Camp Half-Blood


Care Bears... prepare to stare!


Full Name: (First, Middle and Last name)



Birthday: (Year not included)







Body Add-Ons: (Tattoos or piercings)

God Parent:

Mist Form: (Like Percy's Pen)

Personality: (More then one sentence)

History: (Optional)

Weapons: (Names or pictures are not required but both preferred)

Pegasus: (The Pegasus you ride that is kept in the stables)


Accepted Characters

Rain K. Miles, Son of Zeus

George Thompson, Son of Aphrodite

Avery Sorries, Daughter of Athena

Blake Droons, Son of Hades

Ashton Saverino, Son of Ares

Nichole Trevor, Daughter of Aphrodite

Preston Plaz, Son of Apollo

Ian Evers, Son of Aphrodite

Zax Orlando Oska-Sacro, Son of Poseidon

Brandon Orval Oska-Sacro, Son of Poseidon

Noah Kenji Kashikoi, Son of Athena

Kailissa Jeckord, Daughter of Nyx

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This Character Is Not In The Roleplay Anymore.~


Full Name:

Rain K. Miles.



















Body Add-Ons:

A small lightning tattoo under his waist line.

God Parent:


Mist Form:

A bracelet with a lightning charm.


Rain can sometimes be seen as an overly serious person;always wanting to get things done before hand without taking breaks or maybe sometimes be the one who stays focus while others have fun goofing off.Although this is true most of the time,it's not true all of the time.Rain knows when to have fun and goof around with friends but,he also knows when to get serious.He doesn't play around with love and doesn't easily trust others,which is why he has a small circle of people he calls friends.He can be an alright guy if he wants to be but,he can also be an antisocial person who much likes sitting alone somewhere by himself.






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Full Name: (First, Middle and Last name) George Thompson

Nickname: Georgy

Age: 16

Birthday: (Year not included) October 27th

Gender: Male

Crush: (determined later)

Dating: (ditto)

Sexuality: Hetroromantic (asexual)

Religion: The whole Greek gods thing has screwed with his mind. Religion is pushing it.

Height: 5' 7"

Body Add-Ons: (Tattoos or piercings) Georgy is afraid of needles. Bringing up tattoos is like bringing up Tartarus to someone in the Percy Jackson fandom (did I just...)

God Parent: Aphrodite

Mist Form: As a mere mortal, you would see Georgy carrying around a backpack. If you were to open up that backpack you would find... rocks. But in reality they're... rocks give to him from his mother. However, they're more than that! Through the mist they look like rocks (well, they are rocks, but whatever). However, being Greek there's always a twist. These rocks are compelling able to make things compel people to do things to Georgy's bidding. Just throw the pebble at the desired target and tada! You now have yourself a mind slave.

Personality: Georgy is a little ray of sunshine most of the time. He enjoys to socialize and gather around with his siblings and listen to their gossips (however, not taking any participation in it). He likes to hear everyone's opinions on each other and seeing what kind of person they are from what they say and how they hold themselves (call it a special talent, if you will). If you tell him to keep a secret, he most likely will. Georgy admires the beauty in many and he can be very complimentary, maybe even in a flirt manner. However, he will often not realize this unless you bring it up to him.

History: (Might fill this out later. Not feeling it rn)



Many rocks (like these) are kept in his bag (as seen in the appearance). He uses them to compel, but will only use them at dire times.


Georgy will also occasionally use a dagger. His father collected many weapons and this dagger was a present he gave to Georgy.

Pegasus: (Imagine this horse with wings)


Cloud is a white Friesian - a very rare combination.

Other: Photography is his talent. He sneaks a camera into Camp Half Blood every time he goes. His favorite place to go is on the rocks near the lake, where he hangs out with the water nymphs.


Full Name: Avery Burrs Sorries

Nickname: Ave

Age: 19 years old

Birthday: October 23rd

Gender: Female

Crush: None

Dating: None

Sexuality: Bisexual

Religion: Atheist

Height: 5'8''

Body Add-Ons: Too many tattoos to count but no piercings

God Parent: Athena

Mist Form: Bow is a hiking staff

Personality: Avery has a badmouth and is overall, a tom boy. She hates being flirting with, advances, and just romance advances in general. She is harsh, with a sharp tongue but she is really sweet with her friends. She can have a bad mouth but she loves her friends with all of her heart. Avery doesn' trust instantly and it's hard to get onto her friends list; she knows how to fight and sometimes gets in bad moods where she'll provoke fights. Avery is not a girly girl, and nothing about her is girly, she's a great leader with smart and cool head.

History: Avery was actually adopted into a family but easily proved that she belonged there, she grew up in a terrible family before so she was strong and unfazed. Growing up, she was a bit of a bully as a child but learned to be a leader, in her highschool years she ran a gang that was unbeatable and when she graduated, she was accepted into a gang. Without meaning too, she found the letter from Camp Halfblood, furious that her adopted family never told her, she left to go there herself.

Weapons: Bow and Arrows with Athena's crest on it, and Shield

Pegasus: Here

Other: None


Full Name: Blake Aaron Droons

Nickname: None

Age: 18 years old

Birthday: May 24th

Gender: Male

Crush: Ashton, his best and childhood friend (For drama purposes only ;D)

Dating: None

Sexuality: Bisexual

Religion: Christian

Height: 5'11"

Body Add-Ons: a tattoo on his chest, one on his upper right arm and a huge one going down his entire left arm. Lip piercing

God Parent: Hades

Mist Form: Sword looks like a black, leather, dragon backpack

Personality: Blake is a lot more mellow, then his close friend Ashton, but is they are similar. Blake is a bad mouthed guy with an attitude, mainly when he's with Ash, which is all the time. Alone, he's quiet and avoids people, with zero confidence. With Ashton, he's loud, smart mouthed, pushy, arrogant, and mean.

History: Blake was born in Britain, when his mom left his dad, they moved to Ireland when he was six. His dad was crushed, he often left to drink, leaving Blake and his brother to cook for themselves. When his dad commited suicide, when he was fifteen, his brother took custody over him and they left for America. They bounced around the country but when Blake was seventeen, he left her brother so he could be with his fiancee, after leaving he got attacked by a manticore, he was rescued and forced to flee with his best friend, Ashton, to camp halfblood

Weapons: Black Sword with Chinease Writing in it.

Pegasus: Here

Other: He's best friends and childhood friend with Ashton


Full Name: Ashton Silver Saverino

Nickname: Ash

Age: 18 years old

Birthday: May 28th

Gender: Male

Crush: None

Dating: None

Sexuality: Pansexual

Religion: Agnostic

Height: 6'2''

Body Add-Ons: A tribal dragon on his forearm, two on his right shoulder and a large one on his left. Including many on his chest and one on his left.

God Parent: Ares

Mist Form: Gold Snake Staff and his sword turns into a belt

Personality: Ashton is a jerk, he's arrogant, pushy and a bully. He gets what he wants, one way or another, and is very cruel to others. Ash is incredibly good at fist fighting, as well as gifted with leadership, he is rude, mean, short tempered and ignorant. It takes a lot to become friends with him, but once you do, he's really not a bad guy. He's loyal to his friends and enjoys violence, he's reckless at times but knows how to form a plan.

History: Ashton's mother was taken away by the police for drug abuse when he was only three and his father kicked Ashton out of the house so he lived alone on the streets usually, getting his anger out in fighting. He was in juvy too many times to count and when his best friend, Blake snuck away to leave his brother to create a family, he tagged along and saved him from a manticore.

Weapons: Three Spears and a skull sword

Pegasus: Here

Other: He's best friends and childhood friend with Blake

Full Name: Nichole Olivia Trevor

Nickname: Nikky

Age: 18 1/2 years old

Birthday: February 14th

Gender: Female

Crush: Nope

Dating: Single

Sexuality: Straight

Religion: Deist

Height: 5'3"

Body Add-Ons: Ears pierced

God Parent: Aphrodite

Mist Form: Lipgloss container instead of a scythe and a tiny, makeup mirror for the mirror

Personality: Nichole is a kind person when she's alone, catching her alone is the best time. She's cheerful, happy, honest with a permanent white smile on her face but once her friends appear, she turns into what she thinks they would like. She does what she's told with no questions but shes learning, slowly, to stand up for herself. She takes good care of herself, she's very strict on stuff like brushing her teeth, her hair and washing her hands. Nichole is use to being alone from her childhood that's why she struggles to be what people want her to be.

History: Nichole grew up with only her brother, who was part of the military, after he died, she enrolled in training to be a sniper like him, when her powers charmed the others, she was forced to drop out so they wouldn't be hindered in actual war.

Weapons: a Scythe and a Mirror that if shown by someone with ill intentions towards her, it will show them their worst nightmare, striking fear into their hearts and causing their right hand to burn badly.

Pegasus: Here

Other: None


Full Name: Preston Varron Plaz

Nickname: Press or Prez

Age: 17 years old

Birthday: January 7th

Gender: Male

Crush: Nope

Dating: None

Sexuality: Gay

Religion: Cathlic

Height: 5'2"

Body Add-Ons: None

God Parent: Apollo

Mist Form: Violin charm bracelet

Personality: Preston is sweet and kind, he'll help out anyone who needs it and is very forgiving. He can stand up for himself but usually ignores people that say rude things to him. Preston is pretty hyper and he will never curse. He is polite, smart and responsible, he'll take the blame for someone and will stick up for his friends with extreme loyalty; Preston a little dense and slow also he tends to dig his own grave when he talks.

History: Preston's parents were murdered and that crushed Preston, he picked fights, often getting ruined, until he was beaten up, he lay broken and bleeding in an allyway until he was able to move. After that Preston distanced himself from people, he hid in an abandoned farmhouse where he lived for a long time. Finally, he decided to try the city and that went down the drain as he had to be rescued by Camp Halfblood

Weapons: Violin that puts people to sleep that can turn into a bow

Pegasus: Here

Other: Is slightly Bipolar and suffers from Social Anxiety


Full Name: Ian Carlos Ever

Nickname: Ian... Just Ian

Age: 18 years old

Birthday: Novemeber 9th

Gender: Male

Crush: None

Dating: None

Sexuality: Pansexual

Religion: Athiest

Height: 6'3"

Body Add-Ons: Tattoo of a tiger on his back

God Parent: Aphrodite

Mist Form: The axe turns into a red bluetooth

Personality: Ian is easily excited and pumped person. He hangs with the girls and the girls love him, he is hated by most guys for 'stealing' away all the girls. He is a kind heart but isn't the type to rush in and be the hero, if a child ran into the street and was going to be hit, he would yell for her to look out, but not rush in and save her. He can be annoying sometimes and a jerk but he does it unintentionally. Ian is quite popular and he's sweet, also when he's in love he's the 'maiden in love' type. He can be very cruel unintentionally, and has broken a lot of people. His jokes can be cruel and rude, but he's never noticed because people usually laugh at them, except the person he teased; he doesn't mean to be a bully but it comes naturally.

History: As a kid, he came home from school to see his father with a young girl, he never told his mother, his parents got a divorce butIan knew he would hurt his mother terribly. Soon he started to argue with his mother and before he knew it. She dumped at this... pathetic excuse for a camp. Ian got a letter from his mother saying if he needs to come home, go to Camp Halfblood... She wouldn't be there for him... Ever... Again. Since then, he's flirted with anything that has a heartbeat.

Weapons: Red Battle Axe

Pegasus: Here

Other: He's has terrible vison without his glasses


Full Name: Zax Orlando Oska-Sacro

Nickname: Zax...

Age: 17 years old

Birthday: July 3rd

Gender: Male

Crush: Errien

Dating: Errien

Sexuality: Pansexual

Religion: Athiest

Height: 5'5"

Body Add-Ons: None

God Parent: Poseidon

Mist Form: This Bracelet

Personality: Zax can be quiet at times but when he gets to know you, he'll treat you like his best friend, he's clingy and can act a bit 'gay' in the sense of pretending to kiss his male friends on the cheek. He doesn't look like it but he dislikes breaking the rules but with a bit of encouragement he will; teachers always get on his case about his rainbow hair but he loves it. This boy believes it separates him from the normal crowd of people and is glad, he always says people should have their own choices and if gays want to get married they can, if prisoners want to be put up for death, they can. Zax can be a bit lazy and a bad procrastinator but when a push comes to a shove, he can get things done, he's a bit of cleanaholic along with a workaholic, once he gets started, it's hard to stop him; he had bad insomnia so he works/cleans getting him into his do-everything mode and causing him to do all-nighters. He is protective of his friends, honest and blunt, he tells you how something is, no sugar coating. He's very honest about his feelings and can be a bit annoying sometimes, Zax loves his friends and overall means well.

History: Zax lived comfortably until he was nine, three weeks after his and Brandon's birthday, they walked in on his dad having sex with another woman. In shock, their dad forced them to keep quiet but he slipped up a couple weeks later; their mother confronted their father about it and he knew that it could have only been Zax. In a huge fit of deadly rage, their dad ran into his unsuspecting sons' room and beat him until Brandon and Zax escaped and fled to his grandmother's, who lived down the street, house until his dad packed his bags and left. After the beating, Zax feared his dad but the two allowed their dad to reach out to them; Zax said something that implied he disliked their dad which threw him into a fit of rage, this time beating Zax so bad, he was hospitalized, after that Zaxcarried the scar and fear of his dad. Zax became distant from both his mother and father, staying with his Brandon as much as possible while his mother and father fought for possessions. His mother had lost the case, only getting custody, the house and their car. His mother struggled to find a job that would pay enough for her, her house and her teenage sons. When they were 14, their luck changed! His mother found a job at the local hospital that would pay enough if she worked extra hours, therefor the twins were left alone all of time, bounding even more. Suddenly, she lost her job, their house and she had to send them to Camp Halfblood while she stayed at her sister's house.

Weapons: Water Sword (in water it gets stronger)

Pegasus: Here

Other: This is his hair and his twin brother is Brandon, they also can finish each others sentences


Full Name: Brandon Orval Oska-Sacro

Nickname: Brand or Brandy

Age: 17 years old

Birthday: July 3rd

Gender: Male

Crush: None

Dating: None

Sexuality: Demisexual

Religion: Athiest

Height: 5'5"

Body Add-Ons: None

God Parent: Poseidon

Mist Form: This Bracelet

Personality: Brandon is extremely quiet with almost anyone but his brother, he'll treat you like an enemy and is super distant with all except Zax. Brandon doesn't take offense easily and he secretly enjoys breaking the rules. This twin secretly likes being normal, he doesn't like to stand out and lets other's make his choices; he is never lazy or a procrastinator. Brandon is a cleanaholic, workaholic and a terribly horrible insomniac, he doesn't like being blunt and sugar coats a bit and is never honest about his feelings; he virtually blends into the background.

History: Brandon lived comfortably until he was nine, three weeks after his and Zax's birthday, they walked in on his dad having sex with another woman. In shock, their dad forced them to keep quiet but Zax slipped up a couple weeks later; their mother confronted their father about it and he knew that it could have only been Zax. In a huge fit of deadly rage, their dad ran into his unsuspecting sons' room and beat Zax until Brandon and Zax escaped and fled to his grandmother's, who lived down the street, house until his dad packed his bags and left. After the beating, Zax feared his dad but the two allowed their dad to reach out to them; Zax said something that implied he disliked their dad which threw him into a fit of rage, this time beating Zax so bad, he was hospitalized, after that Zaxcarried the scar and fear of his dad. Zax became distant from both his mother and father, staying with his Brandon as much as possible while his mother and father fought for possessions. His mother had lost the case, only getting custody, the house and their car. His mother struggled to find a job that would pay enough for her, her house and her teenage son. When they were 14, their luck changed! His mother found a job at the local hospital that would pay enough if she worked extra hours, therefor the twins were left alone all of time, bounding even more. Suddenly, she lost her job, their house and she was forced to send them to Camp Halfblood while she stayed at her sister's house.

Weapons: Water Sword (in water it gets stronger)

Pegasus: Here

Other: This is his hair and his twin brother is Zax, they also can finish each others sentences
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I will have all the personality and history up tomorrow.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Sil.jpg.4e0a13f2325cc4231fb38f06e4cb90db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Sil.jpg.4e0a13f2325cc4231fb38f06e4cb90db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Silicy Dawe Rhea

Nickname: Sil

Age: 15

Birthday: 27th of June

Gender: Female

Crush: Open.

Dating: No one.

Sexuality: Bizexual

Religion: Nontraditional Christian

Height: 5'2

Body Add-Ons: Nada..

God Parent: Thanatos. God of Death, guide of souls.

Mist Form: A small charm on a bracelet that looks like a miniature chainsaw.

Personality: Sil is

History: WIP

Weapons: A crystallized bronze chainsaw.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/chainsaw.jpg.59db79781aaba3abfa4d768700a215e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16884" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/chainsaw.jpg.59db79781aaba3abfa4d768700a215e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pegasus: (The Pegasus you ride that is kept in the stables)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Errie.jpg.6663de9509d7dacbd40796ece529b024.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16885" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Errie.jpg.6663de9509d7dacbd40796ece529b024.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(His hair is dark brown)

Full Name: Errien Elias Freeze

Nickname: Errie

Age: 17 1/2

Birthday: March 17th

Gender: Male

Crush: None at the moment.

Dating: Open (P.M if interested)

Sexuality: Pansexual. Love is Love right?

Religion: Doesn't really believe in anything.


Body Add-Ons: He has a rose tattooed on his waste.

God Parent: Eros

Mist Form: His mace takes the form of a walking stick to mortal eyes.

Personality: Errie is a creature of passion, and love. This at times can be a problem for he like sto show his love in physical ways, hugging, groping, kissing not always to people who willingly accept his affection. Though few very rarely refuse it. He is energetic, and quiet charismatic. Yet, that is probably because of his dearest father Eros. He flirts openly with everyone, and attempts to show his love equaly and be fair to everyone, but love is not fair and he knows it. There are time when he can become possesive, and selfish over people and he is not ashamed of that either.

History: WIP

Weapons: A mace.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/MAce1.jpg.3f5ddf56e5ce726c6e7f8c34545b781a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16886" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/MAce1.jpg.3f5ddf56e5ce726c6e7f8c34545b781a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pegasus: (The Pegasus you ride that is kept in the stables)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1a2b926_Springtime.jpg.b6537088523cae21343398986ddccb65.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16888" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1a2b926_Springtime.jpg.b6537088523cae21343398986ddccb65.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Hollow Jameson Sloan

Nickname: N/A


Birthday: Somewhere in the winter.

Gender: Male

Crush: Open

Dating: Open

Sexuality: Homosexual

Religion: None

Height: 6'9

Body Add-Ons: He has small vines tattooed onto his fingers.

God Parent: Persephone

Mist Form: A belt, which he wears around his waist, and assortment of keys on a key chain.

Personality: To describe Hollow in one word would like saying William Shakespeare work was just okay. He is complex, and simple at the same time, his personality changing with the course of the season. In ways Hollow is a lot like his mother, sweet, caring and kind. Allowing the follows to bloom, and the world is just right and dandy. But them his mood starts changing and he becomes like Persephone in the winter, when she is locked away from six month. Hateful, and a little bit of a sadist. His personalities are like two different people each fighting for control, and sometimes it can drive him a little mad.

History: WIP

Weapons: A chain whip, and a few throwing daggers.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1a2eda2_ChainWHip.jpg.072b71612e07642c82905ed84a35f3b3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16889" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1a2eda2_ChainWHip.jpg.072b71612e07642c82905ed84a35f3b3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(The whip is 10 feet long though)

Pegasus: (The Pegasus you ride that is kept in the stables)

Other:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Knifes.jpg.816e8da65748582c61d48971615083f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16890" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Knifes.jpg.816e8da65748582c61d48971615083f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Full Name: Noah Kenji Kashikoi

Nickname: None, just call him Noah. Name is short enough it Doesn't need abbreviations.

Age: 17

Birthday: Feb. 27

Gender: Male

Crush: None yet

Dating: None yet

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Religion: Believes in the Greek Gods

Height: 6 feet

Body Add-Ons: None

God Parent: Athena

Mist Form: Staff (like that of a monk)

Personality: Noah is a smart person who often thinks before speaking. He'd rather not speak at all though. He is shy and doesn't socialize with unfamiliar people unless they go to him. Noah is also very analytical, and strategic. He takes multiple things around him into consideration and often has contingency plans. Noah loves to do science, and fool around with his chemistry kit. He can have rather a scientific view of things. The optimist would say the glass is half full. The pessimist would say the glass if half empty. Noah would say the glass is 49.56 % filled, with a clear liquid. Noah is also impatient. If he is met with failure, or a slow hinderance, complete frustration ensues.

History: (Would rather not have a history. Too much work since Athena doesn't really "have" children.

Weapons: Likes to fight with spears or halberds

Pegasus: None

Other: Great chess player.
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Full Name:

Lian Millan






May 14th






Seth Rylands




Believes in the Greek Gods





God Parent:

Khione Goddess of Ice/Snow

Mist Form:

This Necklace


Lian is calm and level headed and childish at times. He doesn't act hyper or like he's high on sugar. He's got an attitude and a short temper. Hes protective of those he cares about. He doesn't take kindly to those who talk back to him in anyway. With his skills and moods combined he can be a lethal opponent. He's swift and agile with his shooting and can shoot you without a word. He can have a feisty and snarky side as well. He has a liking for cute things and likes fashion.


Two of these





Charlie the Siberian Husky Puppy

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Full Name: Asuna Yuki

Nickname: Asuna

Age: 18 years old

Birthday: September 30th

Gender: Female

Crush: Kirito

Dating: Kirito

Sexuality: Straight

Religion: N/A

Height: 168 cm

Body Add-Ons: N/A

God Parent: Athena

Mist Form: A necklace with a sword charm

Personality: Asuna is a kind and helpful young woman, who similar to Kirito cannot abandon another in trouble. Asuna is also somewhat proud and is not afraid to get physical with those that challenge her authority or brag about her abilities such as Cooking.

History: N/A




Full Name:

Seth L. Rylands.













Body Add-Ons:

Tattoo on his lower back

God Parent:


Mist Form:

His necklace.


Seth is basically a shadow.Most of the time you won't even know he's there because of how quiet and sneaky he can get.He loves the water

a lot and is often seen swimming.When he sees someone being over dramatic about things,it kinda irritates him a lot.He's affectionate

although you have to earn that part of him.He's protective over the people who deserve it and doesn't let his guard down when it comes to them being in trouble.He doesn't just anyone and often stays away from the bad people...even though he's a bad boy himself and likes it that way.He doesn't hesitate to kill someone whose threatened him,the love of his life,or his other love ones either.He will deny that he doesn't have anger problems but,in due time...I'll let you figure that out yourself.







Full Name: Anastasia



Birthday: 21/09





Religion:Pagan(greek gods)

Height:5f 9in

Body Add-Ons: Theater mask tattoo on her right arm.

God Parent:Athena

Mist Form: medallion hang on a chain


Personality: Friendly loyal and helpful but is secretive never giving away any detail about her past. In addition she suffers from mood swings going from the sweet girl to cold, sarcastic even cruel. The reason for this is unknown, she never explains but she normally keep away from people when it occurs.

History: Well...That the thing to find out is it.


Pegasus: None, animal tend to fear her

Other :Wears what you see in pic at to this a some tainted glasses she wears constantly. Big secret to reveal as story progresses. Clue some clues in the rest of the sheet.


Full Name:

Elizabeth Jameson






November 23rd








Lizzy is artistic and always has her head in the clouds. She seems to always have something on her mind. She likes to wonder around camp or paint in her cave. She always lends a listening ear if someone is down and can give good advise. She likes to call herself the camp relationship councilor, seeing as she can't have romance herself due to being the Oracle. She has a kind heart and is willing to give the shirt off her back if needed. Though she has a bit of a tude and is prone to sass talk.



Body Add-Ons: (Tattoos or piercings)


God Parent:

None. She's the Oracle

Reserving a spot. 

Full Name: Kirigaya Kazuto (?????)

Nickname: Kirito, The Black Swordsman, The Twin Blade Swordsman, Beater, Detective-kun

Age: 17

Birthday: October 7

Gender: Male

Crush: Asuna

Dating: Asuna

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Religion: Greek

Height: 172 cm

God Parent: Ares

Mist Form: Just a simple chain necklace

Personality: Kirito is someone who is not good with words, and can be quite direct. This is due to him not having many friends and closing others off, because of his love for computers. As such, he can come off as a rude person to others. Sometimes, he actually seems to enjoy angering and teasing people as well. Also, from time to time, Kirito can be quite overconfident thinking he can do things others can not. He is almost always a calm and collected character, rarely showing any signs of distress.When in a battle, he becomes incredibly fierce and aggressive. Sometimes, his fierceness is up to the point where he loses control of himself and is even unable to recall what he had done. However, Kirito is actually a kind person who is just misunderstood.

Weapons: Elucidator: Dark Repulser:




Other:Because Nico asked me to



Full Name: Satomi Minato Inoue (??????) (most people do not know her real name and call her by her nickname)

Nickname: Lightning


Birthday: December 20

Gender: female

Crush: None atm

Dating: Open

Sexuality: Heterosexual (straight)

Religion: Greek

Height: 161 cm

Body Add-Ons: Ears are pierced and a navel piercing

God Parent: Zeus

Mist Form:


Personality: Lightning is determined, concentrated and independent. Initially, she is cold and standoffish, distancing herself from her companions. She also has a very destructive and soldier like persona. But behind all of that there is reason, she said that she was not able to protect anything, "Lightning. It flashes bright, then... fades away. It can't protect. It only destroys", which is also the reason she tells everyone that her name is Lightning.





Other: Because I wanted to.

@a writer Sorry to say but how does your character make sense... Artemis had no children, and her 'children' (Which were girls who refused to lose their virginity and were just followers) so to speak, were in a group that she leads and do not live at the camp. Artemis refused to ever lose her virginity and hated men.
She's correct.

Although this is a roleplay,I don't think any of us want to twist the facts about the gods and goddesses.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images.jpg.a114a5fd9c552c84caac77dc3e1e5818.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17106" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images.jpg.a114a5fd9c552c84caac77dc3e1e5818.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Kelvin Dalton Ramirez

Nickname: His friends call him Mirez


Birthday: September 20th


Crush:no one at the moment

Dating:no one at the moment


Religion: Athiest

Height: 6'3

Body Add-Ons: This is tattoo left shoulder <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Skull_with_Oak_tattoo_design_by_grimmy3d.jpg.3c04f96fc074141e95e1f1af1ab0b90f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17100" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Skull_with_Oak_tattoo_design_by_grimmy3d.jpg.3c04f96fc074141e95e1f1af1ab0b90f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

God Parent: Thanatos

Mist Form:His swords mist forms are two rigns

Personality: Quiet. More sociable to the souls of the dead then to the living. Whenever he socializes with the living he always listens. He's got your back (if you have his). Always give advice (or tries to)


Weapons:The two bastard swords that he uses

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1ed1982_Basradswordone.jpg.eaf716d3f83d16b6583f1e05bda023ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1ed1982_Basradswordone.jpg.eaf716d3f83d16b6583f1e05bda023ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1ed676e_Basradswordtwo.jpg.f88c865f4af6b820ab8689e6a05c1cf4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf1ed676e_Basradswordtwo.jpg.f88c865f4af6b820ab8689e6a05c1cf4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pegasus:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Pegasus.png.0b8522d30e5500bf2266412b6eb702f9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Pegasus.png.0b8522d30e5500bf2266412b6eb702f9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other:He can't see. The way he can see is through life essence. He can tell who you are by looking at your essence. Since every ones is different that's how he can tell who you are.



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Full Name: Grace Rachel Claire

Nickname: Gracie

Age: 16

Birthday: September 21

Gender: Female


Dating: Chris Delca

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5'4

Body Add-Ons: None

God Parent: Athena

Mist Form:
(turns into shield)

Personality: Grace is a sweet person, she is very outgoing and is friendly to everyone. She tends to get annoyed when someone writes her off and persists in making them like her. She is extremely smart and a bookworm. Grace prefers reading on a rainy day then being outside, even though she's athletic. She loves being in the shade or swimming. She can get hot-headed when offended. Grace pretends not to be hurt and keep a straight face even when she feels horrible.



Other: Friend is putting up a form for Chris!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.c4e85f0335fe7637265c5e1a951a5a6b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17272" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.c4e85f0335fe7637265c5e1a951a5a6b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Reagan Ashley Light

Nickname: Ash

Age: 16

Birthday: August 23

Gender: Female

Crush: None yet

Dating: N/A

Sexuality: Straight

Religion: Jewish

Height: 5"6'

Body Add-Ons: One tattoo of a bird and under it are the words "My faith looks up, when my fear pulls me down."

God Parent: Apollo

Mist Form: (I can't get a picture) A beautiful silver necklace of an arrow and it changed into a bow with a quiver of arrows.

Personality: She is very angry and easily provoked. Her eyes will flare up and she will just loose everything, and her mind will shut down. However when she is with her Pegasus or playing music she becomes quiet and serene. She will be sweet and agreeable, otherwise she is irritable and stubborn.

History: N/A

Weapons: Her bow and a small dagger

Pegasus: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.fb161f97fb768784e2399385fbc65f7d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.fb161f97fb768784e2399385fbc65f7d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Full Name: Alex Tarcesy (no middle name)

Nickname: Alex

Age: 13

Birthday: july 10

Gender: male

Crush: none (yet)

Dating: single

Sexuality: straight

Religion: (does greek count?)

Height: 5' 3"

Body Add-Ons: none

God Parent: apollo

Mist Form: a wrist watch that is really a shield.

Personality: Alex likes his sense of humor. He accidentally cracks jokes at the wrong time, and it's rare that he takes something seriously. when he's bored, he likes to make his hands fight each other.

History: alex was adopted. when he was 6, his foster mother twisted her ankle, an he healed it… with his touch. his foster parents soon after abandoned him at an orphanage in fear that he was the devil. at the age of nine he escaped the orphanage and began living on his own, until he found camp half-blood.





Full Name: Gade Avorent

Nickname: Gade

Age: 14

Birthday: December 14




Sexuality:Straight up hetero

Religion: Pseudo-Atheistic

Height: 5'8

Body Add-Ons: Nope

God Parent:Hermes

Mist Form: A pack of cards

Personality: Gade is a crazy fellow, who like most if not all Hermes children, likes to prank. He likes to do magic tricks, annoys people while fighting them and plans crazy things that actually work.

History: At a young age Gade ran away from his abusive parents. Blowing them up in the process. He then decided to be a magician and steal from people.

Weapons: A pack of cards tipped with celstial bronze.


Other:He sometimes likes to ramble on about random stuff. And steal from people like it's magic.

Full Name:

Rin Tokumori (?? ???)


The craftsman




February, 10




A lot of people









Body Add-Ons:


God Parent:


Mist Form:

a bracelet with this symbol hanging from the bottom of it.



Rin is said to have a rebellious attitude, which sometimes gets him and his friends into trouble, but even so he makes sure to protect his friends. He is also a very out going and flirty person, he is "hooked on the leash" as soon as he sees a beautiful looking woman. In battle he is easily provoked which leads him into trouble most of the time. He is also very insensitive to people's feeling and says stupid things sometimes.


Rin uses several weapons as his powers as a demi god allow him to quickly forge weapons with his mind but his main ones are:






Dropping my Kirito character

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