Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

You don't get a title like mine without knowing a bit of magic. I couldn't let someone just steal my royal Kitty.
Guys . . . I jumped on the spot. Not y'all. I want aware you were more fragile than dried leaves in a stiff breeze . . .
Bishop: *sleeping*

Kitsune: aw dammit... The furniture is wrong and the wallpaper clashes with carpet... He went back to the last model...

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Souless: *floating, leg crossed over the other, much like Marceline and the complete opposite of me*

Soul: *rubs head*The spot we were on wasn't that big so it's only natural you squished us..
Vita: *stares in bewilderment at cat in her hand, realizing it's not the kitty* NOOO, why? D: *Picks up Bishop instead*

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