Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

It's just that Helena, my Hades girl, is a bit... antisocial. And hates sharing her space. And the cabin floor is currently buried beneath a thick layer of empty Pringles cans and jars of Nutella
ryker is stuck because the person who he is interacting with is not interacting and my drum set is wrecked

*takes the duct tape and duct tapes ashen*
Well Catherine could take his attention plus like all my other characters are stuck. Belle, is asleep, Lia ran into Sebastian's back, Poppy is in the forest with Cassia, standing in front of her paralyzed body. And... Artaith is free...
Kitsune: Jayden!

Jayden: What?

Kitsune: CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs Jayden over with a motorcycle*

Jayden: WWWWHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *flies off into the distance*

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