Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Poppy: *looks up towards her boredly, had been looking at her nails*Soul doesn't allow fighting in the ooc... or else she puts them on a time out. So go ahead...

Soul: *watching, eyes twinkle darkly, evil grin*
Helena: ... *lunges*

Alec: *grabs her hair and pulls her away* nu

Helena: *shouting various cuss words in several different languages including ancient greek*
What the HELL

I wasn't getting alerts for the OOC Or the IC


Someone catch me up?
Just a bunch of character interactions is all. I tagged you in a post where Sebastian was claimed by Thanatos and such...
Pg19 and I'm glad someone's awake....normally I'm zonked out but something's happened to my sleeping habits and I can't figure it out....I swear there is so much wrong with me right now it's ridiculous.
Yep. I really hate that i fall asleep so easily. I fell asleep in math class last week and again in the changerooms after gym last month.I know. I have like 50 of them plus I have a thread to get up and running for a new roleplay. :/
Ryker: Hm I wonder when I'll actually get to call Poppy Poptart

Ryan: How are you all doing? especially @BishopOfKings and @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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