Camp Half-Blood Redefined

I actually wouldn't mind some pie at the moment.

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You'll have to wait a bit to join the RP because we're in a situation you can't really jump in at the moment.

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I think that now that we're back at the mansion, someone can jump in. The other guy that blew up his parents wasn't able to jump in at the time because we were having those issues at Wakulla Springs. You should post a CS, @Joxel, if you're interested, since we're still accepting, but don't RP until you get the author's approval.
I'm just up much later than I'm supposed to be, reading the new posts at the same time as trying to finish all of my homework that's due tomorrow
I was supposed to clean the litter boxes and wash my clothes but the lazy quarter of me and the procrastinator quarter convinced me to wait a while, and now it's one o'clock in the morning.

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I think the only reason they because I'm more prone to laziness and procrastination when I'm sick.

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You are very lucky that your lazy and procrastinator sections of you do not control you as well as mine control me. 
Which explains your username! :D
You are my squishy, and you shall be mine, and you shall be my squishy.

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Eh, I was close.... I think im going to go to sleep now and somehow convince my mom to let me stay home tomorrow and be sick

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