Camp Half-Blood Redefined

I get up with just enough tone to get ready and get to work, then don't get home till like four, so for twelve hours I can't eat even if I wanted.
I used to not eat breakfast, but now my mom is concerned that I won't do well if I don't eat breakfast, so I now have anywhere from a sip of milk to half of a fried egg

But you don't get a lunch break?!
I have a break, lunch and a 2nd break. I eat on the way to work. I eat on the way home. I'm not.... NOT... going to starve myself anymore. I love food too much. Plus, if I don't eat, I die.
Nope. No time for a lunch break. I occasionally have a banana before I leave, but that's only if I'm feeling really good.
Have y'all never heard that before?

They threw me in a cell. It ess cold. I died. They buried me in the ground. Workms live in the ground! Worms drive me crazy!

Then it loops.
True !!! 
Her Majesty Overlord Queen Empress Lady Royal Madame Dusk the Awesome, social outcast? Preposterous!
Umm, I wouldn't really call it respect. More like I just know a lot of random stuff that confuses one half of the people, and the test of what I know confuses the other half.

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