Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Damian: *grabs fern's vodka and stuffs a rag in it. Then lights the rag and throws the bottle at the fly trap. Then duct tapes and kidnaps Cupid *
Cupid: *feels the duct tape still on his mouth* *Muffles something under it* *Glares at Damien* *Muffles something louder under the tape* *Screams under the tape* Pretend he's a giant bird... *Rips the tape off of his mouth* OW! *Looks at Damien* FLY AWAY BITCH! *Grabs one of his metal non-love arrows and flat out stabs Damien in his heart and eyes* GRRRRR I HATE YOU! DIE! *Punches the guy in the face* This beak of yours? HIDEOUS! *Smacks Damien's nose* NOW DIE AND DON'T COME BACK TO OOC IN TWO DAYS TO REVIVE YOUR MOTHER F*CKIN BIRD SELF YOU *SSHOLE! *Gets another metal non-love arrow and stabs Damien in the heart repeatedly* DIE DIE DIE!
Damian: *watches the arrow bend as it hits his skin over and over.* Awwwww that's cute but you'll have to find my achilles heel.
Noooooooooo CupidXViola 5evaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

Viola: What?

Nothing, Viola, nothing.... *rubs hands together evilly*

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