Camp Half-Blood Redefined

*grabs corgi and shocks with cattle prod* Oh no you don't foxx.

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He's not just a foxx, he's a grumpy cat foxx. Do I need to show his picture again? 
Hmm, how about Stymphalian Birds?
BishopOfKings said:
Yo I am going full on Air Show Pilot here! WOOOOHHHOOOO!!!
You're asking for a torturous death...

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Its a special plane Also Jason isn't seat belted down. Ill be done with my Flight Show Performance in a little bit… Shame I couldn't have Ryan experience this. Ill be awaiting my painful death once we land… But until then please return your trays to a upright position, buckle your seat belts, and ENJOY THE RIDE WOOOHHHHOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Your death must wait corgi, an attempt to press my hair is being made

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Ashlynn was already terrified from the turbulence and the fact that it was her first flight, so Max's little performance has officially made her terrified of planes and jets so she wants to severe his head from his shoulders

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