Camp Half-Blood Redefined

You know who beats Cupid for cutieness any day?

Jake T. Austin.
Not all faces! I don't criticize Pie's face. There is nothing you can do to change his face to make it more beautiful than it already is.
B- but why judge this??
My own little version of Clarisse might make an appearance soon.

FYI She has no relation to Clarisse what so ever -Clarisse isn't even her name. She just acted so much like the famous daughter of Ares at CHB that the campers nicknamed her that, and it stuck.
Well, pies work differently from humans. I don't always hate every face I see! I just don't always compliment the ones that I like.
There are worse pictures of him. That one is pretty cute, actually. His hair is nice. But I mean, look at this.

Why is that picture so big? He's still a cutie. *resumes shunning*
My internet was being crappy for like 6 minutes straight 
Be Back In A Minute!

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