Camp Half-Blood Redefined

You know . . . Every good RPG group has a healer/medic/cleric/monk . . . And we lack one.

Sorry, Kitty, Evy would only make him bleed more.

Kitty has changed class to Medic(tempt)!
Scratch that. If Helena gets to have a cool title, I need something . . . Hmm. Ah! Overlord (of potatoes).
Can someone give me the update about what's happening at the moment?
Camp Half Blood was discovered by scientists and was destroyed. The campers all separated into groups and are currently waiting in 'safe houses' until the whole thing is fixed. Our group is in Florida at a Mansion and we are getting ready to go to a possibly dangerous party there.
You also need to know that the OOC revolves around waffles, braids, potatoes, SUVs, horrible driving skills, squirrels...I feel like I missed something. Did I?

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