Camp Half-Blood


New Member
The Story:

You are a Half-Blood. A Demi God. What does this mean exactly? It means that one of your parents, your birth parents, is not mortal, not a human. They are a Greek God or Goddess, an Olympian to be exact. You are probably thinking that this is crazy, those are just myths! But you would be wrong, the Olympians are very much alive and influence our everyday society by architecture, literature, and more. Monsters are after you now due to your heritage. Their goal is to kill you. The only safe place for people like you is Camp-Half Blood, a seemingly normal summer camp that really houses Half-Bloods and helps them stay safe and train their abilities. This is where you start your adventure (and this RPG)

Gods and Goddesses:

Zeus- God of Thunder and Lightning

Hera- Queen of all Gods (Had no children but I will allow 3 children of her!)

Poseidon- God of the Sea and Earthquakes

Hades- God of the Dead

Athena- Goddess of Wisdom and Strategy

Ares- God of War

Artemis- Goddess of the Hunt and Wild Animals (Had no children but I will allow a few hunters of Artemis)

Apollo- God of the Sun and Music/Poetry

Hermes- God of Messages and Thiefs

Aphrodite- Goddess of Beauty and Love

Hephaestus- God of the Forge and Metalwork

Demeter- Goddess of Nature and Plants

Hestia- Goddess of the Hearth

Dionysus- God of Wine

Iris- Goddess of the Rainbow

Hecate- Goddess of witchcraft and Sorcery

Hypnos- God of Sleep

Hygea- Goddess of Hygiene and Cleanliness

Hemera- Goddess of Daylight

Nyx- Goddess of Night

Lyssa- Goddess of Rage and Madness

Melinoe- Goddess of Ghosts and Spirits

Techne- Goddess of Art

Erebus- Goddess of Shadows

Demios- God of Fear

Khione- Goddess of Snow

Tychne- Aquatic Titan

Selene- Titan of the Moon

Prometheus- Titan of Fire and Forethought

Maia- Goddess of Shyness

Deadly Sins- Greed

(I might add other minor Gods and Goddesses later, but for now you can only chose from these.)

Mythical Creatures such as Satyrs are allowed but only if you get approval


No godmodding

Keep negative comments to yourself please

No being rude to others

Talk like (this) when talking out of RPG

No big changes unless approved by me

Each camper can get two gifts from their Godly parent. These must be approved by me so PM me what you want.

Each camper recieves 2 special powers based on their Godly parent.

Each camper gets a Pegasus from their Godly parent (Not included in the 2 gifts)

No controlling others without permission

Put Percy Jackson in the Other spot to let me know you read these!


The Form: (Please PM me a copy of your form if I am not online) (Also imma do mine,)

Name: Austin

Age: 21

Looks: Brown hair, Brown eyes, 6'7, Blue jeans, Orange Camp Half-Blood Shirt.

Bio: He lived with his dad and stepmom. His dad abused him and his stepmom didnt care about him. He had 2 stepsisters who often made fun of him and ignored him. He had friends at school but then he moved away. He fled to camp to seek safety. He was one of the first campers there and has been a year-rounder. He has been at camp for 10 years now.

Personality: Nice, Warm-hearted, and Fun!

Parent (Can be unclaimed): Hephaestus

Ability (Two special abilities that are related to your parent. Ex. Poseidon can control water): Fire ability, and Great sword craftsmen

Weapon: Sword

Strengths: Metal, Wood, Hammers, (Anything related to making swords and fires)

Weaknesses (DONT PUT NONE!): Ice, Cold, Freezing.

Other: Percy Jackson~




Poseidon- Pheobe [Head Counselor]




Artemis- (Had no children but I will allow a few hunters of Artemis)




Hephaestus- Austin[Head Counselor]






















Capture the Flag:

Red Team: Zeus, Apollo, Hermes, Hestia, Isis, Aphrodite, Unclaimed

Blue Team: Athena, Hepeastus, Demeter, Hecate, Hades, Ares, Poseidon

Current Prophecy:

You have succeeded in one but there are more to find,

The one of the swan is in a bit of a bind.

Her prison is located deep in the woods,

And it is guarded by the magical wearing their hoods.

The quest will consist of a party of eight,

Although one may succumb to a tragic fate.

The goat, two magic, the twins of the day,

The plant, the rainbow, and the dead shall lead the way.

Your first stop will be deep underground.

You must get through the maze for the key to be found.

After the key you will journey up high,

To visit the God’s palace up in the sky.

His gift you must have if you wish to move on.

But be weary, this man is a bit of a con.

Now quickly to the goddess stuck in the lead,

If you do not find her soon, she will surely be dead.
Name: Pheobe Jackson

Age: 16

Personality: Sweet, Kind, Funny, Outgoing.

Parent: Poseidon {Claimed}

Ability: Control over Water, Breaths under Water

Weapon: Sword

Strengths: Fighting, Swimming.

Weakness: Archery, Fire

Other: Percy Jackson's younger sister


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