Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

*Jumps on you* wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up
Cause. I am. Well not exactly angry anymore... I mean I was. My computer crashed and I lost tons of files. Then I remembered I backed shit up so Im all good
oh ha that's good then well how are ya feeling now that you defeated your messed up computer? I hope you're having a better day *gives jacunliffe a tea cup* @jacunliffe

HERE! *gives amanda a potato* amuse yourself
ow! geez what was that for?!

how do you digest that jacunliffe? i need to give you some kind of nickname. do you have a nickname?

I don't know xD (Don't actually. It was something that poped up in a group chat months ago at 5 am)
for what

ima call you...skillet no just kidding hm

jackie. no, is your name even jackie? it wouldn't make sense for me to call you jackie if you're not jackie

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