Camp Walla Walla


da bomb diggity
Please mention if you want to be a cabin leader


I'll ask you a few questions to see if you're cool enough.:cool: :wink: :tongue:






Cabin (Refer to Map(s)):

Trade Mark (What makes you unique?):



Bio(Include why you are coming to the camp):




  • Leader: Mallow Temple

    1. Erica Lynn Grace

    2. Madison B. Thompson

    3. Raiki Helenther

    4. Nonie Whitham

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Name: Mallow Temple

Nickname: Mal

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Cabin: Cabin A Leader

Trade Mark:

Her violet colored hair and she's always wearing some type of flower accessory


Mallow loves to make hand crafts, cook, read and garden.


Mallow is a care free hippie. Friendly and enthusiastic, Mallow loves meeting new people and making life long friends. She's a trust worthy person who is willing to help her friends out. Mallow likes spending her free time outdoors reading a book or tending to her garden.


Mallow lives along side her dad and younger brother, Yasen, in a small valley. Without a mother, Mallow assumes the role of adviser, care taker, and friend. Aside from caring for her father and sister, Mallow works part time at a small city office and has been accepted to her local community college. She was just 13 years old when she first starting attending Camp Walla Walla. She has been so involved that they promoted her to cabin leader at age 16. This will be her last summer attending Camp Walla Walla but she'll cherish all the memories made.



Misc: She loves to dance in the rain. 
Name: Yasen Temple

Nickname: Yase

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Cabin: Cabin B

Trade Mark:

He always has a shark tooth necklace on.


Yasen loves to play soccer and baseball, tumble, jump rope, and run.


Unlike his sister's passive personality, Yasen enjoys confronting danger head on. His strong physical makes him great at his favorite hobby, parkour . Whereas other guys are courting girls or playing video games, Yasen is down in the streets jumping off of walls or doing tricks on his skateboard. Although he has many bruises and scars, Yase just dusts himself off and continues on his adventures.


Having live without a mother for most of his life, Yasen has developed a very distant personality. The lack of a mother's love made him a bit rebellious. He loves running around and wrestling with the boys although most of the time his temper gets in the way and ends up starting an actually fight. He's gotten in trouble quite a few times in high school for picking fights with the other guys. Hoping he'll be able to make some friends and calm his anger, his father has signed him up at Camp Walla Walla. Yasen will be attending Camp Walla Walla for the first time along with his sister, Mallow.



Misc(opt): He can play guitar and sing amazingly.
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Name: Raiki Helenther

Nickname: Riki

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Cabin (Refer to Map(s)): A

Trade Mark (What makes you unique?): She is a songwriter and has an amazing voice. She loves playing any instrument.

Hobbies: Song writing, Singing, playing piano, reading books, writing, playing video games.

Personality: Riki is a strong yet sweet person, though she has a hard time dealing with flirts. She secretly is really shy and is afraid to date anyone in fear that they will hate her inside personality.

Bio(Include why you are coming to the camp): Riki is a songwriter who lives in a home full of geniuses. Her parents tried to make her become a doctor, which she heartedly refused. They wanted her to go to camp over the summer because they were going to go to England to do research. She found Camp Walla Walla's pamphlet and decided to go there.


Misc(opt): Pink elephants are adorable!
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Name:Jeremy Marcus




Cabin (Refer to Map(s)):C leader

Trade Mark (What makes you unique?):Pretty good sketch artist

Hobbies:Drawing, boxing, swimming, soccer.(in that order of interest.)

Personality:Nice, helpful and social guy, occasionally flirty and joking. A little depressed at time having to leave his family. Finally though he might want to do camp activity fear of an panic attack might prevent him from doing it, this can make him come of as antisocial but all he needs is a push to join in.

Bio(Include why you are coming to the camp):The eldest coming from a poor family of five , had to work like his parents to help make ends meet. At first he managed while he had to divide most of his day between work and school, his free time spend drawing. However as further economics issues pressed the family, Jeremy had to work more and more leading him to suffer his first stress attack. He recovered quickly but despite doctors wishes, returned back to work which lead to his second panic attack. This times attack made him pass out for several hours, doctors warned that if the stress is not reduced he would suffer more and worse attacks. One recommendation was spending a few weeks in Camp Walla Walla, so despite costing most of the family saving, Jeremy was sent there to recuperate.


Misc(opt):Can suffer a panic attack during the story. On a lighter note he will ask the girls to pose for a sketch. 
Also forgot to put

. Couldn't resist the reference.


Erica Lynn Grace







Cabin (Refer to Map(s)):

A (:

Trade Mark (What makes you unique?):

She is the go to girl to sneak things away from camp leaders, plus she's always playing her guitar.


Swimming, archery, and runs track.

Reading and playing guitar as well (:


Grace is a sweetheart with a spunky sarcastic attitude. She has been known to stand for her beliefs, but underneath all of the blunt honesty and sarcastic remarks, she has been known to be a total sweetheart, with a loving smile and a nurturing nature. She's a hopeless romantic

Bio(Include why you are coming to the camp):

As she loves the outdoors, she heard about the camp and insisted on joining. She wants to stay young as long as she can.




Have you ever seen a pink elephant?

Her Guitar :)


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Gabriella Heller







Cabin (Refer to Map(s)):

Cabin B

Trade Mark (What makes you unique?):

Gabriella loves cheer. She is captain of her cheer team and will always put her girls' needs before her own. It's like a sisterhood.


Swimming, making friends, cheer, running, dancing


Most people really like Gabriella, so she makes a lot of friends. Especially because she's a super sporty and active girl who loves to have a good time. She loves sports, but when it comes to school work, she's got a few weak spots. Physical activity is her strong spot.

Bio(Include why you are coming to the camp):

Gabby has been coming to Wala Wala since she was thirteen, and she's always absolutely adored it. She's made so many good friends who she always keeps in contact with during the non summer months. She grew up in a


Gabby's the one on the left. She has slightly long thin straight blonde hair and blue eyes. If she were to say her favorite feature it'd be her smile.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/95de2ffe696bac41e1d3da550dea339a.jpg.973165ca27c3c4a0008c0a4d2ac17ddb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19970" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/95de2ffe696bac41e1d3da550dea339a.jpg.973165ca27c3c4a0008c0a4d2ac17ddb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Misc(opt): Pink elephants are adorable!



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Madison B. Thomson





Gender: ♀


Cabin A

Trade Mark:

She is known for making sweet treats for all of the campers.


Cooking is her passion, her life, and she is also a great swimmer.


Maddi is an energetic girly girl, meaning she’s into the latest fashions, the best makeup, cute things etc. and is also quite chatty. And being extremely blond, most people just peg her as an idiotic mall rat, but while this description is not very nice, it is not completely wrong either, as she ‘does’ spend a lot of her time at the mall, and though she’s not a super brainiac, I wouldn’t call her an idiot either. She can be quite sweet and friendly, but she also has her cliché mean girl moments, but only if you push her buttons. Some would call her over emotional, others would call her childish, but the majority calls her a good friend. If you want to do something crazy, then she’s the one who will jump to do it with you, instead of trying to talk you out of it. Unless it’s something creepy, you just might be on your own there.


She comes from a divorced family who are middleclass in terms of wealth, but her mother is a chief editor for a fairly popular magazine, so they have a steady flow of income, but this also meant that her mother never has much time for her, and so has been sending her off to this camp every summer since she was thirteen. Maddi doesn't overly mind though, she loves it here. the only thing she dreads about it, is when it ends, and she has to go back home.




She sometimes has nightmares about pink elephants trying to steal her cashmere sweater.

Name: Nonie Whitham

Nickname: -

Age(13-18): 15

Gender: Female

Cabin (Refer to Map(s)): B

Trade Mark (What makes you unique?): She's willing to do absolutely anything. Need her to do yard work? She's game (just don't be surprised if you find her doing the tango with a rake). Dishes need cleaning? Sure thing (as long as you play with her after). Grocery shopping? Of course (if you don't mind her getting a bunch of irrelevant things at the store)!

Hobbies: The girl likes to juggle and can actually do it pretty well. She also likes to hike as well as origami (even though she is admittedly terrible at it).

Personality: Nonie's the kind of person that will walk up to a person on the street and talk to them about her day. She will approach you and ask your opinion on ice cream vs. frozen yogurt. She can go on and on as long as someone's willing to listen, and it is a bad habit of hers to get sidetracked easily. Another thing about her is the fact that she doesn't exactly understand the term "personal space". Nonie's not afraid the pounce on someone and hug them to death, ever the affectionate person; however, if someone is uncomfortable with this, she makes a point of respecting their boundaries. She is almost always in a playful mood, as it is extremely difficult for her to take anything seriously.

Bio(Include why you are coming to the camp): The only child to a single mother, Nonie's been quite a handful her whole life. Her mom's always been the disgruntled caretaker, never ready to handle her daughter's antics after long days at work. Because of this, she's always had a tendency to try and bond with anyone she walks up to. Her mother decided that she'd had enough of the girl and sent her off to camp to finally get some peace.

Appearance: Nonie's a total short stack; though she continues to insist that she's 5'3", one can tell that she's quite a bit shorter than that. Her hair goes down to her chin and is a peach pink in its coloration. She has a bit of a tan due to her love of physical activity, though she's built like a stick. Non's got light green-blue eyes, along with bushy man-brows that she will use any excuse to waggle.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.eae0acdd99cfecdbd17c7c7847e57aa8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20001" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.eae0acdd99cfecdbd17c7c7847e57aa8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Misc(opt): It is impossible in our day and age for elephants to have pink pigment in their skin.



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Name: Warren Brams

Nickname: Ren

Age(13-18): 16

Gender: Male

Cabin (Refer to Map(s)): C

Trade Mark (What makes you unique?): He has incredible knowledge of ancient cultures and mythology. Renny gets pretty excited when someone shares some interest in the topics, readily spitting out random facts off the top of his head.

Hobbies: His favorite thing to do is go looking for old globes and maps in antique shops. In addition, he prefers to spend his free time reading on geography, wars, ethnic conflicts and the like.

Personality: Warren is something of a recluse. He's a shy guy unless he's talking about something he's truly passionate about; if you bring one of those things up…well, buckle your seatbelts, ladies and gentlemen - you're in for one long lecture. He keeps to himself a lot, for his interests tend to be targeted more towards one person than a group. If someone starts talking to him, however, he tries to be polite and make conversation, no matter how awkward it ends up.

Bio(Include why you are coming to the camp): While certainly not the only child in his family, what with 4 brothers and sisters, he is certainly the youngest. Because of this, Warren's parents often sheltered him, greatly affecting his (lack of) social skills later in life. The first book he was ever given was on Greek Mythology, likely making him into the history/mythology/culture fanboy he is today. Wanting to know how to function in the real world without his mom and dad breathing down his neck, he decided to go to camp. After all, what better way to meet others over the summer?

Appearance: Warren's about as average as a person can get. Average height, average weight, kinda lanky. His chesnut hair is kept rather cleanly cut and combed. His eyes are of a greyish hue, and his skin is almost blindingly pale from hours every day spent indoors, staring down book after book.

Misc(opt): More stuff about pachyderms and the pink pigmentation of their dermis.

Finally! I do hope I wrote him well; I'm not very experienced with guys.
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I can't wait to start playing, we've got a real interesting cast of characters here ^-^ Also, I'll create a guy later to help put a dent in the daunting female to male ratio haha.
Likewise, might make a under 16s boy at some point. :-) Also i hope i get an excuse for some sneaking to the girls cabin its almost obligatory .;-)
Lol Yeah camp rules are obviously gonna be broken that's why I added them =P I'm currently thinking or several punishments for rule breakers though so don't go crazy ;P

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Name:Hunter Ashford




Cabin (Refer to Map(s)):C

Trade Mark (What makes you unique?): Any Animal in the world can come up to Hunter and love him and he loves them back except for spiders.he has a thing for the unique pink elephant.

Hobbies:Skateboarding, Knives, Music, Attending Concerts, Fire, and Videogames.

Personality: He is very outgoing about his opinion. Doesent stand for people being in his face or Talking down to him. Loves having friends and being new places with new people. At times Depressed, Axcious, And sometimes prone to panic attacks.

Bio(Include why you are coming to the camp): Ash was getting bored of his town and life in it so boring no people to be with no new places and worst of all no fresh air. Ash was used to being on his own at the house for his mom tended to his little sister and his father at left when ash was young, He never much really cared for men after everything with his mother and watching other people. He was Very used to doing things on his own. When faced with confrontation he would never resort to fighting first thing he would try to talk them out peacfully first and of they attacked he would put them out quickly. He grew up having girlfriends and a very large circle of friends and most of the time dealing with inner conflicts with his own friends and talk them out of things he was more or less a negociator. He decided it was time to do something with his vacation from school and Camp Walla Walla Sounded Wonderful I mean why not mom didnt care she barely noticed if ash was in the house or not.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/fashion-emo-hair-dye-for-guys-26493.jpg.3b868effb004f5167b2e38f24ed90192.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/fashion-emo-hair-dye-for-guys-26493.jpg.3b868effb004f5167b2e38f24ed90192.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Misc(opt):Carries Knife, lighter, And an pack of cigarets on him at all times.



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N a m e

Kenji Hideaki

- - - - -

N i c k n a m e


- - - - -

A g e


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G e n d e r


- - - - -

C a b i n

Cabin D (13-15)

- - - - -

T r a d e M a r k

Kenji knows Kendo (Japanese Martial Art) and he loves to cook. Often times, he cooks for himself whenever he's alone at home or he cooks for his family.

- - - - -

H o b b i e s

He loves to draw. Though he prefers drawing with his Bamboo tablet, rather than the pen and paper. Whenever he's bored, he gets his bamboo tablet and hops on his computer chair and draw and draw till he'd run out of ideas of what to draw. He loves to collect books that he'd read and include in his bucket list of books to read. He also loves to bike around his neighborhood.

- - - - -

P e r s o n a l i t y

Kenji's the calm, collected, and cool guy. On some days, he'd like to keep himself indoors just watching television and having a sketch dump with his bamboo tablet. And then there are days where he'd go outside and bike around his neighborhood, or he'd go and visit parks and other community lots and talk and socialize with people there.

Aside from this, Kenji has an interest in fashion. He likes to dress well, and he likes to find combinations for his day to day outfits. He doesn't like to follow the mainstream fashion, cause it's just really boring, you know?

- - - - -

B i o

Growing up, Kenji lived at Sendai, Japan. The Hideaki family --in Japan -- is famous for the rice crops they own, as well as their "Onigiri & Curry" restaurant chain all over the country.

He then moved to the States a year before he was 13, to study there. The rest of his relatives took care of their rice crops and restaurant business while his family moved here. Even though he did have lots of friends after staying in the states for not more than two years, Kenji wanted to experience more in the West; not to mention that he also wanted to make more friends. So his parents looked for something he could do in the summer and found Camp Walla Walla.

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A p p e a r a n c e


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M i s c

One of Kenji's favorite shirts is this sleeveless white top with a Pink Elephant in the middle

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Dylan Mason


Dyl or Ian





Cabin (Refer to Map(s)):

Cabin A

Trade Mark (What makes you unique?):

Great singer


Drawing singing dancing


Dylan is a peppy, warm hearted girl that enjoys smiling. She paints and draws the world when she can, bringing her joy, she likes making the

Bio(Include why you are coming to the camp):

likes PINK Alot :3

Alexandria lives with her mother, Cécile, 39, her little sister and brother, Kate and Johan, 8 and her big brother Steven, 18. They are a happy family, she goes to prison once and awhile to visit her father. Her father Marson went to jail for some money he robbed from a small gift shop, using the money to come to camp. THe reason she camp was because everyone had something to do in the summer and she was bored


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Name: Lawson Hunt

Nickname: none yet

Age(13-18): 18

Gender: Male

Cabin (Refer to Map(s)): Cabin C

Trade Mark (What makes you unique?): Lawson is extremely athletic, particularly favoring running and swimming, however he enjoys anything active that gets his heart pumping and body aching. He does have a bit of an odd habit though, where he goes off and finds himself a quiet and secluded place to just relax and be, not so active for a while. Once he is back from wherever he has wondered off to, he is more pumped and ready to get to it than ever.

Hobbies: Swimming, and running of course. He is also very adventurous in spirit, though he has never gotten to be in any other form, aside from spirit since his parents keep him on a tight leash, worried he might hurt himself and loose his chance for a scholarship.

Personality: Friendly, Outgoing, Active, seemingly good with girls, though he has never had any kind of romantic relationship with one, and of course, adventurous.

Bio(Include why you are coming to the camp): Lawson determined to get some form of adventure before college, begged his parents for just one month of freedom, to do what he wants. Not wanting to give him to much for fear of him loosing his chances for college, but also wanting to let their son have some of what he wants, they signed him up for camp. It's not what Lawson expected, but he was going to take what he could get.

Appearance: Lawson looks like a Pink Elephant... just kidding! Lawson is 6' 1" with light brown hair, and brown eyes, and is fairly muscular ( you can tell he has been an athlete his whole life).

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/zStudent_Athlete-655x280.jpg.7663785195c9a028d6e0ef78325b18d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20193" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/zStudent_Athlete-655x280.jpg.7663785195c9a028d6e0ef78325b18d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Robert McCarthy

Nickname: Robby or Rob

Age(13-18): 17

Gender: Male

Cabin: Cabin C

Trade Mark: Robby is an autistic teen suffering from epilepsy and low functioning autism. He is sweet and giggling and wiggles uncontrollably when happy.

Hobbies: He adores coloring, playing hide and seek, picking flowers and sometimes wadding in pools but water isn't exactly his thing.

Personality: Robby mentally a five year old, making him a bit difficult to be around or get used to. He is innocent, gentle, and very concerned for others on a regular basis. His mind usually works like a little boy, and he has the tendency to kiss someone to comfort them (on the cheek, nose, eyes). Generally he is a sweet boy.

Bio(Include why you are coming to the camp): Robby was abused most of his life after a tragic accident which he lost both his little brother in and his mother. His father, hoping to get rid of him for a summer, sent him off to camp while he went off and did things for himself. Robby loves his father, even though he is blamed for his mother and little brother's deaths.


Usually Robby wears a big green sweater, which covers his scars from his father's abuse. He has slightly curly blond hair and bright green eyes.

(there are
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