Camp New Beginnings

Bea Delaine

Sugary Sweet Sadist


Age(Keep it in the teens 15+):

Sexual Orientation:


Appearance (Realistic please!)









1: Reserved for Bea Delaine

2: NessieAlways





1: reerved for Alivia





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Can I spot for a girl!

I have a character I've been dying to RP but I just haven't had the chance 


"It's gonna cost ya."

Lilian Yvette Brooks


"Don't ya know it's not polite to ask a woman her age?"


Sexual Orientation:

"Hehe, I like both peaches and hot-dogs love."



"Okay I know I'm just a B, but come on it's pretty obvious."



"I only have mug shots."



"Oh wouldn't you like to know."

Five finger discount my friend. Lilian has sticky fingers for anything that can fit in her pockets. Is she poor and needs money to get stuff? No. Does she need the stuff she takes? No. Then why does she do it? The thrill of adrenaline.


"Well you can rule out friendly."

Lilian. She could be your best friend or your worst enemy. She lives in a world full of lies, and secrets some of them good others bad. She says what is on her mind and doesn't think twice about it. This can come of as her being rude, but she just says things as they are. Don't like it, well to bad. You can either deal with it or get out. She wont be putting up with anyone's pitty party and she does not appreciate attention seekers. Overall Lilian Yvette is a tough shell to crack, but if you end up on her good side you're in for a treat.


"If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

Lilian Yvette comes from a rich family. Both her parents are medical professionals and know how to manage their money. They spent all their time over protecting Lilian. She was home schooled and was never allowed to step outside the house. She had every material thing she could ever wish for, but she was missing something in her life. Lilian was missing adventure. In her early teen years, Lilian began escaping her house to meet up with some kids she had met at an arcade.

Every night, without her parents noticing, she would slip into her mother's purse and take out ten dollars for arcade games. Ten dollars where nothing to her parents, so they never noticed, but the ten dollars soon turned to twenty, then fifty. Before they new it Lilian was behind bars at the city county jail for trying to steal a diamond necklace from a jewelry store at the mall.


"You mean murder isn't part of the list?"

Playing video games, Listening to music, skateboarding


"What are you trying to bribe me?"

*Punk/Rock Music

*'Free' Stuff

*Her Vans

*Carbonated Drinks


"Ha! As if I would give you the tools to blackmail me."






"Oh My God! What more do you want from me?"

New Beginnings


? Lux Viktoria Andrews ?



"Old enough to smoke, and that's really all that matters."


Sexual Orientation:

"Girls, girls, girls, girls. Girls I do adore."



"I'm not sure if you're blind or just plain stupid."



"Another obvious question. *sighs*"


"You need to learn how to mind your business."

Sweet looking on the outside, dark on the inside. Lux hates everyone, including her parents. She's completely reckless and has been in so many fights with girls and guys. She mainly thinks it's because their jealous of her. She also vandalizes private property and is a repeat offender. She's been sent to the camp because she only had two options from the judge; go to jail or go to camp New Beginnings where she can possibly "change her ways."


"I'm a total sweetheart. *laughs*"

Lux is a very nonchalant, blunt, sarcastic, aggressive, and domineering person; however, there is a good side to her. A side that she keeps bottled inside because she doesn't want people to think she's weak. She builds a wall up that is nearly impossible to break down.


"Why are you so worried about my life?"

Growing up, Lux wasn't rich but she wasn't poor either. Her family was basically considered middle-class. With both of her parents being in the US Air Force, Lux never really got the attention she craved as a child so she went to go find someone to give her that attention; however, she went about it in the wrong way. She met her best friend, Ann, in the 9th grade and together, they practically terrorized the whole school so much that when she did graduate, 3 years later, the principle threw a party for her and Ann. A week after they graduated, they were bored with nothing to do so Lux came up with the fun idea of vandalizing private property and Ann was all for it. Being the beginners that they were, the first night they did it, they got caught. Although it was only Lux's first offense of vandalizing, it was added to the many offenses she already had due to battery and assault from the all the fighting she did in high school. With that being said, the judge gave her an ultimatum that she didn't give Ann. Either she goes to a camp called New Beginnings for two or more months OR she could go to jail for two or more months. Of course, it was an easy decision for Lux to choose the camp while Ann was immediately sent to jail.


"Making out with your mom while your dad is at work is always nice."

Drawing, and playing guitar.


"Is this thing almost over with?"

- Thunderstorms

- Art

- Listening to music

- Cigarettes

- Open minded people


"Dude, seriously?"

- Close minded people

- Ignorance

- People who want someone to feel sorry for them

- Cats

- Hypocrites


- Has this tattoo on her wrist.

- Has this
tattoo on her thigh.

- New beginnings.

"Are we done with the interrogation now? Yes? THANK YOU."

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Name: Brooklyn Lee

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Gender: Female

Appearance: "Do Scars Count?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_luekb5vTyX1r629poo1_500.jpg.4d055bc3746bf529c894887012439beb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20824" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_luekb5vTyX1r629poo1_500.jpg.4d055bc3746bf529c894887012439beb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reason: "Suicidal" Is what they say her purpose for coming here is.

Personality: Brooklyn is a shy thing, she doesn't like to talk and is socially awkward, she can be social at times but she is very secluded and wants nothing more then to just listen to music.

Bio: Brooklyn comes from a regular family, her mom was abusive and her dad was nowhere in her life. She started cutting when she was twelve and has tried many times to commit suicide. She has been in and out of Mental Institutions and has seen many counselors. She has been greatly bullied and many times she has been pulled out of schools. Mostly for when she was younger and her mother moved very often. When she was twelve she decided she wanted to live with her grandparents and that is when the counseling began. After she turned fifteen she started cutting more and her counselor took notice. After that she soon tried to commit suicide and her grandmother decided it would be best if she could find a camp or someplace so Brooklyn could get some help, and meet people with the same sort of situation.


"Does cutting count? "

*Listening to Music


*Writing Poems

*Writing Stories














*Rap music


She has cuts on her thighs as well as her wrists and has a cut on her rib cage.

-New Beginnings



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Aaron Elric//18//Pansexual//Male



"Why are you so intrigued all of a sudden?"

It was a sad thing. Aaron watched her mother get beaten by his step-father, and intervened. You could only imagine what happened next. Aaron was sent to the hospital and tried to overdose on pain medication. He was brought here shortly after his speedy recovery of spleen rupture and attempted suicide recovery.


"None of your business anyway."

Aaron is quite the troubled soul, and is tender with a touch of sensitivity. He's paranoid, and always thinks people are thinking the worst of him. He's always been a master of comforting other people, with his careful and tactful way of speaking. Although he possesses all of these qualities, he covers up with harsh words, tattoo's, and a protective shell. It doesn't help with social situations, so he tends to stay on the side of less associating of people. Unless they seem interesting. He's always preferred music, poetry, and skateboarding over people though. He also loves a good smoke every now and then.



"I swear now you're just trying to get on my nerves."

As you know, Aaron was the witness of his mother's abuse and terror, and was shortly sent to the hospital that terrible night. Other than that, he always had a strong relationship with his mother, and she was his best friend. He was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia when in school, explaining his trouble with school throughout the years. But other than that, Aaron had a happy home life and enjoyed his childhood.


"I like to do lots of things."

Aaron has always had a soft spot for writing at poetry. He is currently in love with playing the ukulele, and longboards regularly.



"Heh, you."

-Rainy days



-Edgar Allen Poe (The Poet)



-Artistic people

-People he can be real with

-Dark chocolate

-Alternative and indie music


"You also, if you don't watch yourself."

-People who shove religion down your throat






-White chocolate


-Cats (He believes they're demons)

-Excessively Spicy food


"Nah, I'm done now. No thank you. How much do you need to know about a person?"

He has a scar across the bridge of his nose from when his step-father struck him. He has many visible tattoo's, and has a small habits of smoking cigarettes, but not to the extent of reeking of nicotine.


"we all have a chance of New beginnings."




"Call me Jay."

Janet Fosters


"Do i look twenty one yet? Nope? Figured.."


Sexual orientation:

"I um.. dont really.."

Straight if anything.


"I get it. Im flat chested, but really?"



"Burn it after you look please."



Anorexia nervosa and attempted suicide


Jay is a very nervous and anxious girl with a self esteem at rock bottom. She is easily saddened or put downand despite a quirky personality, she is deeply depressed. Sheis kind and loyal, just not to herself. Her own OCD mannerisms cause self destruction.


"I would rather not.."

To be explained later in fuller detail. What you will get now is she was a model as a younger kid to young teen. Her dad was gone, her mom was obsessed with every success and failure of her daughter, but on her own deeply depressed. Basically, modelling pressure rose, daughter had enough, guilty mother by her daughters bed saw a brochure.


"Its a bit ironic.. but"

Though she refuses to hold down any food, Jay loves cooking and baking for others.




Meeting others





"Talking about it"

Water. She cant swim



Name: Summer. Last name unknown.

Age: 15

Sexual Orientation: asexual (biromantic)

Gender: female



Reason: since a trauma she experienced at 14, Summer stopped talking. She became very shy and depressed.

Personality: quiet. Very quiet and shy. She thinks a lot, but never expresses her thoughts.

Bio: see above. More on this later.

Hobbies: The only thing that makes Summer relaxed is nature. She knows a lot about biology and botany.

Likes: animals, gardening, hikes, nature.

Dislikes: noise, people, social media, politics

Extra: new beginnings



Armada Delix. Or Army.You can totally tell what my parents enjoyed,right?

Age(Keep it in the teens 15+):


Sexual Orientation:

Hetero,straight,etc. It's cool if you ain't.Love who ya love,right?




Appearance (Realistic please!)

Well this is a little weird,but I'll try my best.I guess I'm average height,5'9.Well,that may be a little tall come to think of it. I'm a little skinny,but it's way better than I used to be is what I'm told. My hair is dark brown,stick straight, and is starting to grow back thankfully. I bruise easily,so it often looks like I've been in a tussle and lost.

I tend to wear my white Converse and either shorts or bell bottoms. My shirt style varies drastically so it's hard to explain. My hair is usually up in a ponytail or down.




Once again this is going to be awkward haha. I like to think of myself as angelic,but I know a few who would disagree. I wasn't too much of a scrapper before I left school,but I was pretty mouthy about anything and everything. I would get pissed if you looked at me the wrong way,or if you laughed weird. That was before I left.After,I just became really depressed and obsessed about my body. I stopped eating, it took too much effort for me. My mother of all people found out and finally decided to care about me. She put me into therapy and I couldn't really resist. There I got pills that not only helped with the depression,but calmed down my catty attitude. Now I just kind of chill out,trying to find myself a group to be around.


Well let's see.I guess I'll start from my early teens,ok? I didn't exactly grow up horribly,both parents made well enough income that we lived in a nice house in a good neighborhood. Every kid down the block was one of the popular ones,admired by those who just didn't quite make it. I just didn't quite fit in with that crowd,or any crowd for that manner. Sure,I had a few friends but none I'd call close friends. I tried to have a couple people surrounding me so I didn't look like a complete idiot. Come middle school those girls down the road, they started becoming worse and worse. Oh,Army got a new shirt? She looks like a whale. I still hear those voices to this day. And it wasn't like they were the only ones. They had influence over the ones around them.Sure,I was a little chunky but not whalish.

Come eighth or ninth grade I got tired of it. Being called Blubber gets old after a while,ya know? So I slapped her,the head Queen I guess. I popped her across the mouth and left a bruise. Of course I got suspended, but my parents didn't care much. They were too involved in their jobs.That was when I became a bully. If anyone said something wrong or laughed in the wrong way they became a target. What was done to me? I did right back. And then I left. Simply walked out of school and didn't go back. I pretended my mother was homeschooling me when really I hung around on street corners with the pot heads and drug dealers.

Once that got old I just started staying home,lost in thoughts.And with my thinking came the memories of school.Blubber and Whale came back the most and after looking in a mirror while those words chanted in my head I believed it.This led to me losing all will to do anything,and I stopped eating almost entirely.It was a slow change,I just began to reject the idea of food and couldn't bring myself to go through the motions of doing so.

I was surprised my mom noticed at all,but you can't ignore the hair falling out and bony elbows for too long I guess. She got pissed of course and yelled at me,but then she decided to take me to a therapist.That turned into her watching me,ensuring I ate at every meal.The weight came back,but not my will.The therapist prescribed pills that I was almost forced to take,and gradually I became better. I'm not completely done yet,and it'll take a while before my "rehab" is complete,but I'm doing good in my eyes.


I used to ride horses a lot,but now I tend to listen to music and draw.I draw horses,canines,and Day of the Dead inspired portraits.


Animals,music,reading,drawing.It's really just whatever I feel like liking at the moment.


Mean girls,pushiness,Golden Retrievers,and dubstep


New Beginnings

I'm making a guy as well,just give me a day or two please (:


Age(Keep it in the teens 15+):

Sexual Orientation:


Appearance (Realistic please!)










Fredrick "Freddie" Miller

Age(Keep it in the teens 15+):


Sexual Orientation:




Appearance (Realistic please!)



Suicide and Depression


Freddie has always been a ball of charisma and confidence, he's talkative and able to make friends with anyone. He can be quite mouthy, and likes to express his opinions on things, but he doesn't like to express his feelings or emotions as he fears people will think he's weak. He often pushes people away when he feels they are getting too close, and can be very rude or mean to them as he wants to appear tough.


Freddie was named and adopted by his Aunt Sarah and Uncle Fredrick almost as soon as he was born. He grew up with them and their three daughters, and he only saw his mom once at year at the most, as she moved across country for a 'fresh start'. Nethertheless he had a perfectly happy childhood, Sarah and Fredrick raised him as thier own and he got on well with his three adoptive sisters, Jessica, Rachel and Zara. He entered high school as a well adjusted kid with plenty of friends and good grades. sure he wondered about his real parents from time to time, why he never really saw his mom, who is dad was? He was always told that they loved him, but were too young to look after him, and he accepted this without a second thought.

When he was sixteen his family visited his grandparents for thanksgiving and his mom was also there, later in the night she got drunk and the circumstances of Freddie's birth were revealed. His mom was sexually abused at age fifteen by a much older man and became pregnant against her will. After discovering this, Freddie felt angry towards his mom for hating him for something that wasn't his fault, and towards Sarah and Fredrick for not telling him the truth. He began to feel worthless, depressed and unwanted.

He started skipping school to hang out with his new friends in the park and drink, his grades dropped and he was barely ever home. When he was at home he spent most of his time in bed, and he wouldn't eat anything. His Aunt realised he had become depressed and sent him to a therapist, unfortunately it was too late and he tried to commit suicide a couple of weeks later. His Aunt and Uncle decided he needed some headspace, and Camp New Beginnings was reccomended to them by a friend.


Freddie started learning guitar when he was ten,singing and composing when he was fourteen, but he hasn't played in a few months as he experienced a creative block when he became depressed.


Indie music. Donuts. Bad weather. Tea. His bed. Song writing.


Arrogant People. Watery tea. Pop music. Carrots. Deep conversations.


New Beginnings



Raven Reigns (call her Ray and she'll pummel you)

Age(Keep it in the teens 15+):


Sexual Orientation:




Appearance (Realistic please!)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.0a7a58867d584f93bb4bf7f7b993daec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21108" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.0a7a58867d584f93bb4bf7f7b993daec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Raven stands at about 5'4 and only weighs 110 lbs. She is thin and has a tribal tattoo down her right side as well as a "forever a fighter" one on her left arm. She as a stud in her nose and two piercings in each ear as well as a belly piercing. She has naturally dirty blonde hair but, no, she is not stupid. She enjoys streaking it to make herself feel different. She has grey eyes that seem to stare into your soul. She typically wears converse and skinny jeans or shorts with a graphic tshirt or a tank top. She has a necklace that she never takes off that was her best friend's and bracelets usually decorate her arms.


Suicide and alcohol


Raven can be considered a shell of what she used to be. When she was younger, she was a vibrant, full-of-life girl that liked and got along with everyone. However, now she's an empty shell. The only emotion she is used to showing is anger. Other than that she rarely shows any emotion or expose her feelings. She's quiet and decides it's best to voice her opinion only when she's angry. She keeps to herself and trusts no one easily.


Raven was born into a seemingly normal and loving family with good parents, Stacy and John, and she was the youngest of four kids and only girl. Because of this she grew tougher than most girls normally do. She's always hated girly things and that hasn't changed. Her mom left when she was six so Raven was raised most of her life by her father. She was mentally and physically abused until she was 13 when John was arrested for possession of cocaine and heroine.

Raven then moved in with her eldest brother and things seemed good from then; however, she started dreaming about everything bad that's happened and she started drinking because of it. She had started skipping school just to do nothing. She hadn't seen her mother since she left, but heard rumors she had started a life in England. The words her father spoke to her stayed stuck in her head since they escaped his lips. They made her feel worthless and unwanted causing her to become suicidal. She tried to overdose multiple times on her medication but it failed each time. Finally, her brothers persuaded her to Camp New Beginnings to try and get a fresh start on her life.


Raven taught herself how to play piano and her second eldest brother taught her how to play guitar. She would consider music her livelihood. She's not too good at writing songs though. She collects bracelets and cooks.


Singing. Dancing. Rock music. Playing her instruments. Cooking. Swimming. Tacos and donuts.


Vegetables. Talking about her past life. Cats. Pop music. Whores.


New Beginnings



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