Camp Rasasvada

regular || outfit || interaction with no one

Dakota (1).png


When Dakota finally succeeded in dragging her luggage to the first floor, glad her room wasn't on the second even though she was exaggerating

a bit, she only saw a glance of someone entering his or her room. Besides that The hall was only filled with the sound of someone's music blasting

through speakers.  She checked if the door was open already, but found it still locked so she grabbed the keys the woman gave her when she

assigned her her room. On  the exact moment she was shoving the key into the keyhole she heard a loud noise coming from one of the other

rooms, she looked to the side quickly and then silence followed. Dakota frowned lightly, wondering what was happening in there already. 

They only arrived for like fifteen minutes or so. Not long for sure. She pushed the door open with her shoulder and dragged her luggage inside.

Her thoughts were playing backwards to figure out if she heard Juliette mention a roommate for her, but she couldn't find it anywhere. Probably

missed it. She  hoped  there was someone as her roommate though, so she wouldn't be completely alone. Maybe she's just  late she thought

before she pushed the  subject to the side. It was time to see what type of room this was.


"They could've made this more cozy" she chuckled as she shook her head lightly. For a moment she took the time to look around, but there 

wasn't much to see in the symmetrical room. Everything on the left was also on the ride side of the room. Dakota dropped her luggage on the

right bed of the room, claiming it as hers. First things first, she knew she hated to unpack things after a long day so she figured it would be 

a good idea to do that all right now so she could explore a bit for the rest of the day. She realised she had actually no idea of a schedule or 

something like that. She tossed her jacket on her bed and started to sort out her clothing into her closet. Knowing herself it would stay like

that for a few days, and it'd be a mess. But she knew the right solution to that: planning one day to sort it all out again. Then it would be sorted

out again for a while until the next week. Once she was done she placed her macbook on the desk that stood againt the wall, together with her personal

notebook and some things she usually kept in her backpack. After that she threw herself on the bed, waiting for anything to happen.


The thoughts started to come again, she realised she had seen so many different emotions on people's faces. But she herself was still barely

in any mood. It was just the regular feeling. Not happy, not sad, not irritated not mad etcetera etcetera, just nothing. Dakota didn't know why 

she couldn't 'switch' to herself. Before she had to be this way, if she was letting her feelings run everything it would've get her killed. In the underground

business it all worked so differently. Like it was normal to turn off your feelings and just be reckless. How was it going to be here?
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outfit: x  ||  mood: fretful, curious, thoughtful  ||  tags: open

After being told of her new room's location, Brooke had slowly made her way up to the building's second floor, taking her

time in dragging her suitcase up the two flights of steep stairs she needed to overcome to get there. Luckily for her, there

wasn't much inside her suitcase as she hadn't had many belongings since being removed from her parents' custody. Most

of her things were still at their place, waiting for her to be cured and welcomed back by the two of them - as if that would

ever happen. Brooke didn't have much hope in the way of returning back to living with her parents, at least not within

the foreseeable future anyway. When she reached the second floor landing, things were mostly quiet save for the sound of

distant chatter echoing from some of the rooms; she figured people were getting acquainted with their new roommates and

instantly started fretting about meeting hers. What if they didn't like her? What if they didn't get along? What if she was

some wild punk rock chick who played the guitar off-key and listened to heavy metal all hours of the day? A shiver ran

down Brooke's spine at the thought and she took a deep breath as she made her way towards her room, hoping she would

be the first one to arrive. Maybe then she'd have time to settle down and think of a good way to introduce herself.

She entered her room relatively slowly, peering around the door to see if the coast was clear before she went inside. The

room wasn't much to look at if she was honest; bland and boring, it was like there was a mirror running down the middle.

Both sides were quite literally identical, completely reflecting one another. Brooke quickly decided on the left side, however,

perching on the edge of the bed and leaving her suitcase idle at the end of it. She gave the room the once over yet again,

trying to look for some sort of unique characteristic although there wasn't one. She supposed the point was to personalise

the place and make it your own which she supposed could be fun, unless of course her roommate was her total opposite

and their sides of the room clashed nauseatingly. She picked at her nails, hands together in her lap, waiting patiently

for something - anything - although that something was inevitably going to be the arrival of her new roommate.

[SIZE= 12px]outfit: x | mood: curious. | tags: brooke[/SIZE]@New Yorker[SIZE= 12px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Once Felicity had grabbed her two suitcases, one of which was slightly larger than the other, she made a beeline for the stairs. Her room was on the second floor and she was supposedly sharing with a girl named Brooke, not that the name meant that much to her as she was yet to meet the person she would eventually associate it with. As she headed up to the second floor, Felicity hoped that she and her room mate would at the very least manage to coexist peacefully; friends would be a bonus, but she was scared she would clash horribly with whoever she was paired with and end up more miserable than necessary.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]When she reached the room, it was clear that Brooke was already there because the door was slightly ajar. She bumped it open a bit more with her hip and stepped inside, paying more attention to the decor itself before her hazel eyed gaze finally landed on the blonde girl, who was presumably her room mate. Felicity ran a hand through her tousled pink hair after dropping her bags onto the floor and crossed the room in a few strides, holding out her hand.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"I'm Felicity, it's nice to meet you."[/SIZE]

img-thing (4).jpg

Ariana Rosario


Ariana took her time walking through the front part of the house to where the rooms were. She was pleased to find that the place was beautiful, but in a simplistic, homey fashion that reminded Ariana of her days with Marcus. She was getting the same feeling of being at home from this place that she had whenever she was with him. Which was both good and bad. It was good because she had missed that feeling, and she wanted to feel it gain. But it was also bad because it reminded her of all things she had to feel guilty for and be ashamed of. Ariana took note of the house's design. It seemed that house had a color scheme of beige, mahogany, and different shades of brown, black, and gray. She could also tell it was styled to make a comfortable, homey environment for its residents. Ariana liked it, but she knew some people would find it bland and boring. 


When she reached the part of the first floor where the bedrooms were, she moved down the hall. First, she looked for the bathroom so that she'd know where it was when she needed it. Then, she began searching for her room. It was in the middle of the hallway on the left side. Room 4. On the door, a plastic 4 was nailed on and below it were two nameplates. One said Dakota Revel, and the other said Ariana Rosario. Sighing, Ariana raised her fist and knocked on the door. If her roommate was already inside, Ariana didn't want to just barge in. That was extremely rude, even if they were going to be roommates for the next couple of months. 


[SIZE= 18px]Tags: Dakota ( @sunloavie ) || Mood: Indifferent, calm || Attire: Unchanged[/SIZE]
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit; awkward; shawn / @Victoria Bradley


Upon arriving inside, Sukwon looked around trying to see wherever

the basement would be, or at least the staircase that led to it. Deciding

to just start looking around, Sukwon began to wander around wondering

why exactly he was placed in the basement; did she really think he was

that bad? 

Though, Sukwon didn't really mind—just a little curious. But, he really 

wished she placed some arrows around the dammed place; who was 

he Dora the Explorer? Certainly not. Eventually though, he did find the

basement and with a huff he started to go down the stairs bracing himself

not to find some dungeon or something down here; she may have looked

friendly but who knew what the woman was up to.

Much to his luck, there was no dungeon down here; but he wouldn't have

minded as it would've gave him an excuse to go home. But, this worked to. 

Taking in his surroundings so he could familiarize himself with the layout as

he would be here for awhile, Sukwon's eyes landed on a door with his name

and the name Shawn. Must've been his roommate, who already had arrived

before him as the door was slightly ajar already. 

Taking a deep breath, Sukwon headed towards the room opening the door.

Okay so it wasn't a bad room. But, it was a bit plain; so Sukwon really needed

to add his own touch to the room—give it some life and possibly his roommate

could help. Running his fingers through his hair, Sukwon placed his suitcase on

the other bed and opened it knowing if he didn't start soon he'd never actually end

up doing it. Clearing his throat, Sukwon supposed it would be rude not to speak. 

Break the ice or something.

" Hey, Shawn right? I hope that's who you are at least. Anyways, I'm Sukwon. " 

God someone kill him now.


outfit: x  ||  mood: hesitant, curious  ||  tags: felicity - @lottie

When the door opened fully, Brooke was so immersed in her own daydream that she barely noticed the action from the corner of her

eye. It made her jump, needles to say, and she quickly pulled herself back to Earth as the other girl quickly admired the room before

crossing the threshold. But instead of going to the opposite side of the room, she haplessly made a beeline for Brooke and she inhaled

sharply, instinctively worried about introducing herself. It was nothing to do with her new roommate of course, she looked like a nice

girl and Brooke was sure she'd turn out to be if she tried to get to know her, she just happened to be this way when anything to do with

other people was involved. That didn't mean she didn't actually bother to talk to anyone she didn't know but it was still nerve-wracking

all the same. That was why her counsellor and social worker had both agreed she'd be a good fit for this summer home - it seemed they

both hoped interacting with other people her own age on a daily basis would help improve her confidence. She hoped so too. When

 Felicity introduced herself, and held out a hand she clearly wanted shaken, Brooke hesitated slightly, glancing up at her and feeling

rather small from where she was sat on the bed, although she quickly regained control over her own hand and reached up to shake her

new roommate's.

"I'm Brooke," she said, figuring that they may as well get acquainted; they were going to be spending all of the summer together

after all. "And it's nice to meet you too."


[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)][SIZE= 10px]tags: @Post[/COLOR][/SIZE]

outfit: xxx

[SIZE= 12px]Kieran's music was quite loud, therefore he didn't hear anyone walk into the room. He only saw the tall blonde male who was his new roommate, when he turned to grab his other suitcase, jumping in surprise. The smaller male took out his earbuds and awkwardly shook Cado's hand. "I'm Kieran" Okay that couldn't have been worse. Honestly Kieran was as awkward as anyone whenever he was forced into an uncomfortable situation. Meeting an attractive person was one of those situations. He mentally screamed and probably jumped out the window as he watched Cado move to the right side of the room. God he was so damn creepy. Kieran tried to distract himself with unpacking, having moved onto his large collection of headbands when he suddenly found himself staring at Cado, again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]However this time it was because of what the guy was taking out of his suitcase. Of so maybe it was a little weird for a teenager to shove a mannequin torso into your suitcase. Kieran instantly felt like the guy either had a weird fetish, or he was into some design or shit. He didn't know. Then again, it could've been something way worse. Like what if the guy was actually a psychopathic murderer that was sent to this camp because he needed to be healed?  Okay, okay, so Kieran was letting his imagination run a bit wild. However he didn't know what the fuck everyone was there for. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Honestly he was way too scared to say anything, at first anyways. Finally he ended up speaking, or at least he tried to. "So, Cado. How old are you? Like I know everyone here is pretty much in high school, but I'd like to know if my roommate was younger or older than me" He rambled a bit, or rather he rambles whenever he's nervous or uncomfortable. He had no idea what small talk to make with his roommate. Because really, he had no idea if the guy would even want to talk to him. All Kieran knew was the Cado was attractive, probably older than him, and possibly had a strange fetish or was actually a nutjob. Yup, that was enough for Kieran to at least sit down on his bed and pull his skinny legs close to his body.[/SIZE]


Shawn Dalton


Shawn had only been sitting on the bed for a couple of minutes when his phone went off. Reaching into the front pocket of his jeans, he entered his passcode and clicked on the message. It said Blocked Number, but Shawn knew exactly who it was from. Damien Bucari, his handler from when his time as a criminal. The text was simple and straightforward. They wanted Shawn back now that he was out of jail. "Bad news, Damien. I'm not going to be your little puppet anymore," Shawn muttered to himself. He typed a quick reply into the phone that said exactly that before sending it. How had Damien even gotten his new number? He'd been so careful about keeping it secret. 


Shawn sat upright on the edge of the bed and slid his phone back in his pocket. The boy that entered was clearly Korean, with brown hair and brown eyes. He shuffled into the room with a bored look on his face, dropping his bag on the other bed before starting to take things out. Shawn supposed he should unpack too, but he didn't really have much to unpack, so he could do it that night before bed. Right now, he wanted to explore. Check out his home for the next two months. And maybe get to know his roommate and a couple of the others a little better. Not that that was going to be very easy. Shawn wasn't a very sociable person. Mostly because he had a hard time trusting anyone after the life he grew up with. 


[SIZE= 18px]The Korean boy cleared his throat and Shawn looked at him. He was still pulling things from his bag, his back turned to face Shawn. Not that he cared. He'd have done the same thing had he had anything to unpack. "Hey, Shawn right? I hope that's who you are at least. Anyways, I'm Sukwon," the boy said. Shawn chuckled, running a hand through his hair to push it out of his face. "Yeah. I'm Shawn. It's nice to meet you, Sukwon," he said politely. He had no idea what to say. So not only was he not sociable, he was also a terrible conversationalist. After all, you don't do much talking during turf wars.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]Interacting with: Sukwon @poiiscn || Mood: Unchanged || Attire: Unchanged[/SIZE]
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 cadon corbeau

attire: unchanged | mood: teasing | tags: @SociallyAwkward

Everyone knows that feeling of being watched; it was an impossible sensation to ignore. Behind him, Cadon could feel Kieran's eyes on him, watching his every move as if he was going to attack the poor brunette. It would have been unnerving if Cadon was the type to easily cave. Unfortunately for everyone who ever tried to get under his skin, however, he wasn't.


Reading the atmosphere was a bit difficult with music playing, but the platinum blonde had a fairly decent guess that it was confusion and maybe even fear after he unpacked his final bag. After all, who wouldn't feel that way when seeing a teen dedicate an entire suitcase to a mannequin?


Cadon grinned to himself as he imagined all the wild thoughts that must have been swirling in Kieran's head. A trouble teen with a fetish? Kinks that bring trouble? A hunger for violence and maybe even murder? He bit his lip as he tried to contain his voice, laughter coming out in a few shaky breaths. This continued for a few seconds until he heard a question and an explanation for it.


Clipping his fringe straight back with a white bobby pin, he spun around and leaned against his bed. "I'm 19 and probably the oldest person here," he said while his lips slowly began to curve, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, "Why? Have a kink for older guys that I should know about?"


A chuckle escaped him as he cocked an eyebrow in amusement, eyes scanning Kieran like he was a piece of art up for sale. Well, Kieran was worthy enough to be called art. He had delicate features and baby-like air about him. Interesting, Cadon thought before continuing to unpack.


"Well, do or don't, let me know and I'd happily show you how Californian's greet each other."


[SIZE= 12px]outfit: x | mood: curious. | tags: brooke[/SIZE]@New Yorker[SIZE= 12px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Brooke. Hm, that's a pretty name," Felicity commented with her carefree smile, removing her hand from the shake swiftly. Her nails were painted a deep purple colour, although the polish was chipped a little on both thumbs from where she had chewed it on the bus. Rings adorned each finger except, ironically, the ring fingers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]The girl was cloud-like in everything from her hair to her walk to the light way she spoke. Ethereal, almost. She crossed the room again tor eternal to what was presumably 'her side', and perched on the bed to face Brooke. Now they could talk, but she wasn't so close that she felt she was putting the other girl into an uneasy state.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Soo... I guess it's a bit personal to ask you why you got sent here," Felicity mused, smiling and crinkling her nose just a little, a habit of hers. She drew her legs up onto the bed and sat with them crossed in a meditation position, not seeming conscious of the fact that she was wearing a skirt. "I'll ask something else instead. What sort of things do you like?"[/SIZE]


outfit: x  ||  mood: on edge, curious  ||  tags: felicity - @lottie


"Um." Much like usual, Brooke was completely clueless. She wondered what it was with people and personal questions - ironically

she found her reasoning for being at the summer home less personal than disclosing the things she liked. After all, at least she

could easily answer the initial question. The second one required a little more thought; thought she'd already had to thankfully put

in beforehand. "Food, gardening, walking through parks, meadows of flowers, underused dirt paths, shortcuts through fields, tree

tunnels." It almost sounded as though she was reading things from a list although, in reality, she was reciting things from a previous

memory. When you were her you had to remember answers to these sorts of questions to avoid sounding awkward. If she'd had to

conjure up a completely new answer then they could've been there all day. She twirled the plain silver ring she was wearing on her

right thumb, looking for something to do that didn't involve her moving and drawing attention to herself. Maybe she'd be able to

relax a little more this way. "What about you?"
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 sven corbeau

attire: -bomber | mood: sociable | tags: @lottie @New Yorker

Minutes had passed when Sven realized he wasn't in the mood to unpack. He was more curious than anything--curious as to why everyone was here, where they were from, who Juliette truly was and why the hell she would want a shitty job like helping troubled teens. Well, curious wasn't the correct word. Being curious of others was actually at the bottom of the "Get-to-know-Sven List." If anything, he was seeking people who were the easiest to influence.


The 5'10" Australian male got up from his seat and tucked the front of his orange t-shirt into his jeans, letting his Canon camera hang loosely around his neck. He figured he'd greet his new neighbors and chose Room 7 since it it seemed the most active. With a pale hand he knocked gently, waiting patiently for the door to be opened. When it finally did, a perfectly friendly smile made its way onto his face.


"G'day, ladies." Sven greeted, his left thumb tracing the edges of his camera. "I figured I'd introduce myself, seeing as we're going to be floor mates for the summer."


[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)][SIZE= 10px]tags: open[/COLOR][/SIZE]

outfit: xxx

[SIZE= 12px]The guy with the glasses gave up on unpacking once he realized it was more fun if he didn't unpack. So instead the guy grabbed his guitar case, a black notebook, pen, and his phone plus earbuds. Heading downstairs, he looked around for a couch, but realized that was boring. He didn't want many people listening to him especially since if they didn't like his music, they would probably go and smash it. So instead the boy went to the kitchen, taking his earbuds out and smiled at Juliette who was making herself a smoothie, as if it was just an ordinary day. "Hey, I'm going to go check out the gardens. That cool?" He looked at the pretty woman and she simply smiled, turning off her blender. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Yeah that's fine. Make sure that you don't let Victor out of the garden." Juliette then returned to making her smoothie, humming softly as she did so. Mark only shrugged before he strolled towards the back of the house, finding a door. Opening it, he looked at the scenery before him. The garden/back yard was pretty big. It was pretty, there was no doubt about that. Lush green grass, beautifully delicate flowers. It was great. And in the middle of the yard was a large golden retriever who was peacefully napping. Assuming that this was Victor, Mark decided to call the dog. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Hey, Victor, come here" Mark smiled a crooked smile when the dog rolled over onto his side and got up, shaking a bit before running over to Mark. The boy ended up kneeling, the dog, being quite friendly. Obviously it served a purpose as a therapy dog, however it wasn't in the sense of an actual therapy dog, it was more like a person the kids were able to always be loved by. Victor, was a sociable dog by default and practically loved everyone he saw, even if he didn't know him. Much like his owner Juliette, Victor held no bias or anything against the kids. He simply adored them to death. Mark's slender fingers made their way into Victor's fur, combing it as he pet the happy animal. "Damn, you're a really happy dog"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]The boy laughed a bit, rubbing the dog's neck and ears, feeling more at ease as he pet the animal. Finally he stopped and sat down fully,. Victor stood in front of Mark for a second, just staring at the boy, but then proceeded to lick his face and contently lay down next to the male. "Oh God gross Victor. That's nasty" Mark was serious, but was laughing as he wiped his face clean of slobber. "I need to focus on writing okay?" He looked at the dog who was already falling asleep, basking in the sunlight. "Tough crowd" Running his fingers back through his blonde hair, Mark then took his guitar out of it's case and grabbed a pick, tuning his precious guitar. Soon enough he was softly playing, looking around the back yard. One of the many talented Mark possesses is that he can pretty much write a song about anything he wants. Even the way grass moves in the breeze. Yup, pretty damn talented if you ask me~[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]outfit: x | mood: curious. | tags: brooke[/SIZE]@New Yorker[SIZE= 12px] sven @Post[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Me? Well, I like sugary stuff, like candy floss," Felicity explained, holding up a lock of her feathery hair when she mentioned the food and flashing a wry smile. "I'm also real into horror films. My favourite's Nightmare on Elm Street, you ever seen that? As for other stuff, I like knee socks, animals, origami, climbing, and... Ooh, white wine. The cheap kind."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Just as she was about to fire another question in an attempt to keep up the conversation, she heard a knock at the door. Like a rocket she shot up to answer it, opening it just a crack to check that it wasn't anybody sinister before pulling it open and leaning against the door frame.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"Cute accent," She commented, looking the kid up and down. He was taller than her, blonde, but the most interesting thing was probably the camera hanging from his neck-- she made a mental note to inquire about it later on. "Nice to meet you. I'm Felicity, and that's Brooke."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]The girl glanced over her shoulder to her room mate and beckoned with one finger, trying to include her in the conversation. Had she been alone she would have invited the boy in straight away, but she had the decency to check that Brooke was comfortable with that before she did[/SIZE][SIZE= 12px].[/SIZE]

regular || outfit || interaction with Ariana @Tori Bradley


Dakota stood in an empty corner of the room to see it form a different perspective. She crossed her legs as she leaned

against the wall, thinking about the possibilities of the decoration of this room. Well at least her side of the room then

Maybe her roommate thinks this style is good, maybe not, only one way to figure that out. Dakota squealed lightly when

the sound of someone knocking on the door filled the air. It took her a moment before she took action and walked over 

to the door. She opened the door, and immediately stepped a side to get ouf the way. The girl in front of her didn't seem

to be the type of people Dakota usually hung out with because she seemed a bit more preppy. But who was she to judge?

"Hey, uh.. welcome?." Dakota said with a smile, which turned into a light chuckle after her sentence. She guessed it wasn't

someone who already had been staying here for a while, since she was dragging her luggage with her. But Dakota didn;t

remember seeing her somewhere in the bus on the journey to this place. Probably because she herself was a bit late and

sat down in front of the bus during the ride. She didn't really pay that much attention to the people either so. At least

this girl seemed to be a friendly person so that was good. 

"Oh by the way, I'm Dakota."
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outfit: x  ||  mood: nervous, wary||  tags: felicity, @lottie // Sven, @Post


"That's nice," Brooke said politely, bobbing her head throughout Felicity's list of niceties in an attempt to sound polite. She

didn't talk much unfortunately, and such a thing would've been true regardless of whether or not she was shy. It was just

easier to think instead of talk; if you could go on an endless spiel about forests and crashing waterfalls then that was fine by

her, she just preferred to write down that sort of thing. She found it easier to paint a picture that way. The sound of a series

of knocks at their bedroom door interrupted their conversation, steering Brooke's attention away from Felicity and instead

to the other side of the room - she rather resembled a deer that had been caught by surprise and had consequently turned

to stone. She wondered who it could be - they weren't supposed to be sharing a room with anyone else, were they? Maybe it

was the smiley lady from before, the one who ran the summer home. Perhaps they were already needed downstairs. 

Thankfully Felicity was the one tasked with opening the door and greeting whoever was behind it, her lack of hesitancy a

mild surprise to Brooke although she supposed she should've seen it coming. Felicity appeared to be a confident girl after all

- well, at least from what she'd seen about her so far.


When she opened the door, a lanky looking boy came into view, a camera strung around his neck although it looked rather

out of place, bulky and sticky out like a too large piece of jewellery. So he was a photographer - Brooke wrinkled her nose

uncomfortably at this, immediately making a note to avoid him in case he took any pictures of her. She didn't want to risk

the chance that he was one of those opportunist kinds of people who snapped pictures on a whim without asking peoples'

permission. When Felicity introduced her she went slightly pink, although thankfully doubted that such a change in

complexion was noticeable from all the way across the room, and waved her fingers slightly in greeting. She managed to

squeak out a polite "Hello." but refrained from saying much more after that, despite her roommate's clear attempt to try

and involve her in the conversation. She was better off listening to what the two of them had to say instead of interrupting.

xxxxxxxxxxxoutfit; tired; catherine /@RIPSaidCone


Everything seemed to go through one ear and out the other. She failed to pay

attention to anything—but that wasn't anything new, after all she failed to see

the details in everything and only saw the big picture, which did nothing to help

her unobservant nature so it was no surprise when she tripped when she headed

inside the house.

A look of surprise etched itself upon her features for a short second before she

looked behind her to see what tripped her and narrowed her eyes before sighing

and shrugging. What did she really expect to see behind her. Some ghost? A

random stranger who loved to pick on her? Gosh, she hadn't even been in the

house for 10 minutes and her thoughts were already getting a lil' weird. Turning 

back around, Florence looked around a bit searching for Room 8 before she

 ended up killing herself by falling on her face.

But, finally after wandering around like a lost deer she'd finally came face to face

with what she hoped to be Room 8, unless there were two room 8's that both roomed

a Florence. But, that was a pretty low possibility. Despite the door being opened, she

couldn't help but knock—just because she was sent here for being bad didn't mean she

still couldn't have manners, or at least some. Deciding that she didn't have enough time

to sit around here and wait she finally walked inside and hoped her roommate didn't mind

her barging in without consent as her legs may have been made of bones but she was sure

they were going to turn into bone jelly if she didn't sit down somewhere soon.

Making her way inside the room, Florence looked around a bit as her eyes immediately set

themselves on the available bed before she headed towards the bed and set her things down

before sitting herself down in the bed. After getting herself together, Florence had ran her fingers

through her hair before glancing at her roommate. " Sorry for barging in here randomly, not the best

first impression I know but when you're bad with directions and not the most agile person it has it's

disadvantages. "  Rambling a bit, Florence then cleared her throat. " Anyways, I'm Florence but some

simply call me Flora. "
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit; awkward; shawn / @Victoria Bradley


He was uncharacteristically pessimistic, often more on the optimistic

side, Sukwon wishes for nothing more but to be anywhere but here. 

It had nothing to do with Shawn—no but rather the silence that 

enveloped the two. He'd never felt so uncomfortable and felt that all

his communication skills were thrown out the window and he was left 

to fend for himself.

The look of discomfort is evident on his face; he can't mask the way he

truly feels but tried his best to hide away his face from Shawn in due time.

Hurting anyone's feeling was not on his agenda anytime soon. His head is 

filled with ways to try and ease the awkwardness but he keeps coming to dead

ends as everything either leads to more awkwardness or more discomfort for the

both of them. So much for going with the flow.

" It's nice to meet you too. So, care to tell me anything about yourself? It's not

a crime to be curious about my roommate right? But, you don't have to tell me 

anything if you prefer to be secretive. "  

img-thing (4).jpg

Ariana Rosario


[SIZE= 18px]Ariana only stood outside the door for a couple of seconds before a perky blonde girl opened the door and motioned her inside. Stepping inside with a warm smile on her face, Ariana fought the urge to roll her eyes. Just her luck to get a roommate that was perky. Glancing around the room, Ariana grinned at the simplistic style. She knew most kids would decorate their rooms rather than leave them bland like this, but Ariana wouldn't. The only person belongings she'd have disrupting the simple style would be her laptop, her bed spread, and the framed picture of her and Marcus. Her and her father. She dragged her bag behind her as she made her way to the empty bed on the other side of the room. She set both her suitcase and her duffel down before finally turning to face the other girl. Miles well start off friendly considering we're going to be roomies for a while. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]"Nice to meet you, Dakota. I'm Ariana Rosario," Ariana greeted cheerfully.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]Interacting With: Dakota @sunloavie || Mood: Unchanged || Attire: Unchanged[/SIZE]


Shawn Dalton


Shawn could easily see the obvious discomfort on the kid's face as he attempted to hide his face from Shawn's sight. He appreciated his effort in trying to spare his feelings. Not that it mattered. Sukwon being uncomfortable didn't bother him, as he was rather uncomfortable himself. Though that was true in a lot of situations, not just his one. Shawn had a habit of unconsciously making everything uncomfortable. That was half the reason he preferred to keep to himself. It made life a lot easier when there was no one around to deal with. Shawn sat on the edge of his bed, resting his elbows on his knees and hanging his head for a moment before he stood up.


"Well, uh," Shawn paused, trying to think of something that didn't make him sound creepy and weird. His roommate was cute and obviously nice, so he really didn't want to freak him out and scare him away on the first day. At the very least, he wanted them to be able to stay in the same room without being able to cut the air with a knife because awkwardness and tension make it thick and uncomfortable. "I'm 19. I'm from Chicago. And I'm half-Cherokee," Shawn said. He attempted sounding like he wasn't struggling to actually carry a conversation for once, but he was pretty sure his voice came out like some kind of nervous chuckle. He sighed, mentally punching himself. Could this get any worse?


Good Lord, kill me now.


Interacting With: Sukwon @poiiscn || Mood: Unchanged || Attire: Unchanged

regular || outfit || interaction with Ariana @Tori Bradley


Dakota let herself fall back on the bed once the girl made it inside, closing the door behind her again. She was quite

suprised by the cheerful response. Why? The mood in general seemed to be kinda down in here so this was not what

she expected, like more the bitchty type of people. She was again not really sure why. At least someone not friendly.

But this was a nice bonus so i didn't really matter why anyway. Dakota pulled up one of her legs on the bed and leaned

on her knee with her chin. The other leg was bouncing back and forth for a bit while her eyes were scanning the girl

who's name was Ariana. "Do you have any clue if we're supposed to gather somewhere here after dropping our luggage

or?" Dakota asked, skipping the basic how old are you, what do you like, and where are you from dialogue. Just to

avoid awkwardness. They would get to know each other anyway since they would be roommates for a while. She had

a big urge to ask why she was send off to Rasavade but that was probably a bit too soon. And thereby that meant she

would have to talk about her own backstory and such which she rather not did yet. Always get to know the other person

first is what she had learned her whole life. Makes things easier in tiresome situations. But on the other hand, this was 

not a drug cartel place or whatever so it wouldn't be that necessarily.
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