Camp Half Blood - The Next Generation

Name: Vanessa Fulton (Brunner)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight, but doesn't date anyway.

Godly Parent: Chiron


  • Healing
  • Archery
  • Swordfighting, though not as good as she is in archery

Years at camp: I've been here for eight years, coming to camp at eight, earlier than some.

Personality: Prior to camp, angry. Now, she enjoys her time at camp by helping in the infirmary and focusing all of the negative energy into positive energy. She's very in your face and bossy. She loves taking control of things. For instance, if she sees an illegal move in a game of Capture the Flag, she'll call you out on it. She hates laziness and enforces participation. Vanessa loves being able to help out. It's in her nature. Despite her weakness, she puts on a brave face.

Theme Song: One Last Hope


  • The infirmary
  • Archery
  • The Apollo kids and Artemis Hunters especially
  • Proving that she's not weak
  • Taking charge


  • Laziness
  • Bullies
  • Being interrupted
  • Rude people
  • Chihuahuas
  • Walking into the bathroom after someone gets out of the shower and the floor is still wet
  • People being uncooperative

History: I grew up in Texas, loving the wide open spaces and the enormous ranch that I lived at with my mom and uncle, along with his wife and three kids. I always knew I was different. For one thing, I limped rather than walked. I always took a small pill every morning for my entire life without knowing what it was for, and I was better with horses than most people that I ever met at rodeos. After a while, I started to ask what happened to my father, and, like always, I received no answer other than the fact that he worked with kids, which only made me angrier considering that he never chose to even contact me. After being teased for the fact that I had no friends other than the horses on the ranch, I punched a kid in the jaw, got expelled and was then taken by an unknown satyr to Camp Half Blood. I always thought that this was a punishment, that my mom didn't want to deal with me anymore, but, I'm actually having fun by participating along with the other kids and not being laughed at anymore.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/c9f6815ab21e9d41bb39ba716bcb732c-1.jpg.522a146525b156162a915d188bdddef1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56389" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/c9f6815ab21e9d41bb39ba716bcb732c-1.jpg.522a146525b156162a915d188bdddef1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/downloadfile-4.jpeg.5c753c61f07fdee04688d7c31870e50d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56390" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/downloadfile-4.jpeg.5c753c61f07fdee04688d7c31870e50d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

You have 1 life to live



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[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]God, my eyesight sucks, but I found it.

oops, sorry! xD


[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]
Name: Vanessa Fulton (Brunner)
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight, but doesn't date anyway.

Godly Parent: Chiron


  • Healing
  • Archery
  • Swordfighting, though not as good as she is in archery

Years at camp: I've been here for eight years, coming to camp at eight, earlier than some.

Personality: Prior to camp, angry. Now, she enjoys her time at camp by helping in the infirmary and focusing all of the negative energy into positive energy. She's very in your face and bossy. She loves taking control of things. For instance, if she sees an illegal move in a game of Capture the Flag, she'll call you out on it. She hates laziness and enforces participation. Vanessa loves being able to help out. It's in her nature. Despite her weakness, she puts on a brave face.


  • The infirmary
  • Archery
  • The Apollo kids and Artemis Hunters especially
  • Proving that she's not weak
  • Taking charge


  • Laziness
  • Bullies
  • Being interrupted
  • Rude people
  • Chihuahuas
  • Walking into the bathroom after someone gets out of the shower and the floor is still wet
  • People being uncooperative

History: I grew up in Texas, loving the wide open spaces and the enormous ranch that I lived at with my mom and uncle, along with his wife and three kids. I always knew I was different. For one thing, I limped rather than walked. I always took a small pill every morning for my entire life without knowing what it was for, and I was better with horses than most people that I ever met at rodeos. After a while, I started to ask what happened to my father, and, like always, I received no answer other than the fact that he worked with kids, which only made me angrier considering that he never chose to even contact me. After being teased for the fact that I had no friends other than the horses on the ranch, I punched a kid in the jaw, got expelled and was then taken by an unknown satyr to Camp Half Blood. I always thought that this was a punishment, that my mom didn't want to deal with me anymore, but, I'm actually having fun by participating along with the other kids and not being laughed at anymore.

View attachment 129264 View attachment 129265

You have 1 life to live

Character Sheet


(Art or realistic)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/th-15.jpeg.2b537ee9687c2704bed4db8a15d8a7ce.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56400" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/th-15.jpeg.2b537ee9687c2704bed4db8a15d8a7ce.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Andrew Zimmerman

Age: 18 years old

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Godly Parent: The king of Olympus, Lord of the skies, ruler of the Gods, the almighty Zeus!


(Bullet form, with explanation.)

  • Electrokinesis - ability to mentally and/or physically manipulate and control electric currents and static electricity
  • Atmokinesis - control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself.

Years at Camp: Seven years


(Paragraph form)

He definitely plays with his role as Zeus' son. He loves the attention he gets for it. He's very flirtatious and loves the ladies. He's very conceited because of his good looks, sometimes walking around without a shirt, on purpose and then playing it off as he got attacked so much that he doesn't have a good shirt. Needless to say, Aphrodite's cabin has his attention a lot. He loves flexing his six pack. He's very arrogant.


(Bullet form)

  • His body
  • Working out
  • His mother
  • Walking up behind people and giving them staticky hair
  • His status as Zeus' kid
  • Shorting out the electronics in the Hephaestus cabin.


(Bullet form)

  • Getting rejected for a date
  • Getting caught in the act of pranking people
  • Being ignored
  • Feeling powerless
  • Restricting his powers


(Paragraph form)

Andrew was born in Seattle, to a mother who was absolutely amazing! She was a single mom who worked a lot as an electrician just to provide for herself and Andrew.

Hag Story: Andrew was six years old when he shorted out the house after not being allowed to have a cookie for dinner. His mother told him to go play outside. She let him go play at the park just across the street with a group of friends. He was having a good time, until it started to get dark and his friends decided to go home. He was alone, until he felt a cold presence behind him. He turned around to see a hag. "Hello, young one." She wheezed. Andrew hid behind a light pole. His fear caused him to short it out. The lady laughed. "You are indeed powerful. Aren't you going to say hello?" Andrew shook his head. "You aren't scared of me, are you? I'm your mother's friend. She asked me to make sure you were alright." She reached out a hand to him. Feeling relaxed, Andrew took it.

The lady walked him away from the park. "I'm going to take you on a picnic." She showed Andrew the picnic basket that he was certain wasn't there before. They traveled for what felt like hours. "Yes, your parents really love you." This caught Andrew's attention. "You know my dad?" The lady nodded. They were standing next to a cliff. "He's my husband, dear."

Without warning, Andrew felt cold hands on his back and suddenly, he was plummeting over the cliffside. Andrew kept screaming and screaming, until suddenly, he started to float. Looking up, a griffon had grabbed him in its talons and carried him back up to safety. Suddenly, warm arms were around him. "Oh, Gods! Thank you!" It was his mother. She was weeping heavily as she looked toward the sky. "Thank you so much!"

That was years ago.

At eleven, he was walking around his mom's shop, bored out of his mind while his mom took inventory. "Mom, can I go get a soda?" "Not yet." This made Andrew so mad that he shorted out the whole shop. His mom was way too overprotective. That cliff accident happened years ago! "Andy, please! Please calm down!" His mother begged. It was too late. Four people that worked there grew into a hydra! "Child of Zeus! You will pay!" His mother wasn't having this. "RUN! ANDREW, PLEASE RUN! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" The hydra turned his attention on the mother. Without thinking, Andrew grabbed a knife from the desk her mom was working at charged the hydra. "THAT'S MY MOM! STAY AWAY FROM HER!" He was swatted away by the tail of the beast and knocked out. He woke up in the infirmary.


(Description required, may also use photo)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/5db84ff221282566aa5e41e464e59e62.jpg.113996ba37e8f470c969bf36e0e3d981.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56402" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/5db84ff221282566aa5e41e464e59e62.jpg.113996ba37e8f470c969bf36e0e3d981.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The blade is actually gold

Theme Song:


Zero to Hero from the Hercules Disney movie



He's one of three kids, and the only boy.

He runs out of energy quickly, very quickly.



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[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]
Character Sheet

(Art or realistic)

View attachment 129300

Name: Andrew Zimmerman

Age: 18 years old

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Godly Parent: The king of Olympus, Lord of the skies, ruler of the Gods, the almighty Zeus!


(Bullet form, with explanation.)

  • Electrokinesis - ability to mentally and/or physically manipulate and control electric currents and static electricity
  • Atmokinesis - control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself.

Years at Camp: Seven years


(Paragraph form)

He definitely plays with his role as Zeus' son. He loves the attention he gets for it. He's very flirtatious and loves the ladies. He's very conceited because of his good looks, sometimes walking around without a shirt, on purpose and then playing it off as he got attacked so much that he doesn't have a good shirt. Needless to say, Aphrodite's cabin has his attention a lot. He loves flexing his six pack. He's very arrogant.


(Bullet form)

  • His body
  • Working out
  • His mother
  • Walking up behind people and giving them staticky hair
  • His status as Zeus' kid
  • Shorting out the electronics in the Hephaestus cabin.


(Bullet form)

  • Getting rejected for a date
  • Getting caught in the act of pranking people
  • Being ignored
  • Feeling powerless
  • Restricting his powers


(Paragraph form)

Andrew was born in Seattle, to a mother who was absolutely amazing! She was a single mom who worked a lot as an electrician just to provide for herself and Andrew.

Hag Story: Andrew was six years old when he shorted out the house after not being allowed to have a cookie for dinner. His mother told him to go play outside. She let him go play at the park just across the street with a group of friends. He was having a good time, until it started to get dark and his friends decided to go home. He was alone, until he felt a cold presence behind him. He turned around to see a hag. "Hello, young one." She wheezed. Andrew hid behind a light pole. His fear caused him to short it out. The lady laughed. "You are indeed powerful. Aren't you going to say hello?" Andrew shook his head. "You aren't scared of me, are you? I'm your mother's friend. She asked me to make sure you were alright." She reached out a hand to him. Feeling relaxed, Andrew took it.

The lady walked him away from the park. "I'm going to take you on a picnic." She showed Andrew the picnic basket that he was certain wasn't there before. They traveled for what felt like hours. "Yes, your parents really love you." This caught Andrew's attention. "You know my dad?" The lady nodded. They were standing next to a cliff. "He's my husband, dear."

Without warning, Andrew felt cold hands on his back and suddenly, he was plummeting over the cliffside. Andrew kept screaming and screaming, until suddenly, he started to float. Looking up, a griffon had grabbed him in its talons and carried him back up to safety. Suddenly, warm arms were around him. "Oh, Gods! Thank you!" It was his mother. She was weeping heavily as she looked toward the sky. "Thank you so much!"

That was years ago.

At eleven, he was walking around his mom's shop, bored out of his mind while his mom took inventory. "Mom, can I go get a soda?" "Not yet." This made Andrew so mad that he shorted out the whole shop. His mom was way too overprotective. That cliff accident happened years ago! "Andy, please! Please calm down!" His mother begged. It was too late. Four people that worked there grew into a hydra! "Child of Zeus! You will pay!" His mother wasn't having this. "RUN! ANDREW, PLEASE RUN! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" The hydra turned his attention on the mother. Without thinking, Andrew grabbed a knife from the desk her mom was working at charged the hydra. "THAT'S MY MOM! STAY AWAY FROM HER!" He was swatted away by the tail of the beast and knocked out. He woke up in the infirmary.


(Description required, may also use photo)

View attachment 129315

The blade is actually gold

Theme Song:


Zero to Hero from the Hercules Disney movie



He's one of three kids, and the only boy.

He runs out of energy quickly, very quickly.





Fjola Meredith Avulstein





Sexual Orientation


Godly Parent:



  • (1) Umbrakinesis -- the power to manipulate shadows and darkness. Fjola can engulf others with shadows. Anyone who's affected can feel suffocated and temporary sense loss. Fjola also can forms weapons or shields from shadows.
  • Standard Demi-god powers
  • (1) Geokinesis -- the ability to control earth and stones
  • Invisibility -- she can cover herself with shadows to make her invisible for few minutes (only applicable in the dark area or night time)
  • (1) Mediumship -- Fjola can sense dead souls that still stay on the world

(Note that Fjola just knew her powers that marked with (1). She will acknowledge other powers as the story progress)

Years at Camp:

Almost 3 years


Fjola mostly used to maintain her calm persona on the outside. She likes to have as little problem as possible with other people, and she has an uncaring side to anyone who hadn't closed to her, sometimes will dismiss them as a distraction. Fjola also can be ruthlessly effective when handling the problems she faces. But sometimes Fjola yearns to have someone she loves near, although she will hesitate to do that because she's affraid to be left behind. One thing one must remember that Fjola won't take betrayal, however petty it is, lightly. She will continue to be bitter toward them for a long time, even if the problem has been resolved. But despite that she will not do anything that will cross the laws she must obey. For Fjola, the laws are her codes of honor.


  • Night time (preferably if the moon doesn't appear) or Dark area/places
  • Winter season (or low temperature area)
  • Reading
  • Calm, matured person
  • Logic and rationality
  • Playing guitar (soft accoustic)
  • Favorite color Maroon and Favorite number 9
  • Strangely, sweet food


  • Summer season (or sunny days)
  • Necromancy
  • Talking about her mother
  • Crowded places
  • Loud person
  • Anyone who is too submissive for her liking
  • Anyone who can't keep another's secret
  • Herself when arranging somethings (Fjola was rather OCD)


Growing up as the only child of a reserved single mother who has to do her night shift after dinner everynight, most people thought that Fjola often be left alone at home. But when she was little she was far from being alone, but lonely perhaps. Because she always saw people strolling around in her house (and even some would follow her to go to school), though they seemed didn't acknowledge her prescence, nor each others. Some of these people were really pale, and the others have wounds that should have been treated at the hospital quickly. But they didn't do anything about that, instead they just walk, it was as if they were lost, but their eyes looked at nothing. Fjola sometimes went through them and only feel the coldness of the air, but it was oddly quite comforting. Fjola used to them until three years ago the 'people' in her house suddenly let out horrifying screams, like something snapped them out of their tranquility, and then they were all aiming to attack her. Fjola tried to fight them back but it was just going through them instead. And after a while, the ground were shaken as if there was a great earthquake. Fjola's first instinct was to search a cover under a table, but the 'people' (in recent years she understood that they were dead souls but she couldn't force herself to call them ghosts) blocked her way through. Then Fjola unconsciously release the shadows from her pendant, transformed them into a solid cover for her. After what it seemed like another earthquake later, the shadows dispatched and returned to the pendant, and a terrible sight revealed to her eyes. Her home really split in two, there are blackened liquids everywhere, like dried blood. But what shocked her most was the tall, majestic-looking dark haired man standing proud in front of her. The man introduced himself as Hades, and claimed that she was his daughter. He then told her that the souls went mad because her mother died. At first she was frozen in place, unable to believed what the stranger had said. But after he showed the vision of her mother's last moments, she finally regained her consciousness. Her mother had fallen off of a cliff when she was running from the people who accused her of being a witch. Fjola angered at the false accusation, but Hades then said that the term accused on her mother was true to some extent because she had dabble in necromancy. The power of raising the dead, in which only Hades had the right to do. The souls in her house were everyone her mother had killed and trapped to do her one command, to protect Fjola. When her mother was dead, the souls were unbounded and frantically searching for the way to the underworld. Hades was here to prevent her from being attacked and brought the souls to his kingdom. He said her mother deserved her fate after slaving the souls who should be in the underworld long time ago. Hades told her that her didn't want her to be like her mother, and instead to live up her potential except necromancy, for it was dangerous and any mortal who had tried the power became more obsessed and the urge to manipulate another souls would be uncontrollable. He asked her to live at the camp half blood, which she just numbly accept. Fjola could not believe that her mother had done such, but she couldn't bring herself to hate her because she had done it to protect her.



Black Pendant : The black pendant contains a pool of shadows that she can transform into weapons (mostly bow and arrows) or shield herself when in danger.

Theme Song:

Lorde - Team


My favorite color is
Orange though
[QUOTE="Skaal Priestess]




Fjola Meredith Avulstein





Sexual Orientation


Godly Parent:



  • (1) Umbrakinesis -- the power to manipulate shadows and darkness. Fjola can engulf others with shadows. Anyone who's affected can feel suffocated and temporary sense loss. Fjola also can forms weapons or shields from shadows.
  • Standard Demi-god powers
  • (1) Geokinesis -- the ability to control earth and stones
  • Invisibility -- she can cover herself with shadows to make her invisible for few minutes (only applicable in the dark area or night time)
  • (1) Mediumship -- Fjola can sense dead souls that still stay on the world

(Note that Fjola just knew her powers that marked with (1). She will acknowledge other powers as the story progress)

Years at Camp:

Almost 3 years


Fjola mostly used to maintain her calm persona on the outside. She likes to have as little problem as possible with other people, and she has an uncaring side to anyone who hadn't closed to her, sometimes will dismiss them as a distraction. Fjola also can be ruthlessly effective when handling the problems she faces. But sometimes Fjola yearns to have someone she loves near, although she will hesitate to do that because she's affraid to be left behind. One thing one must remember that Fjola won't take betrayal, however petty it is, lightly. She will continue to be bitter toward them for a long time, even if the problem has been resolved. But despite that she will not do anything that will cross the laws she must obey. For Fjola, the laws are her codes of honor.


  • Night time (preferably if the moon doesn't appear) or Dark area/places
  • Winter season (or low temperature area)
  • Reading
  • Calm, matured person
  • Logic and rationality
  • Playing guitar (soft accoustic)
  • Favorite color Maroon and Favorite number 9
  • Strangely, sweet food


  • Summer season (or sunny days)
  • Necromancy
  • Talking about her mother
  • Crowded places
  • Loud person
  • Anyone who is too submissive for her liking
  • Anyone who can't keep another's secret
  • Herself when arranging somethings (Fjola was rather OCD)


Growing up as the only child of a reserved single mother who has to do her night shift after dinner everynight, most people thought that Fjola often be left alone at home. But when she was little she was far from being alone, but lonely perhaps. Because she always saw people strolling around in her house (and even some would follow her to go to school), though they seemed didn't acknowledge her prescence, nor each others. Some of these people were really pale, and the others have wounds that should have been treated at the hospital quickly. But they didn't do anything about that, instead they just walk, it was as if they were lost, but their eyes looked at nothing. Fjola sometimes went through them and only feel the coldness of the air, but it was oddly quite comforting. Fjola used to them until three years ago the 'people' in her house suddenly let out horrifying screams, like something snapped them out of their tranquility, and then they were all aiming to attack her. Fjola tried to fight them back but it was just going through them instead. And after a while, the ground were shaken as if there was a great earthquake. Fjola's first instinct was to search a cover under a table, but the 'people' (in recent years she understood that they were dead souls but she couldn't force herself to call them ghosts) blocked her way through. Then Fjola unconsciously release the shadows from her pendant, transformed them into a solid cover for her. After what it seemed like another earthquake later, the shadows dispatched and returned to the pendant, and a terrible sight revealed to her eyes. Her home really split in two, there are blackened liquids everywhere, like dried blood. But what shocked her most was the tall, majestic-looking dark haired man standing proud in front of her. The man introduced himself as Hades, and claimed that she was his daughter. He then told her that the souls went mad because her mother died. At first she was frozen in place, unable to believed what the stranger had said. But after he showed the vision of her mother's last moments, she finally regained her consciousness. Her mother had fallen off of a cliff when she was running from the people who accused her of being a witch. Fjola angered at the false accusation, but Hades then said that the term accused on her mother was true to some extent because she had dabble in necromancy. The power of raising the dead, in which only Hades had the right to do. The souls in her house were everyone her mother had killed and trapped to do her one command, to protect Fjola. When her mother was dead, the souls were unbounded and frantically searching for the way to the underworld. Hades was here to prevent her from being attacked and brought the souls to his kingdom. He said her mother deserved her fate after slaving the souls who should be in the underworld long time ago. Hades told her that her didn't want her to be like her mother, and instead to live up her potential except necromancy, for it was dangerous and any mortal who had tried the power became more obsessed and the urge to manipulate another souls would be uncontrollable. He asked her to live at the camp half blood, which she just numbly accept. Fjola could not believe that her mother had done such, but she couldn't bring herself to hate her because she had done it to protect her.



Black Pendant : The black pendant contains a pool of shadows that she can transform into weapons (mostly bow and arrows) or shield herself when in danger.

Theme Song:

Lorde - Team


My favorite color is
Orange though

That's quite a lot of powers, even for a Big 3 kid. Also, you're missing one of the requirements from the overview


ShatteredSoul said:

???? ??????



Danielle "Dani" Quinn Lacona





Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:


Powers (More like abilities I guess...):

-Strategic Planning: One of her biggest strengths. Dani is extremely strategy-oriented and uses this to her advantage whenever she wants. Whether its battle layout, guerrilla tactics, or long range, you can be sure Dani has already had a battle plan created in her mind within a matter of seconds.

-Enemy Weakness: A trait from her mother. Dani is able to simply look at a person and be able to calculate their weaknesses. Whether it be physical weakness or emotional vulnerability, Dani will know within a matter of seconds. How she tends to exploit this and use it to her advantage usually depends on the situation.

-Hand to Hand combat: Again, from her mother. Due to her unexpected strength and quick-thinking skills, Dani is very tough to beat in hand-to-hand battle. This is the talent she is widely known for, and has only last a handful of one on one battles in her entire life.

Years at Camp:




Dani strongly takes after her mother when it comes to personality. She is very independent, strategic, cunning, and strong-headed. Her mind is almost always results-oriented and when she dedicates herself to something, she intends to get it done right. The majority of the time she is very serious and focuses, although this tends to teeter when around her friends. She loves being around people that help to loosen her up and remind her to just have fun. As for boys, yeah, she doesn't really spend to much time chasing them. Boys are basically useless, overconfient twats in her mind. Now, don't get her wrong, she's very friendly and even humorous at most times. Like her mother, she tends to take a defense stand on everything. It's only when she gets stressed or frustrated that she tends to lash out with her mouth. Other than that, Dani considers herself to be a pretty good person.


-The color green

-The number 2

-Drawing, sketching, painting

-Strategy and Planning


-Close combat battling

-Boys who aren't afraid to lose to her in battle




-People who can't focus

-Obnoxious people


Like most Demi-gods, Dani was born from the meeting of her mother Athena and a mortal man. Her father raised her on his own for most of her life, telling her that her mother died during childbirth. Dani lived a relatively peaceful childhood until her dyslexia and ADHD started to appear, and her father knew instantly that he had to finally give in to the fact that she wasn't a normal child. The next summer, he explained everything and Dani was shipped off to camp.


A pair of deadly daggers. (Picture to come when I'm not on mobile.)

Theme Song:

The Phoenix -- Fall Out Boy


Other: -

accepted ^.^

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/long-hair-styles-for-men-3.jpg.8e30d47e9bf1f197d9290a8685dcd2e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56528" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/long-hair-styles-for-men-3.jpg.8e30d47e9bf1f197d9290a8685dcd2e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Lycian Grey



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Godly Parent:Athena


  • Empathic-Feels the emotions of others
  • Human Lie detector

Years at Camp:1


Lycian loves to show off, especially if he knows that Aphrodite girls are watching, he is very proud and wears it well, under his confident exterior is a sensitive guy with a painful past, and is looking for someone to trust.


Strawberries, Music, training, Girls (preferably Aphrodite)


Snakes, he will have a panic attack with snakes, so Hermes Kids have fun with that, dishonesty and people who exploit others


Lycian's father died when he was little, spending most of his life in foster care, moving around too often for the satyrs to find him, when he turned 16 he ran away and under a stroke of luck found the camp


bow with design on back

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/bow__black_with_silver_pattern_by_tinnulanthir.jpg.a1b3f89e278e3539659a739d578366ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/bow__black_with_silver_pattern_by_tinnulanthir.jpg.a1b3f89e278e3539659a739d578366ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Theme Song:

I See Fire by Ed Sheeran



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[QUOTE="Lycian Grey]
View attachment 129573

Name:Lycian Grey



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Godly Parent:Athena


  • Empathic-Feels the emotions of others
  • Human Lie detector

Years at Camp:1


Lycian loves to show off, especially if he knows that Aphrodite girls are watching, he is very proud and wears it well, under his confident exterior is a sensitive guy with a painful past, and is looking for someone to trust.


Strawberries, Music, training, Girls (preferably Aphrodite)


Snakes, he will have a panic attack with snakes, so Hermes Kids have fun with that, dishonesty and people who exploit others


Lycian's father died when he was little, spending most of his life in foster care, moving around too often for the satyrs to find him, when he turned 16 he ran away and under a stroke of luck found the camp


bow with design on back

View attachment 129577

Theme Song:

I See Fire by Ed Sheeran

you don't have the things in the overview







Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:



  • Reigns victory upon victors

  • ADHD/Dyslexia

  • Is amazing at charioteering

  • Can read Greek

  • Start wars (small, though)

  • Great at debating (Usually wins)

  • (Not quite magical powers, but still powers)

Years at Camp:



Laura is funny, stubborn, and aggressive. Due to her mother being Nike; the goddess of victory, Laura needs a winner in every competition. She loves sports and is very active. Her mind is creative and her body is artistic. Laura is spontaneous and loves to have fun.


  • Winners
  • Parties
  • 21
  • Fights
  • Sports
  • Art
  • Friends
  • The colour light green


  • Losers
  • Ties
  • Boring people
  • Imbeciles
  • Loneliness


Laura doesn't remember her family; Laura awoke on a small hill. Looming above her was a small acreage with candles alight. She started to cry. "Honey! There's someone outside," a male voice shouted. Warm hands picked her up, and took her in. It wasn't long before Laura fell asleep in the woman's arms.

Laura has been raised by these two; Annalise and Joseph, from age 4-13, then, she was taken to Camp Half-Blood by a satyr. Being chased by nothing, Laura thought the satyr had lied. When they got to camp, monsters were walking the perimeter. Laura was scared, she'd always been; until this day.


A small dagger;


Theme Song:



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DestroyedMind said:







Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:



  • Reigns victory upon victors

  • ADHD/Dyslexia

  • Is amazing at charioteering

  • Can read Greek

  • Start wars (small, though)

  • Great at debating (Usually wins)

Years at Camp:



Laura is funny, stubborn, and aggressive. Due to her mother being Nike; the goddess of victory, Laura needs a winner in every competition. She loves sports and is very active. Her mind is creative and her body is artistic. Her mother has wings and lends them to Laura from time to time. (It's a god thing) Laura is spontaneous and loves to have fun.


  • Winners
  • Parties
  • 21
  • Fights
  • Sports
  • Art
  • Friends
  • The colour light green


  • Losers
  • Ties
  • Boring people
  • Imbeciles
  • Loneliness


Laura doesn't remember her family; Laura awoke on a small hill. Looming above her was a small acreage with candles alight. She started to cry. "Honey! There's someone outside," a male voice shouted. Warm hands picked her up, and took her in. It wasn't long before Laura fell asleep in the woman's arms.

Laura has been raised by these two; Annalise and Joseph, from age 4-13, then, she was taken to Camp Half-Blood by a satyr. Being chased by nothing, Laura thought the satyr had lied. When they got to camp, monsters were walking the perimeter. Laura was scared, she'd always been; until this day.


A small dagger;


Theme Song:



Take out the wing thing, and you're accepted!


DestroyedMind said:







Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:



  • Reigns victory upon victors

  • ADHD/Dyslexia

  • Is amazing at charioteering

  • Can read Greek

  • Start wars (small, though)

  • Great at debating (Usually wins)

Years at Camp:



Laura is funny, stubborn, and aggressive. Due to her mother being Nike; the goddess of victory, Laura needs a winner in every competition. She loves sports and is very active. Her mind is creative and her body is artistic. Her mother has wings and lends them to Laura from time to time. (It's a god thing) Laura is spontaneous and loves to have fun.


  • Winners
  • Parties
  • 21
  • Fights
  • Sports
  • Art
  • Friends
  • The colour light green


  • Losers
  • Ties
  • Boring people
  • Imbeciles
  • Loneliness


Laura doesn't remember her family; Laura awoke on a small hill. Looming above her was a small acreage with candles alight. She started to cry. "Honey! There's someone outside," a male voice shouted. Warm hands picked her up, and took her in. It wasn't long before Laura fell asleep in the woman's arms.

Laura has been raised by these two; Annalise and Joseph, from age 4-13, then, she was taken to Camp Half-Blood by a satyr. Being chased by nothing, Laura thought the satyr had lied. When they got to camp, monsters were walking the perimeter. Laura was scared, she'd always been; until this day.


A small dagger;


Theme Song:



oh, and follow the OoC


Azalea said:

"Perfection is achieved only by those willing to destroy it."


Name: Angelo Lorenzo

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Godly Parent: Hades

Sexual Orientation: Bi, though mostly straight

Years at Camp: 3 years at camp


- darkness

- quiet

- those he's acquainted with


- babblers

- unintelligent people

- ignorance

Habits: Runs his hand through his hair when nervous, taps his foot when he's impatient

Fears: Messing up, Embarrassment, Being alone

Personality: Darkly serious most times, even when amused Angelo displays a dark humor that confuses or scares most. Sarcastic comments are quick to spill from his lips, and his words are usually blunt in manner, aimed to prod at whatever weaknesses he finds within a person. He's not much of a people person, as he finds it hard to relate to others, especially when they display strong emotion, which makes him feel especially awkward. He rarely smiles, a frown a commonality on his face.

Place of Origin: Italy


- As Hades is the god of wealth and riches, Angelo is able to sense precious metals and rocks in the ground, as well as display power of geokinesis

- As Hades if the god of the dead, Angelo displays the power of necromancy

- Umbrakinesis, which is power over shadows

- Able to shut down his body for at least 3 days if needed, going into a 'death trance' of sorts

- Able to freeze the world around him, power over cold

- Hypokinesis

- Able to 'radiate' emotions of fear and death


A sword, made entirely of silver, though it often changes color at the gem located at its center. When anyone but him is touching it, due to a charm placed on it by his father, the blade dulls.


The only son of world-famous Italian fashion designer Russo Lorenzo, from a young age Angelo Lorenzo would willingly modeled her best and worst work. He was used to the spotlight being directed onto him, so used to it that he mostly ignored it. Unlike most who are raised by a single parent, Angelo never openly or mentally expressed interest in his father identity. This may have been due in part because of his mother's many lovers of whom she would take home, as well as her multiple other female children, though she would call Angelo her "favorite".

Even from a young age Angelo knew his mother was different from other parents; she was more of a supervisor then anything else for him. She also didn't have much time for her son, preferring to interact with those of her age group. When Angelo hit the age of ten, her underwent a rebellious stage in which he refused to comply to his mothers rare demands and often ran away from home. Russo didn't recognize her sons rebellion as a way of calling for her attention, and instead sent him away to a boarding school for the remainder of his elementary and middle school.

Angelo didn't like elementary school, and he virtually hated middle school as well. All the kids were 'stuck-up' little brats in his opinion, (much like himself) and he made so clear his opinions on the whole student body that the majority of the students stayed as far away from his as possible. This continued on into middle school, Angelo pretending to be prospering in total social isolation while the other kids continued to whisper about him as well as give him a wide berth. This all changed in his 8th grade year, when odd things begin to happen about him. First he begin to see his teachers to all be rather odd in appearance, almost inhumane.

He though he was imagining their gruesome appearances as everyone else acted as if the monsters were normal. His attitude towards the schools teacher's didn't change until he was given detention one day after school, and while sitting in the classroom the creatures all begin to attack him. Paralyzed by fear as he prepared for death, Angelo would've died if it weren't for the only other person in detention that day, one of his classmates who he'd thought to be rather creepy revealed herself to be a satyr. They rushed off to Camp Half-Blood, where he's resided ever since.

Other: Favorite Color & Number: Red & 6

Appearance: (Does not have devil horns)






Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:



  • Tamper with peoples feelings (Mostly misery and sadness)
  • ADHD/Dyslexia

Years at Camp:

7 (10-17)


Natalya is depressed. She has no friends, and is the only child of Akhlys; the goddess of Misery. She doesn't like to have fun or be outside while the sun is out. She does not know why everybody is so happy. Natalya feels lonely most of the time and has frown accustomed to it.


  • Being alone
  • The dark
  • Silence
  • Her power


  • Crowds
  • Bright lights
  • Loud noises
  • Idiots


Natalya had a normal life. She was a happy student until she reached grade 5. People started bullying her which led to Natalya's depression. She has gone through multiple sessions of therapy that didn't work. Her father was diagnosed with cancer when Natalya was 8, and he died 2 years later. She was whisked away to camp crying, and was claimed afterward.



Theme Song:


Is that good enough?

FallingFire said:

Appearance: (Does not have devil horns)






Sexual Orientation:


Godly Parent:



  • Tamper with peoples feelings (Mostly misery and sadness)
  • ADHD/Dyslexia

Years at Camp:

7 (10-17)


Natalya is depressed. She has no friends, and is the only child of Akhlys; the goddess of Misery. She doesn't like to have fun or be outside while the sun is out. She does not know why everybody is so happy. Natalya feels lonely most of the time and has frown accustomed to it.


  • Being alone
  • The dark
  • Silence
  • Her power


  • Crowds
  • Bright lights
  • Loud noises
  • Idiots


Natalya had a normal life. She was a happy student until she reached grade 5. People started bullying her which led to Natalya's depression. She has gone through multiple sessions of therapy that didn't work. Her father was diagnosed with cancer when Natalya was 8, and he died 2 years later. She was whisked away to camp crying, and was claimed afterward.



Theme Song:


Is that good enough?

You are missing the things from the overview

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