Camp Half-Blood: Collision of Worlds

Thank you that was beautiful

Those first 3 punctuation marks look like a smiley face with a weird exclamation point mustache
Think I may make a fighting academy rp based off of a Korean manga I've been reading.

Jason: *boops Helena's nose* boop *swims away quickly *
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Think I may make a fighting academy rp based off of a Korean manga I've been reading.
Jason: *boops Helena's nose* boop *swims away quickly *

Helena: NOOOOO! COME BACK! *extends arms and swims after him* LET ME LOVE YOU


No!!! Hope is always the last to go!
Sorry I haven't replied to your message yet. I've been kinda busy and I have a lot to say.

And that's why she was in the pithos.
You need not apologize <3 I've taken much longer responding to you. I love it when you have a lot to say, even if it means I have to wait a little more.

Yes x)

Even when you let everything else out, she will stay.
<3 I know. I just don't like making you wait.

Trapped in the shackles of mankind! I love Hope and the whole Pandora story. I've made multiple characters based off of Hope and they're always super fun.
It's okay!! Sometimes it's even more exciting when it takes longer!

I love it too! Even though I don't really know much about it. From the little I know about Hope's personality, she seems like an awesome character to play :D




Hey .. I joined my first RP 3 days ago
I really love taking different spins with her though. One of them, she was really jaded about being the only thing left in the jar, so she wasn't exactly the nicest person. I played her in Fate one time too. But I think Bishop is the only one who knows that that is.

That is quite a while, yup!

Also, is this some sort of convoluted self-plug on your part, Ryan?
Yours, DUH! And I joined RPNation 4 days ago.

Oh my gosh, that sounds so interesting. It must be pretty lonely being stuck in a jar with no one else there. But at least she still has hope, right? Is it even possible for Hope herself to have hope? But I mean, she can't be Hopeless...
I joined March 6th. It seems way longer than that, but at the same time, shorter . . .

That's what I love so much about her! It all depends on how you want to interpret things. In one, she was something of a demon hunter, returning the evils of the world to the pithos, and in another, she was something more akin to a doll or something. A being that's existence is simply comprised of everyone else as they've experienced Hope and then letting her slowly develop her own personality as she explored the world around her.
I posted so that it would give others something to work with since at least one of my characters is interacting with everyone else's. Also I'd say it's not dead until you make it dead aka if your afraid to post because you think it's dead, post anyways because it gives other other people Inge to work from and more reason to keep posting.

In addition I'm totally psyched that I've been here for over a year I love you guys and hope to keep celebrating the yearly anniversaries with you all :D .
I know what you mean. It feels like I joined ages ago, and yet I feel like I haven't been here for very long.

Well yeah, I guess that makes sense, for me at least.

Oh my gosh, that is so creative!! *mind blown* It makes me want to play her too .. Wow, I never really thought about how unique a story that Hope could have until now.

StarrySkyofLostSouls said:
I haven't known everyone for a year yet... *sniffles*
Don't worry! By September, it will have been a year <3

Well, that's true. Posting is the only direct way to keep it alive. Because, I mean, that's how you DEFINE whether an RP is alive or not, right?

But I think the question is whether YOU, Soul, are still motivated to continue it, or if you just want to end the RP cleanly and start a new fresh one. Messy endings are always painful.

[QUOTE="Ashen Wraith]Also, is this some sort of convoluted self-plug on your part, Ryan?

Heh, I just got that xD

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