Calling all bookworms!


Two Thousand Club
Alright, so you must be a reader if you've clicked on this.

Anyways, I recently created a literate roleplay called "Life Beyond Imagination." The title sounds kinda cheesy y'know but whatever. It's basically about a town called East Meadow where all of your favorite book characters come to life alongside your OCs. I feel like it has the potential to be very interesting.

If you're interested you can sign up here:

Keep in mind that you must sign up with at least one character from a book and at max you may have three characters, including OCs. At this time we are in need of one female and 2 males although that is subject to change if anyone who has reserved a role decides to give it up or doesn't complete their sign-up in time.
Bumping this post up! As of right now, we need 3 more males although there is a possibility of some spots being re-opened! Join now!

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