Call of the Multiverse

@The Villain King

I am going on about a week long trip across the country (Australia) to Canberra from Perth. I may or may not be able to connect to any internet, (Save for fast food restaurants) and I won't be taking any of my laptops. Although, I will have my Phone, so if I post at all my paragraphs/posts will be limited. (It's hard typing on a little Iphone) But, I will try to keep tabs with my own internet data via my phone, and will most likely post every now and again. Please feel free to 'own' my character if it helps the story/plot progress, and in any conversations go ahead and use my character as well. (She doesn't talk much though).

I am so sorry, and I deeply, sincerely apologise for my future absence.
I wish I could afford to go to Perth D: Or anywhere xD Have a blast, October! Apparently it's great over there. 
For some reason the RP fell off my watched RP list. >:[ This isn't the first time it's happened.
Not as a criticism, but more as an observation towards this method of RPing, I've noticed that the D&D-like RP format doesn't really work that well in this setting, given that a) we're spread across the globe, and as a result have to wait a long time to get results for our actions, and b) we don't actually know most of the limitations or results of our artifacts, and thus have to wait for the results to be posted.

If I could make a suggestion, if this type of thing were to be done again in the future (and I'd totally play it again if it were to be), I'd suggest either a) doing it on roll20 or some D&D website, where the players and DM are guaranteed to be there for the duration of the "session", or b) creating artifacts with strictly defined limits and results (or no limits), so that the players can use their artifacts without DM consultation.

That being said, this is a very fun RP thus far, and I find it very fun. I hope I'm not holding things up too much with my "cloning" antics, and feel free to tell me if I am. I'm just really enthusiastic about the whole Cloning Power thing, since it's one power that I've always wished I had.

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