Call of the Multiverse


Boop the snoot, you get the shoot
Character sheets like so:



(I will hate you forever if you manage to screw this one up.)

Age: (teenage, please. between 14 and 19 human years old)

Personality: (take every last ounce of creativity you have, and unleash it like a wild herd of raging flesh-eating cattle on steroids, starved for a week and then brought near a large city. This is where your character's diversity shines, so make it shine. Don't forget flaws and imperfections. Do me proud, young laddy or lass.)

Mark: (each character has some sort of physical attribute that is not considered normal for regular human beings. It can be a strange hair color, strange eye color, some sort of extremely-detailed birthmark, whatever. Try to keep yours unique from everyone else's. No fighting over birthmarks. I'm watchin' you O\_/O)

Background: (Keep it somewhat concise, please. I don't need a ten page narrative of their tear-jerking chilhood tragedy, I just need a small summary so that I can get a good idea of the types of experiences they've had. Treat this as a supplement to your character's personality, in the same way that a generous drizzle of chocolate syrup complements a club sandwich.)

Password: (Eh? What's that? You want to know what this is? Oh's gonna be a long roleplay...)

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Name: Aria Martichi

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Ari is a strong willed type of girl. She is not afraid to let everyone see she is different and she acts like she doesn't care, when on the inside, she is bottling all her tears. Eventually, she will have to release all the tears, but she usually hides when she does this to avoid anyone finding out she has a weakness. Her flaws are that she is easily irritable and has a tenancy to be harsh or cold to people that either try to hit on her or try to tease her.

Mark: She has galaxy eyes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-20_21-20-54.jpeg.8939307373359994c55e42a9a8e68d8b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21028" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-20_21-20-54.jpeg.8939307373359994c55e42a9a8e68d8b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: Ari lived though a not so normal family. A brother that dropped out of high school and a drunkard mother and father. She was beaten as a child because her not so sober parents though her eyes where weird. She eventually escaped but is still scarred to this day. She has unusual jagged marks on her back from the whip they used on her.

Password: She fears her past being discovered by anyone.



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Appearance: He wears a red trenchcoat and scarf over a slightly oversized white shirt , also wears blue jeans and black runners. He has red eyes and black hair , with a red streak through it.

Name: Red Ryusaki.

Gender: Male.


Personality: A calm individual that keeps a level head in most situations , but has a fatal flaw in the form of a idea that he can and is the only person who will be able to save someone from getting hurt. This obsession goes so far that he will attempt to stop others from saving , say a person being mugged , and save them himself. If he could not manage to save someone he goes into a sort of depressive state for a while in which the mention of that person will drive him into a uncontrollable rage.

Mark: Red coloured irises and a streak of white in his hair.

Background: Raised by his grandfather in Tokyo after his parents were murdered by an unknown individual when he was 11. He had a very expensive education in which he learnt self defence and how to wield a katana.Following the death of his grandfather when he was 16 , no one has seen him since.

His greatest fear is being rejected or shunned by people.
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Appearance: Five foot eight inches male with brown going on grey hair and grey eyes. Tends to wear short sleeve t-shirts and slacks with hiking boots for shoes and a wristwatch.

Name: Raleigh McKinny

Gender: Male.

Age: 19

Personality: You know the guy who gets his kicks picking on the quarterback? Yeah, this is that guy. He is smarter than everyone else around him, and he will make sure you know it, and uses it to make fools of anyone that he doesn't like particularly jocks. Has a habit of never making a mistake even when everyone points out that he is wrong and the universe decides to agree with them in a manner that might involve glowing neon signs. In spite of his intellect though he lives and acts according to the philosophy that 'if violence doesn't solve your problem you aren't using enough'.

Mark: A birthmark on his right shoulder depicts a dragon's head or at least that is what he and his family thinks.

Background: Public school can be tough when you can't play sports and find other people annoying. Eventually you decide to strike first before you are struck yourself and that is what he has decided. Beyond simply learning to put down anyone who so much as looks at him funny he has had a fairly normal life. Was raised in a home with rather strict views on alcohol and drug use and as such has zero tolerance for such things.

Password: He fears death on a level that most people never reach as they give the concept less thought than he has.
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Shalin Wesley O'hare

(The Girl)



Shalin will come off as a intellectual individual, seeming very level headed and calm. Her chosen attire to constantly make herself look formal is a sort've disguise to hide her true personality. Yes, she is one to use the larger words rather then what others would, and acts older then her real age. But is a type of joker, she will often times joke around about her seeing disability asking others to play games of ISpy to pass the time. Once known well enough and she has come to be comfortable around someone she won't seem as uptight and high strung as when first met.

Shalin is very skilled in lying and her voice is very persuasive to those who are gullible enough for her taste. But she is very untrusting this resulting in this type of skill, often times her truth from lies are even difficult for herself to tell apart. The red head has quite high hearing abilities so large crowds or any loud event will often times annoy the Irish girl.

Another strong trait about her, her easy irritation. As stated earlier she is fairly high strung, and will become agitated by anothers arrogance. But will never be seen yelling or exposing any negative emotion unless needed, which in her opinion is very rarely.

The tips of her fingertips are black and slowly fade from the color, sliding through the dark grays into the lighter ones until it blends into her skin. This covers all of her hand and stops at his wrist

Raised by a single father in Ireland, after her mother passed during birth. She was born a healthy child and had a fairly good life until a mugger came up to her at the age of 14 and threw burning coals into her eyes before stealing what she had. Her usually brown eyes weren't able to heal correctly and slowly faded to a blind blue along with her sight. She had grown up able to deal with being blind, counting her steps and relying on her cane. She has grown out her bangs in an attempt to hide her eyes, in an attempt to look a bit normal to a stranger.

Shalin fears the idea of being looked down upon or pitied for loosing her sight, seen as someone who needs to sit back and is useless due to the disability.
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At the current moment, I lack a picture. However, I will describe him.

Hicks dresses in a black tank top, and jeans. He has black boots. His hair is dark black, and medium length. He has some facial hair, but more of a messy stubble than anything. His eyes are light grey. He has thin lips. A smile would look strange on him.

Name: Hicks.



Hicks is a very calm, very refined, and depressed. His voice is monotone, and has a slight grit to it. He never smiles, or laughs. It takes a hell of a lot to impress him. His emotions also tie into his telekinesis. If he loses control of his emotions, oh boy. As Zoey once said, "RUN LIKE HELL!"

Whenever Hicks uses his telekinesis, his eyes emit a black mist, and the object he is interacting with has the same black mist.

Hicks was born in 1973, with the ability of telekinesis. He grew up with his father, being raised right. When he was seven, his father and he went into a city to see the parade they see every year. On their way home, a mugger jumped out of an alley, and shot his father. His dad died instantly. Hicks then lost all control, and chased the mugger, his powers spiraled out of control, and the mugger paid for it. With his life. A few days later, Hicks was captured by a "science facility". At first, they acted like his friend, until they started to do several experiments on him. He has remained in that place for the rest of his days until he was called to the multiverse.

Hicks' greatest fear is not death, it is losing utter and total control of his emotions, and therefore his powers. If he were to do this, he would likely wish for death, although it may not be voiced.

(Frankly, I'm still a student in school and I may or may not be able to participate in this RP. However, I has perked my interest, and depending if I am to be accepted, I most likely will join. But don't count on me, considering i'm in Australia and have a different time zone to most. But, hey, RPing is awesome and i'd do anything to kick this up. :])


Name: Andrea (Andy) Sixx Beirsack-Black

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Andy is a person who is compassionate, dependable, loyal, reliable, and also being strong both physically and emotionally. Stubbornness, aggressiveness, sensitivity and a dislike when faced with change are all weaknesses. She is strong and silent, but until you really get to know her personally, if your successful in breaking down her mental and physical walls to protect herself, you will probably not see her true self or who she really is behind her hard exterior. She is very stubborn and once her mind is made up, swaying her even a little is next to impossible. Although, she is incredibly indecisive to coming to that decision. If you do not try to push, She will come across as being laid back and reserved. Take heed though because if you anger her, it is likely that you might find a violent temper. However, her tempers generally will not flare until she is pushed to a point of feeling uncomfortable and/or provoked to act.

She makes a wonderful friend, and whenever you need her she will certainly be the first to help. She knows exactly how to brighten the day of friends in need. Don't count on her to ever calling on you to return the favor. She is very in tune with her emotions and rarely display them. She is loyal and will stand beside a friend until the bitter end.

Although, dispite this, it is rather hard to become a friend with her in the first place.

Mark: She has white/silver hair and electrifying blue eyes. She also has wing birthmarks which takes the whole space of her back.


Background: Andy grew up in a fairly liveable one story, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom (With shower and toilet) small kitchen and living space but no driveway family home. As the only child born to Olivia and Nicholas Beirsack-Black on April 27, 1997, she had mostly herself for company. Her father had ran out on Andy and Olivia for his band, "The Black Angels" Her mother had to resort to keeping up 2 jobs as a bartender at the local pub in Perth, Australia and a travel agent or aka, 'personal slave' to multiple rich men in multiple countries. Regardless of however her mother obtained the money, there was always enough to put food on the table and clothes on their backs. However, because of Olivia's business's cross country, Andy always found herself alone, with no one but herself for company. She never got along with the friends at school, and even with her fairly average B grades. She wasn't popular, but she wasn't a nerd or a loser. Just 'Average'. Although, she was far from normal. Every friend she did meet always found a way to die. A kid in 1st grade who went by the name of 'Jesse' died in an accidental fire in his living room. In 2nd grade, little 'Nicky' took a swim and never came out of the lake. Even her father, Nicholas died a day after he visited her because he needed a place to stay after his band broke up. Drowning in the bathtub was a first. Accidental disappearances and deaths every year, or rather every time a specific person happens to befriend, or even become partners for class with Andy caused Andy to close herself up and deal with it. This 'curse' has kept her from being her true self in company, or even accept her self period. That, and her abnormal mark on her back, and silver to white hair she' always been made fun off, another reason why she's closed her self off from people, and the fact that she's stubborn and headstrong. No matter what, she's determined to prove everyone wrong about being nobody important.

Password: Andy's greatest fear is acceptance to who or what she is. This also includes the truth of her 'curse' and why she was born with such abnormalities or in such a jacked up life. Most of all, she just wants to be herself without worrying about death, bullying or people leaving her alone in the darkness. Even over the years of being alone, the solitude and coldness of the darkness still scares her, and the fact that she fears, yet loves to fear it.
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Samuel Jacobs is the name on his birth certificate, but he prefers to simply be called “Sam”



Personality: Samuel has what most of his friends would call a very exciting personality and his teachers would call an annoying one. He’s one of those kids who just doesn't seem to think through the decisions that he makes in life, often being very rash and fails to use logic in decisions. He’s naturally a very curious person and loves to explore. He is not the best of listeners and will tune out people very easily if he’s not interested. He loves being the center of attention and loves meeting new people. Despite his spontaneous nature, Sam can grasp severity of situations, and while he may not make the best choices when he’s placed in them, he is able to snap out of his “class-clown” nature for those brief moments. Seriously though, it’s hard for him to be serious.

Mark: Across Sam’s chest he has a large birthmark of a Celtic sun that covers the whole area of his rib cage.


Background: Overall, Sam had a very normal childhood. He had the typical Mom, Dad, younger sister, and pet dog (a Beagle almost as active as Sam is). He never truly excelled at school but that didn't mean he didn't learn. He actually loved school and went everyday unlike most, but when it came to homework and studying, he simply had “other things to do”. He was always that little bright light in his family’s life that taught them to “just keep smiling, or else I’ll have to do something stupid.”

Ultimately, Sam’s greatest fear isn't spiders or being buried alive or anything along those lines (though they are close contenders), but being completely isolated from any other person.


Name: Irene Mackenzie

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Irene is the type of girl that takes nothing seriously. Ask her for a date? She'll say she doesn't have any on her. Tell her you have a broken arm? She'll joke about your inability to give her a proper high five. She is always making everything into some sort of game in order to have more fun with life. Whenever she starts to feel a situation getting tense, she feels the need to make a joke. She can't handle stressful situations and needs to change the mood or else she will have a breakdown. Her mental state is very unstable, and the only way she stays sane is with a constant stream of not caring about anything.

Mark: Her left eye is completely white. She can see out of it fine, but it looks like she has no pupil.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-21_2-37-21.jpeg.03dbfc20b7b9dad520bd1c86ca06afb9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-21_2-37-21.jpeg.03dbfc20b7b9dad520bd1c86ca06afb9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: Irene grew up in a very violent neighborhood where it was very common for your neighbor to be gunned down in a drive by. Her oldest brother, John, joined a gang while her father was a member of the police force. Her other older brother, Luke, was a drug addict who abused her while their parents were away. Luke eventually died of overdose while she was young, sending Irene's father into a depression. He never knew either of his kids were involved in crime, and when he realized John was in a gang, he was forced to kill him. After her father committed suicide, Irene and her mother moved into a much safer neighborhood. Seeing no way to deal with the amount of stress in her life, Irene stopped taking things seriously, joking about everything.

Password: Irene fears loosing her mind and falling into a state of depression or insanity.



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Marcus Gavin


Age: 18

Personality: If one were to describe Marcus in five words, it would go something like this: He really is not that great at math because he finds it boring. On top of his notable lack of math skills, he is notoriously unobservant and rather oblivious to almost every social cue in the book. He's awkward, fond of inappropriate jokes, and loves crossing the line, then turning around to piss on it. Despite his clear lack of responsibility, apparent disrespect for the feelings of others, and shamelessly proliferating the spread of d*** jokes, Marcus does value the people around him. After all, without them, there would no one to laugh at. It is said that, once upon a time, Marcus burrowed deep into the darkest cave in the known world, and it was named your mom.

Mark: Marcus' tear ducts are unlike those of your average bastard. Instead of shedding wet, salty tears, he drips chocolate syrup from his eyes. While this was a massive inconvenience at first, he quickly learned that his tears went quite well with a bowl of sadness, I mean, ice cream. As a result of this freak occurrence, the bottom half of his eye sockets are permanently stained brown.

Background: Marcus grew up in a family of eight, total. He was the youngest of all his siblings, and fell into the "house joker" rule as soon as he could speak. In school, he brandished his rampant immaturity like a (meat) sword. He got in more than his fair share of trouble for pulling pranks off in class, as well as multiple stern talking-to's for his childish antics. His family life took a turn for the worse when his father developed alcoholism, but Marcus has taken it all in stride and has a habit of using his own life as joke material. He was wildly unprepared for the whole "pick a college" deal, so he instead chose to live in his parent's basement until a voice acting spot opens on South Park or something.

Password: Marcus is deathly afraid of fortune cookies, as he refuses to believe any random piece of paper could have control over his fate.

Name: Dorian Brythe

Gender: Male, although at a quick glance, he is rather feminine looking. (Trust me, he's a guy.)

Age: 18

Personality: Dorian has never liked reality, especially when the confusing part of life that's called puberty set in. Unlike his twin brother, who got angry and confused, Dorian buried himself in fantasy literature. He's a quiet guy who would rather daydream than do the dishes, clean his room or make his bed. He's always pretending to be someone he's not, it makes reality easier to bear. Don't be surprised if he doesn't respond to his birth name some times. He is friendly, brave, and follows common sense over anything.





Background: His mother died when he was eight, which is around the time Dorian withdrew from reality and lived in his head. He dealt with her passing in his own way and took up writing, deciding that he wanted to create stories. There's always a character somewhere in them that resembles his mother somehow. He always carries at least two notebooks in a leather satchel with some pens, he prefers writing by and.Under the pressure of his father, Dorian took up archery at 15. It was the only sport that he would do. He wasn't too bad at it and still does it today in his spare time some times.

Password: His biggest fear is growing up, having to be a 'mature adult'.

Name: Victor Zheng

Age: 17

Personality: Victor's personality can mostly be described in one word. Apathetic. He is intelligent enough to be near the top of his classes if he studied, but he doesn't care enough to. He's sarcastic and sometimes rude, mostly because of his habit of not sugarcoating his words. If you've goofed up, he'll tell you. If you're doing something wrong, he'll tell you. Generally in the most brutally honest way possible. This tends to alienate Victor, but he doesn't particularly care enough to do anything about it.

Victor acts much like a high functioning sociopath, but does very rarely form emotional connections with some people. He believes in doing what's right, and is perfectly capable of taking the blame for committing an "evil" act when it will help others.

Mark: Green, slitted, catlike eyes.


Background: Victor killed his father when he was seven. His father, James Tanner, was a drunk and abusive alcoholic would routinely get drunk, beat his wife, Jaelin Tanner (nee Zheng), and Victor. When he was seven, Victor stole a beaker of Methanol from his school's science lab and, while his father was distracted, replaced his father's beer the fatally toxic alcohol. The police declared it death by alcohol poisoning, which it was, and as a result Victor was never suspected. He and his mother moved in with Jaelin's sister, Maelin, Victor took his mother's last name, and since then Victor has gone through school doing little of note, gaining few acquaintances and even fewer friends.

In the ten years since, Victor has never once regretted killing his father. At one point he considered that he might be a sociopath, but decided that he cared about his few friends and family too much for that. Victor is utterly certain that killing his father was the kindest thing he could have done, for everyone involved. His only regret is not doing it sooner.

Password: His greatest fear is that someone will find out that he's a murderer. Not because he cares about himself, but because he fears what it would do to those who care about him.
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(My timezone is GMT +8, so if I get accepted do expect to see me lurking around at odd hours...)

: About five foot seven, average build. Dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes, the usual. Has a bob cut and would like to be fashionable, actually, but stilettos aren't always the most practical choice to run after your mischievous brothers in.

Name: Indira Bhardwaj

Gender: Female

Age: Eighteen

Personality: Whatever you're selling, Indira doesn't want it, alright? No, really. It's bad enough trying to navigate the madness of modern-day India with a hyperactive pair of twelve-year-olds in tow; she doesn't need any of this mystical 'saving the world' nonsense on top of all that. That being said, she is just a tiny bit of a pushover, so enough wheedling will probably result in reluctant acceptance (if you're prepared to face her passive-aggressive fury, that is). Indira usually functions as the voice of reason (not difficult to imagine, considering the disorder that she routinely finds herself dragged into), although her her practical advice tends to be, in times of great importance, resolutely ignored. Perhaps she could change this if she'd just grow a bit of backbone, instead of privately stewing in her own indignation, but she far prefers to think of herself as a martyr, anyway. Often the only sane one in a whirlwind of chaos, she'd much rather have a normal, quiet existence, but has accepted her lot in life with mute resignation. Are you going to be finishing that aspirin, by the way?

(It's probably worth noting, at this point, that she finds herself in Old Man Trouble's sights entirely too often for it to be coincidental. If you didn't know any better, you'd speculate that she seeks it deliberately. Then again, she's too mundane of a person to secretly revel in bedlam and turmoil, right?)

Mark: Indira is an unremarkable young Indian woman, unless you count her teeth, which look better suited to some prehistoric species of shark. Understandably, she's got a bit of a lisp.

Background: It's not that her parents were neglectful, or anything. It's just that, at a very young age, Indira realised that her mother was hysterical and her father had the emotional capacity of a teaspoon, and so she was forced to become the main caregiver to her siblings (though not without a disproportionate amount of resentment and an array of long-suffering sighs). Fits of sullen temper aside, she's actually become quite good at it. Having been unable to secure herself a handsome young suitor because arey kya those teeth, Indira has largely been left to her own devices and thinks she may someday like to own a restaurant. Somehow, though, the probability of this actually happening seems slim.

Password: Paradoxically, Indira's greatest fear is that she will never be able to let go of her responsibilities. Also, she dreads kissing, since the last one ended in her nearly biting some poor boy's tongue off by accident.
Name: Nicholas Mathews

Appearance: (See profile picture )

Gender: Male (Most people think otherwise )


Personality: Nicholas is described by most people as a bbring and uninteresting git with no purpose in life whatsoever, they are perfectly correct, the only cool thing about him is that if you piss him off he will not hesitate to cut off your hand and/or tounge. He normally stays quiet and thinks before acting and usually acts without the group, he's pretty much an emo but he has long white hair, not blonde, WHITE

Mark:his hair is snow-white and so are his eyes, although they turn bloodshot when he gets angry making him look like a possesed badger because he likes to wear black clothes his skin is also very very pale, which adds to the whole emo look

Background:He comes from a family who are masters of Kendo, a Japanese sword based martial art, and he learned to fight from a young age, but he was also taught to think, this has kept him in school because if he didnt have control he'd be murdering people left right and centre

Password:Nicholas fears losing or breaking his Bokken (Sword )


Name: Alice Clemings

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Alice finds little comfort in other people, but, willing to give them a chance, tries to be friendly and involved. When she's in her element, she acts confident - mostly bluster, honestly - but when she's thinking or confused she withdraws into silence, watching with furrowed brows. She often finds herself left behind, wearing this expression. Like they claim, Alice is maybe a little slow, but she is not dumb, dammit! Say that again and she'll bash your head in. She's prideful to a fault, but loyal to the end, as long as you don't make cracks about her intelligence. Her temper leaves something to be desired.

Mark: A blue-green streak in her hair.

Background: Alice grew up with a sense of disappointment hovering over her head. Her siblings were always there to one-up her, and she was always there to see them be praised and congratulated. Teacher and mother alike ruffled her hair and assured her she'd tried her best. Eventually she convinced herself that that was good enough, hiding away her feelings of resentment.

In secondary school, Alice got into the habit of beating up the kids who teased her. She stormed through the hallways looking at the floor and started to question the point of attending lessons that flew over her head. In Year 9, Alice dropped out. When her mother - as usual - refused to understand, she ran away and wandered the streets of Britain.

Only after experiencing the cold freedom of caring for herself, she returned, took a job, got fired for yelling at customers, took another job, and avoided her simmering mother. Alice believed she was nothing but an angry, aimless adolescent that would grow up to be an angry, aimless adult. She craved a sense of purpose - something more suited to her talents. Maybe she'd join the military.

Password: Ugh, spiders.
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He also wears a scarf that follows a same colour scheme as his suit.

Unknown. He simply goes by the name of his Warframe,Loki.

Age: Loki was cloned from Orokin tissue,and artificially matured to adulthood. He entered service at a biological age of seventeen,and left to serve the Multiverse at a biological age of nineteen. His actual,chronological age is unknown,but assumed ancient,thanks to his time in cryo in the Void.

Sex: Visibly male,but the Technocyte Plague has done stranger things. However,he self-identifies as male.

Personality: Loki is much like his namesake: He loves fun. And he'll get it by any means available,even in the middle of combat. He does have a certain code of ethics,however,and can be serious when the chips are down...But expect snarky remarks. As a Tenno,he is also honorbound to do everything in his power to ensure safety and liberty for the greatest majority. All he knows is war. It's what he was created for.

Mark: Besides his Warframe? Loki is a victim of the Technocyte Plague,mutating his body horribly. The Warframe is as much powered armour as it is a life support system,and it cannot be removed. It is effectively his skin. And it's quite unique,among this band of champions. Under the Warframe,Loki looks like he's covered in tumors and rotting flesh.

Loki is a Tenno,and as such has mastered every weapon there is to wield in the Sol system of his universe and time. However,Loki only really liked using one.

-Dakra Prime: A straight saber of Orokin origin. The blade is sturdy and sharp,while also having a fair amount of heft to it. However,it is supremely balanced,allowing for rapid,fluid strikes. He has decorated it with a recovered Orokin Sugatra,hanging from the pommel. The Sugatra is about fifteen centimeters long.

Loki has assumed the name of his Warframe,and has used the title for so long that he's forgotten his own name. The Warframe provides several systems and benefits.

Shields. The Loki Warframe generates a moderate energy shield which operates by identifying incoming threats and deflecting them. The shield needs a brief time to recharge between blows,but it can deflect several rapid blows. The shields on the Loki Warframe are considered below average.

Armour. All Warframes possess armour. However,the Loki's armour is,by and large,considered the worst,and seems to exist solely as a tick in a checkbox somewhere.

Life Support: All Warframes are advanced life support systems. They eliminate the constant pain that the Tenno would be feeling from their grotesque mutations,and also help dull any pain from combat or accidents. This system also includes fast-acting coagulant agents,helping stop severe bleeding within seconds,and minor bleeding instantly. The Loki Warframe is considered sub-par for the combat portion of this system.

Enhancement: The Loki Warframe,and other Warframes,enjoy several miscellaneous physical enhancements,due to their combat functions. The Loki Warframe has been cited to be able to run at approximately 60 kilometers per hour,far faster than any other Warframe,and can leap his own height and half again upwards,and much further horizontally. Loki's survivability hinges on his speed and mobility. He's also strong enough to throw himself up from a ledge,where the only leverage he has is from two fingers per hand.


All Warframes come equipped with four unique activated systems,also known colloquially as "Powers". They draw from a capacitor that recharges gradually over time.

Decoy: Loki creates a holographic decoy. It looks perfect to all who observe,and it immediately draws an equally fake pistol,and begins firing in the direction Loki was facing,complete with sound. Aside from crouching,aiming,firing,and reloading,however,the hologram doesn't move.

Invisibility: Loki can become invisible. During this time,he is invisible to all means of detection,and even all sound he might generate is eliminated. The system is so perfect that nothing can disrupt it,however it degrades quite rapidly,and only lasts about fifteen seconds.

Switch Teleport: Loki can trade places with any one person or object,be it an ally,a foe,one of his holograms,or even a random barrel. The tactical applications are staggering. As are the opportunities for pranks.

Radial Disarm: When his cover is blown,and there's nowhere to go,someone needs to show Loki the way. To buy the time everyone needs,Loki can use this ability to cause every hostile firearm within twenty meters to catastrophically fail in some way,rendering them completely useless.

However,since stepping through the portal,Loki's activated systems have become scrambled,and,as a safety feature,the Warframe has locked them out. He's trying to figure out how to reactivate them. Safely,of course.

Background: Loki was one of the Orokin's elite soldiers in the Old War. He would go where the grunts couldn't,or wouldn't,and assassinate,sabotage,and cause general mayhem. And he was the best at it. The Sentients never knew what hit them. Exposure to the Void corrupted him,and exposure to the Technocyte Plague,a weapon of last resort used by the Orokin,somehow saved him. However,he was horribly mutated,and became reliant on his suit for life support. It infuriated him. He lost his freedom. Wherever he went,he had to wear the suit. It effectively made him an exile in public.

The other Tenno felt the same way. They came to resent their Orokin masters. They rebelled. They won. And,with the galaxy recovering from the Old War,no longer needing the elite warriors that the Tenno were,they retreated to the Void,a place where only they could survive,and entered stasis.

Much,much later,they were either awakened,or kidnapped,one by one,as the factions of today gained access to the Void. The Corpus,a massive Orokin-worshiping business-cult,kidnapped them for experimentation and parts. The Grineer Empire,rising from the remains of Humanity,saw themselves as the true rulers of Sol,and crushed any and all who resisted beneath their heel,and they hated the Orokin for what they did to Humanity,seeking out and executing the Tenno as they slumbered.

But,a third faction became manifest. The Lotus,and her Tenno. She promised safety,freedom,and,most importantly,fellowship. Under the Lotus,the Tenno began a brutal campaign of infiltration,sabotage,assassination,and general mayhem to destabilize the iron grip the Corpus and Grineer had in Sol. They instigated a war between the Grineer and Corpus. All while killing their most influential leaders,and restoring the old ways.

However,Loki craved for more. He always has. Perhaps a part of him knew that,after the Corpus and Grineer were toppled,that the system wouldn't need him anymore. Regardless,when the call came,Loki heeded,and he set out without a trace. Not even the Lotus knows.

Password: What is a man,without purpose?
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Name: Kaius Mazda

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Kaius is a strange individual, at least that's what everyone he's interacted with has always told him. They say he's odd, weird, or just outright crazy. That's all perfectly fine to him. He doesn't much care for mundanity anyway, let alone normality as a whole. No, ever since he was a but a wee lad with a twinkling in his eye, Kaius has always been lost to a higher plane in thought. The plane of imagination. Ignoring reality with a bitter hatred, he spends most of his time reading and indulging himself in the useless knowledge of metaphysics.

As such, he tends to come across a bit loopy. First, and most notable, is his incredibly incessant need to look at everything from a story point of view. He might can't do math to save his life, but he can see a trope coming a mile away. A useful habit, if indeed the world was a narrative, but seeing as it isn't this has only made life quite difficult for Kaius. Exiling him as a pariah from most. Thus, he's taken to an idealistically tinged nihilistic view of the world. A, none of it really matters in the end we'll all just die and come back in a different story, type of thing. This has led to him becoming quite witty and sarcastic, but ultimately apathetic towards the emotional plights of most. He's still a kind guy at heart, he just doesn't think about certain "sad" things the same ways another might. Their loss really.

Mark: Kaius was born with an infinity symbol the under side (palmside) of his left wrist. Something that has always made him feel those super powers he'd always dreamed of were just around the corner. Of course, his mother always ensured him that had just been a bad mistake on her part one day when she was ironing....

Background: To put things in the simplest terms, the first memory Kaius has is of his imaginary friend. A figure, one he can't even recall now, comforting him and saying everything would be okay. But, as it often turns out, everything wasn't okay. Kaius was lonely. So lonely. He felt alone everywhere he went. A black sheep among his family. An outcast among his peers. And, even hanging out with the meager group of friends he'd managed, he still felt alone. The worse part of it was the emptiness. Sitting in a room full of vibrant life and conversation, bored out of your freaking mind wondering how they could prattle on about something so mundane. And it was nights like these, every night mostly, where he couldn't sleep. Where he'd sit around reading books that whisked him to another, much more entertaining world. Where he'd burn away the midnight oil, hooting owls the soundtrack of his overactive imagination. A pen in hand, he'd find a blank sheet of paper and imagine he was a god.

And as the dawn crept closer, and the twilight faded, there was that perfect moment of bright night. A contradiction of dim stars and slightest tinkling of sun. And until his body crashed, finally falling asleep on it's own, Kaius would stare out into that starry sky. The cosmos were so large. There just had to be something else out there, right?

Password: Kaius' ultimate fear is being trapped forever in a mundane life. A bleak, gray existence void of all things creative.

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