too classy for his ear. Maybe it took him too long to realize that it was just as seedy a place as anywhere; Once he looked around and saw the series of cheats and moguls surrounding him, it was near impossible to look away. It was a matter of time before that nagging sense of injustice within him flared up and left him dragged away from the Casino premises, too.

No matter how many occupations he goes through, Beau can’t seem to outgrow his first job as older brother—he’ll look out for the little guy whenever he gets the chance, whether he’d like to or not. The Dealer was just the first employer to see value in that side of him. Beau had never considered that before—that someone like him, a stain in the eyes of the wealthy surrounding him, could hold power over them after all. That he could bring them justice, in whatever way he saw fit.


beau picked up smoking years ago for the chance at extra breaks when working; he won't be giving it up anytime soon.


his younger siblings may be grown, but beau still sends them money as regularly as he can, especially to his youngest sister--she's the first in their family to end up in university, and he couldn't be prouder. he WILL show you pictures like they're his own children if given the chance.


beau is pretty apathetic about his own living situation, and his apartment looks more like a prison cell than a bachelor pad--after all his years on his own, he still hasn't thought to buy himself a nightstand.


he prefers the atmosphere of the casino to the actual gambling. beau is horrific at bluffing, and has never managed to make more than a few dollars in one night. (he's far more used to coming away with a loss.)




♡coded by uxie♡


queen of hearts.

full name

Eloisa Ventura


Elle, Eloise








May 27th



Ana Paula Arosio




Long, dark brown curly hair. Though she prefers her curls, she often wears a curled blowout in public instead. Wigs are never off the table.


Dark brown.


Slim, she is not built for fighting, but she can bolt the fuck outta there if need be.

body modifications

Left with no major marks, Elle’s only defining feature is a tiny morning star tattoo on the side of her torso, reminiscent of an old friend.

that's life

frank sinatra



in this blue shade, my tears dry on their own.

Detached, Spiteful, Fickle, Restrained, Stubborn, Judgemental

Charming, Flexible, Driven, Kind, Creative, Perceptive

Full of resentment and ambition, Eloisa has mastered the art of deception. She exists to charm, to fool, to perform. It was not a talent she was born with- but one she learned in her time in LA, and being beautiful damn sure helps. Her experiences have left her angry and sad, emotions that she has become an expert at hiding. Let it be known that when that pot explodes, it won’t be pretty.

If there’s one thing Eloisa has learned, it’s that trust is fickle. A useless thing that people take advantage of, so she’s learned to do the same. Her every interaction is for survival, a necessity to get what she wants. She makes friends because they can help her, and she’ll drop someone quickly if she sees a better option.

Still, as hardened as she believes her shell to be, it is often cracked. She does not wish to see people struggle like she has and takes no joy in hurting those who have done her no harm. If she doesn’t have to, she won’t. And if you’ve managed to tug her heartstrings, she miiight let you hug her. Maybe.

Though her ability to experiment at Abel-Bodeya Casino was limited, Eloisa managed to gain a real love for the arts. Her free time is spent doing what she loves, discovering new music and watching new movies. Her hope is to one day be the one behind the camera, but first she has to get rid of what, or who, is standing in her way.


Wine, Champagne, Movies, Music, Damp weather, the color black, Vinyl records, Sad endings, Dancing


Competition, Flowers, Messes, Cooking, Fairytales, Sewing, Cleaning.


- Smokes when she’s stressed, which is pretty much all the time.

- Presses her lips together when she’s thinking.

- Actually amazing at cooking she just wont do it. Don’t ask her to cook she’ll just order takeout or something.

- She wants to learn how to play an instrument soooo bad




Born in the slums Eloisa dreamed of rich and glamour. After working in a factory for two years, Eloisa ran away at sixteen with her friend Angela to California. The two did what they could to survive, but after a year Angela ran away with a man, abandoning Eloisa. Eventually, she began to pick up better gigs, photoshoots, and minor speaking roles, until finally, at nineteen she met Camden Abel.

When Eloisa was twenty-one, Camden finally let her sing on stage. As her popularity grew, so did expectations. Camden used her to manipulate and convince rich fools into putting more money in his pockets. Eventually, Eloisa realized she was stuck, unable to pursue any real passion, and still with no glamour to call her own. It wasn’t until one of Camden’s business partners raised a hand against her that a deadly resentment towards Camden Abel began to brew.


Eloisa’s dreams of fame didn’t form from a love of cinema. She had no appreciation for the arts, instead, it was the glamour that caught her attention. The wealth celebrities carried with them. The gold and silver on their wrists and their perfect faces. It was the complete opposite of the poverty she grew up in. Where owning a mere tube of lipstick was an impossibility, a waste.

Seeing her parents was a rarity. Trapped in the bottom of the barrel their time was spent working at factories and drinking at bars. When Eloisa turned fourteen school was no longer an option, and soon she was working alongside her mother, sewing up garments and breaking in shoes.

Trapped in this daily routine, her dream of stardom was nothing but a pipe dream. Thankfully, no one is as stubborn as Eloisa. At the age of sixteen, she along with her best friend Angela packed up and left the slums behind. She felt no guilt leaving her parents, absent as they were. Her being gone was nothing more than another expense off their back.

By nothing but pure luck, the two girls made it to California unscathed. Money ran out fast, and they settled down where they could. Attics and basements funded by odd jobs until Angela landed a waitress job that gave them just enough for a place to call their own. It was small, gifted with only two rooms- one of which was the bathroom, but it was enough.

A year passed, Eloisa had managed to charm an agent. A useless thing that couldn’t even land her a photo in a magazine, and to make matters worse, Angela fell in love. Their story was quick, a few outings here and there until Angela was rarely home, and one day Eloisa woke up completely alone. Angela had left behind two things, enough cash for the next two months' rent, and a note, claiming she’d left with her husband-to-be, and promises to send more letters once she was settled down. The letters never came.

Betrayed and furious, a new flame ignited in Eloisa. She did not need Angela, she could do it all herself. She dropped her current agent and became her own. The next few years earned minor successes. A commercial there, a photoshoot here, an occasional role where she spoke a line or two. Her work was inconsistent and unsatisfying, that is until she met Camden Abel.

At nineteen she worked backstage, managing the other performers. At twenty she was a dancer, and by twenty-one, she had the stage to herself.

For three years and counting Eloisa worked at the Abel-Bodeya Casino. For awhile it was satisfying, she had men and women at her feet. She was adorned with the dresses and jewels she once dreamed about- only they weren’t hers. They were the Casino’s. And as her popularity grew, so did Camden’s expectations.

First, she was to peruse the floor and entertain the guests to get them to play another round. Then it suddenly became more, she was to accompany him to dinners and meetings with business partners behind closed doors. To entertain and charm them into accepting a poor man's deal. As the walls of the casino lined with her face, Eloisa did not once perform on a different stage. She was trapped, stuck in a small apartment with little glamour to call her own. Her new appreciation for the arts didn’t matter, as Camden would never let her go.

The day came when a drunken customer- a business partner of Camden raised a hand at her. Camden did not care, and so Eloisa started a list, with Camden Abel at the top.


Camden Abel

She respects him for only one reason. He’s a good business man, and he knows talent when he sees it. He put Eloisa on the map, but now he won’t let her go. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to realize just how far she’d go to get what she wants.

ex-best friend


The morning star on Eloisa’s side is a reminder of Angela, and of her betrayal. She’s imagined where she is many times, alone, divorced, or maybe even happy. Each vision is not enough.


the venturas

Her parents lived as every other person in the slums. They’d work, drink, and then come home with food. Why they even decided to procreate, Eloisa isn’t sure. Regardless, they aren’t someone she hates. They took care of her the way she should, and she hopes they did fine without her.

The Casino

Eloisa has learned to enjoy the company of many people at the casino. From customers to even fellow co-workers. Of course, that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few performers behind the scenes waiting to trip Eloisa off the stage. Let them drown along with Camden Abel.


Eloisa has managed to make her small apartment her own. The walls adorned with posters, and shelves with records and VHS tapes. Her place is nothing but a bathroom to those she works with, but the window overlooking the city is nice.




♡coded by uxie♡

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Ace of Clubs

full name

Lucian "Lucky" Davis




cis male


homoromantic homosexual


October 31st



6" / 182.88 cm


Dark, woody colored curls that wildly frame his face. Usually, it's kept in place with a bandana or a headband, when he doesn't feel like touching it at all. Lucky takes better care of his facial hair, keeping it manicured in a signature style of a sharp variety.


Aqua Blue, like the water pictured from some tropical isle.


Lucky maintains a particular physique, out of a need for routines instilled in his head by his mother. He is large, toned, and muscular, though it is less imposing due to his style of comfort.

dist. features

He has superficial scars on the left side of his face: on the edge of his lips and eyebrow, respectively.


Aaron Taylor-Johnson


boston manor



a little quote here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

Ut iaculis, est sit amet laoreet fringilla, leo neque pharetra tellus, vel hendrerit lorem neque eget diam. Vivamus varius libero vitae nisl consequat egestas. Ut viverra lorem purus, egestas sagittis nulla dapibus et. Aenean ornare nulla non mattis luctus. Quisque accumsan nec mi in semper. Curabitur dignissim pellentesque dolor, ut malesuada urna interdum iaculis. Integer vulputate risus justo, nec volutpat turpis accumsan a. Nunc at aliquam leo. In vel sem et felis aliquet rutrum. Aenean eget maximus ipsum, fringilla semper velit. Donec tempus porta mauris at rutrum. Phasellus tincidunt, mauris id commodo varius, lorem nisi tincidunt dolor, sed tincidunt quam nulla eu enim. Ut fermentum elit vitae magna dignissim bibendum sed eu mi. Integer non semper mauris. Cras egestas orci quis rhoncus vulputate. Integer vestibulum congue justo vel eleifend.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis.



for starters...

((wip))Lucky's mom was a strong-minded woman who was agoraphobic. He had an older brother who died in a freak accident involving the family(which is the reason Lucky's mother is agoraphobic). He was homeschooled until high school, where he was a complete loner apart from being a member of the school's magic club. Lucky's older brother encouraged his magician tricks and sleight of hand.

part. 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

Ut iaculis, est sit amet laoreet fringilla, leo neque pharetra tellus, vel hendrerit lorem neque eget diam. Vivamus varius libero vitae nisl consequat egestas. Ut viverra lorem purus, egestas sagittis nulla dapibus et. Aenean ornare nulla non mattis luctus. Quisque accumsan nec mi in semper. Curabitur dignissim pellentesque dolor, ut malesuada urna interdum iaculis. Integer vulputate risus justo, nec volutpat turpis accumsan a. Nunc at aliquam leo. In vel sem et felis aliquet rutrum. Aenean eget maximus ipsum, fringilla semper velit. Donec tempus porta mauris at rutrum. Phasellus tincidunt, mauris id commodo varius, lorem nisi tincidunt dolor, sed tincidunt quam nulla eu enim. Ut fermentum elit vitae magna dignissim bibendum sed eu mi. Integer non semper mauris. Cras egestas orci quis rhoncus vulputate. Integer vestibulum congue justo vel eleifend.












♡coded by uxie♡

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Nancy Kassiani

#king of diamonds

# jenna coleman

♡coded by uxie♡

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violet fox

queen of hearts

mia goth

♡coded by uxie♡

queen of hearts.

full name

Violetta Williams

stage name

Violet Fox




cisgender woman


closeted bisexual


April 3rd




Honey-shimmer platinum in wave-flowing curves, though she is naturally a brunette


dark brown; deep amber, thickly rimmed with eyelashes and liner; typically bloodshot


A dancer's body. Flexible, a hint of muscle, but with the notices of retirement: soft skin, a stiffness in her hip, healed over callouses as the only sign that she used to be more active.

dist. features

Violet has a face for the side of buses, for billboards, for convincing a jury of a client's innocence. Haunting long after she leaves your field of vision, as though a parasite. When she is there, grinning, laughing at your poor-timed jokes and dry wit, and speaking in her signature breathy yet low-strung tones, you're quick to let your guard down.


Mia Goth as Maxine Minx



against all logic



you've destroyed yourself for nothing

Violet Fox is a tour de force. Her voice is low, but it can pitch up quickly when she’s laughing or generally endeared by your presence. She tends to brighten a room when she enters it, but people are often assume she’s small-minded. Her bubbliness can disappear just as fast as it appeared, sobering into a commanding tone or a tight-lipped smile. She’s adept at getting people to do what she wants, using honey more often than vinegar, but she just as equally is prone to bouts of anger and diva-ness. When Violet Fox is sober, she is constructed like a carefully tooled marionette. When she’s been out all night, had too much caffeine, or is stressed out — she’s a storm, and people around the casino know to watch out and call Abel or another senior staff member in hopes that they’ll calm her down.

There is a part of her, though, that isn’t entirely kind for the sake of getting ahead, but it is difficult to discern when she is genuinely sweet or carefully disguising her venom underneath. Because of this, some call Vivi a bitch. Some call her a doll. Some take pity on her, seeing through the thin disguise for who she is. It depends on who you are, what day of the week it is, and when the last time Violet offended you was.

sassy glares, petulant smirks, fussing with her hair when she feels eyes on her, harsh thinking, emotions clouding rationale, tactful, a plate of home-baked cookies with a lit cigarette in hand, powdered noses and kisses in the bathroom, ‘You’re an absolute stunner, hon,’ out-pouring affection, grooming like lipsticked chimps — ‘oh you missed a spot there! Oh. Oh dear. let me get it!’, boxed wine, tarnished southern accent, manners so warm they burn, kisses on the cheek, sticky apology notes on your vanity mirror, enduring friendship, an adventure, a heart of iron but a pliant mind, gossip shared behind cupped hands as you apply your lipstick, a fair critique on your pota bourrée, secrets and rumors trailing behind in shadows and shades, an antihero, but not really a hero at all, painting herself unimaginable ways and into tight and lonely corners, shallow friendships because that is all she could ever be — fairweathered and quick to bleed, a heartburn caused by hunger, vengeful in word alone, a promise and a foreshadow.


  • charismatic
  • goal-oriented
  • intuitive
  • passionate
  • loyal


  • opinionated
  • cutthroat
  • fickle
  • morally gray
  • chronic liar
  • backstabbing...




Violet Fox would like to think the girl from Gilead, Georgia is still stuck there. Better yet, that girl is missing. Presumed dead in a ditch, trapped in the trunk of someone's car, or on the side of a milk carton. Truth is — she came with Violet to the coast, and Violet would prefer to think it was the Georgia girl that didn't see that a man like Camden Abel was too good to be true. This is what life has been for Violet Fox since she arrived in California: an exercise in swallowing the driest, largest pill in the medicine cabinet and smiling at the stranger in the mirror.
The stage of the Abel-Bodeya Casino was intended to be a pit-stop. Abel promised to make her a star. And to his credit, maybe he has, depending on your philosophy. Her face is on a handful of billboards, a few Avon catalogue, and an infomercial for a premier dog leash ($5.99 + shipping & handling!) Would it impress you that she was considered, very briefly, for the music video for "Heart-Shaped Box"? Violet Fox would like to think this means she's destined for more than lounge singing and party-bunnying. The girl from Gilead was certainly worth more, and she's not half the woman she is.
Her pocketbook and her boss seem to disagree. Over her head in debt and blackmailed into Abel's every whim, Violet would do — and has done — everything to get a little further out of the hole she's dug herself into. The Dealer offers more than a way out for her. It's a chance at redemption.


  • Grew up in Gilead, Georgia — a small town of approx. 5,000 people, where Violet’s father was the preacher. Violet was often commented on by church-goers that she was an exemplary daughter. At age ten, her mother passes away, and her father turns to alcohol to cope.
  • Her passion for performing arts developed early on. By age five, she attended dance lessons. By seven, she performed in her first play. As she grew older, her talent developed mostly out of a desire to escape her home life. During her teens, it became her way to escape the working class life she had come to associate with abuse. She attends Interlochen Arts Academy in Michigan for high school.
  • It is at Interlochen that she develops her first persona. It began with someone confusing her for a member of the Williams family of Gilead, Mississippi. She make-believes a lifestyle she’s only ever imagined in the cut-outs of Vogue plastered on her walls at home. While she was not exactly a mean girl, her capacity to spread salacious rumors and lies earned her many debts and many friendships, allowing her to maintain this illusion. After almost two years, she was eventually found out and unable to finagle her way out of the truth coming out. She left Interlochen at the end of her sophomore year, despite having won a few state-level awards for her performances.
  • She attends Harry S. Truman High in her hometown. Her peers know her as Etta, the girl who had a nervous breakdown on her way to leaving Gilead. At 17, Violet does her last performance as Sandy in Grease and drops out that summer, having failed half of her courses. She works at Frank’s Grecian House until she turns 18, dating a boy known infamously as Trey, on account of him selling meth.
  • It is following a violent interaction with her father, years of abuse coming to a head, that Violet leaves home and hitch-hikes her way to California. She works at various clubs, sometimes as a stripper, bartender, or any other job that will have her. It’s in the Abel-Bodeya Casino that she wins her first jackpot, allowing her to rent an apartment. At Interlochen and in the alley at Frank’s Grecian House, she’d played poker and dice, winning a few times here and there. Violet’s a smart girl; it isn’t until she wins $10,000 in one night that she falls for the dopamine high and convinces herself that these games are more than luck. Her habit is afforded by Abel and other casino-goers, who take to Violet’s charm and wit to such a degree that it’s worth a few hundred dollars lost here and there.
  • Abel is the one who feeds into Violet’s poor decisions, resulting in her becoming a club rat. She hangs around long enough, on Abel’s arm or otherwise connected to him, that she manages to score a job as a burlesque dancer. The highs of this lifestyle cause her to believe in something more than just the next rent payment. The Violet that had dreams, ambitious so intoxicating she would lie and cheat her way to them, returns to her. After years of racking up a debt higher than her eyelashes and working her tail off to make the shows at Abel-Bodeya Casino worth shilling out for, she scores her own show. It’s her, singing on stage and performing for an audience. Despite the control Abel has over her life, she convinces herself this is a business agreement. She is good for the money he lends her, and he knows it.
  • Maybe this was enough, but being so close to the biggest studios in the country leads Violet to believe she is capable of more. Abel allows it for the time being, with the extra money and notoriety she brings in, it’s worth the excursions. Violet gets increasingly closer to paying off her debts, she doesn’t party as much, doesn’t fall for the sickening trick that the card table provides. She’s growing, cleaning up her act. No one wants to hire a nobody actress with a penchant for nose candy and staying out until 3 in the morning. Moreover, Violet doesn’t want to be that girl.
  • Now, it’s clear she’s never getting out from Abel’s thumb. Her pay’s been cut, but she performs most nights a week. Instead of giving her time off to attend her father’s funeral, Abel insisted she stay in California, invited her to a party, got her in front of a card table, goaded her back into that dangerous cycle. She’s brought up paying off her debts, leaving and moving on from Abel-Bodeya. He’s told her there’s no chance of that, and increasingly, there’s been the vaguest notion of a threat behind his words.


Violet is an insomniac, mostly due to the nature of her job. It is incredibly common to see her with a cigarette and a coffee. When she first arrived in California, she quickly developed a mild gambling (and coke) addiction, which she is currently struggling to quit

stage persona

Violet Fox, also affectionately known as Vivi — a lounge singer and burlesque dancer. Violet Fox began as another one of the many women who did cabaret and lip synced for the patrons of the casino. She won over the crowd with her technical skill, establishing herself quickly as one of the principal dancers in the troupe. Convincing Abel of her singing talents was one of her first steps in establishing herself as a tour de force. Unfortunately, she’s made her name too closely associated with the casino’s offerings, and the ensuing pressure of being in charge of a live show resulted in her getting over her head and into Abel’s pocket.



Since her childhood, Violet has desired the attention of the room. Accustomed to being ignored or misunderstood, performance art was an outlet through which she could compete and rightfully earn the attention of others. Making money, which she often went without, was an added bonus. Having a passion for acting and dance could be considered one as well. Right now, all Violet wants is to be able to achieve her utmost desires and to realize her full potential, though she often gets distracted from this goal.


  • not very good at counting cards, but she keeps trying




♡coded by uxie♡

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