Camp Half-Blood Redefined

*innocent smile* I'll fix your characters up real nice like I swear~

I forget how it used to be when my bro was five. I think I was worse. I dunno >3> I mean I meant well but still. If you hurt yourself after I warn you that you will, you'll get my sass. But!!!! I promise I won't amputate, burn, scald, pinch, or rip anything without your/ or your parents consent~ 
But youre a pretty good big brother
O.o *hides*

Jason: I dunno about this one

Shūhei: I think she fits in well but hey I know nothing of you people. *walks away*

Wait I'm talking to that a shin of insanity?
I just somehow visualized shin of insanity as an actual leg shin that is insane?

I think I need a moment to rethink life .-. 
Karryn: *adjusts goggles* (ovo)
Ryan: Running away from Cupid's love arrows versus running away from Karryn and her love potions...not sure which one I would rather be a victim of.
Shūhei: *in calmest voice possible* F*** that *activates suit and bolts at ridiculous speeds*

Jason:damn oh wait I gotta run too! * bolts to best hiding spot he can think of.*
Cupid: Get off me you plant!

Ace: *Hides inside a huge tree trunk* (Yeah he took the filling out then brought the bark back up)

Ryan: I'm not playing!
Karryn: Well scientifically speaking- the reaction time of my potions tend to vary. My love potions are ethanol based and as we all know, ethanol evaporates faster than water and doesn't freeze at the freezing point of water so- *stops to take a breath* depending on the climate you're in, the effects of my potions may wear off within seconds. *adjusts glasses* well that's in theory... I'm sure cupids arrows last longer 
Fly-trap: Booze! I need booze! *jumps after everyone*

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