Camp Half-Blood Redefined

HAAAA Just to recap for those who don't know;

Manticores are monsters that have the body of a lion and a scorpion tail. They are extremely deadly to the untrained hero, and poison will slowly deteriorate the insides of it's victims until their entire system shuts down.

SOOOOO, who wants to kill a MANTICORE?


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Okay, how much later do you guys think Adelina's love craze should fade and she goes back to her normal self?
Hmmm... we'll see. So, it's Alec, Helena, Mason and Evelynn vs. a manticore at the mansion, and everyone else vs. a manticore at the party.
Obviously the exploding cat likes the confused Ewok that likes technology so might as well pair them up together so the confused Ewok can mistaken the exploding cat for a waffle again.

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