Anime & Manga Calling All Magical Girl Genre Fans, What is Your Favorite Magical Girl Anime?

Madoka, always and forever! Nothing else compares.
Sailor Moon <3 My first anime, and still my favourite! (Though the live action is even better.)
Granted, I haven't really watched any besides these two, but Revolutionary Girl Utena & Puella Magi Madoka Magica. They are beyond words for me, LMAO, I love them.
This is a bit of a weird one, but I got into Ojamajo Doremi not too long ago. It doesn't have any fighting, but it's cozy and nostalgic without totally avoiding any serious topics.
probably an uncommon answer, but princess tutu takes the cake for me <3

there's something about the adorable art style, the dark plotline, and the muted tonal colors that stuck with me when i first watched it as a kid and that i still adore today. i can even see the influence it had on my own art over the past few years lol
While I don't exactly love it anymore, Puella Magi Madoka Magica was my first "real" anime that I watched… At six-years-old. Gave me a ton of nightmares, that's for sure. xD
It's hard to choose a favorite but it's between Sailor Moon, Princess Tutu, and Suite Precure (which I think was my first magical girl anime that began the addiction).

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