Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds


Reach for the stars
@Soul OMU, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.

Please nothing over powered, if I believe that it’s too over powered, I will tell you what you need to change and then decide if it’s okay if you complete the changes. Also the max amount of characters you can have is as many as you can handle and there is a limit of how many children of the big three there are. There can only be four children of Hades, Zeus or Poseidon. No more.


Children of the Big Three spots Open:

No children of Hades left

1 child of Zeus left

1 child of Poseidon left






New to Camp?:

Appearance (No anime):




Godly Parent:



Name: Natalia (Lia) Wilson

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to Camp?: No, has been here for 9 years.

Appearance (No Anime):





Personality: She is quiet, emotionless, studious, and sarcastic. She can always come up with a witty remark to anyone. She may seem slightly distant and anti-social, how despite her seemingly unfriendly attitude, Lia does indeed care greatly about the people she is attached to. She enjoys reading in solitude, and many people think she's insensitive when in reality she is just very blunt and serious.

Powers: She can freeze/immobilize a person in time, meaning she can hold them in a small bubble of stopped/slowed time. She can accelerate/decelerate the flow of time whether it be a few seconds or hours. She is resistant to the affects of time but only for a short period of time depending on who she's facing, if she was facing Kronos, she would probably be able to resist it for a bit before faltering and then eventually losing control.

Weaknesses: As stated above, she can only resist time against her for a certain period of time. Also slowing or stopping time is quite draining for her and weakens her since she can't move for a little bit afterwards. Her eyes also are kind of a countdown before she loses control. Once it hits 12, she will pass out if she hasn't rested.

Godly Parent: Chronus

Other: Has a time staff that turns into a pocket watch like this.



Name: Melantha (Mel) Daniels

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to Camp?: No, has been here for 4 years.

Appearance (No Anime):




Personality: Mel is a bit eccentric and very stubborn. She doesn’t take no for an answer and kind just moves at her own pace. She is very straight forward and very spirited, she never backs down from a fight even if the odds are against her. She always finds a way to pull through in the end, which is why she seems happy and upbeat all the time.

Powers: Umbrakinesis – she has the ability to mentally generate and manipulate darkness, can travel through shadows. Can also use the shadows to cover herself and become invisible. She can create weapons and can heal herself and minor wounds of others.

Mist Control – She has the ability to create illusions and hide locations. She has a great deal of control over the mist but not as good as the children of Hecate. She can hold it for a pretty long time since she managed to hide herself until she reached the camp when she was younger, without realizing she had been doing that.

Weaknesses: If she uses her shadow travel too much, she gets exhausted and fatigued. She could eventually lose herself because of her molecular structure will fall apart if she shadow travels too much.

Using mist control gives her a large headache and causes her to get dizzy and forces her to sit down and not move for awhile.

Godly Parent: Erebus

Other: Has a Stygian iron short swords that can turn into her bracelets.



Name: Blake Matthews

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

New to Camp?: No, has been here since he was 12

Appearance (No Anime):





Personality: He is very monotone when he talks and is quite quiet. He doesn’t talk much unless he has too. He tried to avoid fights or any other kind of interactions with others except for with his closest friends, Mel and Lia. He can often be found in the shadows or sleeping. He has bags under his eyes and has one of the fiercest glares if you piss him off.

Powers: Hypnokinesis -- has the power to put people to sleep, put them into a trance, can manipulate dreams and visions. Has the ability to induce perpetual insomnia which can kill someone in a few days. He can make someone not tired make them feel like they haven't slept in days. He can project visions and astral projection/dream travel. He can also recover memories.

Shapeshifting -- can change he appearance to be anything she wants or look like anything she wants.

Weaknesses: Can't stay in a dream to long or else he'll get trapped and can't project someone in too long or they get trapped.

Can't hold a different form to long or else he gets stuck like that and it hurts to shift back unless he gets help.

Godly Parent: Hypnos

Other: Uses a Stygian iron sword that turns into a necklace.


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Name: Kilipo Andrews

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexuality: homosexual

New to Camp?: no

Appearance (No anime):

Personality: Cheerful and outgoing he has a kind heart and can be very friendly. Always with a smile on his face. He is stubborn determined and curious. He is very accepting and nonjudgmental always welcoming new campers with open arms. He tries to keep the peace but can be the one to start a fight when it comes to his sweets. He can be very passionate about certain things and quirky.

Powers: Charmspeak and Amokinesis

Charmspeaking is a rare type of hypnotism ability that chosen children of Aphrodite possess.

Amokinesis is the ability to control the emotion of love or desire.

Weaknesses: Using amokinesis and charmspeak together causes him lots of pain. He can only use it for a few hours.

Godly Parent: Aphrodite

Other: Uses a bow that turns into a choker. He crossdresses.


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Name: Azrael Bastion

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

New to Camp?: No, he's been there for 8 years

Appearance (No anime):


Personality: Take everything you know about Hades and his children, and throw it out of the window, or just throw it in the corner if the window's closed. If you didn't know him, or who he was descended from, you would never have guessed that he is descended from Hades. He is often seen with a smile or a grin on his face. He never seems to be sad, always upbeat and enthusiastic. He is quite charming and charismatic, also a tad mischievous and annoying, but never boring. In fact the only thing that resembles Hades in his personality is his talent for holding a grudge. He is also slow to anger, but all hell, or should I say Underworld, will break lose once his anger gets a hold of him.

Powers: His powers. He can control the black flames of Erebus, which is so cold it burns and emits darkness instead of life. He can also summon the dead, but only the 50 dead which lived in that village. He is also skilled with his weapon, a scythe made from Stygian Iron. He also has a great skill with communicating with others.

Weaknesses: He can be a little impulsive and unpredictable, making working with others quite a chore. He is rather loudmouthed and tends to speak his mind, causing him to indirectly insult others and cause trouble. He also loves to improvise and, while it may help him at times, it can also lead to trouble, especially if the group he is with has a plan in mind.

Godly Parent: Hades

Other: When he turned 14, Hades gave him his own Hellhound, which he foolishly named Mr. Kerfaffle (Ridiculous name isn't it?). His preferred weapon is a clawed gauntlet made from stygian iron, turning into a pair of black gloves when not being used.

"You'd imagine with my looks that I'd be the son of the ugliest God Hepheastus, but I can't even fold a paper airplane so I sort've doubt it."


Rory Wooler







New to Camp?:

Fresh and new, just crossed the border recently.

Appearance (No anime):



Rory is very kind hearted, and he always tries to give each person he meets a chance for the reason that he was never given one in his life. He is known to be seen smiling most of the time and rarely shows any negative emotions although his mood can change easily even if he doesn't reveal it overtly. Rory is physically weak but the same cannot be said about his mind, he is capable of answering odd and unreasonable questions at a fast rate and can come up with strategies at the same speed. With this in mind if someone comes close to his level of knowledge and poses a threat to him he becomes fairly defensive for he has always been known for his brains intellect, its the only thing he sees as useful about himself. His attitude is quick to change in these cases, and although he is normally a cautious and thoughtful person he can be mistaken for a thoughtless Ares child when he gets angry. He'll tend to act on instinct rather then reason.


Shape-changing(Athena demonstrates this power in the Odyssey): Rory is capable of changing his physical appearance to mock a person of any choice as long as he has seen them.

Photographic memory: Rory can recall any detail from a memory, its a needed asset that he uses mainly to remember the details of a person for whenever he's morphing.


Terrified of many bugs, especially the eight legged demons which are spiders.

Doesn't work well under pressure.

The exact opposite of strong

Hard to calm down, surprisingly holds a grudge.

Godly Parent:

Athena, although this has not been discovered yet.


Doesn't have a real weapon although when a monster came near him he hit it with his journal, worked pretty well surprisingly.



"I'm named after my great grandmother, don't judge my name!"


Georgia(Georgie) Cues







New to camp?:

No, been here for five years


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.2853805b381094e5fa46faf662b7e36e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34583" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.2853805b381094e5fa46faf662b7e36e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Georgia tries to be optimistic in any situation and will be most irritated by a pessimistic. The young girl is very gentle and caring but do not mistake her innocence for being naive. She is quick to react and when given the signal will attack those who pose a threat. Georgia fights for many things but mainly herself, if she saves herself in the process she will help someone else but because of her slight selfishness many may not trust her on their team.


Plant Manipulation: Much like her mother she's capable of speeding up plant growth, but she also knows how to use living plants to her advantage.


Fears Height

Can't Swim

Quick to judge

Selfish when it comes to her health.

Godly Parent:



Georgia is slightly dependent on her powers as her weapons but she also carries around her dagger.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.531f1f8443f67e304c6028243f860942.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34591" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.531f1f8443f67e304c6028243f860942.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Suzume Tsukino (Sparrow Moonfield)

Age: 18



Personality:sweet, patient, kind, loving, loyal, honest, and somewhat shy.

Bio: (Optional)

Strengths:Aerokinesis, and Intangibility: Her body essentially becomes wind and in this state she can communicate with wind spirits of all kinds.

Weaknesses:She is quick and decisive fighter, her attacks strong yet easily overcome by powerful opponents. In her intangible form she can only attack using Aerokinesis which is difficult since she would have to be multitasking.


Child of:Aeolus

Weapon of choice:She uses four bladed fans and a staff with axe-like blades on each end, she uses the weapons effectively in combat and even uses the staff to balance her when flying. These weapons are made of Stygian iron.


(The knives come apart if needed, especially deadly when manipulated with her Aerokinesis.)


Other:The staff was a gift from her Ex-girlfriend who died as they fled to camp, she was a child of Erebus and her first love.


Name: Sebastian Young

Age: 18



Personality:Sebastian is a very...odd young man, he has always demanded his respect but doesnt always reciprocate, many snide comments leave his lips and he has stopped caring for the consequence. Of course, that's on the outside. On the inside Sebastian is very sweet to those he loves though he faces endless frustration sure the fact that he ties reach out SOMETHING goes HORRIBLY wrong. Last time it resulted in his mother's gruesome death. This has resulted in him taking up a new perception of things pushing everyone he can away so that they don't get hurt. This is currently the only way he knows to show any affection to those he cares about.

Bio: Sebastian should never have been born... at least that's what has started believing, Sebastian lived a relatively normal life for a child who could control shadows since preschool. He has always seen spirits and was well aware of his heritage after some conversations with the dead. Living only as far as Cleveland his whole life Sebastian isn't quite used to the big city despite the months of wandering to find a clue. Sebastian has been wamdering New York city for a few weeks after losing his mother in Cleveland. He had been coming home from school early again since his religion teacher had kicked him out of class again. Technically he was supposed to go to the office but they had gotten used to him just leaving. When he returned his mother was waiting at the door as usual she was smiling at the sight of her son. Though as soon as Sebastian got closer to her he sensed something was off there was a darkness behind her eyes. He acted as if he hadn't sensed it but was still ready when the eidolon attacked. The malicious spirit had inhabited his mother around midday, weakening her spirit for two hours before Sebastian came home. In an effort to keep her alive he used his ethereal form and possessed her fighting off the eidolon and eventually tearing it apart, but human bodies weren't meant to hold three spirits and the weakest was the first to be cast out which was his mother. He tried to save her multi-tasking between fending off the eidolon and holding his mother spirit in her body only to feel her let go. In a rage he destroyed the Eidolon and left her body. He called the ambulance before disappearing into the shadows too emotionally unstable to deal with all the processes of burial. He shadow travelled all the from Cleveland to New York passing out on a bench in Central Park, where he still lays.

Strengths:Erebokiness ( control over shadows. At its strongest it extends to the astral force of darkness.) Shadow travel, Ethereal form (can't use to attack the living, only observe, if he wishes to attack he comes out of his ethereal form unless fighting off spirits. Because of this his spirit form is dangerous since any ghost the group may encounter will focus on him if they are in combat.)

Weaknesses: flying enemies, long range enemies.


Child of:Thanatos

Weapon of choice:

Enchanted Stygian iron blade (

Other:His eyes are gold like his fathers


Name: Sh?hei Fujikawa


Parents(Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon will only have 3 kids max):Hephaestus and Makoto Fujikawa

How long have you been at Camp Half-Blood?: Never went, didn't need to.


History: Sh?hei was a very independent boy, growing up he often didn't need help and would do his own thing. Being able to handle himself so well he was left alone by his parents allowing him to discover and develop his skills as a tinkerer. Sh?hei when he wasn't handling his responsibilities was in his workshop creating machines that intrigued him. Sh?hei never had to be told what he was, with his mothers fascination with Greek mythology and tinkering and his knowledge of his powers he pieced together that he was the son of Hephaestus, only asking his mother to gain confirmation and let her knew of his knowledge. Soon after he learned of his heritage, harpies attacked his school and during the wild fight Sh?hei discovered his ferrokinetic abilities. The next monster to attack him was a Hydra in the park, this time Shuhei handled it with a crowbar that doesn't remember picking up. Sh?hei began taking matters tinto his own hands fearful that I'd be wasn't strong enough his family could get hurt, he has learned Tae Kwan do and is a second degree black belt. This was done as he learned bushido going to his uncles dojo at the age of thirteen. After completing his training he was more confident in his ability to protect his mother, step-father and sister. That was until a group of cyclops attacked them while they were on a picnic near their family shrine. He defeated three but as he did so the other two went after his family, his step-father in an effort to buy time threw himself between the cyclops and his wife and daughter being rewarded by a deadly blow from a cyclops' hammer. Sh?hei's stepfather was killed immediately and his mother and sister almost met their end, but Shuhei was able to save them.

Personality: Shuhei is responsible, determined and earnest, he keeps his promises and believes in fairness and equality. He cherishes his beliefs and continually practices bushido. Due to his past experiences he is hesitant to let others in as so many in this group are but won't need much to give someone his trust, he just doesn't show it.

Power: Ferrokinesis. (Metal manpulation)

WOC (Weapon of Choice): He uses a long sword and molds weapons out of Metals nearby....he tries to avoid this since his weapons always come out looking like torture devices. :<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.df8b6b12bade9abe100a311d5292689b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34552" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.df8b6b12bade9abe100a311d5292689b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Working on Sh?hei, his sheet needs some editing. But feel free to check the others.



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I think so too.

I'm hoping I can find a significant other for each character...that's one thing I haven't done before. Though O refuse to have characters of mine be with each other...that leads to boring relationships or predictable twists. I think I would only ever do that if I was sure I could get something legitimately good going.

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