Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

For those who don't know... Meet Valencia

Name:Valencia Novus




Personality:She is a very sweet girl, who like her mother can be kind and gentle. But when enraged Valencia is not one to play with, her wrath is as devastating as a Titan on rampage and ten times more frightening, simply because she can do most of what she says. Valencia carries a deep sadness with her after finding that she is the one reason her father can't find love. She is determined and will not be deterred once her mind is set proving that she is also quite hard headed. Overall Valencia is a pretty normal girl not falling into the stereotypes of the children of dark goddesses/gods

Bio:Valencia has for the past for years been away from her father under her mothers wishes she spent two and a half years with the hunters and two and a half more years with the amazons. Why her mother requested this of her, she doesn't know but she can only assume it was to give her more skills or to make up for not having a suitable mother-figure with her father. See Valencia has been the cause of five different divorces and one death over her lifetime, simply because all of her stepmothers felt threatened by her fathers absolute adoration of her. Her father was a teacher at Harvard and studied nocturnal animals and in his spare time he would study night itself loving the darkness and eventually gaining Nyx's attention. One thing led to another aaaand BOOM baby Valencia came into existence. From birth until twelve Valencia lived with Alexander until her first monster attack, which killed the one woman who accepted Valencia and truly loved her father. The guilt and shame of this gave Valencia thoughts of running away to avoid hurting her father more which where then encouraged and guided by her mother. Who first guided her to Artemis's hunters. Needless to say they were quite surprised when a twelve year old girl came strolling through their camp with the night goddess herself at her side after living with them for those 2.5 years her mother came for her again guiding her this time to the amazons who weren't surprised to have a former Huntress join them Valencia learned that it actually happens somewhat often almost like an exchange program. Needless to say she became very skilled at archery but to Artemis' dismay and the Amazon's joy Valencia is very skilled with bladed weapons typically twin swords or throwing knives. After her 2.5 years with the Amazon's her mother came for her yet again, making her cross the country by her own means to Camp Half-blood.

Strengths:Umbragenesis: Power over Darkness (not shadow) darkness, which she can mold to her liking and even give life if only for a short time longer with practice a.k.a the more experience she has with shaping a certain dark beast the longer she can maintain it. Similar to one who raises the dead to do their bidding. ;Shadow travel: Basic traveling through dark portals and such. ; Black magic: Nyx being the mother of Hecate has passed down some magical talent to Valencia. Though due to Valencia's intermediate skill she can only do basic spells he preferred one is black fire just because it looks cool when she uses it. She worked on these skills with the many daughters of Hecate within the Amazon's making many friends throughout her journey

Weaknesses:Strong, large, and durable opponents are very difficult for her to handle since close range they can overpower her and enemies with thick hides or great endurance can take multiple shots from her bow which is a pet-peeve of hers

Appearance:View attachment 85483(At night her hair takes on the appearance of the night sky. Celestial bodies often appearing in her hair whether she's outside or not. An odd side effect of having the ancient goddess of night for a mom.)

Eyes:View attachment 85484

Child of:Nyx

Weapon of choice:Twin silver swords and silver bow and arrow.

(When not active her weapons are concealed in a necklace:View attachment 85485

View attachment 85486

View attachment 85487 )

Other:Can play two instruments (Violin and piano) and can operate musical equipment with the skill of an average human musician and/or producer. She is a very talented singer, and also has a knack for cooking. View attachment 85488 Violin

Yes dear??
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Hmmm? She was supposed to be Straight this time.. Hold up.

I like to change my characters sexuality no and again.
My three characters will all be arriving at the same time in epic fashion (aka) chased by something besides a a pack of Laistrygonians.
Name: Alice Dayne

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual (Ain't anybody got time fo dat.)

New to camp?: No she as been there for 11 years.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.06fe14e44c24efcad571bffbf0b9a826.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36641" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.06fe14e44c24efcad571bffbf0b9a826.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Alice is loyal to her friends and does everything she can to protect them.

She has also sworn to protect the camp and all of its inhabitants.

She is honour bound and does not take things a lightly as others.

She can be fun when she wants to be but she prefers to keep serious.

Powers: Alice has the power of Pyrokenisis , she also has two swords she fights with (Sometimes dual wielded.) these swords are called "Lightbringer" and "Dawn"

She is immune to all forms of fire.

Alice can use Regular fire, Hell Fire, Greek Fire and a Blue Fire. (This Flame is Colder than Regular Fire but burns more.)

Combustion Inducement:

Users can increase the kinetic of atoms and molecules causing them to ignite. This process creates heat and light, that user can use.

Alice normally ignites flames by clicking/snapping her fingers, Alice also has near pin point accuracy with her flames.


Her flames are dangerous to use near allies and highly flammable areas.

Lack of oxygen may prevent flames from igniting.

Control is extremely important. Unconscious use of this power can be catastrophic.

Can sometimes be overpowered by water.

Godly Parent: Apollo

Other: The Sword Lightbringer:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.278ef52c5e30f7d6b3bce6e1245b2975.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34811" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.278ef52c5e30f7d6b3bce6e1245b2975.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Sword Dawn:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.36f6def445196c6ebe092a3416cad2a0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34812" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.36f6def445196c6ebe092a3416cad2a0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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My Character

Name: Cassandra Mallard

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to Camp?: No, she has been at camp for one year.





Personality: Cassandra, or Cassie, as some call her, is very sweet and gentle to everyone. She's caring and enjoys helping others immensely, as well as being in the center of attention, although she won't go out of her way to be in the center of attention. She's loyal and trustworthy, but often trusts others too easily. She believes that everyone has good inside them, even if they are cruel on the outside. She also believes that she has the ability to bring out the good in anyone else, if she tries hard enough, but this in many cases is untrue. Nevertheless, she tries anyway. She is very artistic and imaginative, but usually keeps to herself about her inner feelings, because she's often ashamed of them. She will do anything for someone close to her and is very passionate about what she loves. As well as this, she can be described as rather particular and fussy, wanting everything to be the exact way she prefers it to be, and tends to get upset when it is not. Overall, she is a caring, lovable, and artistic individual but can also tend to overreact and be melodramatic.

Powers: She is able to heal and greatly speed up the healing process of physical or mental damage. Along with mental damage, she is able to heal emotional damage such as depression and can boost an individual's self-esteem.

Like her brother, Cassandra possesses an enchanted medical bag containing various supplies including nectar and ambrosia, as well as other medicines specialized for certain types of wounds or poisoning. This bag appears and feels much lighter than it actually is.

Weaknesses: Magically healing others drains her own energy immensely. Unlike her brother, she is unable to heal herself using her own ability. If the amount of damage that she is attempting to heal is too great, this may cause her to faint and possibly burden her with considerable soreness in her body as well.

Godly Parent: Asclepius

Other: She avoids hand-to-hand combat at all costs unless absolutely necessary. However, she does have a bow and a quiver of arrows that she is not afraid to use.

Dolph's Character

Name: Ryan Mallard

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to Camp?: No, he's been at camp for one year.


Personality: Looks can be deceiving. On the outside, he looks like an outcast and wouldn't talk to anyone. But, on the inside, he is cheerful and nice. He is intelligent and can think out plans. You may even mistake him for a son of Athena, but he isn't. He is a great medic and will save anybody, even if it takes his life.


Rejuvenating touch- With this, he is able to rejuvenate the person he touches or himself.

Medical bag- He has a bag that is filled with medical supplies and it is enchanted so it's bigger on the inside.


However, using rejuvenating touch on too many people will ironically make him faint.

He also gives many people, even evil people, second chances.

Godly Parent: Asclepius.

Other: He prefers not to fight, but if so, he has a celestial bronze dagger.

both accepted.

(@Opallies, @Dolphan of Lyfe)

Name: Johnathan Ramos

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: He isn't like his cousins or siblings, he doesn't care much for love, he'd rather focus on the reality and the hardships of the world then stupid puppy love and fake love... He truly appreciates true love but knows that it's very hard to find especially for a child of love and desire. He doesn't have much hope for himself but tried to help those who do.


Love Sight -- He can see and detect emotional ties between different people, if they're lovers, friends. He can also find out about someone's passed lovers. He can also tell their sexuality and ideal partner depending on how emotionally attached he is to that person.

Charmspeak -- He inherited the ability to charmspeak and make the person he is speaking to do what he wishes. He can also implant a person into someone's mind and make the person's thoughts get scrambled because they can't focus on anything but that person.


He's actually really bad at talk to people, despite being a son of Eros. He doesn't care much what he looks like so long as he's decent.

Charmspeak doesn't work for long yet because he chooses not to use it.




Child of: Eros

Weapon of choice: His bow and Love Arrows/Arrows.


Other: has a french accent and speaks french when he's alone and in thought.


Name: Amanda Sanders

Age: (12 to 18) 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Kind, caring, she is one of the sweetest girls around. She helps anyone who is in need without question and loves helping others. She can become very stubborn when people think that she's weak because tries to keep out of fights. She is actually one of the best shooters in camp and does not let go off something until she has proven herself.


Biokinesis -- Vitakinesis, she has the ability to heal the wounded as well as create uncureable diseases if she wished that upon her enemies.

She also has the strength to heal someone from the brink of death but it takes a lot out of her and causes her to get woozy and eventually pass out.

Photokinesis -- She has the mental and/or physical ability to control light. To a greater extent, she can become invisible, concentrate light particles into lasers, and manipulate any part of the light spectrum if she wished. She can also project healing properties.


When she has to foretell or give a prophecy, it gives her a massive headache afterwards and she has to go lay down for awhile, she also gets a bit moody sometimes but it's just a side affect.

As stated above for Vitakinesis, she will pass out from healing someone if they are on the brink of death.



Her hair is this long when lose. ^



Throws her hair up like this |


Child of: Apollo

Weapon of choice: her bow and quiver of limitless arrows that can turn into two short swords.



It turns back into this necklace


Other: Oracle and Head Healer.

Numquam Ulcisor (she calls herself Lucinda, or lucy)






New to Camp?:

Yes, she barely even heard of it. She prefers to go alone, but is genuinely considering her options. She feels old angers stirring, and she thinks that some measure of protections may come from the camp.

Appearance (No anime):




She can sense the emotions of other people, in sort of clouds above their heads, but cannot read their actual thoughts specifically.

When angered, or having a certain crisis, she develops almost terrifying powers, most involving pain, or can freeze people with fear.

She is oddly smart and wise, and has a grasp on beauty and natural charisma similar to the Aphrodite cabin. Her strategies are cruel but effective.

She knows how to strike for maximum damage in pressure points, using medical pins from bronze.


For all of her apparent strengths, she is still only eight. She has not yet developed much real strength. She is easily physically overpowered.

Godly Parent:


Other: No romance, please, she is eight, that would be weird.
Name: Charlotte (Carly) Mendez

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

New?: Has been here for two weeks

Parents: Erebus and Cathleen Mendez

Personality: It depends on her mood for the most part, but, if you need someone to watch your back, she's there. She's very sneaky. A quick learner, she's eager for action and is always practicing with her dagger.

Power: Nega-Ergokinesis (Dark Energy Manipulation)

She can create, shape and manipulate dark energy, usually drawn from inter-dimensional or other similar source. (In our case, the hollows that separate the underworld from the mortal world) It can be channeled to a variety of effects, as an absence of light, a solid, gaseous and/or liquid substance that can be shaped/manifested in various ways.

Unlike Umbrakinesis, which draws from the similar source, dark energy focuses on direct, destructive and violently outwards directed aspect of the spectrum. (so it's destructive and very dangerous around friendlies if not focused.)

She can release/use dark energy to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc., from huge rays of pure energy that can knock over or even obliterate dozens of targets, or slightly singe them.

She can absorb and convert one form of energy into another form.

She can create portals using dark energy. With the capacity that the portals are in known areas and remain open as long as the charged amount of dark energy hasn't been spent.


She has to work up her energy in order to properly use her power.

She's emotional

Has a fear of water

God parent: Erebus

Dagger made of the finest griffon claws

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/c87fe0e485089d23665f3b9d1da1109b.jpg.51be92d0f93a2b2b0404102b07eb39fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35004" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/c87fe0e485089d23665f3b9d1da1109b.jpg.51be92d0f93a2b2b0404102b07eb39fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/a9a790b506dea5305f1d900408ca146a.jpg.8165055c2518ee41567274388228455c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35005" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/a9a790b506dea5305f1d900408ca146a.jpg.8165055c2518ee41567274388228455c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Fixed it!)

Full Name: Oksana Belikova (Adoptive Last Name: Lancaster)

Age: 19 (Almost 20)

Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Pansexual.

New to Camp?: No, but she’s only been there a year.

Appearance (No anime):



Oksana seems like a cold, calculated girl with a ‘stone-cold-bitch’ personality and the empathy of a car tire. In reality, her stand off-ness is due to her inexperience with social situations from her upbringing in the foster care and her escapades in petty crime and gang violence. She is distrustful of others, and finds those who try to kick the weak pathetic. Her words are few and far between, but when she talks, she does so in a controlled, calm manner, though her words are blunt and harsh. Contrary to popular belief, her temper is fairly calm, but when she is truly angry, she becomes closed off and icy cold, and it takes a lot of time and help for her to calm down. She is tolerantly respectful to those who respect her, and she is very particular about who she associates with. She has an aura that commands both attention and authority, carried over from her time as a squad leader in the military.


  • Hand to hand combat/Small weapons combat.
  • Marksmanship (She is a lot better with a gun than she is with a bow).
  • Rage:
    When enraged, she gains more physical strength and loses ability to feel pain. She views it as more of a curse than a power, as she loses control and will still withstand wounds.


  • Suffers from PSTD induced nightmares from her time serving overseas in the army (The Harpies turn a blind eye when she’s out past curfew for this reason).
  • Anti-social/lone wolf (Doesn’t work well in groups).
  • Struggles with full length swords, as she is adjusted more towards handling small weapons and guns.
  • Fatal Flaw: Apathy

Godly Parent: Ares, though she has not been claimed yet. She is adopted and has no recollection of her mortal parent.


  • Her daggers are made from Stygian Iron.
  • Height: 5'6"

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