Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Yeah that's what the timer is for. I'm a ghost until I respawn and I will automatically be put into a body when the timer reaches zero.

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It's a role play where scientists have acquired technology that allows them to notice the demigods disappearing into Camp Half-Blood. The demigods began in Camp Half-Blood, but were forced to evacuate. One of the characters, Alec, has a dad that owns a mansion in Florida, so they traveled from New York to Florida. Their neighbor is Jerika, who is a Siren and works with the scientists. She has made friends with them, and are spying on them, but maybe she isn't. That was at least her initial intention. She invited them to an outdoor party, which only some of the group went to. Two manticores attacked; one for the people in the mansion and one for the people at the party. There is also a guy named Romeo, nicknamed Cupid, who possesses arrows that cause mortals to fall in love with the first person they see. Unfortunately, my character was forced to be lovesick for the majority of the party. They returned from the party to tend to those who were injured, then went to sleep.

In the morning, they discovered that one of the demigods, Mason, who had caused much damage to the mansion the night before due to his abilities with fire, had left, leaving only a notice in the garage. They had a meeting concerning the whereabouts of the scientists as well as those of Mason. A website was found about the scientists and what they knew about the demigods, though it required an advanced system to view without being detected. An address was included to mail any letters to in case someone sighted a demigod. The location of this address is in Curitiba, Brazil, which they have decided was their next destination, because their mission is to destroy all of the scientist headquarters. They then came up with theories about where Mason was and tracked him. The girl who likes him, Helena, already went after him, and got snared by a Cyclops's trap. Mason, who was a son of Hephaestus, had gone in search of Wakulla Volcano, which he then realized was nonexistent because it was actually Wakulla Springs, but he found a forge of three Cyclopes in a cave in Wakulla Springs. Coincidentally, the Cyclops that tried to eat Helena was one of these Cyclopes. The rest of the group rescued Helena and defeated the Cyclops, and then Mason came out of the cave, but he felt like it was his fault that the Cyclops the demigods had defeated was dying, since he led them there. The Cyclopes insisted that one of Mason's friends help him recover, and Evelynn volunteered, so now she is stuck back in time in the volcano with him and two other Cyclopes. Helena tried to bring a bear skeleton from the earth to save him, but ran out of energy and went into a death trance. Then when everyone went back to the mansion, they ate lunch, and a Hydra attacked and the demigods cut its necks off while throwing vials of Greek fire and, amazingly, none of them missed. Then everyone, like, went inside and stuff and helped save Max who was dying of poison, but conversations and Max's rescue were cut short by a one-time time skip that skipped to the following morning, in the airplane on their way to Manaus, Brazil.

The airplane ride was almost six hours, and by the way, Max has been carrying a cell phone, which explains why so many monsters have been attacking them within the course of two days, along with the density of demigods in one place at the same time. Max's mom is a pilot, and she and Max together flew the plane to Manaus. After a flight with stunts that caused many people yearn to kill Max, they arrived at the airport terminal, where they encountered a Chimera and killed it with a lead ball. Since Curitiba is another two and a half hours' flight away, they have reloaded the plane and are now in flight. Hopefully lunch will be during the flight, as it should be around 12:45 P.M. The only characters not with the group right now are Helena, Jessiah, Jack, Joakim, and Adrianna. Jessiah and Jack escaped the scientists from the headquarters in Curitiba together and have booked a nearby hotel, the same hotel that Alec's dad booked for the group of demigods. Helena shadow traveled there and accidentally landed in their room, coincidentally. Adrianna and Joakim were in the same group as Jess and Jack, but they escaped later and booked the Radisson Hotel in Curitiba (which is the closest hotel to the scientist headquarters). Your characters could have escaped with Joakim and Adrianna. Joakim and Adrianna have both arrived at the hotel, and Adrianna is currently talking to Jack. So I suppose your first post could be arriving at the hotel with Joakim (I think Adrianna came separately). C: I have pictures of rooms in the hotel as well as descriptions of the rooms with two beds.


We went from the plane to the hotel where we quickly checked in. Ryan was kidnapped at the hotel when he was left alone, and was taken to the scientists h.q.. After this everyone, minus Ryan, Met in the lobby where we went to grab food and we ate. Afterwards we all separately made our way to the scientist Hq were Helena and Max tore through it to find Ryan. Earlier Ryan's brother Jethro took Ryan's powers from him and changed his face back to how it would've looked if he hadn't been burned as a child. When the rest of the group neared the chamber that Jethro was in, Jethro and the other scientists teleported out of the base leaving it empty. Helena and Max arrived in the chamber to find Ryan, who's face was different and also blind from the machine used to take his powers, wandering around. After Ace arrived and caused Ryan to run out of the build to escape Him, Max tried to reason with Ace, earning Max's New nickname for him, but failed. Max flew of towards the hotel to wait for Ryan. Ryan meanwhile had reached the cab that Ace's party had used to get to the base, and hopped in giving the man A LOT of money to speed him out of there. The vehicle broke down and Ryan stayed at the guys house because of what happened. The rest of the group minus Max made their ways back to the hotel and decided to go to the roof to spar, and so they did. Ryan meanwhile figured out how to fix the car while still being blind, stupid weird echolocation thing, and returned to the hotel. When he arrived Max grabbed him and took him to the pool so he could figure out what had happened. INSERT BACKSTORY HERE! Max brought Ryan up to the roof where he explained what happened and then everyone went on sparring. After another sparring match the group reunited with Gade/Grace who had become a woman because he badmouthed love like an idiot. Afterwards Violets training began and Ryan went into the hotel where he ran into Sam. Sam pretended to be Max's brazilian cousin who doesn't exist who happened to be a demigod. She did a little snooping using her SIREN LOVE MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!! and found out a few thing about the group and also planted a small video tracking chip onto Ryan.Sam exit stage left. Ryan began to have extreme headaches and began to make his way to his room. Max went downstairs to his room while Anthony continued to train Violet. Max did some modifications to his weapon changing it from a Monks staff into a Glaive using tools that he had obtain from one of the missions Sam gave to him. INSERT MAX'S BACKSTORY HERE! Ryan made his way up to the rooms where he collapsed against the wall in pain, where he was found by Max. Meanwhile Violet, Anthony, and Damian discovered that a group of Basilisks where going to attack and went to meet them, where they were joined by Jason, and Max shortly after. They began fighting, Max saved Violet, Jason Created an Ice shield and Max was set on fire….


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